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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Abandon our "supermarket culture" and revert to hunting and gathering? | | Thread closed
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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 03-05-06 07:43 PM Link
OK, in all honesty, I've pondered how lazy our society has become with all of the conveniences we have in this digital, fast-paced world. Really, I have wondered what we'd be like if we just hunted for ourselves.

Not to say that we should all take a walk on Walden Pond, but this is somewhat crossing a line on a level or two: The Article
Originally posted by Times Online
The Sunday Times March 05, 2006
Artist beheads rabbits for show
Clare Chapman, Berlin

A GERMAN artist is facing prosecution after beheading two rabbits at a gallery in an attempt to portray man’s predatory instincts. Falk Richwien, 43, claims he was helping startled onlookers to break with the “supermarket culture” of the 21st century and reconnect with their hunter-gatherer lineage. Animal welfare activists have branded him a monster.

Visitors to Richwien’s exhibition at the Monsterkeller gallery were warned that “the management takes no responsibility for damage to the body, mind or clothing”. Forty watched as he broke the rabbits’ necks before hacking off their heads with a meat cleaver and smearing himself with their blood.

“The atmosphere was very intense,” said Till Fuhrmann, 36. “You could tell people were struggling with their feelings.”

Richwein defended his work, saying: “I wanted to show people that we stem from the predator, Homo sapiens.”

But Wolfgang Apel, president of the German Animal Protection Alliance, claimed the rabbits must have suffered terribly. “I’m also very disappointed that no members of the audience stepped in to stop the brutality,” he added.

The artist preserved the animals’ heads in formaldehyde but roasted their meat and served it at an “art dinner” despite being told he could be breaching hygiene regulations.

(Last edited by Rogue on 03-05-06 11:23 PM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 03-05-06 08:17 PM Link
You know, I'm in two minds about this. I hate animal cruelty, but he did eat the meat of the creature, and I'm fine with hunting for food. Perhaps he should've used prop animals to avoid the wrath of the APA, but really I think orginizations like that (PETA for example) are retarded anyway.

People should remember that our ancestors were hunters, and that in some tribal cultures they would smear blood on themselves... animal rights activists tend to forget that. If something happens, and we are forced to go back to hunter-gathering for survival, I don't know what will happen because of this attitude that we've developed.
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

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Posted on 03-06-06 11:01 AM Link
Amen to that, Elara. We're predators in nature, so exposure to the black-and-white reality of natural instincts is actually healthy. It allows us to commune with nature... then marinate it (Ha ha. Sorry). Sad that idiots like PETA have a hissy fit over a few rabbits, when so much more suffering is occuring in the world.
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Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

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Posted on 03-06-06 04:59 PM Link
regardless of the actual shock-factor... using live animals to justify or attempt to show something is wrong. i doubt his true intentions were noble, but rather just publicity. anyways, horrible guy, and on that note... not surprised it was a german guy

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 03-07-06 03:13 AM Link
His nationality has nothing to do with it, Avatar. I agree with what you said about the use of live animals, but the comment about him being German was uncalled for.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 03-07-06 08:39 AM Link
The end of the article was making serious assumptions...I mean, look at this...

Originally posted by Article
But Wolfgang Apel, president of the German Animal Protection Alliance, claimed the rabbits must have suffered terribly.

Originally posted by Article
The artist preserved the animals’ heads in formaldehyde but roasted their meat and served it at an “art dinner” despite being told he could be breaching hygiene regulations.

The first quote- They are saying that just to make him look bad, I mean, Snakes kill rabbits worse than how the hunter did, im sure as soon as he ripped the little head off, it diddnt feel anything....When its eaten by a snake, it has to live with paralasis(SP?) untill its suffocated to death...WHat can they do...Sue the snakes?

The second Quote- He could be breaching Hygiene regulations? I dont get it...its like giving a death-sentance alcohol swabs before the lethal injection...

"We dont want you to get an infection from the needle when we kill you"!

The APA are just a bunch of air-heads assuming things and making things more worse than it already is...
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 03-07-06 11:49 AM Link
I think one of the reasons why people "were struggling with their feelings," is that as a society, we've come to see rabbits, squirrels, and other such creatures as cute and cuddly, rather than as possible food like we might have in our hunting days. We've stopped seeing the other critters around us as a food source since we simply buy our food, already killed by someone else, in a store. That's the message he's going for.

We're born into a world where we place emotions on the welfare of the cute. And I'll be honest, I don't think I can watch March of the Penguins anymore with how depressed I got watching it.

I get the message the man is trying to send out. As a performance artist shock value is a veritable tool. You do something like this, they won't forget it. However, he chose the wrong audience to try this on. It doesn't sound like his message went very far as the people who watched him do it left disturbed than enlightened, not that there's any real philosophical meaning to beheading rabbits for an audience.

In the end, it would have been best if he hadn't pulled such a stunt. It caused more problems than he gambled for I'm sure.

But think of it this way: a simple "hack artist" all the way in Germany is being talked about by teens and 20-somethings in America and from around the world. He got his name in the papers, and now people who weren't there to witness the stunt, and can ponder a deeper meaning behind it, are discussing him.

I don't agree with what he did, but he got his message out.
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Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

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Posted on 03-07-06 09:23 PM Link
Elara - i just meant he sounded like a eurotrash (Its origins are primarily German/Austrian) kinda guy.
Sajin of the Gorotto Sea - i think they were refering to the fact that he served it for dinner. not how he killed it.

(Last edited by avatar of law on 03-08-06 12:24 AM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 03-07-06 11:04 PM Link
Originally posted by avatar of law

Sajin of the Gorotto Sea - i think they were refering to the fact that he served it for dinner. not how he killed it.

I thought about that...but...

Originally posted by Article

“The atmosphere was very intense,” said Till Fuhrmann, 36. “You could tell people were struggling with their feelings.”

After reading that I "assumed" that people complained on how he killed it...but your point is also noted...Who knows?
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

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Posted on 03-12-06 01:49 AM Link
People seem to be treating this too much like Ozzy Osbourne's infamous incident with the bat. I'm starting to like this german artist guy, for being so wierd (even for an artist), and actually think there's some humor and truth in this. I would have eaten the roasted rabbit right next to him, thanking him and noting how much courage this must have taken. If there were children in the audience, it would have been innapropriate, but an adult audience could really learn something. More than to prove the carnal nature of man, I side with this more to show that being self sufficient has far less limits than people today think it does. I think this is part of being open-minded.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 176 days
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Posted on 03-14-06 04:19 AM Link
Originally posted by Van Rhanell
People seem to be treating this too much like Ozzy Osbourne's infamous incident with the bat.

Yeah, but in that case it was an accident. Ozzy didn't know it was a real bat, however this guy knew it was a live rabbit.


Since: 10-19-04

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Posted on 03-15-06 01:22 AM Link
it's a rabbit.... so what? animals die all the time.... we kill thousands of them per day just for food.... what's one more rabbit?


Since: 07-31-06
From: US

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Posted on 08-02-06 06:15 AM Link
We do some really cruel and unusual things to the creatures we eat and/or call pets. (My neighbors made a pet of their cow and then ate it.) Veal is baby cows that have lived on a liquid diet their whole lives in horrible cramped conditions. The fact that "free range" animals can legally be outside only five minutes a day and still be called "free range". The fact that organizations will freak out about this guy but not make living conditions for our livestock better is the most ridiculous thing. Plus Zoos kill rodents, doves and a multitude of other animals by drowning them or breaking their necks so that they will pose no risk to the predatory animals. Why not freak out at them?

We are a sick culture that likes to remove ourselves from the fact that what we eat once was alive. Pigs are smarter than most dogs. We still like pork. I like honey cooked ham. Part of me knows that that animal had to die for me to eat it, but I have never seen that animal, never talked with it or faught it. I think if we had to kill what we eat we would be more likely to become vegans. Which to be honest with you is more economical anyway. It takes roughly 5 lbs of grain to make every lb of cow. And we could just eat the grain first. *shrug*
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Abandon our "supermarket culture" and revert to hunting and gathering? | Thread closed

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