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02-05-25 04:59 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Trigger Happy Jones
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User Post
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-24-06 07:50 PM, in THE OFFICIAL DEATH OF CHEF (formerly 'Chef Leaves South Park') Link
I don't think they made fun of Wicca yet. Did they?
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-25-06 08:02 PM, in Why FIREFLY kicks ass Link
Saw the movie first, then I decided to see the series.

Definitely Kick-ass
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-25-06 08:06 PM, in Aqua Teen Hunger Force Link
I liked the episode with the Fart-Gate. I laughed my ass off the entire time.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-26-06 10:38 AM, in Hello Link
Welcome, Turtle Land is Open! Cool name, dude.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-26-06 03:44 PM, in BoGD Division B | Round One: Sonic vs Megaman [Megaman wins!] Link
It kills me to say this, but I went with Megaman, he has more combat experience. It's gonna be close.

But Sonic still kicks ass!
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-26-06 06:58 PM, in Hey Remember These Guys? Link
LOL! I forgot about those guys! Are they still around?

... Holy crap... I DO feel old. (Back aches)
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-26-06 07:08 PM, in When that whole "Stay off of my lawn" obsession goes too far Link
What the? Who the hell is that fucked up in the head to fire on a kid for simply walking on his yard?

Hopes and prayers to the kid's family.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-26-06 10:32 PM, in mc Chris Link
He made a cameo on 2021, other than voicing other characters. The name of the episode escapes me... It involved the Bebop soda machine, Murphy, a scorpion named Jim, and a little robot armed with a monkey wrench that likes to make teeth necklaces. (If you never seen the show, just don't ask, 'kay?)
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-27-06 04:54 PM, in Crazy Things You Used to do During Recess Link
I hated my playground. It's always dusty, especially during the early spring. If it weren't for the drinking fountain, that 45-minute stroll into the "mini-hellhole" would kill a normal human being.

Ha ha, Mortal Kombat. I'd get my ass kicked everytime. What memories...
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-27-06 07:30 PM, in Questions on 9/11 Report Link
Gee, Sajin, Pockets, Zabuza, totally agreed with. Just drop it. There is no conspiracy here, just a small, piss-ant group of terrorist buttholes who think by killing innocent people that they can get into heaven.

The author needs to take Physics 101. Jeez... *shakes head*
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-27-06 07:42 PM, in BoGD Division A | Round Two: Raiden vs Metal Gear RAY [Raiden] Link
Lightning + Electronics and metal = fried hardware.

Raiden pwns RAY easily.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-27-06 09:18 PM, in Hey, I'm new and glad to be here! Link
Yo, StonerXXJibb. Welcome to our quaint little board. Obey the rules, and nobody gets tickled.

Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-27-06 09:41 PM, in Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Link
Damn, that brings back memories. *Theme song stuck in head*

Thanks a mil, Sajin. *Hit myself in the head with whiffle bat*

I remember a couple of episodes, I think. I have two on VHS. I remember getting it at Wally World, so it can't be too long ago.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-28-06 12:01 PM, in Questions on 9/11 Report Link
I sincerly hope nobody really belives that, Shadow.

Wow... Don't know how to respond to that one. *laughs and scratches head*
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-28-06 05:10 PM, in Attacking the liberal front through children's books Link
Before Trigger Happy rants, I would like to be clear that children's books should never be used as a political medium. It's wrong on both wings and it takes advantage of the kid's ignorance. They should wait till middle school before starting that crap.

But it's not like conservatives are doing this alone. Somebody had recently published a childrens book called "Why mommy is a Democrat". So I ain't just us ( I'm Liberitarian ).

This kind of crap makes us look bad. It's immature, like two girls spreading rumors about each other and despicable. So, I condemn not just this book, but any children's books of a politically persuading nature.

Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-29-06 10:20 AM, in The home office of tomorrow. Link
BOSS: Johnson, I need the documents to the Peterson deal in about an hour, and-
JOHNSON: Not right now sir, I'm dropping a bomb.
BOSS: A bomb?! Where?!
JOHNSON: No sir, I'm pooping-
JOHNSON: ...Great. I just crapped myself...Oh, wait. I'm on the office chair crapper.

Awesome find, Drizzt. I gotta have one!

(Last edited by Trigger Happy Jones on 03-29-06 01:45 PM)
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-29-06 10:42 AM, in BoGD Division B | Round Two: Doom Guy vs Duke Nukem [Doom Guy] Link
They are kinda equal. I'll have to think on this one...

Duke Nukem vs. DOOM Guy.

That kind of kickass can't coexist in the same room, for it would explode and turn into a badass blackhole.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-29-06 08:28 PM, in Xiao Xiao.. Crazy Stick fighting.. Matrix style.. O_o Link
Wow, that's ancient, Stoner. If it's been seen down here for a while, then its old, old, freaking old.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-29-06 09:19 PM, in Border Security Link
Our border. We need to fix and how we should... Or do we? Any other options ya'll would like to suggest?
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 03-29-06 10:16 PM, in Border Security Link
Both, but predominatly Mexico.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Trigger Happy Jones

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