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02-02-25 06:58 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by KadajRodsusu
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User Post


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-18-05 12:51 PM, in Evangelion Link
All i can really say is i watch alot of anime, own alot, love alot of it and keep watching the new ones. I think we got off the subject of listning anime when its really EVA...EVA is good, not godly but good, its not perfect but good ok....the word GOOD!!!!!! not perfect! No Anime is really perfect and everyone thinks diffrent i mean to me...Cowboy Bebop is PERFECT to Jexim Evangelion is PERFECT.

I mean a Perfect Anime show to everyone might be...well a great cast, mixed in with great animation, art work...ect with sci-fi/little comedy/action/blood/some sex/ have an anime with PERFECT ALL mixed in with a hint of everything


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-18-05 01:11 PM, in Star Craft 2 Anyone Hear? Link
Ok you hear the rumors of StarCraft 2 coming out but i mean when? I look around and i find nothing on StarCraft 2, if anyone knows any info on the new came if its gonna come out or its just fake please tell me a site i can go to to find this stuff out!


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-18-05 01:13 PM, in War of the Worlds Link
I thought the movie over all was KICK ASS! i mean the alien ships do look like the ones from the book covers and they make it more interesting then the old film. My friend DJ has the old recording they played on the Radio it was great how people could be so stupid to think it was real! lol anyways the movie i give it a 5 out of 5 because of the MUSIC, PICTURE, CAST, and GRAPHICS


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-18-05 03:08 PM, in Diablo 2 Link
Its not cheating its fun -.- god damn. I mean come on the games fun alone yes, but mostly everyone in that game now uses a picit hack with anti detection and other skills. The only hacks i can use and its not DAMN CHEATING is pickit. Its a skill that lets me see items that drop and i can pick up gold faster WHOO HOO! so cheating! -.- so watch what you say, its not that bad its just a way to pick things faster then you would be able to.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 12:13 AM, in Diablo 2 Link
IM not talking about hacks that boost you're weapons up UBER GODLY thats in open Battle.Net and you can download for free Hero Editor...its not boosting myself up to kill other people its just letting me pick up things faster god damn thats not cheating at all, and it dsoent show im a coward to pick up an item faster im mean come on thats just stupid if you think that. Anyways Godly mode his for Open Battle Net and for Hardcore, its called godly because it refils you're HP when you're near death auto so you dont have to press 1,2,3,4 so how is that also cheating? i mean its just a lazy thing, people who dont want to press 1,2,3, or 4 rather just have it autoly i dont see how you people can be bitching and complaining about it not a big deal.

Anyways guy who needed Sigon and Gems i got a butt load of P Gems and i think parts of sigon...if i dont i can take you on alot of MF or Cow runs to get any item.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 12:50 PM, in Diablo 2 Link
Im UsWest i hate East...full of East people -.-


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 12:52 PM, in Star Craft 2 Anyone Hear? Link
You cant just toss it away and forget about it, i mean its StarCraft, OldSchool Pimp game its the best, well for its time. SC is the great game to play when bored you can play so many things, anyways im never gonna stop waiting lol sad but true, i mean they are also making Diablo 3 so im gonna wait and see. Also i talked to a guy from Target who was also talking about how its coming out, i dont know if i can trust a scanner but hey gave me hope.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 01:01 PM, in Star Craft 2 Anyone Hear? Link
Do you have a link to this screenshot at all of this new one you found by any chance? I mean i can understand if the old guys dont want to do it because they want more money most likely or somthing like that, anyways its going to have better graphics.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 01:02 PM, in GunZ Link
Mario dude i will take you're offer on that fight i can beat guys like 8 lvls higher then me, hell ill have a sword comp with you and i could slice up 3 guys and get to half health. Its not that hard once you get used to the jumping and dodging and shit like that.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 01:05 PM, in Final fantasy 11 Link
My friend DJ and i played FF11 for awhile. Over all its an ok game i mean the leveling in that game TOTALY SUCKED i mean you lose Xp. I like the game itself i mean the Races, Weapons, Armor, and the World itself i mean its HUGE plus the expansions that come out over time will make it rock. The game was cool -the XP and LVL system, DJ and i quit after like a yr because of it all.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 01:07 PM, in Star Craft 2 Anyone Hear? Link
Yeah they know that people will buy out SC the new one if it comes out so they are greedy bastards. Also besides the money i always hear of people who make the games have the worest lives...they sit around the whole time working on a game that they dont get paid over time at all, they have to work long hours for crap.

Thx btw if you get the link, Private Message it to me if you want or poast it here.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 01:10 PM, in The Counter of Strike Link
Counter Strike rules all! its such a fun ass game, i would never get sick of it if i had Sorce...i hope i spelled that right. Anyways its a fun game i love it all, graphics rule and i heard they were going to make an expansion or somthing where they added new weapons, but then again those are all rumors and who can you trust with rumors?


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 01:15 PM, in MxO Link
I was part of the Beta testing for Matrix Online and truth i would have gotten it if my friends hadent put me towards World of Warcraft. Its a fun game, so great i mean you can do anything and its the city! Also fighting agents and all of it is just great i liked the Beta testing. Near the end of it where the Beta testng was about to end they mostly fixed everything in the game and there was like NO LAG, PERFECT GRAPHICS, CARS, and all this shit it was so fun! I would beat the shit out of the people with my Hacking Ability. I was a pure Hacker and it is the bomb, i suggest Hacker because they are good at killing fast. I mean Soldier gets all matrix kicks...ect but hackers have bomb gear. Bomb a person, kill them, hack into a NOD and steal items, Hack items together make a better one...i mean there is so much i could do. If anyone does play i suggest a Hacker with Sim bot. a Sim bot will guard you while you fuck the person over with hacks killing them.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 01:17 PM, in what game is IT???!!!?!?!?!111?!!111! Link
Wow i dont know what game that is, i wish i could tell you, i will look around and see what i can find on it all but anyways dont know *Shrug* so far.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 05:23 PM, in Final fantasy 11 Link
DJ you're going back to FF11 online? or am i just reading the poast wrong cuss if you are then...well tell me how it works out now and if not then just slap me across the face once you see me XD


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 09:04 PM, in Final fantasy 11 Link
Hey dude im glad you're going back if you end up liking it ill come back aswell i have thought about it for so long going back but then i thought about World of Warcraft, its been a good game and i think from the practice of WOW we could get farther in FF11. I mean FF11 xp system sucks...but it might end up easier then before for other players and us.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-21-05 08:48 AM, in Final fantasy 11 Link
Wow that was a great comment i must say, very well done to bad X marks the Spot cant see that or listen to me...Anyways i dont know why they wouldent let you get you're account back thats really odd...because my friend did the same and he had it starting again in no time....Hmm? o.o; well im going to shut down WOW soon for a little bit and play FF11 and if that turns to hell im going to sell both games on and buy myself Matrix Online and become UBER. Im sorry im a true Matrix geek and i want it so badly! i want to fight, hack, matrix move, and kill Agents!

BTW if anyone wants to know whos a Matrix Fun here Morpheus DIED! he was killed by a Clone Neo...or so they say ill look at the update today but our famous Black Dude died! He went out in style tho dont worrie...


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-22-05 01:58 AM, in Insomnia Link
When it comes to sleeping thats impossible for me... -.- Jex and Cax should know this i come to Summer School feeling like death...anyways its a pain in the ass yeah...i once had to play 2 hours of video games watching ScarFace, All of Lord of the Rings, and a whole season of Reno 911 just to get to sleep...its odd movies put me to sleep.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-22-05 08:22 PM, in Evangelion Link
EVA is not perfect everyone got that!!!!! o.o lets all breath in *breaths in* and now...breath out *Breaths out* get a life...

Nothing is perfect thats all im saying.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-23-05 01:05 AM, in Busted: crouched in a dark crawl space... Link
Worest thing with a cop that ever happened to me was when I Jay-Walked in Teaxs o.O i dont understand it at all cop comes on a bike...a bike, not a moto but a normal petal bike...cant spell the real name. Anyways he comes up and thinks i flipped some lady off and i Jay-Walked...he threatens me with a 500 dollar charge and im just staring at him like "ok?" and hes like giving me this whole bio question thing and it was really odd...not really fun but worest that ever happened to me...besides catching my dads trailer on fire awhile ago with a Soda Flame Can...
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by KadajRodsusu

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