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03-13-25 01:51 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Fennicy
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User Post

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-02-07 09:18 PM, in Oh crap guys, COME! Link
Happy Birthday to you to, Gan Ning.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-02-07 09:21 PM, in Stardust Link
I've only seen one commercial of this, but I think it looks great and I can't wait for it to come out in theaters! =D I'm definitely going to go see it.

I've never read the book before though so I'm not sure what to expect. lol

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-02-07 09:27 PM, in LEVEL 2, I have another annoying challange for you! Link
The song kinda went with the .gif if you got the beat right in your mind to get them both matched, but I imagine that .gif with a little faster song. ^^jj

It's kinda funny though, I saw that .gif a day or two ago on Gaia in a siggy. XD

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-03-07 01:17 AM, in Size matters Link
LOL holy crud I didn't even think either of those getting that big was possible.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-04-07 02:00 AM, in Size matters Link
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by Fennicy
LOL holy crud I didn't even think either of those getting that big was possible.

Yeah both of these were the results of extensive surgical enhancing be it through implants or injecting silicone.

Still, though, who wants to have a pick-up line like, "I'm hung like a bowling ball"?

I don't think anyone would even want to HEAR that pick-up line. XD

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-04-07 02:04 AM, in Minneapolis Bridge Collapses Link
It's terrible.

At least other places are taking precautions now. I heard that there was a lot of bridge checking these days. Specially for older bridges.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-04-07 02:06 AM, in Transformers! Robots Link
I'm more comfortable wtih plain tennis shoes or sneakers or whatever they're called.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-04-07 02:08 AM, in LEVEL 2, I have another annoying challange for you! Link
Originally posted by Rainbow in the Dark
I have the full song that originally goes with the GIF.

It's awesome.

It's even in my playlist (with metal, metal and more metal XD)

Oh? What is the full song like? Are there any links to it?

I'm curious to know what it goes with. XD

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-07-07 03:14 PM, in What are you doing this weekend? How was your weekend? Link
I went to my dad's house for the first time in a month or so and over there was a party to bet on the motorboat races (whatever they're called) and to watch the blue angels perform on tv. I don't like sports though so I played video games. I still put a bet down though, but my boat lost lol. All well.

Otherwise I played video games and read.

Oh yeah, and I got my first car. A silver ford. Though it's kinda old, used, and cheap I don't really care so long as I can get from point A to point B. lol

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-07-07 03:53 PM, in Surveys/quizzes/memes about yourself Link
I accidently did the first survey without noticing the date posted on it. lol All well.

(Last edited by Fennicy on 08-07-07 09:26 PM)

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-07-07 04:03 PM, in Interviews Link
I wouldn't mind being interviewed once I have 300 posts as are the requirements. =D

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-07-07 04:05 PM, in New, not very official, have you ever thread. Link
Yeah, but it was nothing big really.

Have you ever tried to jump over a fence but your foot hit the top of the fence and you fell face forward on the other side?

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-07-07 04:08 PM, in Mafioso Part III: The Epic continues... Link
On the first post you forgot to mark me off as dead. Does that mean I came back to life? XD lol jk.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-07-07 04:17 PM, in Cant have nothing. Link
Elara has a good idea. If you haven't then you should call the cops or put up fliers or both. If nothing else you could sue them for the amount she was worth and what it cost to take care of her. Though it would be extremely better if you were able to get her back healthy and unhurt.

Patches was so sweet and cute when I saw her it's hard to believe that someone would do something like that. But at the same time it seems obvious from the evidence.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-08-07 02:32 PM, in Warcraft III Link
Lol my younger brother plays this game for hours on end. I think he said that he was fourth in the world but I think that he's just saying things. -__-

I'm not sure what his screen name is.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-08-07 02:35 PM, in New, not very official, have you ever thread. Link
Nope, and I don't see the point in jk.

Have you ever learned how to do something seemingly unimportant (ex. origami or something of arts and crafts) then found that you still remembered how to do it years and years later of no practice?

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-09-07 06:56 PM, in I Nedd Some Fast Help Link
Well what helped me is taking small drinks of water carefully and often. And whenever you're hungry then eat very watery soup that has little you have to swallow. Also a bunch of rest. Though I usually get over being sick really easy so I hope that helps.

Hope you get better soon.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-09-07 06:58 PM, in This is a special layout. Link
That's an interesting idea. I can't wait to see the different colors. XD

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-10-07 01:26 AM, in Bunch of anime pics Link
Some of my latest avi art that I drew for Nagis's avi.

Nagis's avi

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6213 days
Last activity: 6218 days
Posted on 08-10-07 10:19 PM, in New, not very official, have you ever thread. Link
I wear one for work.

Have you ever bought a video game, but you didn't have the right consul for it?
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Fennicy

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