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Since: 07-24-06

Since last post: 6083 days
Last activity: 6073 days
Posted on 09-18-06 04:03 AM Link
OFC: by request of FX i no longer cary the fier shard, since another carictor has that as his only shard. as compinsation i receved aditinal powers to my holy shard, powers sutch as sleep, wall, and other defencive manovers.

IC: A bead of sweat roles down Erick’s face, he could hear the bikes from his position, and he could see a few of them from his hiding area under the bed. This began to make him uneasy. He thought he would be alone he had not anticipated this. However the rumbling engines gave him enufe cover noise to pull the hammer back on his pistol. All he had to do was tap the trigger and away the dart would fly. He made perfectly sure to keep the leader of the Marinae right in his sight. He took the time to check over his equipment he had with him.
He had. 4 throwing knives, a desert eagle pistol with 2 additional clips of ammo, a plastic vile of chloroform, a handkerchief, a small radio which was set to nearly silent, so that he could operate under silent. And his 3 shards, (Holy, Dark, and Deskise). He had left his sword back at his employers base for safe keepings along with his high velocity spring field mullty purpose rifle and the other desert eagle pistol and an ear attachment for the radio.
E thought to himself “grate I get paid for an espionage mission and end up walking in to a betel with one gun and no ammo what I would do to have my rifle right now” something started to happen. He connected a small ear pace to the radio, all he needed was his order.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 09-18-06 07:13 AM Link
Over Erick's radio a quite message was sent, "Hold your ground, don't move yet." came Brad Desin. "Fan out and surround them, if the gang tries to leave, let them, unless they have our target with them."

Desin held his magnum pointing towards the group, "Don't move in until I fire the first shot."

Desin was tense, they had more soldiers than anyone else yet there was still something dangerous about this, everything had to be perfect, and with these bikers now in the equation, things might get a bit more difficult.

Once his soldiers fanned out, surrounding the group, he spoke into the radio. "Move in, stay under cover for as long as possible, and try not to shoot until abosolutely neccesary."

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6344 days
Last activity: 6229 days
Posted on 09-18-06 11:11 AM Link
Hmm.. What's this? Someone else outside of my crates hiding too? From the sound of it, it must be that kid. Mein Gott... This just isn't my day. I don't care, orders or not, they're not supposed to be part of this. Off with the LCD, *chk* and now...

I'll just Hhhrrn. do this.

(At the time, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Not having had orders to do anything, I officially was acting on my own. Though that never seemed to stop me before, and besides, they could have blown my cover, crate's also aren't bullet-proof. So I reached out through the crate, and gently clasp my hands around their mouths. I didn't want Holly, as I found was her name later, to scream, so I had to be careful. Luckily, though startled, they kept quiet. I reached out and pulled them into my crate. Thing were getting complicated)

Gotta whisper...
Ihr mussen nicht... Er. You two must keep quiet. I don't know what you two are doing out here, but this certainly isn't the place or the time. I don't even know who you two are, but listen sir, you and who I assume is your daughter here need to keep your heads down. This might get messy, and the last thing I need, is you two drawing attention, and causing a ruckus. This crate of ours isn't bullet proof, but it's large enough to hold all of us.

I pulled you all inside this crate here, keep quiet.
*chk* (LCD light pops on) Now don't scream, and keep quiet.

What are you two doing out here?


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-18-06 01:22 PM Link
Leon allowed the man to push his pistol aside, with nothing but a look of disgust. He only let this happen because of what the leader of the gang said. They were looking for someone entirely irrelevant to the safety of the Suvoj. Leon shot a glance at Barrek.

"Coward. Hiding behind your magic." Leon spat on the ground before Barrek. "You disgust the Lord, and he has shunned his light from you."

He turned his head to the side and stared down the leader of the gang.

"That's no way to ask, Swine. Now, You are looking for some men who have robbed shards from you. I can find them, if given some time. But I will require one as payment. And I will get to choose which one. now, do we have a deal?"

Leon's eye was squinted, almost shut. His P90 still aimed at the body of the gang leader, but now his revolver was also fixed on him. His P90 dropped an inch, and in it's sights was the bike's gas tank.
Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6103 days
Last activity: 6074 days
Posted on 09-18-06 01:30 PM Link
The shards are not a deliverence from some god as you dumbasses believe. They are just weapons, nothing more than a gun or sword, a tool to achieve a goal. And I hide behind nothing.

*Barrek's fireball seems to burn brighter in his hand, a sign of his rising anger.*


Since: 07-24-06

Since last post: 6083 days
Last activity: 6073 days
Posted on 09-18-06 02:09 PM Link
Erick lay there wondering when his order would be given. He could hear the biker gang talking. He never liked gangs of any sort, and he had killed a fair share of gang members in his short life. These gang members reminded him of a preshard gang called hells angels. He could easily see there leader,
“why did I leave my rifle behind?” he wanted to take out there leader right now. He had a clear shot, he could envision the bullet entering the side of his head and leaving threw the other side.
He got a grip on himself, even if he had his rifle he couldn’t fire it without being noticed. He was uncomfortably warm now, “dam” he thought to himself how much longer do I have to lay hear. He than thought about the money he would make from this, it was enufe to get him and his parents home to Bavaria or atlases some where away from conflict
His parents where living in what was once new England at the moment, his mothered was working in a factory making shells for artillery, and his father was dieing of liver frailer from accidentally ingesting a poison pill. He wonted to atleast get his father back home so he could be baried alongside his ancestors in his homeland.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 09-18-06 02:54 PM Link
Edgar silently waited, growing more and more uncomfortable as weapons were readied and tension rose. He stepped out from the protective barrier his two vassals provided, wide open and completly exposed. He placed his hand on Leon's shoulder, sending to him the message that this was unnessecary.

"If there is a way to resolve this without bloodshed, I would find it best we took that route. We have come for an alliance, not for unmerited bloodshed."

Edgar then walked forward and turned to the biker and looked at him sternly, though still he had no anger within his being.

"Please, kind sir, we have not yet seen these marauders of which you speak. If we do, I will be sure to send my vassals Leon or Isha here to inform you of their actions."

Edgar turned to everyone and gave a meek smile, trying to bring down the amazing stress that had been piled onto this occasion.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1139 days
Last activity: 1139 days
Posted on 09-18-06 06:56 PM Link
He glanced over at Edgar, and seemed to ignore him. Instead, he turned back to Leon, who seemd to be the most rational of all of them. A bead of sweat dripped down his face.

"I am Zaku Yaiden founder and leader of the Yaiden marauders. Now that the formalities are out of the way, I'm interested in what you have to say. What kind of exhange are we speaking of here?"

He became wary. His trust was not reinforced by the smugness of this Zealot.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-18-06 07:09 PM Link
Leon sighed and stuffed the P90 back into his back, and placed his revolver in it's holster. He walked over to Zaku.

"You may refer to me as Leon Machina." Leon brushed his hair away from his shard-eye, revealing it to Zaku and some of his gang members only. "This eye can seek out any shard. And a large number of them will scarcely get past my sight. Now, I get to choose one of the shards I help you all acquire, or the Lord with me as his right hand will strike every last one of you down."

Leon crossed his arms warily and waited for Zaku's response.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1139 days
Last activity: 1139 days
Posted on 09-18-06 07:52 PM Link
"...You want to keep one of them for yourself, huh?"

He thought to himself. Those Rahway boys need an ass-whooping, but this joker thinks he can take us all on? Fine. I call that bluff.

"...Fine, fine. You have a deal."

A loud murmur echoed through the waves of the other gang members over discontent of Zaku's decision.

"Hey! Shut your cocksuckers, all of you! I know what I'm doing. Now then, God-boy; I hate to be 'rude', but what makes you think you can bring me down? We have a deal, but I'm just curious ta know. That's all."

he stared Leon down, wondering what will become of this challenge to his power.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-18-06 08:01 PM Link
Leon looked straight at him. His eye seeming to pierce Zaku's very soul. He drew his gun in a flash and fired off a round, the bullet passed cleanly through the chain around Zaku's neck, not even nicking the skin. The most off part of it all, what the chain was broken, but there had been no sparks. It almost seemed as if all of the particles in the chain where the bullet hit were merely displaced. The bullet passed on in the direction it was fired for miles before the magical qualities wore off and the bullet fell to the earth. He fired another round and the same thing happened to his bike, it bore a perfect hole with no bullet fragmentation in the exhaust pipe. Again, the metal seeming to be merely displaced as it would've hit the bullet. These two shots were sent off very rapidly, leaving a break of only one second between them.

"Because this gun has been blessed by God. And this eye will hunt you to the ends of the earth."

Leon smiled contently.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1139 days
Last activity: 1139 days
Posted on 09-18-06 08:07 PM Link
The shard fell from Zaku's neck and onto his massive right hand that he held open. With a discontented look, he shoved the shard in his pocket. He could still feel its mystical properties, luckily for him. He frowned at this kid's rash act, and finally walked straight up to him, lifted his huge hand, and placed it on his head. With a smile, he mussed up his hair jokingly.

"Ha ha ha! I like you, kid. You got spunk. A real class act, eh boys?" A thunderous roar came from his men.

"Fine; we ride out with you, Mr. Leon. Just do us one favor, and don't come near my shard again. Ha ha ha ha!" He laughed as he walked away from him, and spoke with some of his other men in private, who nodded at the unknown whispers.

"So, who's the rest of the people in this merry band of yours?"
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 09-18-06 08:29 PM Link
Edgar smiled as Leon's brash ways fixed the situation had broken the displeasantries that had haunted the area previously. His right fist unclenched slightly, calling off the magical energy he had focused, as he clenched his left fist, tapping Leon's mind. He sent him a brain message that said

Please rid us of these marauders. Isha will keep me safe.

Edgar then smiled at the bandit leader.

"I am Edgar White, head minister of the Sujov Allaince Restoration Church. How do you do?"

Even in the face of terrible adversity Edgar has been known to have a kind eyes and a warming smile upon his face. Few can truly attest to know him when he is angry.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 09-18-06 08:31 PM Link
The men stood from cover, surrounding Leon, Zaku, Edgar, and the rest and one of the soldiers shouted out, "Freeze, drop the shards, your weapons, and everytihng else, and you won;t get hurt!"

Only a few soldiers stood, most of them staying under cover, prepared for a fight. Desin himself stayed under cover, aiming his magnum at Don and Leon.

"One false move, and all of you will be pumped full of lead so fast that you won't even realize you've been shot."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 09-18-06 08:37 PM Link
Edgar scanned the area, using his Commandments crystal to locate each mental signal. He took three steps back, putting himself directly in between Leon and Isha. Isha lifted her gun and stared around patiently. Edgar spoke quietly.

"It appears all three dynasties have assembled themselves here. Peace just cannot be reached at this time, can it?"

Edgar raised his right hand and the crystal glew, now ready to bring up a shield of energy to protect the trio if they were attacked.

"I despise unnessecary conflict, I truly do."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 09-18-06 08:39 PM Link
Holly looked over at the man who pulled both she and her partner into the crate with a bemused expression. Once his hand was removed from her mouth she gave a nod at his instructions to keep quiet. However, at the mention of Josiah being her father, she let out an outraged gasp. "He isn't my father." she replied indignantly.

The second the words left her mouth, she shuddered, realizing that she had possibly spoken too loudly. She didn't move or say a word until she was almost sure that no one outside had heard her.

"I must appologize." She says softly. "My partner and I are simply here to learn-" Suddenly, she was cut off. Holly jumped in response to the sudden noises comming from the outside and let out a little yelp. Quickly she covered her mouth, but her eyes widened as she heard the dialog that followed about the shards.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1139 days
Last activity: 1139 days
Posted on 09-18-06 08:42 PM Link
Zaku was shocked. Were they betraying his trust, after he so reluctantly gave up a shard for this alliance?

"What!? Who the fuck are you!? Leon! You two timing bastard! Is this your little surprise? Fuck it."

He simply turned to his agressor, and whipped out the SMG on his back, and his men did the same.

"You asshole! Don't push your luck!"

He fired off a coupla shots the men. "Only attack these goons! We don't know who's on whose side!"
Dirk Ralthar


Since: 07-18-06
From: Malthar

Since last post: 6103 days
Last activity: 6074 days
Posted on 09-18-06 08:45 PM Link
*The fireball in Barrek's hand lifts up, and splits into five equally sized orbs each growing to the size of the original. The orbs lauch outwards in all directions along a horizontal plane, the angles between the flight of each is the same. The slam into the ground behind the newcomers. Lines of fire trace from the impact points and for a large circle around them. A flick of the wrist lit the lighter, and he formed another orb in his hand.*

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 09-18-06 09:00 PM Link
Suddenly, Josiah's shard began to react oddly to the activity happening outside.

"Damn." Holly mumbled. "Sorry about this..." she says to the man in the crate with them. She then turns her attention to Josiah. "Make sure he get's out of here okay." Was all she said. She gave them both a curt nod. "I must now make my leave." With that she lifted the lid and pulled herself up and outside.

Once again, she was pulling her cloak tightly around her, to keep from it blowing in all sorts of directions. Swiftly, and gracefully, she made her way over to the rukus. Once she was a safe distance, she crouched down, behind some of the crates that were even closer, but kept an eye on everyone in the surrounding, in case any of them happened to step into her hiding spot. With the flick of her wrist, a bracelet slid to the very end of her arm before her hand and dangling out her long black sleeve was a shard...
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 09-18-06 09:10 PM Link
Edgar drew close to Leon, as did Isha, and he called up his energy shield, protecting them from any stray attacks that may fly out. Edgar spoke to both his vassals as he concentrated his defense.

"The primary objective is to prevent casulties. When you're ready to leave the defense, alert me. I'll give you an opening."

Edgar focused harder and a shield encased Don as well, protecting him from damage. He wanted to make sure nothing horrendous would happen.

"Mmmmm..." Edgar hummed as he focused intently, getting only mildly distracted when he felt a similar energy signal come closer.

Close by, a figure contrasting sharply with the desert sand apporached Holly's position. He wore a black Coheed and Cambria t-shirt with a dark jenim jacket and black cargo pants. He is handsome, with a growing garden of facial hair, cool blue eyes, and short messy amber hair. He adjusted the large sword on his back when he sat down next to Holly and laughed.

"Looks like old Edgar's gotten into some deep shit this time."

He smiled at Holly and patted her on the shoulder.

"Why, you're cute. What the hell are you doing in a desert battle?"

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