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01-05-25 01:06 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Stitch
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User Post

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 10:34 PM, in Well 'Ello There, Guv'na! Link
Once again, I refuse to actually welcome anyone because everyone before me already does that..., I'll just issue a warning...stay off my lawn, or I'll let Zabuza slice you...

and a part of the lawn is missing.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 10:36 PM, in ZOMG HI! Link
Ahh...the AR kids are following me around...they're haunting me...they work for the man don't they? DON'T THEY!!??

I'm done.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 10:38 PM, in Hello Link
Mustn't forget the constant party on my lawn, even though half of it mysteriously disappeared along with the post wipe. **looks down the street** Wait, looks like most of the street is gone as well.

Oh, well...stay off my lawn or SUFFER MY WRATH!!

...I got nothing.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 10:41 PM, in [Action - Sync Board ... Done] Link
I'm proud to say that you still manage to confuse me every now and then...

I guess I can manage not being in the thousands anymore since I don't think I'm getting up that high anytime soon. The board isn't just the same place it used to be, and most of my major posts have been condensed into huge singular posts rather than shorter smaller ones. Whatev.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 10:45 PM, in How do you relax before exams? Link
Besides, I'm one of those people that can study five minutes before an exam, take the test and pass, and forget everything I crammed a few minutes earlier. I love my brain. It's like Fappy, a sponge.

But, yeah, why worry about tests? Unless you're at an expensive university where money talks, then yeah, die worrying. Otherwise, take the course again next semester...whatever. Let's all run on the beach and make fun of the ocean!!

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 10:47 PM, in I have done it! Link
**Stiffles laughter, but falls off chair laughing uncontrollably**

I love you...

Anyway, yeah, if you're just that self-indulgent to want to see your name plastered all the way down the page **raises hand, as I am also guilty**, then I applaud you with one hand...

...get your minds out of the gutter...

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 10:52 PM, in Katamari Damacy Link
If playing and owning the game wasn't enough, I took the money I had invested for use in an oil change and bought the soundtrack instead...

Needless to say, but I'm going to anyway, I'm deeply pleased with the soundtrack. Now, I can relive my picturing of a katamari rolling up traffic as I sit at the red light listening to "Gin & Tonic & Red Red Roses" or while listening to the trademark "Katamari Nah-Nah" track.

Nothing beats weird Japanese inspired (and probably shrooms driven) videogame soundtrack music. I'll be sure to burn copies for those whom want.

By the by, it cost me about $35 to import the soundtrack since it hasn't been released to the US quite yet. And, an oil change only costs me $15. The rest would have been for my highlights and gas.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 10:53 PM, in What are you listening to (revived)? Link
Wanda Wanda--Katamari Damacy Soundtrack

It starts off sounding like an old 70s news track, then morphs into a weird techno type beat complete with random sounds and Japanese in the background. I like it...

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 10:57 PM, in Naruto Link
Originally posted by Xeios
What the gay!

They are bringing the Anime to Cartoon Network. GRRR.

I'm telling you I will be steaming mad unless they put it on Adult Swim...Because that will actually do Justice to the series. The bloody, kickass series...

Hey, we can't blame this on "the gay"...

I have no fear on Naruto being licensed for I import the series from overseas, so I can separate the two and watch the dubbed version when it starts, and continue watching the actual via DVD imports. Not a prob.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 11:05 PM, in Memorable Lyrics Link
Katamari Damacy Soundtrack
Que Sera, Sera...

daba daba tolululu-

I know you love me
I wanna wad you up into my life
Let's roll up to be a single star in the sky

I hear you calling me
I wanna wad you up into my life
Let's lap up to make a single star in the sky
To you, to you

daba daba tolululu-

I'm so in love with you
I wanna wad you up into my life
Let's roll up to be a single star in the sky

I need you to feel me
I wanna wad you up into my life
Let's lap up to make a single star in the sky
To you

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 11:14 PM, in Profile Voting Link
I'm rated as a 5.63 with just five, I don't really care if you all think of me as some ...

... bitter hating little bi-atch with a stick up my ass...but it's who I am. Deal.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-25-05 11:16 PM, in Happy Birthday geeogree Link
Happy Day of wretched awakening to this planet...

I'd toss something, but that's become too cliche for me. Instead, I'll leave you with the mental picture of someone you like doing a birthday striptease for you...or, you can picture me...whatever disgusts you the most.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-26-05 12:31 AM, in Naruto Wallpaper Link
Just found this site with wallpapers that I liked. Thought I'd share.

Also, I think adult Naruto is hot. Just had to toss that out there.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-27-05 01:46 AM, in Baby Naruto Link
Random art I found by artist Darci-san...

(read in traditional Japanese format, right to left, top to bottom)

Now, isn't that the cutest thingie with Iruka and Kakashi ever? (Note: This does fall into the category of Kakashi/Iruka slashy thingies.)

For some reason, I can totally picture Kakashi just smacking Iruka for being noisy...

(Last edited by Zabuza on 03-29-05 02:56 AM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-27-05 02:27 AM, in Paradox Island Discussion Link
Or, you can be Sick, Strick, Brivenson, Bon, Sterick, etc...

Anywho, an elaboration on transportation technologies because it will become instrumental in the next update and explain why Rosy is walking to Palau Town.

In Edge City (County and City), all transportation is one of three forms: on foot (or whatever you use to move around), via mass transit, or via community shared vehicle. All citizens living in Edge City are forbidden from owning any kind of transportation vehicle due to the spacing within the City, and the TransNet handling systems. Vehicles from other cities can enter Edge City provided that they meet TransNet guidelines for automated vehicular control. If your vehicle does not meet these guidelines, then your vehicle doesn't enter Edge City. Instead, you'd park it outside of the city limits at one of the mass transit stations, and ride in on one of the subway, train, or busing systems. Fines for violation of this ordinance reach upwards of 5000 credits. (I'll explain currency another time, just for reference...$1 USD = 0.50 credits. Therefore, example above is $10000 = 5000 credits.)

All transportation is controlled exclusively by the Transportation Mobility Commission (TMC, whom Brandon works for) with extensive usage of the TransNet hard/software. Edge City (County and City) is the only city on the island that operates in this manner.

This explains why Pat had to walk the seven blocks from his apartment (there was transportation, he chose not to take it) to the fountain, and why Rosy is walking through the plaza (also, transportation available, but it moves around the Central Plaza).

Mass Transit Systems

The Space/Airport

The Edge City International Space/Airport services all modes of interstellar and interplanetary transportation serving much like an ancient Terran airport, but with a space handling capability tacked on. Since smaller, consumer vehicles are also capable of space flight, the space/airport is specifically designed for service of space vehicles with abilities to carry 200+ passengers. Interplanetary (air) transportation is strictly controlled by TransNet under the guise of DoxNet producing fully 100% unmanned travel to any space/air hub on the planet.

AeroTrain and SubTrain

AeroTrain, a suspended monorail type system used for highspeed travel between three points within Edge City, and linking Edge City to all the other cities on the Island, is just one of two train-based automated transportation systems operated by TMC and TransNet. The second, SubTrain, an underground monorail type system used for highspeed linking between the eight continents of Earth II, serves as the transfer point between AeroTrain systems on other continents. The two systems, integrated flawlessly, serve to efficiently transport all citizens of Earth II between continents and cities without impacting the surrounding ecosystems too greatly.

CityTrans and DoxTrans

CityTrans is the network of automated bus-like vehicles used to connect to various points within Edge City, since all vehicles in Edge City are controlled by TransNet, allowing for speedy and efficient transportation of all citizens. DoxTrans, strictly for use by emergency and government vehicles, is Edge City's only form of emergency transportation. When DoxTrans vehicles are deployed, all other non-essential traffic systems are shut down, and moved out of the way of emergency vehicles thereby decreasing wait times and increasing emergency vehicles effectiveness. DoxTrans only exists on Paradox Island.


Since Edge City devotes much of its space to businesses, a newer system of single- and double-occupant vehicles was developed to allow business people in the areas of Business Park Plaza, Business HQ Plaza, and the other business areas to move around without having to rely on the larger CityTrans systems. These systems are also controlled by TransNet, but on a smaller scale in the BizTransNet subset. They allow for efficient movement of business employees on an on-demand basis rather than by set schedules like the other systems of the Island. This system is much more popular with messengers and food delivery personnel in the downtown area.

On the rest of the Island, one can own any vehicle they desire since there is a monopoly on all tranportation. HyWire, manufacturers and developers of every single automated and non-automated transportation with exception to space faring vehicles; and creators of TransNet, markets and sells community shared vehicles as well as personal vehicles for all citizens on Earth II. The Electriz that Ryan drives, the University X-Drive minivan that Crystle and Tom drive, as well as all the other vehicles, are manufactured and maintained by HyWire.

Bicycles are still popular modes of transportation among the more mountainous and forest areas, and for those with the money to do so, site-to-site quantum transporters and micro-transporters often suffice for those small trips to specific places. But nothing beats a walk on foot down the beaches and coasts of Oakridge.

In Boundaries, I created a new race to my line of species, the Taroxian.

Taroxians are often big in stature, towering over any meta-human, and are one of the few species that don't share a meta-human counterpart. Meaning, no meta-humans possess a Taroxian triple helix. I'll explain more on this intriguing species as the stories aware that Tom in Domain is a Taroxian.

Next up: In depth about Erdu and Zedari Fields...

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-28-05 11:49 PM, in Girl Talk... stay out boys! Link
I don't count as a typical male, and don't fall in with the women, so you get me anyway. Why? Cuz I'm gay, that's why.

The only thing I can't do with a closed mouth is shave my mustachy area. Tis all, and I heard about all the other ones. Now, find me a man to kiss so I can be heathier!!

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-28-05 11:51 PM, in If we, the Xeolians all met in person ... what would you do? Link

If I met you all, we'd hug. That's it. Beo's fault.

(Last edited by Zabuza on 04-09-05 03:36 AM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-28-05 11:53 PM, in Ok Guys, whats your pet name for your genitalia Link
Okay having a pet name that you gave your own genitalia runs on the level of someone I heard of giving himself his own pet name for his ex to call him. But, I digress, once during a short lived boyfriend type fling thing he called mine Mr. Pokey. So there...start your bickering you little pathetic miscreants who deface my store's property.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-28-05 11:58 PM, in Baby Naruto Link
Since I disabled the display of layouts on my end, I often forget to actually disable layouts when I post because...well...I don't care.

Also, it's Iruka because in Japanese "iruka" means dolphin, and he has a dolphin on his baby thingy. The other one is Kakashi because Kakashi always was thought to study since he made Junin at age 6, I believe. So there, but I could see how you'd think it was Naruto and Shikamaru.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-29-05 01:03 AM, in Soldier of Fortune... Link
You may notice that I've changed my writing style. It's an experimentation phase I'm going through. It helps me to get my ideas on paper faster without sounding like an eight grade moron. Hope you like, I'll try to update sooner.

The replacement screen wasn't too difficult to install, and after a few modifications, I found that it greater improved operation of the laptop computer. My soldier liaisons had taken to milling around my immediate area since the rest of the base had packed up and moved to another base a few kilometers north of our position. I moved over towards my M-7 cleared box, and popped open the case. Underneath a few biological packaging peanuts, I discovered the prized XM8 modified rifle resting atop what appeared to be a small motorized turret. I gently lifted the entire assembly out of the box as a small roar of helicopter rotors approached behind me. The biggest of my soldiers approached me as I fitted the included headset interface over my eye and launched the necessary uplink software on the laptop.

"Sir," he said as he moved around behind me towards the boxes, "I'm sorry to have to inform you," he wrapped his massive arm around my neck and picked me up towards him shoving the barrel of a gun into my back, "but we have orders to kill you."

Shaken by his nonchalant approach, and the presence of the other two soldiers closing in with AK-47s, I decided it'd be best to test drive the XM8. The system engaged, giving me rotating locking crosshairs for target triangulation. I guess reading the manuals will serve their purpose, I thought. He pushed the gun harder into my back, then moved it up towards my head. He leaned in and whispered, "This will be my final pleasure, sir."

"Nope, target lock one-west; target lock two-east; target lock three-south..." I rattled off as he cocked back the hammer on the gun, "...this will be my final pleasure. Ammo 1-tracer, fire." I ducked forward, the bullet grazing the back of my head as it sailed off out of range, the shot so loud it shattered my eardrum. Blood streaming down my face, I watched as the XM8 rotated around towards the first soldier riddling his body with so many rounds it carved a hole through his torso. The second soldier pulled up his gun in an effort to shoot me, but was detained as the flurry of shots from the rifle carved through his upper torso. The larger soldier pushed me out of his way in an attempt to run behind the boxes.

In my ocular display, I saw the triangulation mode spin the rifle around, zoom in on its target hiding behind the boxes, and shoot off its last set of rounds. Three soldiers dead, a mess of casings, and my impaired hearing, I chose to take off towards the base in hopes of finding transportation. The ocular display, integrated with a microphone and earpiece unit, providing an 802.13 wireless long-range communication with between the laptop computer--still sitting untouched on top of the boxes--and the XM8 rifle. The XM8 and the laptop now served as my third eye as the helicopters approached. Whether friend or foe, they weren't going to like my slaughtering of the three soldiers whom were supposed to carry out my disposal.

Just ahead sat a large camo'd tent housing the military Humvees that carried these soldiers into their sandy terrains. Using the ocular tracking device following the movements of my eye, I figured out that if I momentarily change the focus radius of my retina, I could use that motion to select options on the screen without having to vocalize my demands. As I trudged through the hot sand, blood running down my face, blood running down the back of my head, I accessed the servo controls interface used in rotating and positioning the rifle. I swiveled it around to get a feel on the distance of the approaching helicopters.

Upon arrival to the Humvees, I discovered that all the vehicles were rigged with push button start interfaces requiring no keys and hinting towards the possibilities of high-tech electronics that I could possibly hack. The rifle sent out a distress call to my earpiece, "Targets on approach at vector 9-5. Confirm actions." I boarded the Humvee and took a deep breath before urging the large awkward vehicle out onto the sandy terrain. "Targets lock, vector 9-5, ammo-microexplosive," I increased throttle and headed towards the boxes taking great care to run over one of the soldiers, "change vectors approach to 10-5, standby fire."

I pulled up and started loading my boxes into the Humvee, but stopped to open a box marked "XM8 CLASSIFIED AMMO". Inside, small test tubes of a bright blue substance sat in individual spaces in a padded case. Twenty-seven in all, I carefully pulled one out and held it up to the intense sun. The liquid swirled around in the sunlight. I located a port on the side of the XM8 and inserted the tube--aluminum coating facing inward. The rifle clicked, swallowed the liquid, and expelled the container. On my ocular display, the words "Classified Reserve--Use Under Extreme Circumstances Only" scrolled across the space in front of me. I stood up, closed the case and placed it inside the Humvee before returning to my laptop to attempt to hack the Humvee. The helicopters closing into vector 10-5, the rifle chimed in yet again.

"Targets on approach at vector 10-5. Confirm actions." I continued typing away on the matrix command interface of the onboard diagnostics computer, "Confirm targets, modify ammo. Activate Classified."

"Are you sure?"

Military equivalent to Lo-Jack disabled, GPS disabled, self-destruct codes disabled, I hopped back into the Humvee for protection, "Confirm Fire." The rifle moved upward locking on the first of three approaching helicopters. It fired two shots towards the main helicopter followed by two shots each to the flanking helicopters. I watched in the ocular display as the shots hit two areas near the front of the fuselage. I centered my eye on the zooming option, and moved the rifle's cameras into the impacted areas. The bullets were lodged in the hull of the aircraft and they were completely hollow. I sat puzzled, but was confirmed of its actions when another shot fired from the rifle followed by two other shots in rapid succession. The final bullets sailed past the first one flying perfectly through the hollow shots in the hull. The third bullet impacted the area in between the first two. I pulled back on the zoom and watched the helicopters. Six more shots fired off, and I watched as the cockpits became engulfed in a thick light blue smoke. Doors flew open in a effort to dissipate the smoke, then a deafening explosion ripped through the first helicopter setting off the other two as the debris began to fly towards me.

"Operation Complete. Please insert Cleaning Ammo." scrolled across my gaze. I opened the case removing the first layer of tubes finding a second layer of twenty-seven tubes all marked "CLEANING ONLY". I waited until the last giant chunk of fuselage hit the sand before emerging from my vehicle. Inserting the tube into the same slot that had earlier accepted the "CLASSIFIED" ammo, I watched as the cloudy white liquid emptied into the rifle, then pulled the tube back out. "Starting cleaning, please stand back. Cleaning will commence momentarily." I now understood, as I backed away towards the Humvee, why I could only use these things in dire circumstances. It took time to prepare, and it took time to clean the rifle. I had to get moving towards Baghdad, and hoped that I could at least research what had happened as a result of using the classified ammunition. I wanted to know what it was.

The rifle positioned itself with the barrel pointing just slightly above the horizon. A single burst shot from the barrel and dissipated just beyond it in a misty bluish-white cloud. "Cleaning Cycle Complete. Awaiting Command." I engaged the rifle's safety systems and moved it into the back of the Humvee.

Another e-mail announced its presence. I sat in the Humvee expecting another approaching enemy, but waited instead to entertain a random thought through the pain of my shattered eardrum, I wonder if I can download MP3s to the laptop?

(Last edited by Zabuza on 03-29-05 02:37 PM)
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