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01-05-25 01:02 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Stitch
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User Post

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 12-29-08 06:42 PM, in New to the board? Introduce yourself here! Link
What? We made the rules go away? Ok, well, guess that's better then.

You know, were I at least five years younger, I'd school the so-called haxors, but alas, I've matured (and been caught a few times).

(Last edited by Stitch on 12-29-08 06:43 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 01-06-09 08:36 PM, in Arthur's Rigor - Arthur Stowe Link
Since doing that disturbing writing exercise about a jaded police medical examiner/CSI, I had to draw a scene that a friend found particularly disturbing when she read it. Well, one of many, but if you haven't popped over to the Story Realm to read the short story, then you don't know what I'm talking about--let alone share in the fun that is my demented mind. Anyway, enough talk:

Yes, he did arrive on-scene in PJs. That's part of his twisted charm.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 01-06-09 08:42 PM, in Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! Link
On the money front, I find that it's not really mine. I'm just holding it for the creditors and bills. Where does that weekly $800 go? Hell if I know.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 01-06-09 08:51 PM, in Hey LJ-ers! Time to backup! Link

San Francisco-based LJ, on a whim from the Russian overlords, laid of 20 of its 28 staff including networking peoples today.

What does that mean for LJ? Don't know. It may just disappear, leaving well over billions of users and multitudes of entries (I have 1600+ at just over 5 years) lost into the internet ether forever. So, if you can, might be good to back up all those entries, but what for? Up to you. On the other hand, nothing might happen. But what better way for the Russkis to piss off American (and other countries') teenagers and angsty adults by removing one of the longest running blogs and networking communities?

I mean, I pay for a blog on my webcomic's website, albeit in a stupid interface that isn't at all intuitive in any sense of the word--I might as well right an entry on a brick and tie it to a balloon--where was I going with this? Oh yeah, I pay for blog space, but the convenience and inter-connectivity of LJ is what keeps me there.

Well, we shall see how this "global economic downturn" affects the future fate of LJ and its angsty teenagers, forlorn adults, odd and weird fandoms, and everything in between.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 01-06-09 11:56 PM, in Hey LJ-ers! Time to backup! Link
I know that paid users can export a .csv of their monthly archive, you'll have to search the FAQ for the rest of the user community.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 01-08-09 09:34 PM, in Hey LJ-ers! Time to backup! Link
LiveJournal's news page has posted an answer to the deluge, and provided an article link to LiveJournal, Inc.'s page for further discussion: article.

So, LJ is not going away. But, backing up isn't a bad idea either.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 01-09-09 07:11 PM, in Answer one, Ask one Link
Black, on my keyboard. Crappy pen too. I should raid the supply closet again.

Nearest form of drink to you?

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 01-10-09 02:29 AM, in Syobon-Action! Link
This has to be the most sadistic Mario knock-off ever. Had me laughing for so long:

Second level:

And the .zip file for download can be found here:

I've seen other sadistic games, but nothing has had me laughing like this one. What other sadistically awesome games are there that I haven't seen?

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 01-12-09 01:50 PM, in Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! Link
I may be able to spring for airfare up for a week, if you'd like.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-26-09 11:47 PM, in Uniformed Korean Dancing to Wonder Girl's "Nobody" Link

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 03-26-09 11:53 PM, in Arthur's Rigor Link
I'm adapting this story into a graphic novel. It's the drawing challenge I need. I wanted to detract from Dexter a bit (I was watching it too) but Arthur is just a bit off and not the kind to kill. And Steven is the kind to kill, but keeps the M.E. job for...well, I don't know. Cover?

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-09-09 06:31 PM, in Hours upon hours in Blender... Link
Very nice work, very impressed.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-09-09 06:35 PM, in Twitter Link
I'd have to both agree and disagree with you about it being dumber. It's just thoughts in 140 characters, and however people choose to use Twitter is what makes it unique for them.

I recently shut down the outgoing twitter feed to my LJ because I'm sick of seeing it. I know what I tweeted during the day.

I use Twitter as a push for talking to people in place of IM or e-mail or Facebook, keeping up with blogs and other blog-ish Tweeters, and advertising for my webcomic.

Then, just as Elara, I'm on Facebook to keep up with everyone I left 400 miles away.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-14-09 05:21 PM, in BYOBW 2009 Link
Bring Your Own Big Wheel 2009! It passed on Easter Sunday, and it was awesome! Even though there was no parking for a four-block radius, and I had to walk those four blocks UPHILL, but it was still fun to watch. Definitely setting aside budget for some sort of Star Trek or Doctor Who themed big wheel thing next year.

Anyway, short video:

There's a slightly longer version on my videoblog: Adventures of a Gay Man

I rented a Scion xD from ZipCar, but I kind of don't fit in the car. But, only when getting in and out. I also have 222 photos on my Flickr Account.

(Last edited by Stitch on 04-14-09 05:26 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-14-09 05:28 PM, in Uniformed Korean Dancing to Wonder Girl's "Nobody" Link
I do too. And I like the original. You can tell that they did it at half-speed and then sped it up to get actual. Still, doing it slowly is an art in itself with the timing. The music must sounded weird slowed down.

I have to watch it at least once every month or so, since I tend to forget about it.

I just noticed that this is a splice. It isn't three people, it's the one guy cloned three times. You can tell, because his hand disappears behind the masking a few times on the left side of the screen.

This is a very ingenious cloning.

I found something that isn't surprising:

(Last edited by Stitch on 04-16-09 04:05 AM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-14-09 06:01 PM, in Juice - A Novel Link
[I'm removing it due to lack of activity in this forum.]

(Last edited by Stitch on 06-28-10 07:18 AM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-16-09 03:51 AM, in Twitter Link
We do realize that my layout has a Twitter feed box in it, right?

I love Twitter. But, I don't really do the EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY MINUTE thing. I do the annoy people with random updates thing. Like when I'm peeing.

Or whatever the bloody fuck I actually do/talk about.

Most of the time, it's New Comic - here's a link.

Or, fuck off.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-19-09 05:04 PM, in Twitter Link
And no matter how intelligent something starts, it will eventually be stupefied by the masses. I'm surprised LinkedIn hasn't fully headed that way, but it's getting there. Letting people start groups for anything, having people that have over 10000 connections because they're networking whores...

Anyway, even if Twitter was started with the fullest intentions to be something legitimate (and it is for a lot of people) the masses have dumbed it way down just like MySpace, Facebook and anything else that is eventually unleashed on the mass population that is planet Earth. And if you introduce it to the mass stupidity that is the United States (we are, don't fight it), then something will be totally stupified to the point of "I'm going to poo." "I'm pooping." "It's coming out."

You can't blame the service (except for MySpace...allowing people to experience horrible web design on a daily basis and willingly is just evil) for the outcome of what the masses create. We can only blame the fact that intelligent people have to dumb down their work to cater to the mass of idiots.

And that is what truly gets me pissed the fuck off. We are not a great country, we just house the majority of the stupid. And stupid people always think they're great.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-28-09 06:38 PM, in Bay Area Company Looking for CM's Link
I was looking at this job offer, but since I don't play very many MMOs, I'd figure I'd toss it on here in case some of you are still looking to break into the video game industry for some reason.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 05-04-09 01:59 PM, in Halo Panda & Samurai Monkey Link
I have a friend (Asian) that I say would make a cute panda. And he likes Halo. He also wears glasses. I think it looks bad-ass, but I'm just a weirdo. Hence:

And, I have another friend whose nickname is Monkey, and he wanted me to draw him in his WoW Priest gear. I'm not that good. But, he is a martial artist, so he gets to be samurai instead:

So there.

(Last edited by Stitch on 05-04-09 02:00 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Stitch

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