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03-13-25 01:45 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Fennicy
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User Post

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-23-07 02:50 AM, in Bunch of anime pics Link
Two very recent pics. Drew them just a few days ago.


Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-23-07 02:27 PM, in Bunch of anime pics Link
I bet you could if you tried. ^^ All it takes is practice and patience.

BTW here's some more pics:
Another old pic
lol most of my pics I've posted so far are old

Edit-Coming up are some fanfic pics of Inuyasha and maybe some other anime series.

(Last edited by Fennicy on 06-23-07 05:27 PM)

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-23-07 02:48 PM, in Bunch of anime pics Link
Originally posted by insectduel
I may not be a professional. But I could draw really good.

Only if I had my own scanner but it's expensive.

Do you have a digital camera instead that you could download pics straight into the computer? Because then you could just take a picture of your pics and edit them a little then put them on here.

I only just got my scanner fixed finally and I was just about to do the same thing.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-23-07 02:50 PM, in New, not very official, have you ever thread. Link
Nope. Never been sued at all.

Have you ever sued someone even though you knew that they didn't do it but you wanted something from them?

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-23-07 03:12 PM, in Bunch of anime pics Link
Originally posted by insectduel
Well, no but I'd plan to soon. My mom is going to get me one soon if she can.

Awesome. I hope you can! That'd be cool to see your art. ^^

EDIT- Here's the fanfic of Inuyasha
Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo

I would have put Sango, Miroku and Kirara on there as well but I was running out of room and couldn't figure out where to put Miroku.

(Last edited by Fennicy on 06-23-07 07:39 PM)

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-24-07 12:07 AM, in Bunch of anime pics Link
Originally posted by Kyoku kun
Wow, thats a pretty good InuYasha picture. How long does it take you to finish one?

Just a couple of hours or so, but this Inuyasha one took me longer than usual because I don't usually draw Kagome and Shippo along with him.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-24-07 02:03 AM, in Mafioso Part III: The Epic continues... Link
I'm in but I've never played before. ^^

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-26-07 08:15 PM, in Sidewalk Chalk (very awesome works) Link
That's really amazing! I've never seen anything like this before.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-26-07 09:13 PM, in Sex edumacation (NSFW because you may die) Link
Lol that's hilarious. I think I've heard something like this before only it wasn't on the internet. I think it was that my friends were joking around about this kinda thing a long time ago. My friends and I were quite hentai once in a while lol.

Also, I don't get that alphabet one either. ^^jj

(Last edited by Fennicy on 06-27-07 12:14 AM)

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-26-07 09:17 PM, in Okay I gotta get this off my chest(random ass rant) Link
I agree with the Ranma part. >>

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-27-07 02:33 PM, in Observe the crack spiders in their natural habitat Link
Was this something someone actually found on tv? Probably not, but it would be hilarious to turn the channel onto the discovery channel and find this on. XD

I would tape it.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-27-07 02:39 PM, in New, not very official, have you ever thread. Link
I didn't know it was supposed to be a word, so no. ^^jjj Errr it could be 'smile' I guess.

Have you ever bought a movie one day at a convention thinking you were getting a good price (even if still expensive), and then saw it a couple months later in a regular store for half or less that price?

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-27-07 02:47 PM, in Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi Link
It's about a boy and his father who journeyed to an ancient Chinese training ground called Jousenkyou in order to train themselves in the martial arts, but ended up falling into the cursed springs there. Now Ranma turns into a girl when splashed with cold water and Genma (his father) turns into a panda...

Anyways, has anyone read or seen this series? And if so did you like it?

I love this series. Ranma 1/2 vol. 1 was the very first manga I read and I've loved it ever since. =D The anime series was great as well although I haven't seen all of it, but that's okay since it's practically the same as the manga. This series is pretty much what got me into martial arts in the first place.

What I didn't like about it was the ending.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-27-07 04:48 PM, in Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi Link
Originally posted by Rainbow in the Dark
Read the manga a while ago.

Finished the anime recently.

But why the fuck isn't it finished (nowhere could I find something about the end)

Well it ends on the 38th book. What part did you get to?

The end really doesn't seem like the end, which is why I hate it so much. ^^jj

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-27-07 05:15 PM, in Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi Link
Originally posted by Rainbow in the Dark
Nah, the anime doesn't seem to end where the manga does (which sucks, because the last arc is awesome)

Oh and book 38 seemed like an ending to me, kind of used to it.

Ahh that's weird. I haven't gotten to the end of the anime yet, but maybe they're just still translating the rest to English or something like that. I hope that's the case instead of ending early.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-27-07 05:19 PM, in What NOT to Watch Link
Lol it's so weird it's on the border line of creepy. -__-

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-27-07 05:36 PM, in OMG I DRANKED THIS NEW ENERGY DRINK AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! Link
I want some to look like a Kenyan! I shall be a Kenyan. >D

I guess side effects include becoming a body builder.


Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-27-07 07:01 PM, in Hexplore. . .FREE Link
That looks pretty fun and yeah free is really good XD. I might try to dl it one day and try it. Why it might become my new MS (addiction) lol. Sounds challenging to, which makes games much more fun.

And yeah that second video is much better seeing as you can't hear our voices in the background. -__-

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-27-07 07:13 PM, in Super Puyo Puyo 2 Link
That was freaking awesome XD. At first I thought that you were messing up on Kirby's Avalanche, but then it suddenly said you won. lol I've never played that game before so I wasn't sure what was happening.

Also that game called Puyo Puyo looks kawaii. ^________^

(Last edited by Fennicy on 06-27-07 10:38 PM)

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 06-28-07 04:02 AM, in Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi Link
Originally posted by Lil Miss MRE
hey does the ranma 1/2 hentai count too?

Umm nah no hentai in here please.

@Nagis: Oh this series is very interesting and hilarious. ^^

So what is everyone else's favorite characters? Mine is Ranma of course.

(Last edited by Fennicy on 06-28-07 09:26 PM)
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