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Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 12-11-07 08:26 PM Link
Josiah glared at the duo, and in a flash he was before them. His elbow connected with Brad's throat, while his other fist connected with Seifer's chest. Seifer flew, slamming into the nearby barn. Bones could be heard breaking. Next he reached out and caught Brad's half conscious body before it could hit the ground and held it before him.

"Another small thorn in my side. Jack! It's time."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 12-13-07 02:17 PM Link
Jack stepped forward, still dressed in a suit. "Hello, my friends," he said. "Pity that you all didn't already die when I set off the nuclear weapons. But...perhaps another time."

He looked at Brad, lying still in Josiah's arms. "You haven't dealt with him yet?"


Brad was barely conscious, but he was still able to notice that Jack was there, unharmed. He still held his shard, but he wasn't able to summon the energy neccesarry to use it. "Jack," he said. "Don't do anything else for him, better to die than help him accomplish his goals."

Jack looked at Brad, "it would be more beneficial to have Josiah as an ally than as an enemy. He already has more than enough power, I doubt he'd strike against the E'shyum."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 12-13-07 07:12 PM Link
Josiah propped Brad's body up.

"Jack, deal with this fool. Fetch my gun. It should still be next to that Machina fellow. I will raise the device."

Josiah walked away from the crowd and stood in the middle of the field, arms outstretched.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 12-13-07 10:49 PM Link
"I don't need your gun," Jack said, as he pulled out a 9 mm of his own. He lowered it towards Brad, and turned off the safety.

Jack thought for a moment, Brad was always a close ally...he had never done anything that JAck would even guess was against the E'shyum until yesterday, even when faced with extreme torture and imminent death. So, knowing he was about to die, why would Brad spend the last few seconds of his life warning him of Josiah?

A man who had betrayed his life would either throw out apologies, or curse him loudly. Brad give him advice, knowing that he would die anyway. Even so, Josiah was a potential ally, and he could be valuable. It would be unwise to beray him...

"Josiah," he said. "I've ordered countless deaths, sent men on missions, and kidnapped a young girl for you. I still don't know why, but I do know one thing," He lowered his gun. "You still haven't delivered on any part of your deal. I want some of these shards, and I want some of this power you offered."

He turned off the gun's safety.

(Last edited by Vulkar on 12-15-07 01:56 PM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 12-14-07 06:09 PM Link
Holly did as she was told. She allowed the new commotion to camouflage her journey back to the helicopter. Once she made it safely, she frantically searched for the gun Seifer had given her. She hadn't been searching hard before the weapon's luster caught her eye.

"There." She announced to herself.

She made her way back to the helicopter's enterance, watching the scene. It was dumb enough that she threw away her shard so easily. However, now, for the first time, Holly harbored an extreme anomosity toward her mother, cursing the woman under her breath for leaving such a dangerous article with her.

She held the gun steadily and ready to use. This time she was ready to act when they needed her. She didn't even flinch at the appearance of Jack. Eric had been hurt. Her father; hurt. Seifer and Brad took heavy blows even. She trusted their strength, but she knew they would need time to bounce back.

Slowly, she made her way back onto the scene, ducking behind the mounds of snow and debris along the way, to keep from being seen. When Jack took his saftey off of the gun, she prepared herself to stop him, but before she had done anything, Jack backed down.

She still didn't trust him. She was close enough to hear their words, and upon hearing Jack speak, she had no reason to believe that he had anything other than a selfish purpose in mind.

She remained still, gun pointed, watching Jack's hand. If he made one wrong move with his hand, she was ready to fire the weapon out of his grasp.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 12-16-07 08:08 PM Link
Josiah turned to face Jack.

"Why, your power is about to come into fruition. You will be the greatest political ruler in history. You will aid me in ruling everything. All existence."

He took a few slow steps towards Jack.

"But if you think that your cooperation is still necessary, you are gravely mistaken. The only reason you are still with me is because those were the terms of our agreement. And it never hurts to have a loyal ally. But if you turn on me... why, you'll be as useless as any of these other poor fools. So think carefully before you make any decisions."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 12-17-07 12:27 AM Link
She still kept her gun pointed toward Jack, but Josiah was naturally within eyesight. She could hear them. She knew, that once Josiah found no more use for Jack, whether it be for a specific purpose or Josiah was simply done playing his game, Josiah would have no problem getting rid of Jack.

Protect Brad... she thought to herself. He was still in possession of the shard.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 12-17-07 07:15 AM Link
"No one said anything about betrayal," Jack replied smoothly. "It's jusst that I did my part in bringing Holly to you long ago, and now you have her again. I've done my part of the deal twice."

Jack honestly didn't think this madman would keep him alive after Holly was dealt with. Josiah was using him, and would more likely than not, try to use him to take over the E'shyum. Helping madmen was no ordinarily a a smart tactic. But it was the only one that would keep him alive, if only for this moment.

He pointed the gun back at Brad, aiming carefully.

In foresight, maybe allying himself with Josiah wasn't all that smart of an idea...

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 12-17-07 11:07 AM Link
After she fired the weapon, Holly found herself to be trembling on the inside. She had seen many weapons fired and had fired a few herself, but it was the first time she truly had to use it on someone else. However, after being raised on a Marinae base, Holly was far from having terrible aim. There was a deep dent in the snow, where the bullet had landed, just inches from Jack's left boot.

She stood, arms stretched out, weapon between her laced fingers. Ready to fire again. Now, she was pointing it toward Josiah. "If you help this bastard..." Holly's icy voice boomed. "He'll kill you without remorse. You have nothing to gain Jack." Despite her inside trembling, Holly's voice was strong, her posture calm. However, her blue gaze never left Josiah. At this point, there was nothing to lose. If Jack sided with Josiah, with everyone else out of it, they would all be defeated anyway. Jack was their only chance for the moment.

The gun clicked, ready to be fired again. "You will get no warning shot, Josiah."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 12-18-07 04:53 PM Link
"Ignore the girl, Jack. She's harmless. Now, finish off Mr. Dreddin, and we can finally test the machine."

As he said this, he opened his arms to the barren expanse before them. There was the sound of metal grating on metal as the ground began opening. Snow sprinkled off the metal doors that slid open into the darkness below. When the doors had opened completely, something began rising from the depths below. It was a pillar, about three stories tall, with a device perched atop it. From their angle all that could be seen was a large chair with an extensive control panel before it, with several metal bands arcing above.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 12-18-07 05:17 PM Link
Seifer slowly rose, holding his left arm. The broken ribs were healed enough that he wouldn't mind them too much. He'd be better off laying back down and waiting for the bones to heal more, but he didn't have the time.

The monolithic machine rose from the ground, scaring Seifer. This was the dream child of the blueprints. This was Josiah's apocalypse machine.

Seifer reached over and lifted his sword. His bones ached to the point it felt like searing heat, but he had to protect Holly.

Josiah's machine could be the end of the world. Seifer slowly walked over until he was standing next to Holly, his presence known.

"So, Holly...How are we gonna do this?"
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 12-18-07 05:19 PM Link
EDIT: Gah, you ninja posted me, Cairoi.

Jack aimed for Brad, turned off the safety, and tightened his grip on the trigger. What Holly said was right, Josiah would be an enemy. Even if he did keep to his deals, Jack would only be a second.

Suddenly, before it fired, Jack altered his aim, and fired at the machine's control panel, hopefully destroying it. He tried to pull the trigger multiple times, hoping to foil Josiah's plot.

"You know, I've never really like 'assisting' people when they tried ot conquer the world. If you don't mind, I'll go ahead and cash in my chips and call it a day."

As soon as Jack fired, Brad concentrated, trying to summon enough energy to use his shard. He tried to concentrate a sudden amount of heat at Josiah, specifically Josiah's brain. If he succeeded, Brad would have put in enough energy to Josiah's head, that Josiah should die, or at least lose consciousness, which usually happens around 120 degrees.

"No way am I letting you pull this off."

At least Jack hadn't tried to kill him...

(Last edited by Vulkar on 12-18-07 08:20 PM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 12-18-07 05:25 PM Link
"I'm disappointed in you, Jack."

With a wave of his hand, the bullets evaporate en route to their target. And when Brad began concentrating, Josiah didn't even react. Instead, Brad clutched his head and dropped to his knees.

"And don't try to use my own power against me."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 12-18-07 06:55 PM Link
Seifer began glowing green. The shards hanging all over his body began emanating a white light, visible through clothing. His posture rose, and he drew his sword, temporarily rejuvenated.

He charged forward at Josiah, eyes filled with murder. He could still see the blood stains of the last successful attack. If he could puncture that armor one more time, it would be over.


Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 12-18-07 07:46 PM Link
Without even looking towards Seifer, Josiah threw his hand out towards him. Seifer stumbled as the ground floated away from under him. Josiah glared in his direction.

"You. Will. Stop."

With that, Josiah closed his hand, and there was the sound of bones crunching as Seifer's limbs went limp. With a flick of his wrist, Josiah sent Seifer back the way he had come.

"That should stop you. As for you, Jack, I'm sorry our allegiance could not continue longer. But if you cannot finish off your friend, I will."

Josiah shot his hand forward, launching Brad away, but at the same moment, the shard he clutched flew towards Josiah.

"I've had enough playing around. My time is now."

He caught the shard, and began floating to the top of the pillar.

"Soon you shall all bow to me."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 12-20-07 12:33 AM Link
Holly looked up at Seifer as he appeared beside her. Usually she would smile. This time she glared. "You need to lie low as long as you're hurt..." She managed to mumble, but knew he wasn't listening. When he lunged for Josiah, she gasped, but it was too late.

Seifer had already made his attack.

Josiah had already deflected it and was now on his way up toward his machine.

She couldn't help but flinch as she glanced around at the chaos Josiah left behind. Some were still encased in the stone. Brad was clutching his head, and Seifer had sustained an injury far worse than ever so far.

She didn't even bother cursing up at Josiah. She didn't even think about her next action. Instinct simply put her at Seifer's side. She was crouched down beside him, hands trembling. She didn't know what to do for him...

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 12-20-07 01:50 AM Link
Josiah landed atop the structure.

"You see, the shards don't belong to you. I created them, and they spread, going to those that didn't deserve their gift."

His voice was perfectly audible from the ground, despite his distance.

"But that will soon change. Soon, all of my shards that have been unjustly given away shall be taken back."

He reached into his shirt and pulled out a necklace. Hanging from it was what appeared to be a shard, but it wasn't like any shard seen before. It writhed around on it's chain, like a living creature. Josiah held out his hand and it began winding up his arm.

"You didn't know the shards were alive, did you? How else would they have spread from two to millions. Of course, they aren't sentient like you or me, more like plants. But they do grow, and they do have a genetic code. They are all unique, while they have all spawned from my very shard. Now before I reveal the rest of my plan, I must ask. Do you recognize where we are, Alden?"

Don looked around the russian center, when the realization dawned on him.



"It won't work, Josiah."

"Of course it will, I'm a god."

"Alden, what's going on?" Holly asked from beside Seifer.

"There was a project that we did, years ago, to devise a weapon that could destroy shards themselves. They can't be destroyed by conventional means, you see, their molecular structure is... unique. It would be like splitting an atom."

"But you did create such a device, didn't you Alden?" Josiah shouted from his perch.

"To a certain extent. We created a sort of beam that altered the shards molecular structure enough so that they could be disposed of later. But it was a failure--"

"You lacked two things."

"Yes. A sufficient power source. In order to fuel the device, it required more generators than are used in the Marinae base."

"And you needed a way to unlock the shards themselves. You needed the master code. The first shard."

He took his shard, and slid it into a slot on the console of the machine. Symbols began crawling across the screen.

"Now, do you know why I originally created the shards?"

"A power source..." Holly whispered.

"Exactly, Miss Marina."

He held his hand out and a black metal box drifted towards him from inside the warehouse.

"I'm sure you all remember this little thing? You see, once the shards become activated, it corrupts them, and they no longer give off the energy that they were originally intended for. This, however," he opened the box and removed the clean shard. "This still gives off plenty of energy."

He slid the clean shard into a slot next to the first. A whirring could be heard emanating from inside the tower, and a sphere made of the same symbols on the screen projected around Josiah.

"Your shard will be destroyed too, Josiah!" Holly shouted.

"Ah, but that's where you come in."

He held Holly's shard in his hand, and a white bubble sprung up around him.

"Your shard is quite powerful. It can even resist the power of this machine. And now, without further delay..."

He began pressing buttons on the on the console, and the whirring grew louder and louder, until it was deafening. Finally, a pulse of blue-green energy surged from the tower, washing over all of them and past, into the horizon. As the wave passed over Eric, he cried out in pain. And as soon as it had started, it was over. The tower was silent. Josiah floated down to the ground.

"Now, not only am I all powerful, but the rest of you are powerless. I am the only one left with a shard, as it should be."

Leon detected a faint light in the distance, pulling him towards it. He stood inside a sphere, made of swirling glyphs that seemed strangely familiar. They glowed purple, filling the sphere with an eerie glow.

A sense of recognition fell upon Leon, noting these glyphs were certainly present in the shards. He was in some sort of place, detached from the world. There was no telling what this place was, except for the large amount of shard energy present. Leon's head began to hurt he thought of popping a Vicodin, but he needed his mind to be sharp, his combat skills to be at the ready.

A man emerged before Leon.

"Leon Machina, I am the Watcher. You have travelled long and far, but your journey is far from over. You must save the world. Josiah made the shards, he has control over his. But you are different. You have control over yourself. You are a shard; the only one powerful enough to defeat Josiah. Your proximity to the impact bombarded your body with dust from the shards. Their power has been waiting in you since you were a boy. Josiah's machine has activated it, and now his greatest creation will be his death. These glyphs, they flow through you. You can craft them, mold them, command them. Now go forth, and fulfill your destiny."

Leon opened his eyes and stared into the cold, Russian sky. In the distance he could hear Josiah talking.

Leon's body was not able to be willed yet, maybe for the better. Josiah did not know of his rebirth, Josiah thought his victory was sealed. What could a simple mortal know, Leon had now traversed the plane of the underworld twice, brought back by an attachment to this world, to his cause, and his destiny. He was not meant to die, he was meant only to live, to kill. Josiah being the last to stand between him and salvation.

Laying still for a moment, contemplating his next move, Leon noticed that his bones were all healed, bullet no longer in his head. He felt stronger, knew he was probably faster, and was much more resilient. He also sensed the presence of the shard-magic within his body. He wondered what he could now do...That's when he noticed something, different, He no longer had a shard-eye, but in it's place a normal human eye!

The dead had risen, Leon stood to his full height, and regained his cocky attitude.


Leon bellowed, resulting in everyone turning to face Leon and many looks of shock. A smile stretched across his face.

Josiah froze, and slowly turned to face Leon. For the second time in the day, in years, Josiah was truly shocked.


Leon's grin never ceased for a second. He was reveling in Josiah's shock.

"I've been to the other side, they're asking for you. I think I'll send you there, post-haste."

Josiah still grasped his sword in his hand, and he charged towards Leon, swinging it towards his head. In an instant, Leon was behind Josiah, holding back both of Josiah's arms. With a small amount of pressure applied, Leon created an immense amount of pain, Driving Josiah to the ground.

"Now, now, settle down. Your pain will be infinite soon enough, so why rush to it?"

"Not yet."

Josiah launched into the air, Leon still on his back. Once airborne, he twisted free, pushed away, and launched back towards Leon. With a sudden thrust backwards Leon took to flight. Josiah closing in on him, Leon spun and sent a roundhouse kick towards Josiah's face. Josiah ducked under the kick and floated up behind Leon. He raised his foot and planted it into his back. Leon took the hit to his back, but came back with a powerful rising uppercut to Josiah's chin.

Josiah skirted to the side and grabbed Leon's wrist, and swung him towards the ground. Grappling with Josiah, Leon twisted free and grasped Josiah's clothing, where he attempted to throw Josiah into the ground. As they plummeted, Josiah spun around, so that Leon was underneath him.

With a powerful punch, Leon struck Josiah in the face, tossing him upwards. He then righted himself to land softly on the ground, on his feet. A cold stare in Leon's blue eyes watched his foe spiral uncontrollably.

Josiah stopped himself in mid-spiral, and raised his arms into the air. There was a slight rumbling beneath Leon, as three pylons shot into the air from directly below him. A powerful burst of magical energy shot from Leon's body, destroying the pylons as they rose. Josiah chuckled,

"It seems you have met an old friend of mine. I hadn't considered the possibility that he was still around. I'll have to... Anyways."

Two balls of flame engulfed Josiah's hands, and he launched them down towards his foe. The balls of flame quickly extinguished. Leon was not fucking around, if you will.

"The Watcher sends his regards."

Leon sent forth a mighty bolt of electricity from his hand, attempting to strike Josiah in the chest. Josiah caught the lightning in his right hand and shot it back, followed by a stream of fire from his left.

Leon leapt forward, and drew back his arm, catching the lightning bolt and imbuing himself with it, leaving a trail of cackling electricity behind him as he moved. The fireball was no problem, as it quickly dissipated upon contact with Leon. The lightning speeding himself up, and giving him an ability to do massive and lethal damage, Leon launched his fist at Josiah's chest.

Leon made contact with Josiah, and he flew, gently alighting on the ground. He waved his right arm and the helicopter launched itself towards Leon.

With a swift motion the Helicopter split into two, in Leon's hand was a beautiful white gold sword, adorned in crimson decoration. A smile swept across Leon's face.

"My swordplay was never really tested against you, well, on an even ground. Let's see if I can smite you down, as the right hand."

"You are foolish. I have already succeeded. What do you hope to accomplish by dying again?"

Josiah reached across himself grabbed the air and pulled. Two long, thin blades appeared, as if he had unsheathed them from the air itself. He let the tips rest on the ground for a moment, before leaping back towards Leon, his right blade extended, and his left brought back.

"Do not so underestimate me. I have been struck down twice by your hand, and twice I have returned, my destiny is tied to you, and so long as you live, I will return!"

Leon pushed himself towards Josiah, matching, if not excelling, Josiah's speed. Leon drew his blade above his head and attempted to cleave Josiah in two with a mighty overhead slash. Josiah skirted to the right, just around Leon's sword, and leveled his left blade towards his foe's chest.

Throwing himself into a frontflip, Leon avoided the blade to his chest, and swung his sword, while spinning, to try to strike the man in the back. Josiah spun quickly, and brought both of his blades down on Leon's, bringing them face to face.

"This is all mine. Decades ago, I made the shards, and I mastered them. They were stolen from me, and I was locked away with no key. Yet the shards returned to their master, and I was let free. I cannot be stopped. Not by you, or anyone else."

"You speak of decades as they were millennia. You know not what you do, the Lord is displeased, and I am his messenger. Give up your foolish cause, or die."

"Your God is a lie. I will take his place. My name will be passed down through history. Great things will be done in my name. And I will be there to watch it all."

Leon chuckled.

"A lie you say? I have met him, twice. I think I would know better than you. I would extend the invitation to you, but you would only meet the dark one."

"Then you will meet him a third time. And if you do manage to come back, I will destroy you again. And again after that. No matter how hard you try, I will not be stopped."

"You will be stopped. The Lord will not allow such a travesty to exist any longer."

Josiah pushed away, and charged back towards Leon, preparing to strike. Leon pushed back at the same time as Josiah, then rushing forward to meet blades again with this foe.

The onlookers on the ground watched the battle above, the only thing visible to them of the two gods clashing were their barely visible forms and the occasional glint of the sun off steel.

Josiah swung towards Leon's head with one sword, but his blade was forced down by his foe's. He dashed forward and charged again with the other, but was stopped short. He looked down to see Leon's blade protruding from his stomach. He smirked, and attacked again, bringing both swords down towards Leon's head.

Leon stopped the sword with only his mind, a powerful telekinetic force erupted from him. Leon smiled widely.

"God has granted me some new gifts brother."

"Your new gifts I've had for years. Show me something new."

"Your gifts come from another Josiah, and though his powers are flashy and destructive, you'll feel soon enough that the Lord's powers only go t the deserving, because their power is immense."

As the words escaped Leon's mouth, the air around the combatants began to crackle. The energy surrounding them began to build until arcs of electricity began spanning between them. But still, their gazes never broke. Then, without warning, a pillar of lightning erupted from the ground, as another vaulted from the sky. They continued to stare, up until the moment of impact.

The sky was alight from the collision of the bolts of lightning. Clearing almost as quickly as it appeared, the sky was less ominous than before. The clouds dissipated, revealing a bright sky, and a shadowy figure, making it's descent to the Earth. The figure, a mere shadow, coasted quickly to the ground. Landing in a thud, and a cloud of dust, the victor was indeterminable.

The crowd rushed over, fearing the worst, hoping the best. And the figure rose, still clouded by the thick dust. The silhouette of this figure, was balancing his wait upon a large broadsword. Suddenly the victor became clear. With a silent prayer, he stepped forward, stumbling, almost completely drained of life.

(Last edited by Captain Tightpants on 12-20-07 04:50 AM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 12-20-07 12:25 PM Link
(OOC: Seifer is kinda crushed, so erm...I dun think he's rushing anywhere...I'm making my post according to that. If there is a problem, I'll edit.)

Holly shuddered as Josiah activated his machine. She looked over at Alden, who had gone paler than the dead. Her resentment toward him faded and for the first time, Holly felt horrible for him. Slowly, she rose to her feet. At this point, there was nothing they could do. She didn't need to stray far from Seifer to be standing next to Alden. Gently, she reached up and placed a hand on his shoulder. When he looked down, she smiled softly.

After a few seconds of locking eyes with Alden, Holly made her way back to Seifer's side. She cringed as the wave passed over. Eric's cry of pain ran right through her and she wanted nothing more than to make it stop. Her soft spot for the man continued, even while facing death.

Then, the battle begun. Holly looked up toward the sky and smiled, mouthing the word "Leon." She looked back down at Seifer and grinned. Everything would be okay.

As the battle progressed, she couldn't look any longer. Gently, she leaned her forehead on Seifer, and closed her eyes until it was over.

When everybody else rushed toward the puff of smoke, it wasn't until she could head the sighs of relief did she look. A smile pressed across her lips as the figure became clearer and she could see Leon between the crowd around him.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 12-20-07 06:22 PM Link
Brad didn't rush with the crowd of people, he was too injured, his head was in pain, and he had just been punched twenty feet through the air. There was no way he was going to stand up just to see Leon leave the battle.

He did, however, stand. He looked at Leon. Pity...with the shards destroyed, now he never could beat Leon in a fight. But it was probably better this way...

Jack, gun still in hand, walked towards Alden. He pointed his gun, but didn't shoot. "What do you say?" he asked. "Should the Marinae and E'shyum have a truce until we get bored again?"

He replaced his gun in a pocket in his jacket. He looked at everyone. "People," he announced. "The victor has been through a terrible battle, and I would advise you to let him have peace for the moment. Leon, if you need any assistance, I can have an E'shyum medic arrive within minutes. I can't call any soldiers, seeing as how you all caused a bit of destruction in my capital, but medics I can easily get."

Brad looked at Jack. "So," he said. "You came around. It didn't do any good, but neither did any of our raging about."

Jack nodded, "I should have listened to you earlier. Mayybe if I had, Josiah would have never gotten the parts he needed for this machine."

"Josiah would have found a way without you, Jack." replied Brad. "Still, you didn't know what he intended, so in my eyes, you're innocent. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to check on the others."

Brad turned, and began limping towards Seifer and Holly, "are you two alright?" he saked.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 12-20-07 10:21 PM Link
Leon was weakened, his body drained of life, tired but victorious.

"I do not need a medic. Not from your kind."

His tongue was still acid. Good enough.

"My welcome will soon be overstayed. Josiah did what he had for all the wrong reasons, though being rid of the shards is a good thing. Human corruption will always prevail when confronted with such power. It tore us apart, the three factions. All fighting for the shards, killing each other, over power."

Leon smiled lightly, He was to soon return to the other side.

"Brothers and Sisters. Do not carry on in violence, it will only lead to our destruction. I have saved us from the immediate evil, but the darkness the shards embody must be put to an end."
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