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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-28-10 03:47 PM Link | Quote
I haven't been up on "The Boys" lately, but I think it's 44 issues with 6 trade paperbacks collecting them so far.

I'm reading "Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England" by John Demos, "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay" by Michael Chabon, "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud, and this other book written by this guy that I'm interviewing next month for the paper.

I'm also going through Max Ernst's "Une Semaine de Bonté" right now. It's described as a "surrealistic novel in collage." There aren't any words, but since it's displayed as sequential images, it's been labeled a graphic novel.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-03-10 12:15 AM Link | Quote
Done going through "Une Semaine de Bonté." It's very abstract and it's sort of hard to understand what Ernst was trying to tell you frame by frame, especially since he made it from cutting up catalogs, books, magazines and anything he could get with pictures so the characters don't look the same page by page.

Really it's completely open to interpretation.

Now we're focusing on "Kavalier and Clay." So much reading to do for other classes.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

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Posted on 09-03-10 11:07 PM Link | Quote
Yeah awesome classes lol, i've reread Watchmen and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Alan Moore, my hero.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

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Posted on 09-12-10 06:26 PM Link | Quote
I just finished the Transmetropolitan series.

I need more. Right now. I can't believe Spider is done D:
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

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Posted on 09-12-10 07:16 PM Link | Quote
It is a great series, I've started reading Brave New World, it is good.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-12-10 09:15 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Urban Astronaut
I've started reading Brave New World, it is good.

That's my favorite novel (well, next to "American Gods"). It's an AWESOME book. Aldous Huxley was so ahead of his time when he wrote that. I wish I could read that book again for the first time.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

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Posted on 09-16-10 10:46 PM Link | Quote
I paused reading Brave New World to read a comic called Chew, it is amazing! mind blowing and funny!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-16-10 11:35 PM Link | Quote
I dug the first issue. When I have the cash, I'll buy the first volume.

We're getting ready to read Eisner's "Contract with God," otherwise I'm still powering through a few things I've mentioned in previous posts.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-24-10 05:44 AM Link | Quote
Read "Contract With God." It was excellent. You could finish it in 20 minutes. Apparently the class had a very mixed reaction to it. Overall they liked it, but some people claimed they laughed during the serious stuff and they weren't sure why they did.

Reading "Maus" parts 1 and 2 next.

This weekend I'm going to try and play catch-up with all of the American studies required reading since I'm behind for both of my classes. I've got a few papers due next week.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1825 days
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Posted on 09-24-10 07:37 PM Link | Quote
Reading Rick Riordan's first installment to the Kane Series, The Red Pyramid.

I'm itching to open it up and plunge into the world. I haven't read a *new* good book in a long time
Plus, I loved the Percy Jackson series, so this is awesome.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-27-10 01:01 AM Link | Quote
Sitting here in the heat reading "Foucault for Beginners" for my American studies theory class. Even though it's supposed to be a graphic novel (more like a book with the occasional crudely drawn portrait of Foucault), it's REALLY weighty.

Need to finish it and put up a post on the forum for that class before noon tomorrow.

Still need to re-read "Maus" part 1 before class Tuesday.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 10-03-10 02:55 AM Link | Quote
Reading "Maus" book 2. A few pages from ending now.

I'll be re-reading "Watchmen" again (I've read it like 6 times) since it's the book for next week's classes.

Otherwise for American studies I've had to read through a good chunk of "Landon Carter's Uneasy Kingdom." Not a very riveting story, but he has about 8 of his slaves lead an armed revolt off his plantation at the beginning.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5077 days
Last activity: 5052 days
Posted on 10-04-10 01:21 AM Link | Quote
Reading Brave New World, it's sweet!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 571 days
Posted on 10-04-10 04:55 AM Link | Quote
Finished the "Maus" books. They're excellent, of course.

Going through "Manliness and Civilization" for my theory class now.

Haven't started re-reading "Watchmen" yet. I already have a really good idea of what's happened, so it's a lower priority since I've got a mountain of work to return to tomorrow.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 10-12-10 01:37 PM Link | Quote
Read Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" for my American studies theory class. I'd read it back in middle school, but after studying Foucault recently and learning about neurasthenia last semester during Women in America class, it says a lot more to me about feminism and "la clinique."

Still reading "Manliness and Civilization."
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 10-18-10 12:15 AM Link | Quote
Reading "The Dark Knight Returns" for graphic novels class. It's good, but I'm not getting all that into it.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1825 days
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Posted on 10-19-10 08:29 PM Link | Quote
So I finished the Red Pyramid, and I am quite impressed. Once again, Riordan has taken old lore and myth and turned it into an excellent modern day story. I can't wait for the next book.

He is currently working on two separate series. One being the Kane Chronicles (the first book I just stated: The Red Pyramid), and the other is The Heroes of Olympus.

Riordan wasn't quite ready to abandon the world he created in the Percy Jackson series, so he came up with the Heroes of Olympus. A few of the older characters are around, but each book will follow a different set of Heroes. The first, "The Lost Hero", follows three friends who are all the offspring of the Gods. It seems interesting, and I would very much like to get my hands on it.

However, what I am currently reading would probably make Cairoi pee his pants. I'm part way through Fables Volume One: The Deluxe Edition. So far, so amazing. I'll let you know what I think once I finish it up
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 763 days
Last activity: 571 days
Posted on 10-20-10 01:14 AM Link | Quote
My brain is so fried right now. I'm reading crappy novellas online right now before I have to get around to writing a paper on the evolution of a comic book character. That teacher grades so much harder than one would expect for someone who teaches a class on comic books.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1825 days
Last activity: 1825 days
Posted on 10-28-10 08:46 PM Link | Quote
The Lost Hero, by Rick Riordan.

He is very quickly becoming my favorite author.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 763 days
Last activity: 571 days
Posted on 10-30-10 10:28 PM Link | Quote
Just picked up "Kick-Ass 2" at the comic convention today. Didn't realize it was out already. I've only peeked into the first couple pages and saw Hit Girl beating up Kick-Ass. Yeah, this'll be a good read.

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