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Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1010 days
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Posted on 05-03-06 05:36 PM Link | Quote
...and makes off with quite the payoff:

ROME (Reuters) - A thief disguised as a security guard Tuesday duped the unsuspecting staff of a top Italian art gallery into giving him more than 200,000 euros ($253,100), local media reported.

The thief showed up Tuesday morning at the Pitti Palace, a grandiose renaissance construction in central Florence and one of Italy's best known museums, wearing the same uniform used by employees of the security firm which every day collects the institution's takings.

After the cashier staff gave him three bags full of money, he signed a receipt and calmly walked out.

The robbery was only discovered 30 minutes later, when the real security guards turned up to collect the money.

The museum declined comment.

Yeah, I'd decline to comment on how stupid I am too...

(Last edited by Zabuza on 06-09-06 04:18 AM)
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

Since last post: 5844 days
Last activity: 5844 days
Posted on 06-08-06 06:12 PM Link | Quote
yeah, but i've something to add

a couple weeks ago, at LBCC, there was this spring fashion fling thing show. so anyways, it was my job to help sell out day parking permits to help relief to machines, since it's expected to be at least 400-700 ppl coming. so a couple hours before the show started, my boss and the lady in charged of the show talked it out, and i figured they worked out all the details. i was given instructions, and my boss even said he'll take home the radio to make sure nothing happens.

30 min before the show started, this guy came up next to me, selling permits. his are totally different from ours. it even said vetern's stadium on it. anyways, we were all confused about him. but he assured us that the higher ups knew about it. in fact, he even mentioned their names as if he knew them personally. then he goes onto say things like how this always happens, and no one really keeps things in order. so this girl, who was second in command of the show came up, and she was trying to get him to stop selling. i was just really confused is all. so anyways, she goes and asks the lady in charged if she knew what was going on. the lady's response was "i am aware of what's going on." so with that, i was like, alright, i guess the guy's legit. so i gave up my primo spot, and went somewhere else to relive other machines, and confused guests.

so anyways, at the end of the night, we went to collect our radios from the fashion staff. there was a lot of rumors going on about some guy selling fake tickets, and how he doubled the prices. so my friends and i were waiting for the lady in charged. anyways, turns out, that guy was a con-artist. and that the lady did not authorize for him to sell anything. she even said, i said i knew what was going on, as in, because you guys told me, not as in, i authorized it.

anyways, she was too busy with the fashion show to come out and deal with it. regardless, if anything happned, she wouldnt get in trouble, but us, because we were entrusted with securing the lot.

anyways, out of our 300 available tickets, we sold 37. who knows how much that guy made off with. i mean, he had the primo spot. plus, he jacked up the price after i left. and yes, i was pissed with everyone. especially my boss, who decided to turn off his cell phone, even after he said he would make himself available for any questions. the lady who covered her own ass, by saying vague sentences. blah....
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 710 days
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Posted on 06-08-06 07:22 PM Link | Quote
By any chance was the woman in charge named Pamela Knights?

Either way, how fuckin' weak is that? Sounds like something you'd see on TV.
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

Since last post: 5844 days
Last activity: 5844 days
Posted on 06-08-06 11:11 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
By any chance was the woman in charge named Pamela Knights?

Either way, how fuckin' weak is that? Sounds like something you'd see on TV.

yeah that's her all right
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 710 days
Last activity: 519 days
Posted on 06-08-06 11:16 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by avatar of law
Originally posted by Rogue
By any chance was the woman in charge named Pamela Knights?

Either way, how fuckin' weak is that? Sounds like something you'd see on TV.

yeah that's her all right

On a side note about her, she tried to sue the school paper and me because she didn't like the quote I used for this "big name" designer who came to visit and critique her students' work. The quote was accurate and he really did say it (something about how he doesn't do school talks because he doesn't get paid for them, but he saw potential in LBCC and came away), but she felt it made him sound like an asshole and he wouldn't come back to her program because of what was printed.


That's just strange, though. He just came out of nowhere to sell tickets at LBCC? Yeah, that's a goldmine right there.
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Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

Since last post: 5844 days
Last activity: 5844 days
Posted on 06-08-06 11:21 PM Link | Quote
well, considering he worked for less than an hour, and jacked his price after i left, and the fact that we only sold 37 out of 300... i'm gonna guess that he made at least $300 that night. i'd sure like to make $300 in 45 min =/
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