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Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6103 days
Last activity: 6074 days
Posted on 09-18-06 09:14 PM Link
*Barrek turned and threw the ball of fire he had in his hand. It splits into 3 smaller orbs in mid flight, each striking a soldier squarely in the face, they each burst into flame. With a thought, another orb rises from the three burning soldiers and returns to his hand, ready to be thrown when commanded.*


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-18-06 09:26 PM Link
Leon grinned, he enjoyed this fire fight.

"Zaku, this is not me, or my colleagues, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let them ruin our little party. Edgar, make me an opening."

Leon whipped his P90 into his left hand once more, and reloaded his revolver. He watched as a small opening was made before him, and as soon as it was large enough for him to fit through he dove head-first into enemy fire. The P90 wailed as bullets were sent flying, moments after he began firing several enemy soldiers dropped to the ground, dead.

He rolled to the side and stood to full height directly next to Dessin, who he knew only as the aggressor, his revolver was aimed at his temple, and his P90 at his chest.

"Everyone! Settle down or your leader gets a bullet in the brain."

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6344 days
Last activity: 6229 days
Posted on 09-18-06 09:36 PM Link
Wow. This is an odd turn of events. Looks like I've been put in charge of an escort, from a little girl not even half my age...

Alright mister, I don't know who you two are, or why you're really here, but I can't let that girl go off on her own. You stay put, you should be safe here. I'm going after her

I sure hope this guy can keep quiet and keep his head down. Hhrrn

A few low gliding steps, there. Caught up with her.

Alright girl, I don't know what you've got in mind, but this is no place for you to be running around on your own. I haven't got my orders in on what to do, so I'm doing this on my own, and I'll be damned if I let this get more messy that it should

I gave the girl a nod, and peered on with her, to get a better look at what was going on. And of course, she was a shard user to.

What a wonderful day this was becoming.

I put a hand to my chest, and coughed up some blood. This locomotion is going to be the death of me. At least I was quiet about it.

So what do you two plan on doing? This isn't like walking into a park

(Last edited by Shard on 09-19-06 01:02 AM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 09-18-06 09:48 PM Link
"The hell?!" Holly uttered, nearly exclaiming it. She looked up at the man patting her shoulder and waited until her breathing returned to normal.

"Sorry." She mumbled, feeling her cheeks grow hot. "People keep startling me today..." Before she could say anything else, the other man from back in the crates showed up. Quickly, she pushed her shard back in her sleeve, hoping no one had spotted it. She then looked on past him to see if Josiah was following. He wasn't.

He'll be alright... She thought to herself.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 09-18-06 11:24 PM Link
Don was shocked at the sudden outburst of violence. This was not what he had planned. At this rate, he would never accomplish a world wide government. He just hoped that the E'shyum didn't know what he had brought with him. He clenched his right hand, and a long beam of energy appeared in it.

"White, give me an opening."

When the hole had appeared, he leaped through, and ran towards the middle tent. He shot his left hand foreward, and the tend flew from the ground, enveloping several men that had been hiding behind it. He slid over to his bag, and began to throw things out of it, like a man possesed. He reached the bottom and took out a metal box, about half a foot wide. He turned back towards the center of the circle. Behind his back, one of the men tore free from the tent. He carried the traditional E'shyum weapon, a long staff with a replicated shard welded on the end. The soldier raised the staff, and the shard began to glow.

Eric, realizing his master was free from the protective bubble, turned to seek him out. He saw the attacking soldier, and leaped into the air, landing between them, just as a bolt of energy was fired from the staff. The blast hit Eric on the chest, and dissapated instantly. Filled with rage, Eric bent over and picked up a pebble from the ground. He cocked his arm back, and launched the pebble, which sailed cleanly through the soldier's forehead. The soldier crubled to the ground, blood pooling around him. Eric reached down and took his knife out of his boot, holding it in a throwing position. He sent a glare around the camp, that made several men wet their pants.

Josiah decided to stay inside the box. It seemed like the safest place around. Josiah didn't want to be a target. In school he was always the kid who curled up into a ball during a fight. He was sure that he would do much worse in this scenario.

Don pushed Eric's knife down, and extingueshed Barreck's ball of fire with a blast of telekinetic energy. He dissapated his sword as he spoke.

"There is no need for anymore death. I have what you seek." He tucked the black box under his arm. "But you will not get it if this is not resolved peacefully."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 09-18-06 11:39 PM Link
Holly screamed. She didn't mean to and quickly threw her hands to her mouth. However, she didn't even attempt to duck behind anything to keep herself from being spotted. She couldn't. People moved to the attack to quickly...the guy who got shot in the chest...then a pebble physically going through someone's head...It disgusted her, yet she couldn't bring herself to look away, let alone bring herself to move.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-18-06 11:52 PM Link
Leon's shard-eye drifted to the side and viewed this girl screaming. His P90 jolted to the side it aimed across the people surrounding her, but he realized they did not threaten her with weapons. She must have been squealing for some unknown reason. His real eye remained affixed upon the one in front of him, and his face held a smug look that just seemed to scream "Make my day." His body was poised for the attack, and his P90 returned to the man before him's chest. His finger began to twitch, without a response soon, he would accidentally unload the remaining bullets in his clip into the man's chest.

(Last edited by Xeios on 09-19-06 02:57 AM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 09-19-06 12:12 AM Link
Shit... she thought frantically to herself. Finally, she regained composure and ducked back behind the crate, trying to pull the other two men with her. I blew our cover... was all she kept thinking.

"I don't think any of us really wants to get caught up in that just yet..." she says, tilting her head in the direction of the fighting.


Since: 07-24-06

Since last post: 6083 days
Last activity: 6073 days
Posted on 09-19-06 01:39 AM Link
Erick in spite of the rage that now consumed every fiber of his body remembered why he was there in the first place. He raised the pistol and fired at Don. The dart went wising threw the air towards his target. Immediately after firing he raised a holy barrier around himself to block any incoming fire (almost Literally). using the holy shard cooled some of his rage. He readied a powerful dark spell. He knew the wall wouldn’t last long.

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6344 days
Last activity: 6229 days
Posted on 09-19-06 11:18 AM Link
I propped myself up against my gun, my thoughts racing in my mind.

It looks like the game is over. This isn't the simple, in and out like it was supposed to be. No one was supposed to know. And then all this shit. And that other cocky bastard he sent out here already jumped the gun and got himself killed, right through the forehead...

With all this going, this little girl here, and some other crazy cannuk with a sword here.. Never bring a knife to a gunfight.. Probably another freaky shard-user. Damned high concentration here of them today!

I started pushing out the affected field of the non-interaction with reality.
You two, stay here next to me *cough, hack* I coughed up more blood. Doing this is going to hurt, and I'll feel it tomorrw for sure. As long as we're relatively close, nothing can affect us.

I reached out my hand, and stuck it through the other man's chest, moved around some, and pulled it out to prove the point. I spit out the rest of the blood in my mouth on to the sand.

My job here for now is done, I'm just an observer, unless something happens to change that, I'm going to say we sit tight here behind this cover and wait to see what happens. Who the hell are you two anyhow, and what do you have to do with all this craziness going on here? Factions, marauders, and freelancers, oh my. I cracked a small grin, before grimacing at my chest again.

So what now master swordsman? Do you have any ideas? It seems our cover is blown, though I doubt they seem to care yet about us. Though I'm sure they see your sword, and my gun. And I don't know about you, but the powers here are beyond my level of a playing field.

(Last edited by Shard on 09-19-06 02:18 PM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 09-19-06 02:03 PM Link
Don felt woozy as the dart hit him in the thigh. He tried to call out, but his entire body had already gone numb. He fell, face first into the ground. The black box fell out of his grasp. Eric saw the dart hit Don. He pulled the dart from Don's leg, and turned to where it had come from. He ripped the tent from the ground and threw his knife at Erick. It embedded itself to the hilt in his sheild. He drew a second knife and charged at Erick.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 09-19-06 02:25 PM Link
Desin smiled. Leon wasn't nearly as intelligent as he may have thought.

Quickly he moved his arms, and hit the gun from above. If he is hit, he will stagger back, but then smiled, and activated his own shard, and energy one, mostly effecting kenitic energy. It would stop bullets as they fly, and cause it to drop to the ground.

He smiled, "Kevlar armor, ordinarily I don't need it, but it is useful at times."

Many of his soldiers suddenly stood up, with at least ten guns pointed at Leon, and seven pointed at Don. Desin himself had a magnum leveled at the uncoinscious Eric. "First one to move killed Don." he said, "or kills himself when he jumps in front of the bullet. We can walk out of this alive if you give me the shard."

(Last edited by Vulcanlogic on 09-19-06 05:28 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-19-06 02:34 PM Link
Leon smiled, he knew the shard quality of the bullets from his revolver wouldn't be affected. He fired a shot to the side of Desin's head to prove it. The bullet whizzed by and almost took his ear off. The gun tilted back to Dessin's face. The hammer was already pulled back, and all he needed was a slight jolt to pull the trigger. He stood perfectly still and stared at Desin with a fierce eye.

"Tell your men to drop your weapons, or you die. I stand to God, and submit myself to his judgement. You have no law before my Lord."

Leon would pull the trigger with even the slightest movement from anyone around him, that wasn't putting down a gun.

OOC--Vulkar, should we both die today? I know I won't shoot you unless your men fire at me, so let's not make this a bloodbath.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 09-19-06 02:43 PM Link
Desin twitched his arm somewhat, and a small glint of metal was seen on his wrist, bt it quickly disappeared, and Desin said, "I have no quarrel with you."

Suddenly another gun appeared on Desin's hand, and he pointed it at Eric. "You however are a problem, stand down, and hope you didn't kill any of my men here."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-19-06 02:52 PM Link
Leon's crazed smile contorted to a face of frustration. He slid his gun in it's holster and clenched his fist. In one fluid movement he swing around and shoved his clenched fist into one of those surrounding him's face. Knocking that person on their back. He mumbled words nobody could hear and kicked the ground. Anger was surrounding him and he began pacing back and forth. The mumbling continued until he calmed himself moments later. Once more, he stood tall and stared at the metal box with his shard-eye...'Hm, so much for them protecting that with their lives,' Leon thought.
Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6103 days
Last activity: 6074 days
Posted on 09-19-06 03:30 PM Link
Eric... Lets go.

*Barrek clicks the lighter on, and a jet of fire falls to the ground forming a barrier between him, Eric, Don, and the black box, and the rest of the people here. The flames reach up easily 20 feet into the sky completely obscuring them from sight. He motions for Eric to grab Don as he picks up the box. With a flick of his wrist, the flames shoot out to the outer wall, now also raging as high, clearing a path for them to get out.
He darts down the corridor with Eric carrying Don, out into the desert. Putting away the lighter, he pulls out a small field radio.*

Safety Net this is Falling Man... we need the evac... meet us at extraction zone Beta.

*Clicking off the radio, he turned his head to Eric.*

I plan to be long gone by the time they get through those flames.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 09-19-06 05:02 PM Link
As soon as the flames appeared, they disappeared. Had Barrek kept hold of them they would have caused problems, but as it was, Desin, with his energy shard, was able to quickly get rid of the flames. "Cover me!" he shouted, and ran towards Barrek and Eric, bullets flying all around them towards Barrek and Eric, they would have to go towards shelter if they wanted to survive.

Aiming as carefully as was possible while running, Desin leveled his pistol, and fired a shot at Don's heart, and another at his head. He kept his promises, especially when they were behind the thin veil of threats.

Over fifty men were currently firing at Eric, Don, and Barrek, and of course the fact that these soldiers had actually surrounded the group while under cover meant that bullets were coming from all sides, not just from behind the wall of flames.

In addition, Desin used his shard to concentrate on the shard, and used kenetic energy to suddenly pull on the box holding the shard with extreme force. No human hand could resist the pull, which means that the chances of them holding onto the shard were weak, unless they were pulled along with it, in which case they would get shot.

(Last edited by Vulcanlogic on 09-19-06 08:23 PM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 09-19-06 05:44 PM Link
As the men charged towards the Marinae leader, a cloud of smoke surrounded them. When it cleared, the three men were gone. As the men looked, baffled, at the spot where their target had been, the sound of helicopters could be heard in the distance, carring several hundred Marinae soldiers.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-19-06 06:02 PM Link
Leon's eye shifted between the smoke covered area and Desin. He turned his head to the side and approached Edgar

"Shard users are approaching in those helicopters, start up the buggy. We're leaving soon."

Leon turned his back on Edgar and affixed his eye on the ones that were hiding earlier, as well as Desin and his crew. A sideways glance was sent to Zaku. He felt terrible.

"There are people in those helicopters who will wish to kill us all. I suggest we all get going. Any who have no form of transportation out of this hellhole and don't have enough people to defend them you have a small amount of time to ask us for help. I'm sure we'll all be seeing each other soon, God bless you all on your journey."

Leon walked back to the buggy. They only had room for one or two more, but that would suffice I suppose. He took his seat in the front and awaited someone to ask for a ride, they would be leaving soon, very soon. Within the next two minutes or so. Leon held a grimace about his face, and was almost disgusted with what had been done today.

(Last edited by Xeios on 09-19-06 09:06 PM)

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6344 days
Last activity: 6229 days
Posted on 09-19-06 06:14 PM Link
Once the barrage of bullets flying in all directions had ceased, I stood up. The three of us were unhurt, any and all things that flew our way passed right through both us and our crate, leaving only whisps of light shimmering in the air where the immaterium repaired itself and everthing was fine.

I spit out the last bit of blood from my last stunt, and addressed Desin.

What now sir? It looks like your plan backfired, and several of the men are dead. The cards are in your hand, and it's your play from here. If nothing else, I'm going to get out of here before those soldiers arrive, and get these other poeple out of here, they're not part of this, and they shouldn't be involved.

I walked back to the crate where I left the other man. Looking inside, he had hidden behind some of the supplies in there, and luckily, he was fine, though shaken. I phased him out of the crate, and rejoined him with his friend the young girl, and the man with the sword.

I suggest you two figure out what you want to do. This really isn't my day, and seeing as how we just survived a hail of bullets, I'd suggest figuring something out rather quickly. And it looks like things aren't getting any better right now.

I honestly don't know what's going to happen from here on out, I'm confused as to what just happened, and it seems like everyone's here and has a hand in things. So much for an easy day...
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