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True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 205 days
Last activity: 205 days
Posted on 10-03-06 05:26 PM Link | Quote
((As always the opening credits go to the people who created it right? So Cairoi gave me permission to open this RP again =P. Now have fun and you know the rules. Please please please let this last just as long as IG did. XD))

Keira walked up to the stand at a press conference and looked at the people. She wore her hair up in a bun and her glasses, just as always. As always...She thought. As she was answering questions about the last terroristic attack she was drifting off in thoughts. Since when did always begin? Keira kept a stern look and blinked as the final question was asked.

"President Eldridge, are you going to stop this war with your own two hands, or are you going to let your people do the work?"

Keira tilted her hand. A slow rage sort of burned in her. "Excuse me what?"

"Are you going to let someone disappear again? Are you going to let meaningless lives go untold?"

Keira gripped her fist and looked over at Francine who stood beside her. She had a very intent look on her face that she was about to punch the person that asked that question.

Francine who stood there picking her ear in her burgandy suit looked at Keira and her eyes widened. "Father Martin will answer the rest of your questions, Keira has more duties to attend to, such as picking out the candidates for her old foundation. I will be taking her to head quarters. Thank you."

In the background there could be hear many yells for "Madame President," or "Miss President," and finally "President Eldridge." Many cameras flickered as Keira left with an intent expression. She got into the limo with Francine and rode off.

"So... Miss President... Was it that same reporter from last week?" Francine asked.

Keira just ignored Francine and looked out the window. "You're living in HQ right?"

"Yes, what about?" Francine asked.

Keira continued to look out the window. "With your children and Kevin right?"

Francine smiled. "What are you getting at?"

"Why didn't you go for a normal life?" Keira asked.

"I've been with Brother's in Arms my whole life. You think I'd leave? You're joking right?" Francine started undressing in the limo.

Keira's eyes opened wide. "THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

Francine looked at Keira and thinned her eyes. "Getting in means I gotta drill the new people. That means I get dressed here and now."

Keira sighed. "As I just sit there and say why they're all here, blah blah blah... And go to my office and sit until someone needs me right?"

Francine poked Keira's forehead, "You're always on target. Look you started this foundation. Now do what a founder does. Command. Stop getting in the fray of things and putting your life on the line thinking that it's all your duty to do everything."

Keira gave Francine an aggravated look. "For someone who was so immature, giving me mature advise is the last thing I need."

Francine smiled as she zipped the crotch to her pants up and put on her white wife beater. "Wait til you're a mother of two."

Keira glared. "It's always wait til you're a mother... do that and you know what? Since you've gotten pregnant, you've gotten fatter."

Francine glared at Keira. "I'LL SHOW YOU FAT!!" She grabbed Keira and put her in a headlock then proceeded to give her a noogie.

Keira struggled around trying to get her off. "THE BUN DAMN IT THE BUN!!" She yelled. "LET GO OF ME!!"

Francine dropped her on the floor of the limo and looked at Keira. "Now... we going to get out what we're feeling?"

Keira looked at Francine and shook her head. "I'd rather keep this one to myself."

The limo stopped and the doors opened. Another press group was standing there. Keira looked at Francine. "Get them out of here.... Or wait.." Keira picked up the phone and called Kevin's cell. She waited for him to pick up the phone. "Kevin.. I need you to get these journalists away from here. Please Kevin. Or get someone else to do it." She hung up. She then started calling everyone's cell that was in there when they picked up she said her request and hung up.

Francine smirked. "Saying please? Now that's more mature than keeping that useless bun and suit on. I swear you think you're 36 if you're in one of those things."

"Don't make me punch you this time..." Keira said with a very angered look on her face.

Francine laughed and stayed in the car with her.

(Last edited by True Flight on 10-03-06 08:26 PM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4953 days
Last activity: 4577 days
Posted on 10-03-06 05:53 PM Link | Quote
The press was swarming around the car, constantly murmuring and seeking answers to questions like annoying children. Suddenly, they grew silent as a voice grew increasingly large and frightened them.


The press scattered, and a man, with white hair and indigo eyes, very thin but still intimidating, had clenched fists and was swinging his arms, getting everyone out of the way.


Darian opened the back door, bowing to Keira and Francine.

"President Eldridge, Madame Francine, you are now free of the insects. Darian Ullrich at your service."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 205 days
Last activity: 205 days
Posted on 10-03-06 06:11 PM Link | Quote
Keira looked at Darian with a shock. "Do you know him, Francine?"

Francine laughed. "He's a hero to the Ullrichs," she said she looked at him. "Infact... He helped out with the rebellion. You remember right? He was just a lad. Just like you a little 19-year-old carrying everyone's burden."

Keira looked down at the concrete. "Right..." She smiled and shoved Francine out of the car with one of her pumps.

"Wo--ah!!" Francine fell flat on her face and glared in Keira's direction. "What was that for?"

Keira laughed and looked back at Francine. "I wanted to do that.." She jumped out putting on her glad to be here face. "Father Martin will be here soon... I'll get someone to tell him I'll be in my office after the speach." She turned to Darien. "As you know I'm President Keira Eldridge." She held out her hand. "I remember you now. Francine always used you as a partner."

Francine looked at Darian. "Man, you really have grown since I last saw you. Well. I need to get inside to see who we have here. I know some people Keira knows are here, but there are some new, and I want to see if they have what it takes." Francine walked into HQ and waved a hand. "Hey Darian, see if you can get anything out of her. I can't anymore. Good luck."

Keira stamped her foot and yelled in Francine's direction. "I've got nothing to hide!" She yelled. Her eyes softened as she held her head in her hand. Ugh.. Another head ache. I really need to stop stressing so much... She thought.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4953 days
Last activity: 4577 days
Posted on 10-03-06 06:24 PM Link | Quote
Darian closed his eyes and smiled wildly at the compliments he was recieving. He shook Kiera's hand, standing as he did so.

"Aye, I was a splendid young lad back in the day. Now they have me keeping werewolves under control. A negotiator with strength is always in want."

He waited until Francine left, giving her a reassuring "aye" and waited until she left.

"So, yes Madame Eldridge, I'll be the one leading the mercenary investigation into the werewolf war. They're a splendid group of tykes, really they are. Any questions before you brief them?...Are you ok, madame?"

Darian looked concerned about Keira's headache, as he was indeed. He patted her on the shoulder and brought his head down trying to make eye contact with her.

"Need a doctor?"
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 205 days
Last activity: 205 days
Posted on 10-03-06 06:28 PM Link | Quote
Keira looked at Darian. "Doctors are for quitters," she said with a smile. Keira shook her head. "No it's just the stress I have to deal with at the moment. Missing persons, journalists I want to kill..." Keira looked at Darian, she knew she could trust him, but she's trusted Father Martin more than anything. "Can you keep a secret?"
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4953 days
Last activity: 4577 days
Posted on 10-03-06 06:32 PM Link | Quote
"Of course, ma'am! Why, if Darian Ullrich is anything he is a man of his word. Anything you trust me with I will guard my life with!"

Darian had an odd habit to speak with his hands, they flying about as he spoke with much dramatics behind his words.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 205 days
Last activity: 205 days
Posted on 10-03-06 06:48 PM Link | Quote
Keira smiled and put her hands together. She began walking towards the entrance. She thought out how he would react to her situation. She shook her head and smiled. I'll tell him sometime later, she thought. "I punched a journalist yesterday and it made the newspapers as 'Man Who Deserved to Bed Punched Got What He Deserved!'." She laughed. "What is the world coming to?" She held her head again. "Francine doesn't read the newspaper that often and she missed that one, so don't tell her. I'd rather her find out for herself." Keira closed her eyes and her head stopped aching as she healed the pressure. "It's just when people ask questions such as... 'Are you going to get involved this time?' or 'How many more lives are you going to waste?' I get so mad. I put my soul and blood.. My actual sweat into making Witches' Trough into what it was, and people go and downplay me like I had nothing to do with it. I helped save these people from a twisted fate. I helped an apocalypse stop. What do I get? Oh so many died.. Oh Keira's just a nobody... Hooray Kevin, Hooray Francine... Hooray Morrighan, and Hooray guy that disappeared..." She quieted down at the end of her sentence entering the hall.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 205 days
Last activity: 205 days
Posted on 10-03-06 09:35 PM Link | Quote
*Morrighan leaned lazily against the wall near the hallway entrance. She looked wiser and more mature, but not really older. Idly she heard Keira approaching and when the president and her Ullric escort entered the hall she waved and gave her old friend a smile*

"You know, it wasn't so much 'Hooray Morrighan'... at least not in Nevada. You got just as much praise as me... probably more after I made it clear I didn't want to talk about those times. Nice punch by the way"

*Incidentally, she had just read the article about Keira's right hook an hour before hand, leaving it at Francine and Kevin's door for them to read*
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4953 days
Last activity: 4577 days
Posted on 10-03-06 10:22 PM Link | Quote
"Ahh, Ms. Morrighan, I see you are in wonderful condition!"

Darian bows to her, his entire self showing respect. Once again his entire body channeled his words and motions, exaggerating them.

"I'll be leading you into werewolf territory later, isn't that...exhilirating?"

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 205 days
Last activity: 205 days
Posted on 10-03-06 10:46 PM Link | Quote
"Don't know if that's the exact term I'd use, Darian... but I'm certain it won't be dull. When do we set out for that anyway? Right after the speech, or do we have a customary briefing first?"

*She looked around the hall, then back at Keira*

"It's sorta good to be back, ya know? Yet at the same time, I keep worrying about Dalit. Too much like his cousin, Jack for his own good. He said to tell you and everyone else hello by the way."
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1271 days
Last activity: 1271 days
Posted on 10-03-06 11:02 PM Link | Quote
A door in the hallway opened up. A familiar, muscular figure stood at its threshold with a smile on his face.

"Welcome back, Keira. Saw the speech on the CCTV. You did good; don't worry about what those idiots think."

Kevin was still himself. He looked a bit more aged and thinner, but he was still himself. His tee-shirt was clean, as was his face. Free from stubble, he looked more mature, and less like the gregarious youth he once was. He had new responsibilities now. He turned back into the room.

"Hey, kids; Madam President's back! Let's give her a warm welcome, huh?" he said with a handsome grin on his face. With that, a renouncing, childish "Yeah!" came from the room, and two small children emerged, rushing to Keira.

"Sera! I still can't believe that daddy knows the President! This is so cool!"
"Weirdo; Miss Eldridge was always daddy's friend. Right, Miss Eldridge?"
Kevin just laughed at them, but in the back of his mind, he still felt such a horrible reminder of the past...

**"Francine... I... hate that woman. I hate her!!" He got up, and forced back tears. "When Jake died... she didn't give a shit. And she knew full well that he was my brother!! What the hell did I get when he died!? Not even a fucking 'I'm sorry'! Know what I heard? 'Huh... pity". I still remember that to this day..." He leaned against the wall, then punched it. "Just because he was a scout doesn't mean he was any less of a person! He was kind, and caring; always thinking about other people first... How could this kind of thing happen to him? And for someone to say, 'Huh; pity' just makes me wanna beat the hell outta her..." Kevin soon gained composure, then shouted through the door, "YOU KILLED HIM! AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN CARE!" **

Even though the ghosts of his past still haunted him, he kept his smile, knowing that it's come and gone, and each new day is new.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5179 days
Last activity: 1489 days
Posted on 10-04-06 12:15 AM Link | Quote
ooc- Ooops I just assumed Editting now.

A solitary fellow stood before the gates of the Witches Trough. A look of hope was about his face. On his chest was a white T-Shirt, with a unique tribal design across it. And above that was an unbuttoned dark brown vest. His tight-fitting dark brown pants matched with his boots. Slung over his back, a matching blazer. In his right hand a black duffel bag. He was bringing things to this location, that might be considered very illegal. Though, he had clearance from the President. He was meeting with her to discuss a certain mission he was hired for. He took a breath in through his nose and smelled the fresh air. It sure was good to be back in the States again. With that thought he strode across the massive green lawn and made his way to the door, where two unhappy looking men in black suits and sunglasses stared at him.

"Good day fellows. Name's Alexander Dvinarie, I know odd last name. Parents were Wiccan see, I'm here to speak with the President. Here's my papers and identification." With that he placed his duffel bag and blazer on the ground and reached for his wallet. He showed his state ID and the note with the presidential seal on it. His wallet held a badge in it, for his Private Investigator work in the States as well as London. The authorization checked out with the guards, though he was five minutes early. They let him in without a problem. "Golly, this place is bigger than I expected..."

His amber eyes danced about and he noticed the President in the middle of the hallway being swarmed by children as well as a rather tall fellow. His presence was announced by the loud click of the door shutting.

"President Keira...I know I'm early, but I'm Alexander Dvinarie." He bowed low to the ground. "Pleased to make your acquaintance..."

(Last edited by Xeios on 10-04-06 03:43 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 205 days
Last activity: 205 days
Posted on 10-04-06 12:39 AM Link | Quote
((Um, she's not at the White House... she's at Witch's Trough HQ))


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5179 days
Last activity: 1489 days
Posted on 10-04-06 12:58 AM Link | Quote
((Sorry, editted, we can continue now. ))
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4953 days
Last activity: 4577 days
Posted on 10-04-06 01:53 AM Link | Quote
Darian was confused, and the sounds and smells of all the people rapidly appearing threw him into a mild confusion. He took a few steps away from the group, catching his breath.

"Well, madame Kiera, it appears you are enjoying yourself in reminiscences of the past. I will be waiting in the debriefing room. "

He bowed slightly and with a light bounce he quickly walked to the briefing room, opening the door to the pale lighting and the large wooden confrerence table. He sat down at a private desk nearby and grabbed his suitcase which he had left in here, pulling out his laptop. He booted it and began reviewing his notes, paying particular attention to the ex-369 agents here today. He stopped on the picture of a kind man with medium length brown hair. He read over this man's file and instantly realized what the President had been talking about before. He wondered if any of those ex-agents had any idea of the whereabouts of this man, recorded as being the strongest Wiccan known to modern times. He searched deeper, trying to learn everything he could. He saw the house he and Kiera once shared, the newspaper announcing their engagement plans, the man outside and Francine's wedding...Darian instantly remembered this missing man, he had seen him fight... Darian would find this man. He would be able to end the wars, he commanded such a presence that inspired peace. He was the yang to Kiera's yin, and without the balance, peace was sure to be faltering...He made a mental note to ask around about where Jack had gone. Maybe this was his answer. He would lead this party to find Jack Eldridge. He nodded happily, opening Solitaire. He had a perfect record so far. He did not intend for that to change.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 199 days
Last activity: 199 days
Posted on 10-04-06 07:34 AM Link | Quote
Another, slightly older man walked into the corridor, and eyed everyone in it warily. He was currently wearing a suit, and looked tense. He hadn't been around people for a while.

His hair was brown, with a few flecks of white, you got stressed when you were out in hiding for ten years, only just now realizing that it's been safe for most of the time he hid. His eyes were also a dark brown, and spoke of intelligence. Also, in his hands is a suitcase, which contained a laptop, and a few other devices which he thought might be useful. On his belt is a PDA, a custom made one, which had nearly the same amount of power as some computers.

"Hello." he said to them all, "The name's Harry Drenn, you recognize that name? No? Hmm, must have been before your time."

He didn't recognize many of these people. Keira he knew only from the news coverage, and a couple of names sounded familiar. He would be careful, he didn't trust people he knew all that well, isolation leaves some amount of paranoia.

"Anyway, where's the briefing room? I'd rather get this over with."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 205 days
Last activity: 205 days
Posted on 10-04-06 08:29 AM Link | Quote
Keira smiled happily and hugged the children back. "Hello Sera, hello Jimmy." She laughed and looked back up at the peole. Once again she was with friends. Keira laughed at the remark. "That bastard deserved it." Keira then looked over at the newer people. "I'm not the one that's going to breif you... Francine's going to talk about the next mission with Darian. That's what I heard from Francine." Keira sighed. "Francine says that I should take another rest." She was paler than usual and she had bags under her eyes from all of the press conferences.

Francine looked at Sera and Jimmy. "Yes those two have always been friends," she said to the two. "Keira and Kevin go way back. Infact... Keira's almost like a sister to me." Francine looked at Kevin and smiled. "So yes Darian and I will be breifing you on the mission." She looked over at the newer people. "Please tell me what you are applying for."

Keira was given a folder with papers in them. Each one had a picture of each person. "Let's see... Alexander Dvinarie," she said thumbing through her papers, "and Harry Drenn." Her eyes softened. Just like always... She thought. I go through the files and looks at their backgrounds... but this time it's different.

Francine blinked and patted Keira on the back. "We'll take care of this, you go rest. Father Martin's here anyway okay?"

Just then a man in a preist uniform walked up taking off his hat. He looked over at Morrighan. "It's wonderful seeing you again Morrighan," he said. "I believe Trois would be the right name for me, since we're in mission mode." He had a warm welcoming smile.

Francine looked at Keira. "Take your boss to her office or where ever she disappears to."

Martin nodded. "I believe, I'll help her to her quarters, after all Keira looks very sickly at the moment."

Keira looked at Martin and nodded. She took her glasses off. "I thank you Francine, Morrighan, Darian, and Kevin," she said and walked away with Martin, not to her office or to her quarters. Jack... She thought.

Francine looked over at everyone. "So... Hello I'm Francine Ullric, I lead the Ullric clan. Let's introduce ourselves before we do anything. The red head is Morrighan, beside the Morrighan is Darian, and these people right here are my family." She pointed to Kevin first. "My husband Kevin, my son Jimmy, and my daughter Sera."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5179 days
Last activity: 1489 days
Posted on 10-04-06 03:39 PM Link | Quote
Alexander noted the names into his brain right away, he didn't want to seem foolish and forget a name or two...Though he still tends to do so. He figured since there was a sudden silence in the room that he'd step forward and introduce himself.

"Well, as I said before, I'm Alexander Dvinarie. I'm applying for...Well, the Witches Trough I suppose. I'm a mediocre Wiccan I guess, not too sure how I would rank in ability. I've done lots of work through the past few years. Private Investigation, Police work, Apprehension of Criminals from outside of the law...I'm guessing you'd like to test my abilities in some way so you know you're not hiring an incompotant..."

Alexander stood at the ready, awaiting Francine's response, or really, anyone in authorities response.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1271 days
Last activity: 1271 days
Posted on 10-04-06 03:45 PM Link | Quote
Kevin nodded and smiled, and looked at Alexander. With that, he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you." His children yawned, and Kevin looked at his watch.

"Uh-oh; it's getting late. Can you two tuck yourselves in tonight?" Both Sera and Jimmy understood the situation and nodded.
"Good night, daddy! Good night, mommy!" Both of them gave their parents a hug, then scampered off to their living quarters for the time being.

"Good night, guys! Now, where were we?" Kevin re-extended his hand in a welcoming gesture.

"Kevin Katsuyori. Head of the American Economic Union and a Military Advisor for the New Government under President Eldridge."
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 205 days
Last activity: 205 days
Posted on 10-04-06 03:58 PM Link | Quote
Francine looked at Alexander and then hugged her children. "Good night kids." Francine smiled and waved to Sera and Jimmy. She watched them intently as they went out of veiw like a protective mother should. She kept her eyes sternly on them and each time they turned around she kept a smile on her face. She turned back around and looked back at the group. "Oh yes, we do have two new additions as well. I forgot their names. Do you remember them Kevin? It was a vampire girl and another type 3 wiccan. The two were found by Keira."

Keira closed her eyes. "You ready Father?"

Martin nodded as he flipped switches on a machine. "Father forgive me, for I have sinned," he said as he turned the lights out and stood outside the door on the outskirts of the head quarters.

Keira winced in pain as she felt wires enter into her wrists and the visor to the machine. She finally fell to a sleep state.

Keira finally opened her eyes, but she wasn't awake. She wore nothing, yet she wasn't naked. Jack... She called. Jack where are you? She began to walk through a darkness as others walked with her telling her pleading for her to go back. Jack... I know I'm going to find you this time...
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