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02-05-25 04:54 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Trigger Happy Jones
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User Post
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 06-24-06 11:37 AM, in Global Warming Link
What an asshat. (Al Gore, that is) What ever happened to his previous project to destroy Manbearpig?

Oh, and if ShredRaggins was reffering to your own, my bad.

(Last edited by Trigger Happy Jones on 06-24-06 02:38 PM)
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 06-24-06 11:44 AM, in I love you all Link
Yeah, Maste Shredder, unblock your comments so I can send you random, completely inane questions and statements!

Used to have an Myspace profile. I still think it's there. I don't know.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 06-24-06 10:06 PM, in If you had a remote controll that would controll your universe... Link
I'd pause on someone I don't like and beat the crap outta them.

Do you realize the massive amount of theft you can commit with such a device? Oh, yes, steal me some guns and Dorritos!
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 06-25-06 01:09 PM, in Stupid things you do ( Or used to do ) Link
Stupid stuff now:

1) I pretend I can't hear when the folks start nagging me.

2) When people piss me off, I say, "Eat chicken and die" in lieu of "shit".

3) I turn my country up really loud. Toby at what seems like 600,000 frickin' decibels.

4) When irritated, my voice deviates from my accent and becomes high-pitched.

Stupid stuff I don't do anymore:

1) Wielding a 3 foot long ruler like a sword and slap people in the back of the head.

2) I had a penchant of dstroying broken appliances with a sledge hammer and leaving debris all over the yard.

3) When playing a Mario game, I's used to shout, "10 points!" after jumping on a enemy. That was mostly to annoy people.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 06-25-06 04:55 PM, in Stupid things you do ( Or used to do ) Link
Kinda wished I could come. Been busy lately.

... And it's round 23, Sajin.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 06-25-06 05:11 PM, in If you had a remote controll that would controll your universe... Link
*Sitting on mountain of guns and Cooler Ranch Dorritos*

I would drive to town, press pause, and go steal some more stuff. Then I'll have to Klepto Rehab.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 06-25-06 05:24 PM, in What are you currently playing? Link
Originally posted by Solid Sajin
not all 360 games are lame...Oblivion, perfect dark, and...hey trigger, what was that one game we played that you kicked my ass on?

its a war game...and a very awesome war game at best!

Hrrrrmmm... Call Of Duty 2? Give me a sniper rifle anyday on that game. Only reason I'm good at that game is because I practice regularly

And the 360 kicks ass. Period. Unless you disagree. Then it's not period. *Shifts uncomfortably*
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 06-25-06 07:30 PM, in A bot is stalking me, I swear. Link
You sure it's a bot, or could it be someone whos fucking with you?

Or someone with a sick and repetitive sense of humor.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 06-29-06 03:00 PM, in Where is your computer? Link
I used to have a minifridge. Then I lent it to a friend, who lived in a really bad part of town. You can probably guess what happened.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 06-29-06 11:28 PM, in Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated Link
Welcome back.

Great. That tune is now stuck in my head.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 07-01-06 05:00 PM, in What are you watching... Link
Mostly Comedy central, FX, and the news. I occasionally watch OLN for hunting and fishing shows.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 07-02-06 10:44 PM, in Blade: The Series? Link
I saw it on Spike, and it was pretty good.

I liked it, although some things on the show bothered me.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 07-03-06 04:07 PM, in Happy Birthday Drakken! Link
Happy birthday, dude.

I look forward to getting my ass kicked in Halo 2 and DDR again next time around.

I gave him pocket change!

Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 07-03-06 09:02 PM, in Cats or Dogs? Link
Cats are cool, but I prefer the loyalty and companionship the canine can only bring.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 07-04-06 11:00 PM, in 4th of July Link
M-80s and bottle rockets, roman candles and fire crackers... Which I won't have the funds to get. I found an old bottle rocket in my closet and went outside to shoot it, but it was a dud.

... Well, on the bright side, I got around to some games.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 07-04-06 11:54 PM, in A family feud could be brewing Link
Three weeks ago, my grandma was fighting with my cousin's folks, because they tried to make her watch their dogs while they go off to gamble on Casino boats in Mississippi. They flat out ignored her when she said she couldn't and left two very rowdy dogs that decimate her house periodically.

We got tired of replacing lamps and cleaning up trash they strode out, so we started to keep them out. They killed a prized cat in our family and moderately injured another. My sister loved that cat, and mourned for a complete week. I, being rightfully pissed off, shut the little bastards up in a large kennel in the back yard (relax, I feed and watered them). They. Bayed. All. Night. Long. This went on for three days.

They finally came back after a couple of weeks. We never got compensated, not even a sorry. We approached them multiple times and told them to take the dogs to their house, or we'll take the dogs to the pound. We received absolutely no response, because they knew that my poor grandmother doesn't have the guts to do it. She finally stood up to them and my cousin yelled at her. He said that he was going to come get the dogs, but never did.

After that fight, we still haven't heard nothing from them to this day. I getting tired of them partying all the time and expecting us to watch their damn hounds. I'm getting tired of being ignored and be screamed at for refusing of watching over what's supposed to be their responsibilty, not ours.

And now I'm ranted out.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 07-05-06 02:11 PM, in Is Homosexuality "wrong"? Link
Could be an abnormal estrogen level. What I've read, it's also how the person is raised.

What people do in their bedroom doesn't concern others.

(Last edited by Trigger Happy Jones on 07-05-06 05:19 PM)
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 07-07-06 12:53 AM, in Which super power would you like? Link
Hrmmm... I do alot of heavy lifting. So strength would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

Although if those kick-ass draconic powers were available, I would definitely choose that!
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 07-07-06 12:57 AM, in When did your mom tell you, you said your first word? Link
My first word was "shut". My mom told me how that came to be, but I find it hard to believe.

Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6774 days
Last activity: 6774 days
Posted on 07-07-06 02:05 PM, in Unatural talents that make people go...."The hell"? Link
I can touch my nose with my tongue.

I wish I had a camera.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Trigger Happy Jones

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