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Xeogaming Forums - Hall of Fame - The War of the Shards | | Thread closed
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Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 10-06-06 12:56 AM Link
Holly didn't realize what was going on around her. Once her shard was finished with its work, its glow slowly died out. Suddenly, Holly felt as though her head weighed in at a thousand pounds. She tried to lift her hands to her head, but they too, seemed to weigh much more than usual. Everything had a slight blur to it. She watched as Leon rose to her feet but not two seconds after, she felt a wave of diziness rush through her. She tried getting on to her feet but lost her balance and ended up on the floor again. However, she was still sitting up slightly, with her knees together and over beside her. Her shard slipped out of her hand, but she didn't seem to notice as she held herself up by her elbows. Her long, dark hair fell in front of her face.
Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

Since last post: 5280 days
Last activity: 4761 days
Posted on 10-06-06 07:15 PM Link
:: Plexis was awaoken by a sound that could wake the dead. The sound of metal bending and crashing. He quickly jumpped to his feet and stood beside the door, his fists clinched and his eyes narrow'd. He threw the door open to see no one in the hallway::

Hmmm, I wonder

:: Plexis began to walk slowly down the hallway toward the horrible sound he heard, his fists released and at his front, ready for any combat that he might find::

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 10-08-06 01:01 AM Link
Alden ran into the room after his bodyguard. He scanned the room. He saw the two people on the floor, and immediately recognized the one that had taken the clean shard. He stomped across the room and scooped up Leon, slamming him against the wall.

"Where is it, suvoj? Where'd you put the shard?"


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 10-08-06 01:21 AM Link
Leon laughed lightly. He spat a small amount of blood in his face.

"You just missed him partner. He flew right out that goddamn hole there. Seems like we both got fucked by this deal eh? As you can see, I'm not in the best of moods today as I just got bested by someone I should've been more wary about. I'm also not sure you can beat this fellow. He did this to me with almost no problem, but now I know what to expect." Leon sighed and spat on the ground. "So I think you should put me down and start talking over plans of action. Because..." Leon faced the ground then stared back at Alden his shard-eye glinting oddly in the light. "...I've had it with your shit."

Leon pressed the point of his sword lightly into the skin of Don's abdomen. Revealing that he was not fucking around.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 10-08-06 01:25 AM Link
"Please..." Holly groaned as she tried pulling herself to her feet. She still felt as though everything weighed a ton, but slowly, her energy was comming back. It was the first time she had ever used her shard in such a way...and the first time she realized there is a real connection between a shard and its user.

"Put him down." She says finally, looking directly at Alden. She flopped back to the ground, but this time, holding herself upright wasn't so much of a struggle.

Holly kept her blue eyes locked on Alden, holding her breath as she waited to see what would happen next.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 10-08-06 01:39 AM Link
Alden glared at Holly, then back at Leon.

"You fucker."

He resentfully released Leon, knowing that more violence wouldn't solve his problems, a rare thought for the Marinae leader.

"Come on Eric, let's get out of here. Eric? Eric!"

The comatose bodyguard snapped to attention, dropping Edgar in his confusion.

"...the fuck...What happened boss?"

"I dunno, but we gotta get outa here."

Outside the Suvoj base, Jeremy leaned against the luge, just out of sight of the patrol. He opened his eyes and released his grip on his shard. He had lost his link with the buffoon, but hopefully Edgar had gotten his message.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 10-08-06 01:44 AM Link
Leon watched Alden's face as he was put down. He spun quickly and shoved his sword into the wall. 'That'll teach 'em,' he thought. He turned to the side and bent down to pick Holly up. He held her tightly against him almost ready to lift her off the ground if she needed it.

"You...hardly know me, yet you risked your own life for mine...That means too much to me for words to describe. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Leon's voice seemed to quiver with sentimentality and sensitivity, something to this point he had not shown very often. He hugged her close, then loosened his grip a small amount, still supporting the most of her weight.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 10-08-06 01:58 AM Link
Holly didn't know what to say at first, so she didn't say anything at all. She waited a few seconds before slowly pushing away from Leon and standing completely on her own. Her headache had mostly gone away and it was much easier to stand now that she wasn't pushing herself up.

She smiled.

"Sir, asking a question isn't exactly putting one's life on the line." She says with a chuckle. She then turned to Alden. Slowly, she walked over to him. She looked up at him directly into his eyes. There was so much she wanted to say, but she knew that he and Eric were still going to leave.

"I don't understand." Was all she said finally. "I'm not sure if everyone else will listen to me if I say to 'let you go'...but I'll say it anyway." Was all she said, all the while, not once breaking eye contact with Alden.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 10-08-06 02:17 AM Link
Alden was baffled by this girl's assertiveness. He started to walk around her, but before he could move, he noticed a glint in her hand. His hand shot foreward and grabbed her wrist.

"T-that shard, where did you get it?"


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 10-08-06 02:23 AM Link
Leon nodded, of course...It was no problem. He glanced upwards at Alden, then at her shard. Sure it was something special, but why the nervous wreck?

"Alden, leave the poor girl alone, she's doing you a favor by letting you leave peacefully, we shall honor her wishes so long as you do not linger here anymore. But, I'v ebeen through a lot today, and I'm a bit on edge. So, you have to the count of ten before I get angry."

Leon turned his back and placed his hand on his sword.


He activated the shard on it and the sword slipped cleanly from the wall.


He pressed his left hand onto the wall and used it as support.

"8, 7...I don't hear you moving..."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 10-08-06 02:27 AM Link
Holly's first instinct was to clench her fist together as Alden grabbed hold of her wrist. Still, she didn't break the eye contact.

"One moment please." She says.

"It was given to me as a gift. A while ago. Why?" Her words were direct and to the point. She had never really thought about her shard. It was important to her though. Her mother gave it to her right before she died. Holly didn't ask questions, she just took it knowing that it would be something from her mother that she could keep with her. She never wondered about it...until now...

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 10-08-06 02:39 AM Link
Alden drew his gun and aimed it at Leon.

"The markings in that can't be, he's dead."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 10-08-06 02:43 AM Link
"Put the gun down sir, he won't hurt you." she says to Alden.

"I didn't get the shard from a 'him'...unless my mother had a secret she managed to keep from my father and I." She said. Inside, Holly shuddered. Even making a simple mention of her father infuriated her.

"In any case..." She says, gently attempting to tug her wrist out of Alden's grasp. "What markings...and who's dead?"

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 10-08-06 02:52 AM Link
Alden released Holly, and lowered his gun arm.

"One of our scientists, several years ago. He spearheaded the team that figured out how to boost the power of the shards. But he...turned against us, and left me with this."

He tilted his head, revealing a jagged scar along his neck.

"The shards he enhanced had distinctive traits in the etchings. But all of those shards were...removed. The only way your shard could have those markings would be if he enhanced it. But he's dead. Eric here killed him with is bare hands. What was his name Eric?"

"Hatos. Josiah Hatos."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 10-08-06 03:01 AM Link
Holly froze. She looked up at Alden, almost outraged. "I'm afraid you're mistaken with the name...unless Josiah was named after someone he was related to..."

She took a few steps back from Alden, lifting her arm up and clutching her shard at her chest. She shook her head, finally breaking their eye contact.

She pushed past Alden and stood in the doorway, looking in both directions.

Where the fuck did he run off to?!she thought angrily. After everything...her mother's death...finally escaping her father...Josiah was all she had. Alden couldn't have been right.

She then turned back and faced Alden. "I may be willing to negotiate anything else...but if anyone harms, him, I swear, I'll..."

She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what she would do even. She still held her shard at her chest, now with both hands, and leaned in the doorway.

Come to think of it...I never even knew where he came from...Holly looked down to the ground, fearing that tears would be springing into her eyes at any second.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 10-08-06 03:11 AM Link
Alden walked over to Holly and layed a hand on her shoulder.

"Ma'am, if the man you think is Josiah, is Josiah, then we are in serious trouble."

Jeremy was tired of waiting. He had a limited amount of time if he wanted to stop whatever was about to happen. he decided that he would have to sneak in. He reached into the hover luge and pressed the camo button. The metamaterial activated, and the craft shimmered out of sight. Hopefully, he wouldn't get caught this time.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 10-08-06 03:15 AM Link
She shook her head. She still didn't know what to say. She looked up and past Alden to Leon and the rest of the room's occupants. she looked from Leon, to Seifer, to Eric, and finally to Edgar. She paused when her eyes landed on him.

"He's okay...right?" She asked.
Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

Since last post: 5280 days
Last activity: 4761 days
Posted on 10-08-06 04:42 PM Link
Interesting, I must say yall's story is indeed a unique one

:: Plexis was now seen standing in teh door way with hisarms crossed as he looked at the girl. The smile on his face was misplaced as he chuckled to himself lightly::

All this talk about shards and stuff, its got me bored. If you think this "MAN" Is bad, the go after him and prove it. I however.......

:: Plexis looked at Edgar and smiled with an evil look in his eyes::

Edgar, I must ask you to come peacefully

:: Plexis dropped his hands and curlled them into fists as his position changed into a offensive stance and a smile returned to his face::

Forgive me, My name is Plexis, and I am the most renounded bounty hunter in this country.

:: Plexis dropped his stance and threw a lightning fast kick at Edgar's neck::


Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 10-08-06 04:47 PM Link
"STOP IT!" Holly screamed.

No, everyone just stopped fighting... she thought to herself. This isn't going to solve shit...

She couldn't help it. Everything was changing so fast and she felt like she had no control over anything again.

She ran over to Plexis and went for the dive in an attempt to tackle him before he got to Edgar.

"Why would you hit a man who was already down?!" She exclaimed.
Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

Since last post: 5280 days
Last activity: 4761 days
Posted on 10-08-06 04:55 PM Link
:: Plexis's attack was cut short as he jumpped back in order to dodge the lungeing girl::

fighting is all tha people liek me know

:: Plexis shouted as he looked at Seifer, hsi eyes narrowed and his body flexed::

People like you would never understand what its like, what its like to be.......

:: Plexis hesitated for one second before bowing his head, his ees now hidden by his hair and his head. But he quickly rgained his style and threw the same kick at the girl who attacked him before fleeing down the hallway::

Maybe next time when its not so crowded around.

::His voice trailed down the hallway and into the shadows of the night::
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