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Would you like to see this rule implimented?
54.5%, 12 votes
45.5%, 10 votes
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User Post
Dark Lord 666


Since: 07-21-05
From: Austin, Texas

Since last post: 7097 days
Last activity: 7079 days
Posted on 07-24-05 02:42 AM Link
To simplify the matter, we don't want anyone using a technique, weapon, armor, or anything else that they can't explain. If you can't explain how your sword is sharp, than guess what? It's Swiss Cheese.

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1587 days
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Posted on 07-24-05 02:50 AM Link
(Again, HUGE Casual Swearing Warning.)


Does ANYONE read my fcuking post?

Sim-battling is for fun, not a bitch rant!

As much as we get sim-battler, half of them do not want to bother dealing with 35 sentences long in a single fucking paragraph. Some don't even bother reading novels sized post where we would be sitting back and watch a pointless bitch-fight.

Look, half of the time, even some sim-battlers I fought are cheaps. Why, because they don't want to die fast and doesn't explain clearly! But do I fcuking cares about that?


Are you guys creating more problem then we have now? Because this is getting pointless as you guys bitch just as much as it is already!!! LOOK, NO ONE IS PREFECT. They don't and probably have enough creativity to get the idea flowing. Hell, some of the sim-battles got less description but still make it interesting. Take Kaijin and Sparda battle.

They both didn't explain well so that mean Kaijin could pull out every single cheap trick where Sparda could be shooting 5,000 Green Swiss Cheese at Kaijin? Hell no, they just sim-battle just fucking fine. They don't fucking bother dealing each other attack by calling it Cheap Bitch Spell.

And if no one read my post before, I am will very pissed and ask a moderator to close this down, and leave the rules the fucking way it is. I am tired of dealing more problem and I want everyone to have fun.


Since: 07-18-05
From: Above the Law.

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Posted on 07-24-05 03:00 AM Link
Don't flame him, he's just a bit excited. Shanan, calm down, and think, don't act without thinking, whenever you do so, you will lose control.


I find alot of fun in trying to figure my way out of fiendish traps, and well-constructed attacks. They don't have to be really, really long, just a decent sized post, nothing much biggaer than a paragraph.

(Last edited by Reno on 07-24-05 06:04 AM)
Dark Lord 666


Since: 07-21-05
From: Austin, Texas

Since last post: 7097 days
Last activity: 7079 days
Posted on 07-24-05 03:04 AM Link
Typing in caps will not get your point across, Shanan.

This thread shall not be closes. It has the right to be up just as much as Shin-Ra has the right to be on this board.

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1587 days
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Posted on 07-24-05 03:34 AM Link
Originally posted by Dark Lord 666
Typing in caps will not get your point across, Shanan.

This thread shall not be closes. It has the right to be up just as much as Shin-Ra has the right to be on this board.

Maybe it will to me! Look, I know as much as probably a few know... But EVERYONE is deversed to be treated equal here.

The real questions I am asking to each of every single sim-battler, regardless of whom is it for. Look Shin-Ra... I like how each one of you can be kind and trying to set a better example for the future, but most of us are not that ready yet.

And look, Xeogamer... They are trying to help us get more creativity and idea to help us. But you immediately jumped to the conclusions that they are no-good sim-battler who are planning to take over the board.

And if either you can't decide to accept the facts we both have different idea and opinion, then it is obviously show that you can't accept everyone's feeling and that's what make us much worse then we are now. I don't care what do we have to say for ourselves, but let people be people. Each one have their right to sim-battle the way they wanted, even they are not good in it.

What is more improtant, as I asks BOTH Shin-Ra and Xeogamer? Your idea and rules or creating a balance and work together as we come to a agreement, making safiscation to BOTH side? It is the same thing as asking either you want it to be a Win-Lose or Win-Win...

Obvisiously, you are too caught up in your opinion (And I am refer this to both of side) to decide which is better, when BOTH could be suffice by believing that the sim-battler could have the choice to make a descriptive attack or not. Look, I even sim-battle Spartan once for my middle-weight belt. He got a horrible grammars then I do, but I NEVER bother myself to understand his feeling until he decided not to take it calmly.

This also happened with Oni who seem somewhat lame at the first and when he gave up in like 3 posts, I never bother myself saying that he was a worthless sim-battler who didn't even fight me. I never bother people because their post description is horrible but I bother myself by going along with it. What the problem? Are you saying that people like Spartan need to work on his grammar skills and place every detail when he could have been busy?

I don't care who winning or now, but all I want to see is that BOTH sides accept the fact about sim-battling is not only for fun, but for what we feel about. I am talking about what heart, soul, and spirit that they could provide in every battle.

Leon and I has been a rival for a while and we still never have a thread. But even now, you guys could make it harder for him to sim-battle while I want to fight the real Leon. I don't want to fight Leon who have to describes 2-3 paragraphs when he could just put it in his own word.

But as much as I read some of Shin-Ra posts, I did bother myself to reading some, because that how YOU sim-battle. I don't ask everyone (well, maybe one but that's not even a point. I just happened to hate some personality.) to sim-battle like I do, because this would be like fighting myself.

We are not like you, Shin-Ra. Or could we ever be. Why won't you accept the facts about us?

And Xeogamer. Even though you think they are doing something worse, they are trying to help us give other people some basic visual concept of the attacks. They don't to see a one sentence attack that said: "It can suck the lifeforce out of the target's body." They just want to know some information about it.

I just want this to end, but if I failed in that, then I don't know what both of you guys want. But all I want is that these two sides to stop arguing against each other for what we are. All of us aren't prefect! Therefore, don't bother telling everyone what to do because they have their feeling.

I have my feeling and look where I am. I am taking two sides and I already feel bad enough about this. Are you going to make Shin-Ra and Xeogaming exists together easy or are your feeling more important than anyone?

I might not get my voice heard, but as least it's damn worth listening to. I am tired of this blickering about description for the battle. Let's everyone be the way they are, because nothing could change that.

Try not to ignore people's feeling too. All of us aren't prefect, and leave it at that. Okay? I don't want to see a war break out between Shin-Ra and Xeogaming over something pretty stupid.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 141 days
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Posted on 07-24-05 06:42 AM Link
To be perfectly honest, I've been tired of this petty feud since the day it started.

"I'm better"
"No, I am"
"No your not, I am!"

It's old, drop it.

And we use the rules used by most Acmlm boards (at least everyone I've ever been to).

I can explain all of my techniques, but by using D&D rules, since my main sim character is a character that I created using the 3.5 D&D rules for diety creation. Actually, my sim character is a toned down version of my actual character, because some of her abilities would be pure "godmods" by the rules. The only one that is tough is Dark Halo, and that is because it was not originally mine.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 91 days
Last activity: 91 days
Posted on 07-24-05 10:48 AM Link
Well, it seems niether side will back down quite so easily. There is no need to be swearing so refrain from doing so here.

I've read through this thread and taken in everyone's opinions as to why and why not this rule should be made. To be honest, this something that even I would have probably come up with sometime. But to make it into a rule is something I'm not sure about. You guys, (the Shin-Ra, is it?) have a very good idea, and this idea would probably help settle a heck of a lot of misunderstandings and arguments. This doesn't even need to be a rule, and maybe shouldn't, because there is no way everybody will go by it. Not even most, sadly. Many fighters don't really think about HOW their stuff exactly works, just that it seems like a very awesome thing when they imagine or picture it inside their minds (this is sometimes even how cheapness manifests itself). They don't have much knowledge to give a good reason why their attacks or whatever do what they do and why something is indestructable when going against it. We've all actually started off that way it's just that some of us have evolved into better explainers over time and experience. And this might come with some arguments of its own. Some may have bad reasoning in their explaination of actions or events that seems perfect to him, but to the rest of us seem horrible or doesn't make sense. It might be the best the guy can do because while there may be something else he could add to make his thing legit, he won't be able to figure it out. So making this a rule wouldn't be fair to a lot of people.

Instead, what you could do, as some people have in the past, is explain your attacks in your profile so people can see how they work. OR, better yet, I could possibly make a thread in this forum with a rule that fighters would have to post how their weapons and attacks work so they can be justified in the event of an issue. So if something does come up in a battle and an your opponent says you were being cheap we can go to wherever you have your attacks listed and you can say,
"See, this is exactly how my action works. Your defense wouldn't work because it's a wrong type and..."
People can look at the logic behind your actions and the logic behing your opponent's and determine whose make more sense, and it would be hard for somebody to get away with cheap logic with me around. This is but one alternative I can think of for now.
I don't think I'll implement the rule here. Not yet at least.

I hope my reason is good enough. It could have been said better, though. I know your group isn't trying to " take over the board" or whatever. Ideas are always good to have. Believe it or not, I am just like you guys. I have good ideas once in a while that can bring new things to sim battling or even change certain aspects it of and fight with a style that I wish people could fights based off. You just want to make things better, and I respect you for that. There are many things we should implement here to make everyone better fighters. We just haven't thought of them yet. For now, just keep posting the logic behind your actions in your fights. If something does comes up then call on either Shaddow or myself. You'll have your arguement there already. If your opponent can't come up with a good one, then it'll just be an unfortunate loss for him. Again, I do like your concept. It's good to have people like you around.

And Leviathan, you're not the only fighter to incorporate a lot physics into RPing...

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 07-24-05 01:54 PM)


Since: 08-16-04
From: New York

Since last post: 4979 days
Last activity: 967 days
Posted on 07-24-05 11:05 AM Link
I can't be sure about this...but it seems to me that this is slowly turning into an issue of 'degree of description' rather than logic. As you must understand, some things cannot be supported by logic...but it can certainly be described to a point where it is somewhat reasonable.

Going back to the whole tapping into the power of the core thing. The fact that no living thing has ever done this before prevents a person from truly understanding what would happen had that been done. Therefore, some logic is immediately negated because 1) As of yet, it's still impossible, and 2) You have no idea what would happen had it been possible. Therefore, instead of logic being the key here, it would be the degree of description.

Correct me if I'm wrong...but if someone were to say "I tapped into the power of the core", you would object because there wasn't a single explanation behind it supporting that action. Now, if I were to say "Using a combination of pure concentration as well as the abilities of my advanced psychic powers, I forced a channel linking me to the power of the Earth's mighty core." It's not logical because 1) It's not even possible, 2) Such psychic powers do not exist. However, I explained it to a certain degree as to make it reasonable. A sense of 'how' is answered. It doesn't necessarily have to be possible.

The reason I explained that was because I get the feeling most people are misunderstanding what's being proposed. As I have just demonstrated, it's not logical, what I did, because of several reasons 1) no one knows if it can be done, 2) I possess powers that do not exist, etc. However, by explaining it to a certain degree, and I'm not saying two paragraphs just on a single attack, it can be made to become reasonable.

I believe as long as the 'how' is answered to a certain degree, the description should (but may not always) suffice.

(Last edited by Sparda on 07-24-05 02:08 PM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 91 days
Last activity: 91 days
Posted on 07-24-05 11:53 AM Link
I can agree with you there Sparda. That was a good explanation. My concern is that people may not be able to explain an action well enough to where it would seem feasible or somewhat realistic. I think that's where a few problems can spawn. But, I could be wrong. I feel a little lost with this issue becuase I'm not sure exactly what I should do to for a compromise. It does seem that this is leaning toward "how you do it". For the most part it should be enough for people to get by, but there will always be something where logic is required to step in to prevent something totally outrageous from happening, as a way of explaining the reasoning behing the action. This "need" could justify the use of the thread I mentioned in my previous post so people could have the logic portion of their action already known.


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5580 days
Last activity: 5492 days
Posted on 07-24-05 12:37 PM Link
We would LOVE to see the lot of you suddenly tossing out decent-sized posts full of description..but that is not what this is about.

What this rule is about is quite simple. Either through a profile, in-spar, or by request, there needs to be some REASONABLE way to explain an attack, item or spell. Doesn't have to be fancy..doesn't have to be complicated..doesn't have to be POSSIBLE. But if someone asks how this attack works, or what makes that spell tick, or HOW you summoned that giant should already know, and there should be no problem offering a basic explanation. In all honesty, this sort of thing should be done in a profile or in a post when the attack is made...but provided your descriptions/explanations stay the same between PMs, then why not?

Jity Horo


Since: 01-01-05

Since last post: 6718 days
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Posted on 07-24-05 12:41 PM Link
If you said how the spell ticked then why even bother using it. You would know how to block it.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5115 days
Last activity: 1425 days
Posted on 07-24-05 12:42 PM Link
I voted 'no'. I really believe every one here would have a hard time describing megic in a logical way. I am not saying they will not be able to do it, I am merely stating that it will be challenging.

This should not become a rule, maybe a strong suggestion, but describing things as you say, 'logically', would make it a test of who knows more, instead of who is more creative. That is what this is, creativity, and intelligence are equal in these sim-battles. And putting more of an emphasis on one or the other takes away from what a person could do.

If intelligence is made most important, then those who are extremely creative, who can paint a brilliant picture with words, but not be able to back it up with logical facts, then they miss out on being able to be regarded as skillful by the simbattling world.

THerefore, I truly think this entire poll is going to create complete ruin through the sim-battling section of this site. And I think there are only so many votes for yues, because your Shin-Ra group is large enough to get any damn rule you want passed. SO I vote no, and I vote to completely disregard any suggestion that the group of Shin-Ra makes. They do not deserve an opinion, for their constant problems with the rules should make them leave this site, and go terrorize another, less significant one.


Since: 08-16-04
From: New York

Since last post: 4979 days
Last activity: 967 days
Posted on 07-24-05 12:50 PM Link
Originally posted by Leviathan
We would LOVE to see the lot of you suddenly tossing out decent-sized posts full of description..but that is not what this is about.

What this rule is about is quite simple. Either through a profile, in-spar, or by request, there needs to be some REASONABLE way to explain an attack, item or spell. Doesn't have to be fancy..doesn't have to be complicated..doesn't have to be POSSIBLE. But if someone asks how this attack works, or what makes that spell tick, or HOW you summoned that giant should already know, and there should be no problem offering a basic explanation. In all honesty, this sort of thing should be done in a profile or in a post when the attack is made...but provided your descriptions/explanations stay the same between PMs, then why not?

That's kind of the same thing I was saying. The 'how' factor, in my opinion, seems to be playing the biggest role in terms of 'description' and/or 'explanation'. However, one cannot really exist without the other. You cannot explain something without having to describe nor can you describe something without ending up explaining it to a certain degree. Offering a basic explanation is very simple as long as it's your own technique and you know how it works.


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5580 days
Last activity: 5492 days
Posted on 07-24-05 12:56 PM Link
"This sword can cut through any metal."


"Because it has a magical spell that heats it up to (makes up a number) 45,000F. I just can't use it all the time because it heats up the blade so much."

"How did you make that giant ice ball?"

"I thought of something very cold. Then i pulled in a bunch of energy from around me and put that cold thought into it to use my magic and make it ice."

Wow. That was very, very difficult wasn't it?

We should not have an opinion? Allow me to give you a bit of information, bub. We BEGAN modern simming. Literally. We STARTED it. We are the FOUNDING FATHERS of this RP style. We have effected every large american RP board on this planet in one way or another. Before us, simming was "Slashes this guy in the stomache" "Bleeds. Stabs the other guy in the leg". Nothing but chat-style. Yet you believe our opinions are not VALID?

Half the people here think that we want to take over the board. If that was the case, we would have a hundred old members swarming this place right now. As Shanan stated, we are trying to help you lot along..nothing else.


Since: 08-16-04
From: New York

Since last post: 4979 days
Last activity: 967 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:03 PM Link
Originally posted by Leviathan
We should not have an opinion? Allow me to give you a bit of information, bub. We BEGAN modern simming. Literally. We STARTED it. We are the FOUNDING FATHERS of this RP style. We have effected every large american RP board on this planet in one way or another. Before us, simming was "Slashes this guy in the stomache" "Bleeds. Stabs the other guy in the leg". Nothing but chat-style. Yet you believe our opinions are not VALID?

Half the people here think that we want to take over the board. If that was the case, we would have a hundred old members swarming this place right now. As Shanan stated, we are trying to help you lot along..nothing else.

Originally posted by Xeios

THerefore, I truly think this entire poll is going to create complete ruin through the sim-battling section of this site. And I think there are only so many votes for yues, because your Shin-Ra group is large enough to get any damn rule you want passed. SO I vote no, and I vote to completely disregard any suggestion that the group of Shin-Ra makes. They do not deserve an opinion, for their constant problems with the rules should make them leave this site, and go terrorize another, less significant one.

Leviathan, I think you may need to calm down a bit. Xeios is simply stating his opinion. Sure, harsh as it may have been, it's still his opinion and he's entitled to it just as you are. But you arguing with him and telling us about Shin-Ra's history isn't going to make much of a difference. As you can tell by now, most XGFers don't care who you are or what you have or have not done for online message boards. Remember, the final verdict lies, not with you or with Xeios but to the majority in the poll.

Xeios, that last paragraph wasn't necessary. Just state what you think and let it be. Everyone deserves their opinion. Granted, not all opinions may be correct, but it would be prejudice not to grant someone an opinion regardless.

(Last edited by Sparda on 07-24-05 04:06 PM)
Jity Horo


Since: 01-01-05

Since last post: 6718 days
Last activity: 5933 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:11 PM Link
You know what, WE"VE HEARD ENOUGH OF YOUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND SUPERIOR SIMMER SHIT. WE DON"T CARE! I said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't like it leave.


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5580 days
Last activity: 5492 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:18 PM Link
Beautiful attitude Jity.

"You guys are incredibley experienced and knowledgable on the subject of simming. You come to our board and try to give us a little help on our simming system. Hah! Fuck you!"

As Sparda said..we'll let the poll speak for itself.
Jity Horo


Since: 01-01-05

Since last post: 6718 days
Last activity: 5933 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:20 PM Link
Sorry all non Shit-ra members for that out burst. You can only take so much

Just beacause there are more of you active doesn't mean crap. Xeo pass' the rules so unless he says it good to go its not.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5115 days
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Posted on 07-24-05 01:20 PM Link
Originally posted by Leviathan
"This sword can cut through any metal."


"Because it has a magical spell that heats it up to (makes up a number) 45,000F. I just can't use it all the time because it heats up the blade so much."

"How did you make that giant ice ball?"

"I thought of something very cold. Then i pulled in a bunch of energy from around me and put that cold thought into it to use my magic and make it ice."

Wow. That was very, very difficult wasn't it?

But your entire description has no logical thought behind it. You think of something cold and pull energy from around you and then shoot an ice ball? Thats the exact type of descrioption you are fighting against, something that has no logic, and makes little sense. So, you are no better than those you are persecuting. In that instance it is actually better to say, "I launch a ball of ice at my foe, and the ice is extremely cold so if you touch it, you freeze..."

(Last edited by Xeios on 07-24-05 04:22 PM)


Since: 07-20-05
From: The 217th layer of hell. Quite temperate actually.

Since last post: 5580 days
Last activity: 5492 days
Posted on 07-24-05 01:28 PM Link
Psychokinetic transferance of a thought-form into pooled ambient energy.

There is a REASON. There is a WHY. It is not simply "Well..i made it..and..uhh.."

No one expects EVERY explanation to be perfectly logical. This is FANTASY. for the 10th time...this rule is about reason.

Most of you could not work up a highly detailed and complete explanation of every attack. That is fine, as that is not what this is for. All it reason. Do you have a reason why you can do this? Can you explain it a little bit?

(oh, and by the way...given what we know about theoretical psychic abilities and the possible link with so-called magical acts such as "thought-forms", the description of the iceball was sound on a meta-scientific level.)
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