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02-05-25 04:51 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Trigger Happy Jones
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User Post
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-15-06 12:25 PM, in whoa... Link
Zabuza, you just made my day. That's funny, right there... I'm still laughing my ass off!

Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-15-06 12:44 PM, in BoGD Division B | Round Three: Doom Guy vs Kirby [Doom Guy! Head Shot!] Link
Well, there's a good point. Kirby would maybe tried harder to protect the person he's escorting, but it really depends on the situation. Joe maybe would of leave your ass to get mualed by demons, but it ain't like ol' Kirb can do too much if confronted by demons. Maybe whack a few in the head, suck up a couple, but he's potential fresh meat.

I rather place my life with Joe, but if attitude counted and the scenario's different, then maybe Kirby would be a better protector.

Doom Guy works alone. That's why he's AKA Joe Kickass.

(Last edited by Trigger Happy Jones on 04-15-06 03:48 PM)
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-15-06 12:55 PM, in Okay, I'm proud of myself. Link
Wow. Those are pretty good. I think the last two Zelda ones , including Coming of War, are awesome.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-15-06 07:07 PM, in Wanana toook! Link
Recent purchaser of The Sims: Open for Business.

And with that cool new information in mind, I shall annoy the hell out of Sajin and Jimmy.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-15-06 07:38 PM, in Wanana toook! Link
Too late, I already ate them. They taste like chick'n!

Ungai sover dagolee klatu, Cat Man!

*Translating... Translation completed.*

Kiss my redneck ass, Sajin!
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-15-06 07:48 PM, in BoGD Division A | Round Three: Vincent vs Solid Snake [Snake Snake Snake] Link
Solid Snake. No discussion necessary, home chick'ns.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-15-06 08:49 PM, in Shaggy In Atlanta Link
Orange Faygo shower... Thanx, Sajin, now I'm thirsty... Again.

Hope you had a kickass time, dude.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-16-06 10:53 AM, in ATF arrest ninja at Georgia University Link
Screw red tape. This is utterly rediculous. *Whacks ATF with whiffle bat*

...Oh, jeez. Now they're going to come after me.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-16-06 11:57 AM, in Wanana toook! Link
A lot of conversations in Sims 1 sounded creepy... Well, to me, that is.

Just one more time:

Simy sika wantanka haba bood chickaquidy.

You must enterpret that. You have ten seconds.

Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-16-06 12:07 PM, in BYOBW: Stuff to do in SF Link
Holy crap, this is something we would do down here. Except replace big wheel with piece of plywood lubed with parafin wax on the bottom.

I'd definitly do this, but to enter San Francisco without a class-5 smug suit would be suicide.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-16-06 03:00 PM, in ATF arrest ninja at Georgia University Link
I ain't Georgia that's the problem, it's the pricks that's running it. You can get a rifle at Wall-Mart, but you have to smuggle fireworks over the state border. They just recently legalized sparklers and small explosives and the legislators up at the state capitol put up one hell of a fight. They could come up with only one excuse, "That the fireworks create a spark that could ignite explosives"... What kind of excuse is that? No fucking wonder they're legalized. I don't know why those asshats hate fireworks.

*Trigger's threadjack over*

My apologies, people. I can get carried away.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-16-06 07:41 PM, in Happy Birthday Pockets! Link
Happy Birthday, Pockets! Here's a present!

*Hands Pockets a box with holes on the lid*

It's a squirrel! With rabies!

Well, anyway. Happy Zombie Jesus Day, ya'll.. or Easter... or Resurrection Sunday.. Whatever ya'll want to call it. I call it Uber Mega Super Jesus Day.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-16-06 08:03 PM, in The supposed origin of Easter Link
Do you every wonder how Easter originated? There're a myriad of theories, but the most accepted idea is this one:

During the early spread of Christianity, many Pagan holidays, instead of being replaced, were being assimilated. Spring represented rebirth and resurection to many early pagans, so they created a day of celebration honoring the pagan goddess Eostre. Eostre represented fertility, and had a rabbit's head because bunnies like to... eh... propagate. During religous conversion, they choose to keep the holiday, but renamed it and changed it's meaning. After evolving over the eons, the Easter Bunny became a slight retainment of Eostre. But the holiday also revers Jesus's resurrection, and this event fits nicely into Easter.

It's till a theory, but it's likely that it's what happended.

Just thought ya'll like to know.

(Last edited by Trigger Happy Jones on 04-17-06 01:21 AM)
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-16-06 08:13 PM, in Wanana toook! Link
Time's up.

I said:

You're momma's a pizza. A pepperoni pizza. With mozerella.

Good one, Sajin! You know your Simlish well. You are truly worthy of the name MASTER Sajin. Before, you were know simply as Lieutenant Sajin to me.

*Hands Sajin a Burger King crown*
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-17-06 08:52 AM, in Wanana toook! Link
I was studying Japanese at one time, but I had to transfer to some retarded math class.

I'm fairly good with languages. Well, used to, that is.

Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-17-06 09:29 AM, in BYOBW: Stuff to do in SF Link
I hope this event picks up stream, because a lot of people down here would do it. Seriously.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-17-06 10:16 AM, in BYOBW: Stuff to do in SF Link
Fuck, yeah. Sounds freaking uber.

I can see the ad now:






Brought to you by Mconald's. I'm Loving It!

Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-17-06 05:03 PM, in BYOBW: Stuff to do in SF Link
I'm aware of that. That was sarcasm.

I still would ride the big wheel, though. But knowing me, I'd fall off and road rash about five feet before hitting something hard and perhaps sharp.


Big Wheel domination!

(Last edited by Trigger Happy Jones on 04-17-06 08:07 PM)
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-17-06 06:47 PM, in BYOBW: Stuff to do in SF Link
Originally posted by Master Sajin
Screw bistandards...Women with little children...Have you ever noticed people in extreme videos holding Children's hands never get hit?

Or is that me...?

Edit: Typo virus

Now that's just evil... Although it's just a big wheel, so it would be pretty funny.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 04-17-06 06:54 PM, in Happy belated Easter... it begins again Link
Crazeh... Wow, look at him go... This is insane.

Cool Video.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Trigger Happy Jones

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