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02-05-25 03:40 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Phoenixocracy
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User Post

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-12-10 07:53 PM, in The time has come Link
I have dibs on the mountain formation around the volcano

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-13-10 06:06 AM, in Banner Fun! Link
I actually really like the subspace text.

Is this official, or are ideas still being thrown around?

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-13-10 06:08 AM, in The time has come Link
Goddamn you, Cairoi.

I declare war upon you!

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-13-10 04:10 PM, in QUESTION GAME!!! Link
Can you rephrase that?

Why aren't you a Lolcat?

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-13-10 04:20 PM, in Bendy and Deadly Link
BJ was confused, but shrugged it off with acceptance. OB was obviously a powerful opponent, and nothing surprised him right now.

Instead, BJ ran forward, apparently charging his foe. Just upon reaching him, BJ thrust out both of his hands as quickly as possible, and then began clapping them in an odd manner.

"Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Baker's man!"

OB would have to keep up with BJ's pace if he hoped to come out unharmed.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-13-10 08:21 PM, in Battle of the Immortals: Jade vs Phoenix Link
Phoenix smirked. Now, at least, he knew the reaction caused by the meeting of the elements.

Making sure not to move his injured arm too much, Phoenix landed softly on the ground, leaving several meters between the two fighters.

"Surely. Shall we test your swordplay?"

With those words, and dash towards Jade, a diagonal uppercut was sent flying towards the Demon's chest.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-13-10 11:25 PM, in QUESTION GAME!!! Link
Why was I forumbanned?

Is it because Vulkar is a JERK?!

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-13-10 11:35 PM, in Corrupt-A-Wish Link
Granted, but you always lose. Forever.

I wish for more cowbell.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-14-10 07:08 PM, in Xeogaming Dungeon RPG (An exclusive ACMLM RPG Addon) Link
Except by Acacia. And Zangoose does a pretty job good job of killing the Kitty, too.

There isn't a lot to work with yet, but I like everything so far. Might I say it..?

It's BOSS.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-17-10 07:01 PM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
Originally posted by Nelrith
I'm finally getting over my irrational fear of getting my photo taken...

I had the odd feeling that the reason you are afraid is because you think that your soul will get sucked into the camera. What happens afterwards, I'm not sure. But it sounds cool.

Also, I find it funny that in your Halloween photo, the "Insane Asylum" sign got cut off, and it says "Sane Asylum". Tee hee.

For Halloween, my girlfriend is making us masks and we're going to get dressed up all fancy. I'm pretty excited, but I have yet to design mine

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-17-10 07:07 PM, in How do you listen to your music? Link
I've never had an iPod or anything fancy, and I don't download illegally. So most of my music comes straight from the CDs I own.

If there's something I do not have, which is often, I browse YouTube for some tunes

I'm also a frequenter of Pandora. I listen to my Weezer station and everything is okay. I think it has a nice set-up, personally. They play songs that you like and are similar to others, which usually leads you to other bands that you've never bothered listening to.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-17-10 07:10 PM, in The person below me Link
Eh. False. The weekends were created by me.

The person below me is nocturnal.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-17-10 07:11 PM, in QUESTION GAME!!! Link
Why did I come on because is probably the last day to talk to Vulkar, and the silly Mormon must be away from his computer?

Why does it hurt so?!

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-17-10 08:20 PM, in Hey look! I found a Facebook profile of a XeoMember! Link

Well, a Facebook I have not. However, I have a Twitter. Just thought I'd share the info


The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-18-10 06:24 AM, in I'm leaving Xeogaming. Link
I'll be there, and be square.

Your e-mails are once a month, but how often do you receive mail/write back? Because I am writing you every week day hour.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-18-10 06:27 AM, in Hey look! I found a Facebook profile of a XeoMember! Link
Originally posted by Lord Nelrith the Badass!/Nelrith

Sorry if I don't add anybody... I'm a fairly depressed person and I take it out on my Facebook friends quite regularly so I let people add me at their discretion instead.

If I had a Facebook still, I would add you. And then destroy you at Farkle. Because I was God at that game when I had my account still.

One of these days, I am bringing it back. And then, carnage shall reign over you.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-18-10 06:48 AM, in Let's start the interviews up again! Link
I don't know if it would be easier or more organized, but why not hold these in the old Interview Forum?

I'm not sure if it's a hassle to bring such a thing back as a sub-forum or something. I'm just offering a suggestion.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-18-10 06:57 AM, in The person below me Link
True. My lamp borrowed some money from me the other day and never paid me back.

The person below me is going to miss Vulkar.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-18-10 07:52 AM, in Surveys/quizzes/memes about yourself Link
- Robert, but you can call me BJ

- Male

- 18

Screen Name
- Dr0wningPh0enix, but I've been going by Phoenix

- June 30th

- German, Scottish, Irish. But I'm just white.

- Freshman in college

- Pretzel baker and newspaper deliverer

- Should be asleep

- Bensalem, PA

Current Town
- Bensalem, PA

Parents Still Together
- Eh

- Two younger sisters

- Five dogs, a cat and a turtle

- Never

- See above

- Straight

- Never

Hair Color
- Darkish brown

Is it Dyed?
- Nope

Eye color
- Blue and yellow

- 5'11''

- Me. Usually in jeans and a button down/polo, as of late

- I wish I had glasses. None

- A bit

Shoe Size
- 12.5

- Left ear, but I haven't had it in for several months. I'm letting it close up

Want More?
- No

- None

Want More?
- Maybe a (you guessed it!) phoenix on my arm or back. Probably not

- Used to

Overall Best Feature?
- Smile? I don't. In my opinion, I love my eyes

Overall Worst Feature?
- *select all*

Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?
- A bit of both

Favorite Color
- Blue or red

Worst Color
- I don't really have one.

Favorite Number
- 6

Favorite Animal
- Fox or Hawk

Favorite Flower
- Tulip

Favorite Food
- Salad

Worst Food
- Fast food. Or chick peas. Ugh

Favorite Restaraunt
- Olive Garden or Chili's

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
- Plain old chocolate

Favorite Candy
- Crunch bar

Favorite Alcoholic Drink
- None

Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink
- Iced tea, preferably Arizona. That or grape juice

Worst Alcoholic Drink
- Don't know?

Worst NON Alcoholic Drink
- Anything diet. Gross

Favorite Genre of Music
- Alternative?

Worst Genre
- Pop or hip-hop/rap. All about sex, drugs, women and money

Favorite Band/Artist
- Weezer or The Killers

Worst Band/Artist
- "Ke$ha. No actual singing ability, and got famous off a song that's basically an auto-tuned piece of shit that the young'uns who persist in having a MySpace keep playing over and over again." --Rogue

This. Hahaha

Favorite Song
- Right now, Killer Queen

Worst Song
- "The Taco Bell-Pizza Hut one?"
Another quote by Rogue

Favorite Radio Station
- 104.5 fm

Favorite Book
- Ever? Hm. Possibly the Percy Jackson series. Not sure. I would like to re-read Ender's Game. Haven't even seen the book since I was 12

Worst Book
- I usually don;t read things i do not like, unless it is in school. So, A Step From Heaven

Favorite Type of Movie
- Probably a Romantic Comedy. I'm sappy, but I love a good laugh. Regular old comedy comes in second

Worst Type of Movie
- Probably action, to be honest. How many times can an explosion be cool?

Favorite Movie
- Contrary to the above, I loved Inglorious Basterds. Like, a lot.

Worst Movie Ever
- No idea, honestly

Favorite TV Show
- So far, Supernatural. House is amazing, and Bones is pretty good.

Worst TV Show
- Not sure.

Favorite Season of the Year
- Fall

Worst Season
- Winter. The weather bothers me.

Best Friend
- Alexa and probably Vince, even though the bastard disappeared

Worst Enemy
- My parents and work

Favorite Day of the Week
- Saturday

Least Favorite Day of the Week
- Monday

Favorite Sport
- Football. To play, not to watch

Sport You Hate
- Baseball

One thing you cant get enough of
- Time

One thing you hate more than anything
- Lines and being cut off when speaking

Are You Single?
- No

If not, who is your bf/gf?
- Alexa

How Long Have You Been Together?
- A year and 5 months

If You're Single, Do you Like It?
- I am not single

Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now?
- Nope

First Kiss
- My first girlfriend. I didn't have too many, but I dislike mentioning her

Ever Kiss in the Rain?
- Yes

In a Movie Theater?
- Yes

- Yeah. Hahaha. 'Twas comedic

First Love
- "Nelson, although as I look back on that relationship, what I felt was not love." --Rogue

Same for my first girlfriend

Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?
- Never

Been Cheated on?
- Yep

Used Someone?
- Never

Been used?
- Yep

Lied to your bf/gf?
- Small white ones that make them feel better. Or extremely outrageous lies that are completely see through. "What took you son long?" "Well, I was walking down the street when a bear ran out in front of me, demanding..." You get the point.

Ever Made out With Just a Friend?
- Nope

Are You a Tease?
- Not that I am aware.

Do you Flirt a Lot?
- I don't think so

Longest Relationship
- about 2.5 years, inconsecutively

- A week

Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?
- Nope

Ever Get Flowers?
- Nuh-uh

Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten
- A Simba stuffed animal similar to the one I had as a little kid and lost. He was my favorite, and I've mentioned it in passing a few times. So when Alexa went to Disney, she surprised me by getting an new one. Needless to say, he sleeps in my bed. Haha

Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?
- Valentines

Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?
- It is possible

Do you Fall in Love Fast?
- Not that I am aware. I've only had 4 relationships, and only this one is what I consider serious.

Are you a Player?
- I play video games
Otherwise, no

Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex?
- Nope. Nothing against it, but it's not for me

Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day?
- Nope

Kissed 2 People At One Time?
- No

Had Sex with 2 People in One day?
- No

Had sex with 2+ People at One Time?
- No, again

Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?
- Yep

Ever Been Dumped?
- Indeed

Ever dumped someone?
- Yes

Ever been rejected?
- Yeah. Lol

Do you have a lot of ex's?
- Three

Are you a slut?
- Nope

Ever been called one?
- As a joke. Haha

Ever dated someone more than once?
- Yeah.

Do you ever make the first move?
- Once. Alexa has made our first moves both times we went out. I never got to kiss her first or tell her how I felt. Hahah. She just kissed me

Double dates or single?
- Both are fun. They are different, though. Double dates usually aren't romantic, and regular dates are.

Do you want to get married?
- Eventually


Hair Color
- Doesn;t matter

Short or long?
- *shrugs*
Doesn't really matter

- Doesn't matter.

- No more than a year, 2 at most, in any direction

- Doesn't matter

- Doesn't matter

Muscular Or Skinny
- See above

Boxers or Briefs
- I wear briefs. I should hope my girlfriend does not wear either

Do you care about looks?
- Not in particular. A little, but personality can easily out-weigh them.

- ???
I like a bit of nerdiness, and you have to be funny.

Can you drive?
- Yep

Do You Have a Car?
- Not of my own

Do you have a cell phone?
- Yes

Are you online a lot?
- When I can be

Do you like gay/bi people?
- I don't dislike them. I judge them the way I judge everyone else. If you're annoying, I dislike you you no matter your sexual preference.

Can you speak another language?
- Mediocre at spanish

Do you do well in school?
- Reasonably

Do you collect anything?
- Books. And notebooks

Have an obsession?
- Reading, writing, my girlfriend

Do you hate yourself?
- Let's just say I would change a lot

Ever smile for no reason?
- Indeed

Talk to yourself?
- Yep

Do you have any regrets?
- A bit.

Believe in magick?
- Definitely a possibility. I believe that it exists. Now I need to find it

Do you support gay marriage?
- Yes

Sex before marriage?
- People can do whatever they want to.

Do you trust people easily?
- I have levels of trust

Forgive easily?
- Yes

Do you have a secret no one knows?
- Probably.

Do you get along with your parents?
- Recently, my mother. My father is a deadbeat asshole, and my step-dad is a conceited, selfish prick

What about other people?
- I'm a people person

How do you vent your anger?
- Talking or just letting it go. It's usually not worth it.

Do you like George Bush?
- Nope

Goal Before you die?
- Win a #1 New York Times Best-seller award for a Novel I have published

Biggest Fear
- Spiders and failure

Biggest Weakness
- Alexa and my conditions

Do you play an instrument?
- I can play one song on the guitar

What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Author


A bitch?
- Nope

A daydreamer?
- Indeed

- Usually

- I'm better at listening, but I can be

- Sometimes

- More so than not

- Enough

- "Now that all depends on your sense of humor, doesn't it?" --Silly Rogue

- Nope

- I wouldn't say so

- Not often, or ever. I've been known to be walked all over.

- Yes

- Too much, probably

- Indeed

- Is this a trick question?

- Enough

- I consider myself more intelligent than the average bear. Who, by the way, are geniuses.

- Definitely

- I try

- Depends

- Depends on my mood

- Like a chameleon.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 10-18-10 01:16 PM, in Let's start the interviews up again! Link
Gotcha. Just an idea.

Besides, there are so few of us that I'm sure we would all remember.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Phoenixocracy

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