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02-06-25 06:37 PM
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Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

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Posted on 06-23-06 01:14 PM Link | Quote
Global Warming

So what do you think?
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

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Posted on 06-23-06 03:32 PM Link | Quote
Global Warming. I know many of you disagree with what I'm about to say.

It's unvalidated. They say it is, but they frequently contridict themselves.

Don't get me wrong. I don't support the steady destruction of our planet. I believe we should take the time and money to convert to cleaner fuel sources. But the fact that we're coming out of an ice age is all that's happening. The excess of CO2 in the atmosphere can't be helping, but it's not the doomsday eco-freaks keep shrieking about.

Just felt like saying that.

(Last edited by Trigger Happy Jones on 06-23-06 06:34 PM)

Not so much dead.

Since: 12-11-04
From: Someday, Somewhere, Over the Rainbow

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Posted on 06-23-06 09:49 PM Link | Quote
I believe it exists, but by judging by some of the information I've heard, its something that sort of... fixes itself over time, and I think it would fix itself if we gave it time by stopping pollution for a while.

That's a ridiculously unthought out answer for this debate, but I'm tired and it sums things up... vaguely, but it gets the job done.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

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Posted on 06-23-06 11:53 PM Link | Quote
Vague? Only because anything can happen. Poorly unthought out answer? My answer represented my point of view, and it comes from the seemingly endless reports on the news about how it's wildly exaggerated. But you're right when you said it was vague. Nobody knows the future, and as far as anyone is concern, those environmentalists could be right (Although I doubt it). But the current course of climate events coresponds with the theoretical temperature earth should be at this age. Of, course, "theoretical" is the key word. We simply don't know. Which is why I said we need to voluntarily convert to cleaner fuels, by making alt. fuels vehicles more inexpensive, etc. Instead of using law to cow people into wasting hard-earned money into a hybrid.

There is no solid evidence of Global Warming, because all anyone has to offer us so far is just pure speculation. Just computer programs of line charts and CG graphics that prove nothing. This is why used the word "unvalidated".

I've taken a class in General Science, and we spent a month and a half on this subject. My teacher taught us that ozone is created by a certain process bonding CO2 with other molecules, so yes, If we reduce our pollution even slightly, it would eventually repair itself. I agree with you there.

My first answer was poorly constructed, however, and I have only myself to blame. I hope this clears up any misconception and drives my point home.
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Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

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Posted on 06-24-06 01:10 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Trigger Happy Jones
Vague? Only because anything can happen. Poorly unthought out answer? My answer represented my point of view, and it comes from the seemingly endless reports on the news about how it's wildly exaggerated. *snip*

I may be wrong, but I think he was referring to his own comments.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 06-24-06 01:21 AM Link | Quote
Well yeah, but I think trigger was just pointing his point across with his second comment. I dont think he ment anything, just wanting to put more information out on the table for us...

But I have to disagree....and agree with Alpo and Trigger. I believe it exzists, and then again ,I dont believe in it.

Its like pointing out scientific evidence that ghosts exzist....I mean, what if its not the Ozone layer, but it could be some sort of space problem? I do think that polluting the air is causing damage tothe ozone layer, but what if? What if its not actually pollution causing the Ozone layer to dissappear? I mean, im not saying that pollution is to blame, sure pollution causes Acid rain, CO2 to envelope and stain the air, but what if? What if its something else in this world? or worse? What if its something from outerspace? Like the Sun?

or it may be the revolving of this planet. I was watching the discovery channel a couple of nights ago and in the bible, it says that "Stars would sing, the sky would glimmer a soft cotten....blah blah blah" but no one actually knew what it ment....but scientists have pointed out that the atnmosphere never used to be blue, it was pink, and they have also found out that stars in outer space give off certain wavelengths of sound frequencyes....So my theory, is that the planet is evolving...And perhaps its the planet just.....evolving somehow!

Call me crazy, but thats what I think...Im not setting all of that in stone or anything, I just have a gut feeling that perhaps its time working its magic here...
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

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Posted on 06-24-06 03:51 AM Link | Quote
wow lots of things to point out from the above:

the atmosphere is not a color. it's the bending of the lights, gases and what have you that causes you to "see" the color.

it's simple chemistry for the ozone. as we all know in sciense, atoms would like to have 2 things in the first shell, and 8 on the next, and next, ect. some are not perfect, but if given the chance, they would like to be like that. the ozone is 03, which means there's an extra. it would like to lose one. that's where pollution comes into play... breaking it apart to make 02 and what have you's.

anyways, saying that it's a natural occurence is somewhat untrue. given the fact that it has happened before, does not in any way mean that it's natural. the last time this happened, it was a result of thousands and thousands of years. right now, is a result of the last 100 years. see the difference? thousands, and one hundred. big difference. i wonder what happened in the last one hundred years... right, something called the industral revolution...

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 06-24-06 05:34 AM Link | Quote
Sorry....I had to post this
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

Since last post: 6775 days
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Posted on 06-24-06 11:37 AM Link | Quote
What an asshat. (Al Gore, that is) What ever happened to his previous project to destroy Manbearpig?

Oh, and if ShredRaggins was reffering to your own, my bad.

(Last edited by Trigger Happy Jones on 06-24-06 02:38 PM)
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Posted on 06-25-06 08:39 AM Link | Quote
I think that while we should do something to slow down the warming, we should also think it's normal for this warming to happen. We just need to maybe slow it down, so it's somewhat normal.

Divine Mamkute
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 06-28-06 04:17 AM Link | Quote
Now, while generally I don't like DiCaprio or anything he says, I have to agree with him here. If we really put an effort into using and finding new alternate fuel sources we would help the environment SO much... but the almighty dollar keeps that from happening. If anything is going to happen, it will have to start at the bottom and work it's way to the top.

Oh, and for the record, last I checked we are not coming out of an ice age. In fact we are long overdue for the next one.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

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Posted on 06-28-06 09:09 PM Link | Quote do realize that the temp. only rised... .01C...right? And although did happen in the last 100 years... I honestly doubt that that .01 is going to do us any harm. (thank god for biology) I had to do an ENTIRE report on this...

And Avatar is right. It's our own fault, we've done it to ourselves...HA! Much like everything else that's wrong with this planet.

XD We're long over due to just become extinct

Stone axe

Since: 08-26-04
From: Wouldnt you like to know

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Posted on 06-30-06 12:42 AM Link | Quote
the earth has been around for around 5 billion years we've only kept up with the weather for around 70 years quite a large percentile isnt it? Also didnt the dinosaurs live in a high temperature atmosphere for several million years?

If you ask me its not the pollution thats causing it its just nature the earth just seems to go in cycles. itll be cold for a hundred thousand years then itll be hot for 1000 years or vice versa. there are so many things about our planet we dont know, that i just say let what happens happen because in the end judgement day will come and the earth will be destroyed and rebuilt, so eh I'm just going to relax and let the world go by.
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Global Warming |

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