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Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - True's First Convention EVER (AWA) | |
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True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 179 days
Last activity: 179 days
Posted on 09-27-05 02:04 PM Link | Quote
Here are the top ten things that happened to me that I loved the most =P

10. Costume Contest=I didn't like it all that much considering that I was a novice and only Journeyman and Masters won. There was only a couple of Youth that won. Oh well it was fun none the less. I got on stage and people cheered and I heard "SEXY BEAST SEXY BEAST!" LOL

9. Sanji's Dip= Not tobacco. He surprised me by knocking me over in a dip when I was goin to get a pictrue with him.

8. Kris was in the arms of a Shino= She got really cold and a Shino pal came up and gave her a hug. She stayed in his arms all through out the last day.

7. Free DVD from ADV stand= They liked my costume and everything. So they gave me WeddingPeach vol. 4.

6. The Attention= I got a TON of people to ask me for pictures. I never thought Utena would've been that famous a character.

5. The 20 Mirokus= They all asked me to bear their children. XD After meeting them I tried to shake hands BUT they kissed my right hand all the time. =_=

4. The Merchandise= Got two statues of capcom's Morrigan and Lilith, AhMyGoddess TV Special Box Edition DVD, X/1999 Wallscroll, FREE SHWAG, Autographs from Edward Elric's voice actor Vic Micnogna, LIghter for my mom, Free Cell Phone Strap for mom, AWA 11 t-shirt ofcourse, Free DVD, CD Called "The Space Age Electro Pop- The New Wave of the New Century", Disgaea button for Mark, and two booster packs of FMA Trading Cards along with a card that's autographed for Mark. =P

3. The Photoshoot= There was an Utena photoshoot because people cosplayed together as them. Then a Final Fantasy one, I got the Toneberry King to stab It took FOREVER and my smile never felt stupider.

2. 21= I've never been mistaken for the age 21 so many times in my life. I thought I looked like I was 15 or something.

1. The phone call= I got Vic to talk to Mark XD that was funny I had a lot of fun with that. Then a fangirl looked at me and went "THAT WAS SO COOL!!! I WISH I HAD A CELL PHONE ON ME!" XD

My favorite thing was the phone call because I had never seen Vic laugh before, and he looks so funny. He's taller in person too. I never knew that too. LOL anyway their were other people there but all my friends borrowed my DVDs and I couldn't get the covers signed. NEXT YEAR I'm deffinetely getting my DVD covers and getting them signed too.

(Last edited by True Flight on 09-28-05 09:27 PM)


Since: 08-16-04
From: Nihongo Freak Forums

Since last post: 5975 days
Last activity: 5960 days
Posted on 09-28-05 06:07 AM Link | Quote
Wow, your first time was way better than mine... but I think you forgot to mention something... Who did you cosplay as?
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 179 days
Last activity: 179 days
Posted on 09-28-05 06:28 AM Link | Quote
I thought everybody would know, because I talked about it constantly. I was Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena. uh..... *pauses to think*

This Chick
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Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - True's First Convention EVER (AWA) |

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