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Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 03-03-07 11:07 PM Link
As the men's arms were lifted up, the leader's sleeve slid down, revealing a glint of blue-green around his wrist. Before Brad could notice, the man shot his arm forward, sending Brad flying across the room. He slammed into the wall, and slid down, a small trail of blood left from the back of his head.

The leader handed his gun to the man next to him, and approached Seifer, and grabbed his wrist, twisting it behind him and latching it to the other with a pair of handcuffs.

"Seifer Ehnzo, you are under citizen's arrest for--"

He was interrupted by the tapping of wood on wood behind him. The leader turned around to see an old man, of perhaps seventy, with short cut grey hair, stooping over a cane.

"Let the boy go, Manuel."

The man spoke with a strong decisive voice that defied his age.

"Derrick Vetter. I thought we told you never to come back here again."

"Well, I wasn't going to, Manuel, but when I heard that my good friend Seifer was--"

There was a loud thunk as Derrick's cane connected with Manuel's jaw.

"Don't try to pull a knife on your elder. You must have some respect."

Manuel spat a gob of blood onto the floor, with an audible plink of a tooth hitting the ground.

"Oh, you are going to pay for that you old bastard."

Manuel drew his knife, this time without losing a tooth, and swung it at Derrick. The old man ducked underneath, and slammed the top of the cane into Manuel's stomach. The man hunched over in pain, providing Derrick with a clean shot at his temple. He turned around just as another man charged at him, and connected the cane with the underside of his jaw. He stepped to the side to avoid the falling body.

There was a moment of silence before all of the other militia men began to charge at him. Derrick slammed the end of his cane on the ground, and all of his attackers were launched into the air, backwards. At the peak of their flight, they seemed to slow, nearly to the point of stopping.

Derrick, once again hunched over his cane, approached Seifer.

"Here let me get you out of these. Justin, take care of them."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 03-04-07 11:58 PM Link
Leon's attentions were brought to the chaos inside. He heard noise being made, he wondered why he hadn't been alerted earlier. it seemed that after his training, he was rather tired and passed out on the couch after popping a couple of his pills. A sword in his right hand and a revolver in his left he looked down the scorched hallway. He did remember something in his dream sounding like an explosion, but all this? To not be awaken by such a loud noise as an explosion was strange. Maybe he had taken a little too much medicine. He also realized it was dark...Definitely too much medicine, he basically had put himself into a coma with the last dose. Leon got off three shots before anyone even noticed he was there, killing some of the men in mid-air. He yawned into the back of his hand, then re-trained his attention on the group once more.

"...I miss much?"

(Last edited by Xeios on 03-05-07 03:04 AM)

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 61 days
Last activity: 50 days
Posted on 03-26-07 01:24 PM Link
Icav Ribe, sitting in the command chopper 3 klicks away from the cabin recieves a distress signal from the implant in Erics chest, registering that he is uncouncious.He gives the go signal for both choppers to lift off and head towards the signal. He checks to make sure his shard is in his glove. The choppers both flare to drop their speed, four missile leap into the air towards the two choppers.

"Activate the Sheilds quick!"

The shields shimmer into place on the chopper to Icavs left, but the sheild on his chopper fails the missiles hit his chopper, disabling his chopper. It plummets towards the ground, Icav begins leaning out the door and shortly before the chopper hits the ground he dives out the side door and rolls away from the chopper. It hits the ground and explodes. He stands up and shakes off the dust, he brings his rifle up and ready. The other chopper lands next to Icav and two men leap out and they walk towards the cabin

Clear the area, check those militia men I am going into the cabin to check who is alive...

(Last edited by Chris on 03-26-07 04:33 PM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 04-18-07 06:32 PM Link
A young lad, quite thin and wearing tight clothes, walked in. He had buggy eyes, that was most noticible to Seifer. Justin, Derrick's grandson

"Ah, Derrick, I'm glad to see you once again. Can you tell me what the hell is going on? If so, I'll be more than willing to tell you what's been going on in my life."

As Justin went around and carefully detached everyone's handcuffs, Seifer looked into Derrick's eyes.

"So you know, then."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 05-16-07 02:26 AM Link
Derrick lifted his cane and the sound of air filling a vacuum was accompanied by the sound of ten unconscious bodies hitting the floor.

"We must leave now, it isn't safe here. I'll guide the way."

The old man hobbled towards the door, giving his grandson a touch on the arm as he passed. There was a groan from the end of the room, and a large figure emerged from the pile of rubble. Eric brushed the pieces of drywall from his shoulders.

"I agree with the random old guy that just saved our life. Our position has been compromised."

Eric moved across the room in two large strides and slung Jeremy over his shoulder. The man groaned and his eyes rolled back in his head. Eric adjusted his position, and Jeremy's groan was interrupted by a stream of vomit.

"He's fine. Let's go."

Miles away, Alden had his fingers pressed tightly against the mirrored wall of his cell, desperately trying to find a flaw that he could manipulate. He let out a sigh and stepped back. As he stood there, staring at his reflection an old slogan from his campaign drifted into his head. I was a soldier before I was a leader.

"That's right Alden, you were a soldier first. You can figure this puzzle out."

He approached the wall and placed one hand on it for stability, and moved the other mere inches away. With all the self control he had, he released the smallest beam of energy from the shard in his palm. The beam hit the mirror, but didn't reflect. Alden backed away as he slowly added more power to the streaming beam. Soon he was working at full capacity. The metal began to glow bright red, then started to warp.

Alden shut off the beam, and inspected the rapidly cooling wall. To his relief, there was a slight crack in the superheated metal. Alden grinned as he mentally ripped the metal off the wall to face a solid barrier of concrete, he held out his hand and in a bright flash a gaping hole appeared in front of him.

He stepped out into the darkness of the empty warehouse.

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 06-15-07 03:35 AM Link
((Come on, let's get this RP finished up.))

The group jumped as footsteps were heard behind them. Henry limped down the stairs, leaning on the bannister.

Alden had been wandering around for some time, since he had escaped from Josiah cell, and had yet to see anyone since then.

He could hear music coming from a lit room nearby. He crept in, but the room was unoccupied. There was a lush recliner facing a blazing fireplace. He reached for the record player on the end table next to the recliner, but decided to leave everything as it had been.

He turned to leave the room when he noticed something over the mantle. He approached it and picked up the large harpoon gun. There was a rope coiled around the barrel, and a second harpoon attached to the side.

This could be useful, since Josiah had destroyed his gun. He loaded the first harpoon and set out to find his opponent.


Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 61 days
Last activity: 50 days
Posted on 06-16-07 01:33 PM Link
Icav and his men rush into the building taking positions to cover the people inside the rifles are at there shoulders and its quite clear that this men will fire if they feel there leader is in any danger

Stand Down...I see a few familiar faces here.

The men relax visibly and the rifles are lowered...only a little bit though. Icav slings his rifle behind his back and walks over to the group of people talking he turns his head to look at his men

Secure the Outside of this perimeter, and call for another Chopper we are going to need it to get these people out of here.

His men scramble out the door and you can hear the other Choppers Rotors spin back up so its ready to lift off at a moments notice. Icav continues to walk over and stops noticing Jeremy unconcious he looks at Eric

What the hell happened to him?!

We need to get him to a medical facility Now...

We have one chopper and another on the way, we should put him on the first chopper to ensure he gets the medical Attnetion he needs

(Last edited by Chris on 06-16-07 04:45 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 06-17-07 12:44 AM Link
Leon spun on his heel, turning to see Henry.

"Henry...right? Grab the dame and let's get going, you don't wanna be stuck here."

Leon grabbed his revolver and his sword. He was ready to make the journey away. But to where, he was not sure.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 06-17-07 01:24 AM Link
Eric nodded to Icav, and gestured to one of the two accompanying soldiers,

"Get him, will you?" He said, referring to Brad.

Henry reached the end of the stairs as Leon made his comment. He stormed up to the warrior.

"I will not have my daughter referred to in that way, boy."

Isha stood facing Watcher.

"So, I suppose you want me to take you back."

Isha nodded in response.

"A lot has happened since I took you from your world. Are you ready?"

"I am always ready, it's my job."

He grinned,

"Then simply step through here," he gestured towards the large double doors beside them, "and I will do the rest."

Isha turned, and threw open the doors. The next think she knew she was standing in the distinguishable stark whiteness of a Marinae living quarters. Edgar was sitting in the bed alcove, hunched over, looking at the floor.

((Will someone please take these two?))


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 06-17-07 01:42 AM Link
"Listen, pops, I'll refer to your daughter any way I want. Hell, I'm pretty sure she's run away from you, she hasn't run away from me yet. That puts me at a higher standing than you. So, get the dame and let's go, or I will get her, and leave you here."

Leon turned his back on the old fool.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 06-17-07 01:58 AM Link
Henry opened his mouth to retort, but was abruptly cut off as Eric slung him over his other shoulder.

"Come with me, Major General Marina, I am going to escort you to our transportation."

As he walked away, he sent a look to Leon that said, watch yourself.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 06-17-07 02:05 AM Link
Leon smirked at that look, and turned towards Holly.

"C'mon hun, we'll get you outta here, and I'll protect you by the Lord's grace."

A genuine smile came across Leon's face, he slung a bag over his shoulder, the bag holding his P90, and walked away.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 06-17-07 03:34 PM Link
Edgar looked up at the sound of feet hitting the floor. He was deathly afraid, but at the same time, he felt a joy deep in his being. Isha had come back to him.

"Isha! You live?!"

Isha nodded solemnly.

"Edgar, we have much to discuss."

Seifer walked up next to Holly, sword slung over his back, and two visible shards dangling off a necklace.

"I left Sujov because I had no faith in God. I had faith in nothing but the sword I carry now. Holly, I will protect you with my life. God, Satan, and the earth be damned."

Seifer looked at her with eyes that gave away his feelings, but he turned back to the helicopter before she could read him. He still wondered how he could care for someone as much as he cared for her, but now was not the time.

Just then, he heard a scream from behind him. A terrified, heartfelt scream coming from Isha.

Moments before, Edgar had nodded his head, absorbing all Isha had to say. "So, Josiah is going to make himself unstoppable and bring the world into his domain...I hate unnessecary conflict, I really do."

Isha sighed, shaking our head. "Our best bet lies with Seifer, Leon, and that group. If they are with us, we might be able to stop Josiah."

Edgar nodded. He rose and lifted his hands into the air. "It appears it is time to activate my miracle shard. It cannot directly end lives, but it can locate Josiah."

Isha stood, worried. "But that will shorten your lifespan! You've already lost too much."

Edgar smiled warmly. "My life is devoted to peace. The clans have united to fight Josiah. Once he is gone, there will be peace."

Edgar focused, and his body glew with a white light. It glew brighter and brighter until he flashed white light, then slowly faded. When it had left, Edgar opened his eyes.

"Josiah is at Warehouse 28A on Paper Street in the ruins of Boston. Alden is there as well." He relayed to Isha.

He smiled at her and walked close. He grabbed her left hand and grasped it firmly, putting two objects in her hand. Then, he kissed her forehead as he lightly took her head in his hands. "For the years of service you spent protecting me, I thank you."

Isha stood, confused as to what he meant. "Now, for the age of peace I long for, take my tools, and bring it to fruition. God be with you, Isha."

Isha's eyes flew open as Edgar activated his miracle shard once more, and Isha felt herself begin to grow lighter and float.

He smiled at her and closed his eyes, as Isha's scream was silenced as she disappeared from sight.

Edgar slowly walked over to his bed, and climbed onto it. He closed his eyes, his body longing for sleep. With a smile, he said "Now, my Lord, I shall watch the world be saved by your side in Heaven." And he fell to sleep, never to wake again.

Isha appeared several feet behind Seifer and Holly, hitting the ground. She quickly stood, looking around frantically and crying. Seifer turned and ran to her in a hurry.

"Isha, you're alive!" Isha continued to look devastated and frightened, so he pursued. "What's going on?!"

She looked at him with innocent eyes filled with pain and fear. "Edgar sent me here with his miracle shard! He used it too much!" She looked down at the shards in her hand and activated them to work for her. Working frantically, she attempted to use them to contact Edgar telepathically. She met the silence of death. At this revelation, she dropped to her knees, crying frantically. "He...he's dead..."

Seifer was blown away. He stood up slowly, and turned to Leon, his face blank. "Edgar's dead."

(Last edited by Clash on 06-17-07 07:02 PM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 06-17-07 11:30 PM Link
Holly blinked several times, trying to pull herself out of her daze. She hardly took notice to anything around them it seemed. She simply followed her instinct and headed on after Leon.

It was when Seifer appeared at her side that she became fully aware. She nodded as he offered his explanation. She didn't need protection, but it was better she let them see that through action. Words would not make a difference. She did however, catch notice to Seifer's abrupt turn away from her. She tilted her head as she watched him make his way toward Isha.

It took her a few seconds to realize that it was Isha's voice, and she too ran to her side. By the time she got there, Isha had already stood and she heard her announce Edgar's death. Holly paused for a moment and pressed both hands to her chest. "Dead...?" She murmured as she placed herself at Isha's right side and prepared to help her walk if need be.

(Last edited by Katana on 06-18-07 02:35 AM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 06-18-07 12:18 AM Link
Huh, White is dead, Eric thought to himself as he laid down Jeremy on one of the two cots attached to the wall of the helicopter. Always seemed like the type to die for a cause. He went back into the cabin and slung Brad's unconscious body over his shoulder. He had stopped being surprised by anything at this point.

Henry stood outside the cabin, looking in at his daughter. Leon was right, she was better off without him.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 06-18-07 12:34 AM Link
"Edgar is dead...Isha, what happened? Weren't you supposed to be guarding him, with your life!?" Leon was sort of furious. That guy he'd sworn to protect for so long now is gone. Their leader...Gone...Dead. What was he to do? Sujov had no leader. This was chaos. The Lord would not enjoy this very much.

"Nevermind what may have happened. Who will lead the Sujov now?"

Leon had been a member for so long. The very organization he served, and helped grow to a glorious state, was crumbling. Leon punched the wall, leaving a decent sized hole and bloodied knuckles. He hung his head for a moment, and felt a great paining come across his body.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 06-18-07 12:44 AM Link
Isha composed herself after . The man who she had devoted her life to had given his to make sure peace would come. She would fufill his wishes.

"He used the miracle shard to send me here. Alden and Josiah are in Warehouse 28A on Paper Street in Boston. He gave me his shards and told me to bring about an age of peace. I'll do that."

Seifer smiled shortly. She had Edgar's spirit in her. "That's a good girl."

He climbed up onto one the helicopters, facing everyone. He took in a deep breath before giving out orders, something he rarely did.

"Alright, everyone! Mr. Icav, we'll be needed a copter. Everyone coming with me and Isha, follow me! We're going after Josiah!!"

Isha nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes and putting on the ring and the necklace as she climbed on.

"Who's coming?"


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 06-18-07 12:55 AM Link
"I'm in. God will shine on our journey, and strike lightning into our foes."

With a flick of his wrist, Leon threw his hair back. Showing his bright blue eye, and his brighter blue-green shard-eye. A shimmer came across the eye, and Leon smiled. It was time for Judgement. He strode to the copter, and climbed in the back. Where he took a gray piece of cloth and tied it around his head. Making a bandanna, and keeping the hair away from his eyes. He popped a Vicodin and clenched his teeth, forcing the small pill down his throat. This'll be a wild ride.

(Last edited by White Pikmin on 06-18-07 03:58 AM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 06-18-07 12:57 AM Link
Holly nodded and placed a finger up to signal to Seifer to wait a moment. She then made a mad dash back toward the cabin, where she saw her father standing. She stood on her toes so she could reach his cheek and quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't want you to go with us...I think you should stay with Eric....if he doesn't mind staying with you that is..." she says, casting a glance behind Henry to see if she could spot Eric. "I don't recall asking much of you, Henry." She says sternly. "So I believe it shouldn't be too bad if you honor this one request." She announces. "We can talk after we kick the shit outta Josiah..." She says as she turns and runs toward the helicopter. She gently nudges past Leon, suddenly only one thing in her sights.

As she climbed to the helicopter, she took hold of Seifer's arm and tugged him to the side, away from the opening of the chopper.

(Last edited by Katana on 06-18-07 03:58 AM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 06-18-07 01:01 AM Link
Seifer gave Holly a devilish smile when she pulled him aside.

"Yes, Holly? You need anything?"

There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes that he was trying hard to mask, but he wasn't exactly the best at that.
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