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Red Paragoomba

Since: 08-31-04

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Posted on 09-19-05 07:57 PM Link | Quote
This apparently is Americas new trend. So many users are using and doing it that its getting outragous. One big site that poeple have exploded on the scene is Used for a college students, more and more minors (real young minors) are using it.

Do you blog?
If so whats the url?

(( sorry if this is advertising another website or in a rong area...))



add me if you have either.!

(Last edited by zer0 on 09-19-05 10:58 PM)
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Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

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Posted on 09-19-05 10:36 PM Link | Quote
no disrespect intended whatsoever but........

blogging is not a new trend. it was a trend years ago, i'll guestimate and say about 3 years ago. i'll go ahead and guestimate again and say that 95% of the ppl in myspace don't bother using the blog area. and when they do, they dont really even "blog" they just write dumbass things that would not be considered as a blog. and i dont think it's mainly used by college students, but mainly by high school students. when MS came out, it was restricted to 18+, but now they changed it to 16+ i think... and we already made a thread about MS some time ago... but yes, i do write... and the link's in my profile =/
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-20-05 02:56 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, blogging's not new. Not by a long shot.

I semi-blog in LiveJournal, link's at the bottom of this post (yes, right under the kitty with the butterfly). I read other people's blogs, though I haven't been keeping up in a while.

I'm just not willing to pay to post a journalism student's trivial life tid-bits and whatnot.


Since: 10-20-04

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Posted on 09-20-05 03:05 AM Link | Quote
I don't know what blogging IS really. No idea. Someone explain?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-20-05 03:35 AM Link | Quote
Blogging (the short way of saying "web log") is pretty much any type of online journaling or posting of stories, opinions, what happened in your day, all that shit.

Maddox posted his own take of it here.

Ironic thing about Maddox's rather lame site, though, is the fact that it would be considered a blog... *shrugs* In his own catch phrase, he needs in his own words "eat shit."

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

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Posted on 09-20-05 04:11 AM Link | Quote

also on LJ,

beware chaos.

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

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Posted on 09-20-05 01:52 PM Link | Quote
*shrugs* might as well....

There you go.. have fun.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 09-20-05 03:58 PM Link | Quote
I've never been into it personally. But I have nothing against people who like and enjoy it.

I just don't really think I truly need to write essay's about my days online or anything.

Meh, my main excuse is that I'd just rather spend my time posting on messageboards, then writing up stuff about myself.


Since: 09-11-05

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Posted on 09-20-05 04:08 PM Link | Quote
I've considered starting a blog, but I figure nobody will be interested in reading it...

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

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Posted on 09-20-05 04:37 PM Link | Quote
TROM and Xeo, even if no one reads it (which we would), it's a good way to get out your feelings. Also, people can offer advice on the same subjects over and over, unlike boards like these where you'll get in trouble for opening the same thread every week.

Such examples as "I'm gunna be a bad mom!!!!" in my journal. lol. Anyway, sometimes it's a good thing to have. *nods*

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 176 days
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Posted on 09-20-05 09:03 PM Link | Quote
I blog, it helps me to get stuff out, and also to keep my long distance friends up to date on what's been going on in my life, since I don't really go on AIM anymore and all... also because I have an addiction to Quizilla and I have the memory of a siv (sp?)

Anywho, I'm on LJ and MySpace... the LJ one is linked to in my profile. Either way my name is ElaraDreamstar on both of them (though MS lets me have a space in the name).

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

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Posted on 09-20-05 09:08 PM Link | Quote
Like Elara and Evo said it helps you get thing's off of your chest... I dont know how many time's I have ranted in my livejournal and have positive feed back from all of my friends who read it.. once you start it more and more people will start reading it... if you dont want them to all you have to do is set it to private so only close friends can read it or no one at all...

Mini Octorok

Since: 09-14-05
From: CA

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Posted on 09-21-05 01:18 AM Link | Quote
I personally dont blog, but my friend (gf?) blogs. She wants me to get one, sigh. Should I?


Since: 10-20-04

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Posted on 09-21-05 01:58 AM Link | Quote
I don't want to get thing soff my chest usually. I should probably but I've been a loner and very independent my entire life. I've only actually had close friends for two years now and I'm 21 years old.

Only once in my entire life have I gone to my friends for emotional support. One time in 21 years. I deal with things on my own and keep things to myself a lot more than I shoudl so I've always had difficulty with like my live journal. I update it VERY infrequently and usually with just random inconsepuential stuff that doesn't mean anything.

Cry. I would reccomend that you only start a blog if you want to. I started a My Space account for my ex girlfriend and I've hardly ever used it but the only reason I started it was because she wanted me to. I've been to the site maybe ten times since then.

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6185 days
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Posted on 09-21-05 02:50 AM Link | Quote
Crythole, I'd get one. If you use it, you use it, if not, you don't. You might discover you actually like it, unless you're more of a private person like Pockets.

I, however, like to have emotional support, and I also see it as a good way to keep in touch with others that have Live Journals (LJ).

And if it's not your thing, you don't have to update it, but with random quizzes and such.


Since: 10-20-04

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Posted on 09-21-05 03:00 AM Link | Quote
ok I must point out that Evo does have a very good point. I am a very private rather closed off person so my previous post was entirely from that perspective. If you're a more open person than you might actually get a kick out of it or find it a useful outlet.

Mini Octorok

Since: 09-14-05
From: CA

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Posted on 09-21-05 02:29 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Evo
Crythole, I'd get one. If you use it, you use it, if not, you don't. You might discover you actually like it, unless you're more of a private person like Pockets.

I, however, like to have emotional support, and I also see it as a good way to keep in touch with others that have Live Journals (LJ).

And if it's not your thing, you don't have to update it, but with random quizzes and such.

I may go ahead & get one. I dont see my friend that much, so itd be a good way to keep in contact.

Plus like u said I can post with random junk. Thats always fun

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 176 days
Last activity: 176 days
Posted on 09-21-05 03:56 PM Link | Quote
Heh heh, yes, if all else fails things like LJ make excellent quiz result storage. Hell, that is half of what my LJ is!

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1631 days
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Posted on 09-21-05 05:10 PM Link | Quote
**nods** As others have mentioned, I find blogging to be a way to get things off my chest. Sometimes I just go nuts and my fingers are moving faster than I can think. I'm just feeling...and usually my entries are too long for me to feel like reading back over to see if everything actually makes sense.


Since: 09-01-05
From: Po-Town, ON

Since last post: 7025 days
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Posted on 09-21-05 06:58 PM Link | Quote
Ya, I blog on the odd occasion. I do it in my MSN space. There's also a link in my profile and at the bottom of my layout.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Blogging |

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