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User Post

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-25-08 04:03 AM, in Check out this crazed Christian lady Link
Wtf was that bitches problem?

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-25-08 04:14 AM, in Happy Birthday, You Old Coots Link
Originally posted by XeoLVII
Yeah, it hits you.

This is why we cant have nice Things.

But yeah, being 20 rocks and sucks at the same time. You are one year closer to buying Beer, but yet you are not old enough...kinda lame.

Just one more year til you are able to Tip the Glass! *Cheers*

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-25-08 08:51 AM, in Anonymous Vs Scientology Link
The internet love machine known as Anonymous is at war with the Church of Scientology, what started this major shitstorm was there was a Leaked youtube video with Tom Cruise about scientology, well, the Church took down the information, and of course Anonymous diddnt like the fact that the Church decided to take down information away from the public. This is their responce, if you have not already seen it.

Oh yeah, and in case this isnt exactly "General Discussion" material, like, This is all over the news, just google more.

If you want to know more Lurk Moar

Im just going to sit back and watch as this unfolds. What are your views on this?

(Last edited by Nagis on 01-25-08 11:59 AM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-25-08 07:20 PM, in Happy Birthday, You Old Coots Link
Originally posted by Thor
Back in my day, gas was 99 cents a gallon! And Swat Kats was the best show ever!
You damn kids and your music.

I beat you by a Mile.

78 Cents Biiiiiioych

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-25-08 08:13 PM, in Devil May Cry 4: A New Hunt Begins (Game informer review) Link
Yeah this is all over my podcasts for PSN Networks. I personally never played a Devil May Cry game in my life. Something about it kinda...I dont know...diddnt draw me into it.

I kinda felt the same way with assassins creed I guess.

Anyways, so far the Demo has got excellent Feedback from the users, and it seems to be bringing a twinkle into the PS3 users eyes.

Also, Its about damn time they are releasing a game for the PS3 that is NOT a FPS. I think I may just pick it up just for that.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-25-08 08:14 PM, in Call of the mother funking Duty 4 Link
Cyro can clarify that true number of people it can hold in matches. I have not played CoD 4 inlike....5 days.

I need to get back into it. I like saying "FROSTED BUTTS" whenever someone gets butthurt over the fact that they lost.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-25-08 08:32 PM, in Almighty Metal Thread \m/ Link

The Trailer for Ayreon

First time ever seeing a Trailer for something Epic.


#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-25-08 09:23 PM, in XGF using Vent? Link
Originally posted by Ryan

That pretty much sums it up.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-26-08 02:11 AM, in Motivational Posters! Link

made this in 2.6 seconds.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-26-08 02:14 AM, in Motivational Posters! Link
Originally posted by FX
Should have made it in 2.8 and used the crop tool.

I did use the Crop tool.

2.8 is for quitters

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-26-08 02:29 AM, in Motivational Posters! Link
Thanks for the advice!

Made it in 2.8 seconds this time. I promise

No hard feelings pal.

Edit- Actually that one isnt Motivational, but your post did motivate me to make it, so I guess that counts.

Make one of me now! ^_____^

(Last edited by Nagis on 01-26-08 05:39 AM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-26-08 07:53 AM, in A new-found dream of mine =) Link
I would recommend you to the Ledger Enquirer, which is my Colombus-area newspaper.

Maybe if you did a few internships while you lived down here, you could steadily move up with the place, and eventually get yourself a full-time job there.

My Uncle takes pictures for the Ledger, so maybe he could possiably help you out if you ever decide to get a career in that field while you live down here.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-26-08 01:12 PM, in Cave Story! Link
For some off reason, I cant stop smiling when playing this. Its a classic twist of Megaman meets Metroid. You get guns, you go exploring, and all sorts of other neat stuff thats just plain awesome.

If you are familiar with the "Lets Play" videos (Like Cloud67...whatever his name is, or UltraJman) then you have possibly heard of DeceasedCrab, in which my opinion, makes some excellent videos. Anyways, if you want to see actual gameplay, check this out.

And if you want to download this game. Its FREE

A must have for classic gamers out there. Many thanks to Ryan for getting me absolutely hooked on this. Enjoy.

Oh yeah, and discuss other things like how far you got. I just may...JUST MAY...make a video about this...we shall see...

Edit- Nah, I wont, Ill do something different. No need to do something in which someone else has already done it.

(Last edited by Nagis on 01-27-08 11:13 AM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-26-08 08:03 PM, in Motivational Posters! Link
Hmmmm, I seem to be missing the motivation behind your posters FX. I think this is how you make one.

There you go

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-27-08 12:30 PM, in Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore) Link
So I keep fucking double posting in this thread to bring up information. But its time for...SPECULATION!?

Ending to MGS2 pic 1

Ending to MGS2 pic 2

Ending to MGS2 Final Pic

Olga's Child is a...Boy?

Olga's child is a girl right? According to the Trailers we have seen?

Well, according to MGS2, its a boy. Could it be a mistake within the script? Ill assume its either that, or maybe the "Sunny" we have seen in the MGS4 clips isnt actually Olga's child to begin with. It could be, im guessing, another "Tool" for the patriots.


(Last edited by Nagis on 01-27-08 03:30 PM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-27-08 07:37 PM, in Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore) Link
Could be, but that brings me to yet another point.

SPOILERS are located in this post.

In Metal Gear Portable Ops, when Snake talks to Gene before metal gear is activated, Gene tells snake. "Jack, you need a purpose in life". Jack? Isnt his name John?

The end of the mission explains that its all a setup by the Patriots, or the chief "Mr. Director". Meaning that Big Boss' name was never John. It was Jack. But why was Gene, the leader of Inner Heaven, called Snake Jack? Thats what puzzles me, but I think I know why. We'll have to see on MGPO2 and MGS4 for the real answers, but I can only assume.

At the final boss fight between Raiden and Solidus, You receive a codec call from the Patriots. Mainly naming that Raiden is just a weapon, his name is Jack too after all, however, the simularities between the name Jack, and Big Boss' name Jack all come from the same setup that took place between the Big Shell and Metal Gear PO, "Jack" is the setup name, as was the rest of the mission lead in the betrayal of The Boss, as well as Snake's turn to Outer Heaven. His Motivation.

Point being, Its absolutely true that no one truely knows what Gender Olga's child may be, but Snake and Otacon already knew the Location of the Patriots, Raiden was the Test Subject, and used Olga's child as a medium, I would like to think of it as a "Stress high", under stress, Raiden knew that if he would die, Olga's child would die as well. But under the eye of the Patriots, anything could happen. And from the story setup, it seems they are always 4 steps ahead of everyone. However, the GW virus, also the list of names of the Patriots, also leads to the fact that the Simulation of the Metal Gear Test Data, would also, I assume, would have the Child's Gender. So who has the Data? Snake and Otacon. However Ocelot has the Information leading to Metal Gear RAY And arsenal Gear.

But then again you have to think. Snake and Olga were partners at the time Raiden was holding hands with Otacon's sister.

"Once a month the Patriots would send me a picture of my child".

Wouldent you think Olga would have told Snake the Gender of her child? If she never did, he would not have labeled a gender...I think, near the end of MGS2. Somehow, I believe there is a Gap between the story of the Female Sunny, or its just the Patriots messing around on the battlefield. No one really knows.

But once again, its all puppet work. And I could be wrong with my judgement, hell I might not even make any sence due to the fact that im Tierd, but just looking at the fact that puppeteers are controlling the entire scenerio, maybe Snake at first knew Olga's child was a male at the time. But deep down inside, I think that its just the Patriots "Tool" of manipulation. Thats my guess, just like yours Shuyin I suppose.

(Last edited by Nagis on 01-27-08 10:48 PM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-28-08 05:37 AM, in Home Link
Well they closed down the Closed Beta like a few days ago.

So that could only mean the keys to my new home approaches.


#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-29-08 08:58 AM, in When Maddox is right, he's so fucking right it's scary Link
I know alot of people who wear Crocs. And all of them stink to high heaven, seriously, some people at my church I would have to avoid hugs from just because of that. NOT because of the crocs.

Its like a sign thats saying "Im trying, but I still smell".

Its fucking bland, disgusting, and like the above, people who wear them smell.

Lipstick on the other hand is a huge turn-off for me. Unless of course we are at a really fancy dinner with Tux's and a 300 Dollar Dress, thats fine. But everywhere else? No!

When I got off work, I had to go to a Bank and Wal-Mart to cash in my check like I usually do. Well, I got done, went to my car, and what did find? An ugly bitch putting on Make-up, and a LOT of lipstick.

...There is not enough facepalm.jpg images in the internet to express my emotion of this matter. Are you seriously going to pamper up your makeup before going to a "Cheap" store? What the fuck is WRONG with you people?

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-29-08 09:01 AM, in Anonymous Vs Scientology Link
There is a Scientology building in Colombus GA. Like 15 minutes away.

Funny thing is that its located of Belleair Circle. Get it? "BEL-AIR"?

Feb. 10th huh? Expect a video, im going to fuck up scientology. JUST YOU WAIT

(Last edited by Nagis on 01-29-08 12:02 PM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4586 days
Last activity: 4580 days
Posted on 01-29-08 07:50 PM, in President Bush's Last State of Union Link
Im counting the days
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