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03-13-25 01:52 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Fennicy
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User Post

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-13-07 10:14 PM, in Wiki Band Link
First of all I stole this idea from Nagis and he stole it off the internet. XD I'm just posting it before he gets to it. Anyways...

What you do is go into Wikipedia and hit 'random article'.

The first article you get is the band/artist name
Second article you get is the album name
and the next 12 articles you get are the songs on the album.

Band/artist name: Texas Clint
Album name: Welle:Erdball
Song List:
1. Belle Reve
2. Citronella oil
3. Cornish & Devon Post
4. Broomfield, Herne Bay
5. Summary of Decameron tales
6. Boundary layer transition
7. Dale Waters
8. Duiveland
9. Jonathan Sessler
10. James Michel
11. Maidstone services
12. Richard Ithamar Aaron

Um wow. XD

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-14-07 12:31 AM, in Wiki Band Link
Originally posted by Politician
Copy and Paste:

Band: The Diegos*
Album: Lamiaceae

1. Flashman at the Charge*
2. Restrepia antennifera
3. 1968 Minnesota Vikings season
4. Lincoln Park, Chicago
5. Communications in Hungary*
6. No. 278 Squadron RAAF*
7. General Federation of Workers Trade Unions in Bahrain
8. Wyndham Branch
9. Frying Pan Park*
10. Writer's Block (album)
11. Egypt (video game)*
12. YesAsia*


Yeah, I thought I got some good ones.

Your album title brings me back to the days of my botany class. XD

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-14-07 12:39 AM, in Everybodys Opinion Link
I'm not a pro on computers (lower than a noob) but that laptop looks really nice. The 250GB hard drive certainly sounds absolutely great.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-20-07 03:04 AM, in Got any holiday plans? Link
Working before Christmas then visiting my dad's family for a day for Christmas exchange of secret Santa gifts then more work after Christmas.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-23-07 03:48 AM, in I want this for my PS3 Eyetoy Link
Oh yay more ways for pedo bear to hide himself. lol

But really that does seem pretty awesome.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-23-07 03:48 AM, in Prepare for "Fucked up" Link
Errr why post it then? lol >>

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-24-07 03:35 AM, in What do you think your getting for Christmas?/What did you get Link
I have noooooo clue.

The only hints I gave out were for some Borders gift cards. Although I did mention that I want a PS3, I kinda felt too guilty to ask for that so I didn't really push for it.

Edit: I forgot to mention what I got so far. So far I got a bunch of NX cash for Maple Story from Nagis. =) I luffs it~

(Last edited by Fennicy on 12-24-07 06:37 AM)

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-27-07 02:47 AM, in Happy Birthday Makura, a day early! Link
Happy early Birthday! Although there's only 10 more minutes until it's tomorrow. lol

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-28-07 02:04 AM, in I Am Legend Link
You're right the zombies look like voldemort a little. lol

Well I thought it was okay but at the same time it lacked something..I'm not sure what, but it did.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-28-07 02:07 AM, in Are You a Movie Buff Link

Your Movie Buff Quotient: 32%

You're a very typical movie goer. You like movies, but you are by no means a movie buff.

You've seen many of the biggest blockbusters, but you haven't really started digging in to the classics.

Are You a Movie Buff?

Kinda funny seeing as I work in the media department of Best Buy. But hey you don't need to have seen the movies so long as you can help find them for people. Then again it's good to have seen some of the more popular ones so that you can recommend and such.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-28-07 02:43 AM, in A Christmas pic Link
A little something I drew for Christmas for Nagis.


(Last edited by Fennicy on 12-28-07 05:43 AM)

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-28-07 02:47 AM, in A Christmas pic Link
Of course.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-28-07 04:33 PM, in A Christmas pic Link
Originally posted by Thor
Very maturely handled Nagis.
Also, FX, if you even THINK about coming back and retorting, I'll take action

Fennicy, this is nice work. Crisp, clear lines, however, it looks too much like Inuyasha stuff for my tastes. Still, keep up the good work.

Yeah my first glimpse of both anime and manga were Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2 both by Rumiko Takahashi so I started out wanting to draw like her lol.

Anyways, thanks everyone. =)

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-28-07 04:40 PM, in Jeff Dunham just became the ultimate badass Link
Wow, no, I did not expect that at all. o__o

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-28-07 04:41 PM, in Rowan Atkinson *Caution: by watching this thread, you are in danger of wetting yourself* Link
These are hilarious. I think I've heard of him before but I've never seen his work/jokes.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-28-07 04:50 PM, in What do you think your getting for Christmas?/What did you get Link
I got some dragon statues, Family Guy season 1&2 set, two book store gift cards for a total of $75, $80 from a step brother who I didn't think I'd get anything from O_o, a new 17" plasma tv for the computer room because I think that the old kind of regular tvs are gonna be shut off or something like that, a UW (my university) hoodie, and some socks.

Yeah. I have a huge family. ^^jj

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-29-07 02:03 AM, in A Christmas pic Link
See, I wish you hadn't colored it. It kinda ruins my gift for Nagis... >> For example you forgot to color the tips of the ears black and inside the eyes around the pupils was supposed to remain white. Also some of the folds on the shirts don't show up anymore. Err and the buttons are supposed to be part of Nagis's shirt with the bit after that also part of Nagis's shirt.

So could you PLEASE take it off?

Anyways I don't really think it matters in an art thread how posts are written. Please don't worry about it.

Edit: Some more things is that you colored the guys pants the same color as his shirt and Fennicy's hair is originally red. The lines I made on their faces were supposed to be light blushes not darker colored skin.

Edit 2: Thanks Thor.

(Last edited by Fennicy on 12-29-07 05:22 AM)

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-29-07 03:02 AM, in Soda, Pop, or Tonic? Link
Pop! At least until you get me into the habit of calling it soda. ;P

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-29-07 03:31 PM, in Worst. Nightmare. Ever. Link
Maybe it was that AMV 0 you watched.

Anyways I can't remember my worst dream cause it was a long time ago, but all of my dreams are like movies for some weird reason so when I have a bad dream it's like a horror movie that has nothing to do with real life lol.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 12-30-07 02:56 PM, in Worst. Nightmare. Ever. Link
Originally posted by NUCKLEARKNIGHT
Originally posted by XeoLVII
Anyone have dreams where you're falling off a cliff and right when you hit the ground, you hit the ground below your bed? That or you jump in your sleep ... I've had some of those.

I have never experienced a "Falling Dream" or any dream where I fall and wake up right before I hit the ground. I have heard that you wake up right before you hit the ground because you cannot die in your dreams.

Originally posted by fennicy
Anyways I can't remember my worst dream cause it was a long time ago, but all of my dreams are like movies for some weird reason so when I have a bad dream it's like a horror movie that has nothing to do with real life lol.

Do you watch a lot of movies?

Nope, but I do read a LOT of fantasy genre books. That's probably it.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Fennicy

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