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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Azen Dalin
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Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-11-05 01:29 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
Aldis gasped as her brother made two small sugar pills that were exact replicas of the medicine. She woke Dalit up.

"Come on Dalit...its time to take your medication..."

He rubbed his eyes and stood (about the same way his mother woke). For a moment he stood, letting her words sink in, then cried out.

"But I don't wanna take it, I don't wanna!"

She took Dalit by the hand and lead him through the hallway. He was silent as the two entered the play room. Aldis picked up the pills, then pretended to drop them. She took the two sugar pills out of her pocket, she picked up the other pills with her left hand.

The sugar pills were handed to Dalit, and he took them as usual.


She shook her head, and he stopped talking. The two walked out of the playroom.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-12-05 04:39 AM, in All Your Base...Rhapsody Link
All Your Base...RHAPSODY!!

WAHA! This is great...just watch it and post what you think XD
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-12-05 04:41 AM, in Jobes and Ariya Link
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I made an Ariya and Jobes pic. I don't really like the shading...but hey, it looks cool, no?
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-12-05 05:11 AM, in Innocence Gone Link
She looked back at Jack with a final smile. The two boarded into the car and headed to where the 369 base was, she looked over at Dalit. He seemed to sense that something strange was going on, but wouldn't ask.

"We're going to where your mom is."

Dalit looked at her, a surprised look on his face. He couldn't believe that she was taking him to the woman he hated. The emerald orbs widened as he realized what was going on, they were running from the government base he'd been raised in all his life. He was being freed.


He screamed at Aldis, tears running down his cheeks. He had no interest in going to see his mother a second time, and made that fact deftly clear to Aldis. She shook her head as she locked the car doors and windows.

" don't realize how much she loves you. She left because...of what they were doing to her. I have to take you away...because of what they were going to do to you.'ll thank me when you're older. Trust me."

Dalit's screams were silenced as the two continued driving.

"Target will be reached in four seconds."

The car's mechanical voice sounded, reminding Aldis that this was a government vehicle, and the moment they reached the base she would need to dispose of it.

It seemed to take hours in the silence to reach the base that was only 4 seconds away. The car stopped, they were there. Aldis stepped out of the car, followed by Dalit. He said nothing as they approached the building. She knocked, and waited for a response.

"Hello? It's me...Aldis I've come with Dalit. Please, allow us to come in."
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-12-05 05:22 AM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
OOC: XD I've never seen Wal-Mart carry crotch rockets before...but hell this is the future. I'm impressed, Wal-Mart is still in our future!!

BIC: Asuka smiled. In Tokyo motor-bikes were the main mode of transportation. She boarded it, turned the gas on, and reved the engine lightly. It was a quiet bike and would supply MUCH better transportation than any other vehicle.

Remembering saftey, she grabbed a helmet and slid it over her head. She flipped the eye cover down and slowly made her way out of the building. The bike was silent, so there was no need for yelling.

"Taro! You and me on the sides, Chris and Rico you take front and back."

Swords only came in handy on bikes if you were slicing to the side. She waited for the others to catch up to her.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-12-05 05:25 AM, in End of Earth Link
She let out a sigh, then looked at Lina.

"So then, ready to get that ID upgrade? I'm sorry I left for so long...I have a second job working the bar down the street. If you want, I'm working tonight and I can get you free drinks."

Ariya's smile was - for once - true. It had been some time since she'd allowed herself to actually smile.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-13-05 05:29 AM, in End of Earth Link
Ariya sighed, feeling her face turn a shade of red. She shook her head and laughed, her smile showing again.

"I don't tend to flash my pearly whites, do I? It tends to be seen as "unprofessional"."

She paushed, listening to Lina say that she was ready for her upgrade. Ariya stood and motioned for Lina to follow her.

"We'll begin with the simple stuff. The picture ID, then the polygram test. Come with me and we'll get started."

Ariya walked through the corridors of the base. Soldiers stopped, staring at her. They turned and looked at each other, then began to whisper things like: "Is she glowing?" and "What the hell?! I've never seen her this happy."
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-13-05 06:06 PM, in Black Rose Academy Reaping School Link
(special thanks go to True. This was mainly her idea, I just wrote it out. Think Harry Potter...but with a darker twist )

The Black Rose Academy is contacting you to see if you would like to enroll in our Reaper Trainging Program. Below are the following requirments for students and teachers. (You can play both a student and a teacher but please try not to play more than one student or teacher) Your head mistress will be awaiting to see you at the opening ceremony for this year. We certainly hope to have your attendance here!

Dr. Melora Penslink

PS: If you choose not to come, there is no offense meant, but your memory will be wiped. It is just to protect our own image.

1. Movement through vortex (required for first or second year students)
This class teaches young reepers (generally for first or second year students) how to move to places without the use of walking or using any other Human form of transportation. Each individual will be taught using hands-on (showing).

2. Scare Tactics (female teacher wanted for this class) (required for every year)
Teaches people how to "scare" humans into a death-state.
a. Course 1
Mostly book work with the use of hands-on
b. Course 2
More indepth with little book work
c. Course 3
(No books needed) Indepth teaching
d. Mastering
Extensive training

3. Discovering Human Weaknesses (required for second year students only)
Teaches the basics on mind control and strategies to trick them into doing things that would kill them. This touches on mostly suicides and murders.

4. Avoiding Human Guardians (recommended for first and second, required - if not already taken - on third year)
Teaches on how to avoid guardians that may stop a reeper from banishing the human soul from the earth. Guardians can also banish reapers, it touches on how to avoid and protect a young reaper from being banished.

5. Art of Reaping (required for all years)
Basically teaching the basics and even indepth arts of reaping.
a. Course 1 (for first years)
Book work, but also hands-on learning how to use a minion
b. Course 2 (second years)
Book work
c Course 3 (third years)
Using abilities such as Magic
d. Mastering Reeping
On field work.
6. Curses (required for Masters)
a. Course a (bad luck)
Teaches how to curse humans with "bad luck" in order to make reaping easier.
b. Course b (Evil Within Humans)
Using the Evil within other humans to curse themselves or others. Goes into more depth than "Discovering Human Weaknesses".

Required Supplies:


*Vortexing yourself (Movement through Vortexes)
*Frightening the Modern Human (Scare Tactics)
*Course 1
*Course 2
*Course 3
*Mastering the art of:
*Humans and Their Weaknesses (Discovering Human Weaknesses)
*Gaurdians and How to Avoid (Avoiding Human Gaurdians)
*Art of Reaping Course:
*Course a
*Course b

These are animals that can help with reaping. The animal should be suited to its owners tastes. Make sure that you pick up after your animals, if any wastes are found on school property without proper cleaning, there is a penalty.

All Minions must also be properly cared for which means, grooming. The all must be house trained as well.

These Minions are suggested, most any creature can be used as a minion.

Black Cats
Black Dogs*

*Need to be kept on a leash at all times. If large dog, needs to be Reaper Friendly.



This is to save any younger, hot blooded children from feeling as if they need these items to "ward" off other students (fighting, ect.)

Crystle Balls (Frightening the Modern Human)
Cloaks (for all classes)
Staffs (are to be used in place of the modern scyth or any other traditional reaping items.)

Student requirments:

A signed letter from your family stating that they fully know and acknowledge the training that you are about to receive.

Between ages of 13 and 18

Good behavior (although this is a reaping school, the facalty will not tolerate fighting amongst classmates)

This is also a Co-ed (girl and boy) school. You will be in classes with people of both the same gender and the opposite. Sexual harrasment is not taken lightly at Black Rose Academy.

Bring clothing that will sufice you for the year. You will have summer breaks and winter breaks to return to your families.

Powers are NOT to be used outside of school EVER by any Reaper in Training. Penalties for this are: One Warning and then expellment. No exceptions are EVER made.

Teacher character requirments:

Focused on class: This means that your character needs to be here to catch students when they are:
Acting up (Not following instructions, disrupting class, ect.)
Insulting each other
ESPECIALLY for hands on expirements.

There need to be SIX and only SIX teachers. If the school is larger than those SIX teachers can handle, more will be added.


Age: (between 25 to however old - because reapers are immortal)
Class they are teaching:
Personality: (whether you are nice, mean, bold, ect)

Students bio:

Age: (between 13-18)
Year: (schedules will be decided by which year you are in)*

*Try to keep mastering students down to a minimum of 2 to 3. If there are more people joining that I'd expected, I will tell you if there
can be more mastering students or not. Most need to be first or second years.

(Last edited by Yuzukichi Kaze on 07-13-05 09:07 PM)
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-15-05 09:01 AM, in Deviantart ID Link
Sorry, I accidentally posted this under my sister's name...she forgot to sign off on my name...and I didn't catch it until I posted it.

Image hosted by
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-15-05 06:37 PM, in Deviantart ID Link
The pen tool in was a bitch to learn how to use. But hey, when you get it down its A LOT easier.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-15-05 06:43 PM, in My Art... Once again... Link
AWESOME ABSTRACT ART!!! OOoooooOOooooOoo...I love that heart thingy. I also love the shading for Hiei. It looks really cool. :-D
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-15-05 07:00 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
Dalit stood, immobile by just looking at his mother. Part of him wanted to kill her, and the other part wanted to hug her. He just stood, until Aldis pushed him forward, then he just fell on the floor.

When Jack walked in, his eyes widened. Jack's energy was exactly the same as Bane's. He snarled, he'd been tricked. The young boy hid behind Aldis, glaring at the two adults.

"Dalit...stop this! Morrighan, take him...I need a cup of coffee and something to eat."

She looked at Jack, giving him a smile. Dalit walked out from behind Aldis. His round, green eyes stared at Morrighan. He didn't know what to do, and the moment felt extremely awkward.


Was the only word he could manage to get out.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-19-05 06:26 AM, in Innocence Gone Link
Dalit looked at his mother, wonder in his eyes. He'd beaten her to a bloody pulp the last time they'd met and she still loved him. His throat became soar, and his fists tightened. He may have been five, but he knew what the government had been doing to him. He wasn't stupid.

His mouth opened as if he was going to reply, but he shut it. Aldis bent down next to Morrighan. She ruffled his hair. She could see that he wanted to tell them he'd known, but he didn't have a way of replying.

With a sigh she pulled Morrighan and Jack to the side to talk to them for a moment.

"Jack...he may have been young, but Dalit knew what they were doing to him. He wanted them to...because he felt like he had nothing left. Now that he knows his mother is alive and that she still loves him, he's having trouble readjusting.

After he was born and Morrighan left...I didn't show up until he was three. By that time they'd enhanced his age and he was thinking like a five-year-old...they left him in my care. Morrighan, didn't you think it was strange that he was only five, but looks and acts more like he's seven?"

Dalit looked at the adults, feeling left out and ostrasized from the world. Everything he believed in was crumbling beneath him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

(Last edited by Yuzukichi Kaze on 07-19-05 09:27 AM)
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-19-05 04:33 PM, in End of Earth Link
Catrin looked out, frantically searching for Cyro. C'mon...c'mon Cy... She saw a man running over the horizon, it was him. She just knew. A smile grew on her face, until the helicopter appeared as well. Her face went solemn, her eyes dark.

"Oh shit..."

She ran as fast as she could to where Cyro was standing. With a lunge of despiration she hit the ground beside him, then called out.


Around her and Cyro a mechanical sheild appeared, blocking the missles from hitting them.

Panting, she grabbed him by the wrist and ran as fast as she could, hoping that the smoke screen would be enough of a deversion before FEH could catch onto them.

Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:41 AM, in Innocence Gone Link
The young boy did not repsond in a violent manner, but instead blushed a light shade of red. His eyes closed, and for the first time in months, he smiled an actual smile. However, Dalit suddenly became very dizzy in his mother's embrace. He stumbled for a moment, then fell back against his mother's chest.

Aldis's eyes widened. She stepped forward, then kneeled beside the young boy. Her hand went to his forehead.

"Oh no..."

Her voice was filled with fear, she'd forgotten about the "side-effects" of the drugs.

"There's something else I forgot to tell you Jack, Morrighan...the drug has a series of withdraw symptoms the user must go through in order to become completely undependent upon them."

A cold sweat began to break out across Dalit's head.

"Oh no...its happening faster than I'd thought. Morrighan take him to a bed and put as many blankets on him as possible, he'll need to sweat the medication out of his system. Here can have my jacket."

She pulled off her jacket and wrapped Dalit in it. The young boy's breathing had become shallow.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-25-05 07:51 AM, in Black Rose Academy Reaping School Link
Name Casandra Milovant aka Melora Penslink
Age 205
Gender Female
Class they are teaching: She is the head mistress of Black Rose Academy (so she doesn't count as a teacher)
Appearence Golden-brown eyes with red hair. She wears a black robe and carries a basket with her most everywhere she goes.
Personality She's extremely witty and loves a good challenge. She can be very professional, but also loves to mingle with the students. Melora tends to enjoy being with the students more often than being locked up in her office.

NameTerrance Melora
Age 15
Gender Male
Year 2nd year
Appearence He has his mother's eyes but black hair and rather tan skin. He looks nothing like what the usual "reaper" is thought to look like. His cloak is a dark blue.
Personality Instead of the fun-loving spirit that his mother has, he is prudent and wants nothing to do with the other students. He would rather be shut up in his room studying than running about with children the same age as he. He does not warm up to other's easily, but once he does warm up, he can be a rather helpful person.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-29-05 10:35 AM, in Innocence Gone Link
Through splashes of sights and blurts of sound, Dalit stayed concious. His eyes fluttered as he fought to come out of odd state of mind. He felt cold, but for some reason was sweating. When he could finally see clearly enough to make out people and other shapes, he saw his mother was holding him and Aldis was standing beside them.

"It would do no use in killing them, Morrighan, Jack's pretty much destroyed any person that was in the government facility...including Curret."

She looked down at Dalit. Her eyes carried no significant interest for the child, although she was just as worried as Morrighan. However, Aldis knew that it was time to ween Dalit from her and give him back to his mother.

"Be glad that you did not stay with the government as long as I did."

Aldis lifted her shirt sleeve and showed Morrighan what looked like a bar code on her forearm. She rolled the sleeve back down, folded her arms, and thought of how to explain what the tatoo meant.

"Its a marking...much like the markings that the Jews got during the Holocaust. It represents that we "belong" to the government...that we're they're property. Dalit was to get his tatoo this week."

She looked back down at him, her cold eyes staring at the shivering Dalit. He closed his eyes, afraid to stare back into them. He felt cold enough.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-29-05 10:40 AM, in XGf College Years Link
Tanya laughed, it was nice. She looked at her watch, and realized something she hadn't thought was Friday.

"Wait...before we go will you come visit mom with me?"

She stopped walking and sighed, looking down at the ground.

"The Doc says she doesn't have much longer to live...and I'd like her to know that we're cool, you know her...she worries to much."

A lump formed in Tanya's throat as she spoke, and her words became shakey. Tears stung her eyes, she wanted to cry.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 07-29-05 10:54 AM, in Black Rose Academy Reaping School Link
Terrance looked around the classroom, he saw Shadra and waved. He walked over to where her and the others were sitting.

His brown cat, Imaru, sat atop his head. The cat's ears perked as Shadra came into sight. He jumped off of Terrance's head and walked non-chalantly over to where Shadra was. Imaru's emerald eyes smiled at her, hoping that she would pet him.

"Oh man...I'm glad you came back this year. Dude...we have Hecate again?"

Then he remembered last year, the prank he'd pulled on her. It wasn't very complicated, it just involved him using what she'd taught him to scare Hecate. The head mistress had nearly exspelled him for, "the usage of magic on a teacher, disrupting the classroom, and arguing with a teacher". He sighed, his mom never let him catch a break.

Imaru looked at Hecate, who stood behind Terrance. The cat only flicked its tail and nodded at Hecate, he had high respects for the woman.

Melora walked through the halls. She reached Hecate's class and poked her head inside. The ancient woman looked as though she was only thirty-five, her smile was as bright as ever.

"Children, I do hope you'll behave this year. I don't want any repeats of what happened last year...Terrance. Hecate, come by my office later today, I have something I need to ask you."
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 08-02-05 12:01 PM, in Innocence Gone Link
Aldis looked to the side, her eyes glanced at Dalit who sat restlessly on the floor. She sighed and removed herself from the comfort of standing on the wall. Slowly she walked to where Morrighan stood. Aldis opened her mouth the speak, but was stopped when Morrighan looked at where Dalit was standing, and there was Sandra.

"Morrighan...calm down...if you kill Dalit in the explosion it'll only get worse. Sandra...or should I say, "The Diablo", what are you doing here?"

She looked down seeing that she was standing over Dalit. Aldis remembered the pills that were still in her pocket. Although she knew it was against her better judgement, she knew it was Dalit's only hope.

"DALIT! Reach into my pocket!"

Dalit only slightly heard what Aldis had yelled at him, but heard it. His small had feebily reached inside and felt the pills. He gulped them down. Almost immediately the effects began because his body had been craving the medication for over 12 hours.


He yelled at Sandra and sent thousands of fireballs at her at once.

Aldis looked to the ground, knowing that Morrighan was either in shock or about to kill her. Tears poured from her eyes, she never wanted to see Dalit like this again.

"Forgive me Morrighan..."
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Azen Dalin

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