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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Modern Consoles : Which console makers do you prefer? | | | |
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Which of the modern console makers do you prefer?We've done this for classics, but now it's time to analyze the modern ones. Which console and game creators do you prefer and why? | Nintendo |
30.0%, 6 votes | Sony |
30.0%, 6 votes | Microsoft |
5.0%, 1 vote | Other (please explain) |
5.0%, 1 vote | More than one of the above |
30.0%, 6 votes | Multi-voting is disabled. 20 users have voted.
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Evo Red Super Koopa Watching you fall brings joy to my heart.... Since: 08-16-04 From: Oregon Since last post: 6150 days Last activity: 6090 days |
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Alright, folks. We've played ths game in the Classic forum, now time to analize the modern consoles and games. In your opinion, who does the best job and why? What system by them do you prefer, and what is it about them that you like? Is it the graphics, the story, the challenge?
Please explain your answers! Thanks! |
Bitmap #1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt Since: 09-05-04 From: His Laughin' Place Since last post: 4598 days Last activity: 4592 days |
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(Future Console Games)
--------------------------------------------------- First I'd like to say that microsoft FUCKED UP when they make the XBox360, Ive seens screenshots of the games that are going to be released and it only looks like a 'Sharper' Xbox...The only good thing about the Xbox360 is 2 things 1:Elder Scrools 4 (But im buying it for PC...Screw XBox) 2: Its coming out early... and if you want me to say Halo3 your surely mistaken, im sorry but if you go to XBox live when playing Halo2, you hear little kids say "Fuck you I own you at this game, you suck my nuts...etc"...And we all know we hate those types of people...its just outright annoying... Now for Sony The PS3 in my oponion looks awesome, is awesome, and will forever will be awesome. Even though the PS3 is to be expected, I think out of all three consoles, the PS3 will win the war this time in terms of gameplay and graphics. Repeat after me: Final Fantasy 7 Tech Demo... If you have not seen that demo then you need to open your eyes people and look for it at gamespot. Its basicially what you would expect graphics will be like in actual gameplay...and what better game to test it on than FF7...and may I say holy freaking shit it looks awesome... Now for the mysterious console...the Nintendo Reveloutions... Little is known to me about the revolution, only cept the controller looks like a remote controll and the games are beckwards compatiable all the way to the NES...unless nintendo has something up their sleeve, I have to say the PS3 will win the console war... ------------------------------------- Now for the modern consoles Microsoft for now is the main company who has won the war in terms of Online Gaming and graphics. Their best games in my oponion are Halo/2, Fable, and Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. Only game I like out of the 3 is in my oponion, microsoft is not my way to go... Sony is my Vote, I like Sony because of the games that are released for the Playstation. The graphics are excellent, gameplay is fantastic, and all of the games I own have a great replay value. Also, when Sony released the PSP, it was one of their greatest ideas, however, theres one problem with the PSP. There are more movies on that thing than of today, im stuck with Metal Gear Ac!d and Hot Shots Golf...but in terms of portibility, PSP has it... Nintendo screwed up with the DS, I think the "Touching is Good" idea...was a terriable idea...when I play a DS, I always loose the games I play because when I touch the screen, its always a little bit off from where I touched it at and it screwes me the screen gets messed up after awhile of playing... The Gamecube had one major problem...production. Alot of their games are also made for other systems that can handle the same game better without seeing pixles on the screen and shaggy gameplay. The only games suited for this console in my oponion are Super Smash Brothers, Zelda series, and the Metroid Prime series... Dunno if I am allowed to list the future console games, but I had to put in my 2 cents about it ^.^ ;;; |
Astrophel Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything; Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering Since: 10-03-04 From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta Since last post: 2521 days Last activity: 1372 days |
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If I didn't know better, I'd think Sajin thinks graphics are more important than the gameplay. But then, here's where we've got a problem - he bitched about the graphics on the Xbox 360, and yet he likes Morrowind (which, let's all be honest here, is not a graphical masterpiece). So which is it, Sajin? Are graphics enough to change your opinion of a console, as your comments on the Xbox 360 say... or do graphics not matter to you, as your stated liking for Morrowind implies?
As I've said before, fuck choosing. I have no favorite console. It's all about the games. And since currently, most of my favorite games are on the N64 or GBA, I don't know if they even count. |
High Flyin' Ryan Shyguy Since: 04-26-05 From: Ry-Cave Since last post: 6691 days Last activity: 6497 days |
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Nintendo, I was raised in my video game life by Nintendo and continue to say it is the best there is, was, and ever will be . KICK ASS NINTENDO W00T! | |||
Evo Red Super Koopa Watching you fall brings joy to my heart.... Since: 08-16-04 From: Oregon Since last post: 6150 days Last activity: 6090 days |
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Those of you that know me know I am a Nintendo fangirl through and through. However, I would have to vote for "more than one of the above" for two reasons.
I love intendo. Camecube had some really good games, stories were good. However, I am awaiting the Revolution for one reason (maybe two): Super Smash 3. (whatever they named it). Also, if Twilight Princess comes out, I will be right there. I do love Sony's graphics, though. I am not a fan of The Final Fantasy series, but I think they are getting really good with graphics. Sony also has games like DDR and ITG that I love. Heh. Yay! |
Bitmap #1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt Since: 09-05-04 From: His Laughin' Place Since last post: 4598 days Last activity: 4592 days |
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Originally posted by Sajin Gorotto Thats my answer...I like both Graphics and Gameplay |
Astrophel Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything; Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering Since: 10-03-04 From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta Since last post: 2521 days Last activity: 1372 days |
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And yet the ONLY stated reason you don't want an Xbox 360 is because of the graphics.
Hmm. There's a word for that, I believe... |
Shuyin Baron of Radical Since: 08-19-04 Since last post: 4006 days Last activity: 3912 days |
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For shame.
I prefered Sega's consoles. They were always ahead of their time. The Saturn and the Dreamcast are personal favorites. .....What? They're still modern....kind of... |
Astrophel Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything; Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering Since: 10-03-04 From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta Since last post: 2521 days Last activity: 1372 days |
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Not modern enough, and Sega was in the other thread. *kicks Shuyin over to Classic Gaming* | |||
Evo Red Super Koopa Watching you fall brings joy to my heart.... Since: 08-16-04 From: Oregon Since last post: 6150 days Last activity: 6090 days |
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Lmao, now be nice.
Shuyin, you didn't really explain your answer, but I guess it works. |
Bitmap #1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt Since: 09-05-04 From: His Laughin' Place Since last post: 4598 days Last activity: 4592 days |
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Originally posted by Tamarin Calanis And what word IS that? Like I stated in the quote, the XBox360 just looks like a 'Sharper' Xbox. Compared to the PS3, Xbox360 blows. hmm...but were getting a bit off topic here... In terms of compatibility- Nintendo In terms of games- Sony In terms of graphics- Microsoft Thats basicially what ive said, but with my personal oponion... (Smells like someone dosent like me too much...) |
Astrophel Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything; Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering Since: 10-03-04 From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta Since last post: 2521 days Last activity: 1372 days |
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I dislike when people complain about the graphcis and nothing else.
So what else about it blows? Again, the ONLY listed disadvantage so far is graphics. Lemme put this in a list format, that's usually easier to use for a summary. 1. Xbox 360 has apparently inferior graphics to PS3. 2. You say Xbox 360 blows. 3. You mention no other reasons. (and actually, we're quite on-topic. We're discussing the consoles.) (Last edited by Tamarin Calanis on 11-10-05 09:04 PM) |
Evo Red Super Koopa Watching you fall brings joy to my heart.... Since: 08-16-04 From: Oregon Since last post: 6150 days Last activity: 6090 days |
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...Yeah, I'm kind of lost. You said that the XBox 360 blows in comparison to PS3, but in your overall list, you list Microsoft (XBox) as your favorite BECASUE of graphics. (not overall favorite, but why you like it).
Merh. :/ EDIT : and yes, this is on topic. I asked you to discuss. (Last edited by Evo on 11-10-05 09:07 PM) |
Cyro Xero Rune Mage Rave Atom Since: 02-23-05 From: Minnesota!! Since last post: 91 days Last activity: 91 days |
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I was talking about the PS3 a couple weeks ago with somebody. Basically he said that everything that was better about the Xbox over the PS2 will be the other way around- The PS3 will now be better than the Xbox 360 in the aspects (give or take a few) of the past. Apparently, Sony learned from it's mistakes and made things a whole lot better.
Now, this may be going off topic, but I wanted to say that the same person also said that Square Enix might be moving to Microsoft. I don't know if this will become true, but I sure as hell hope that it doesn't happen... |
Astrophel Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything; Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering Since: 10-03-04 From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta Since last post: 2521 days Last activity: 1372 days |
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I think Square has returned to being a nonexclusive developer. There will, supposedly, be FFXI on Xbox 360, but after their long, surely prosperous relationship with Sony, I don't see them jumping ship anytime soon. And with them porting the older FFs to GBA and DS (FF3), that means they're also working with Nintendo now... | |||
Black Lord Koopa Since: 12-12-04 Since last post: 5664 days Last activity: 5664 days |
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As far as I know, Sajin, the Gamecube's graphics were only inferior to the Xbox. And I don't recall seeing pixels while playing games. ? | |||
Shuyin Baron of Radical Since: 08-19-04 Since last post: 4006 days Last activity: 3912 days |
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Why I brought up Sega is because they were ahead of their time with their consoles.
First came Genesis then came Snes. First came Gamegear, then came gameboy color. (MUCH later) First came Saturn, then came Playstation. First came Dreamcast, then came Ps2. Dreamcast was the first console that successfully enabled online play. Sega was always the first to bring graphics to the next level. Unfortunately they were cursed with failure with every console. However I guess the Dreamcast isn't considered modern anymore......though some games still have better graphics than some Ps2 games. BoT :The only reason I want the 360 is because of Doa4. (Which has been delayed, no surprise. ) Honestly i'm not very impressed with any of the next gen titles. The graphics are cute and all, but they don't seem very next-gen. The difference between Playstation and PS2 was a HUGE leap. However PS3 doesn't look to magnificent. Same for the 360. I haven't seen any games for The Revolution. I've only seen the awckward controller that it has. I haven't really read to much into it, so I don't really have a opinion for it. |
Bitmap #1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt Since: 09-05-04 From: His Laughin' Place Since last post: 4598 days Last activity: 4592 days |
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Originally posted by Sajin GorottoOriginally posted by Tamarin Calanis Originally posted by Tamarin Calanis Uhh, actually I did. If I recall, I was comparing the graphics from the XBOX360 to the PS3...While also mentioning that compared to the old XBox, it only looks "Sharper". Now dont get me wrong there are some good games out for the XBOX, but not as much as there are IN MY OPONION to the for the PS3, with its new Cell-Processor, its going to blow the XBox360 out of the water... Now microsoft believes that graphics play a bigger role on gameplay... Now yeah Evo I did say that the XBOX Won in terms of graphics, I diddnt say XBOX won the Console war; if I did, I would have said Microsoft won the console war on CURRENT gaming consoles... Did I clear everything up for everybody? |
Jedi Master Desroth Priest Since: 08-24-04 From: Macomb Since last post: 5311 days Last activity: 4751 days |
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Heh, 360 didnt even win in the current consoles. NFS BE is out for the 360. Take a screen from that and place it next the Burnout Revenge for PS2 screen. and you will see that the 360 is a little sharper thanks to high def. Yes folks, you get a small amount more of camera flare and maybe 1 pixel more in the background.
It is hard to compare the current X-box and PS2. PS2 has been out the longest, while X-Box is relatively new. In terms of games, PS2 takes the cake. PS2 (in my opinion) has had much more fun games on it then X-Box does. Can you play Shadow of the Colosuss on the Box? But at the same time, can you play Halo on the PS2? Overall, PS2 wins it for me. Graphics: Again, another tie. Some say X-Box, but PS2 has had leaps and bounds in graphics. PS2 may not have been built for graphics like the X-Box was, but PS2 has surprised us with awsome graphics. I like Both in this respect. I guess it I lean towards PS2 more then X-Box, but I like both. PS3 takes it for me, but 360 has its ups. The Revolution might be cool if they make the controller move the reticles on screen... |
kyle s kenedy Armorknight Since: 01-14-06 From: petaluma california Since last post: 6446 days Last activity: 6286 days |
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Its all about the Playstation. xbox is great and all but micrsoft just is to young yet sony has been around longer and has more games around. Nentendo is circling the tolet becuse of the game cube if they whant to live the revolutin beter be just that a revolution. (Last edited by kyle s kenedy on 01-22-06 08:52 PM) |
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Modern Consoles : Which console makers do you prefer? | | |