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Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Favorite Anime and why..... | |
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#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4635 days
Last activity: 4629 days
Posted on 05-30-05 11:50 AM Link | Quote
Whats your favorite anime and why?

I have 2 favorites actually, and youll never expect me to say these animes and why i love them...

Love Hina, Because its hilarious. Not many animes out there that show no nudity and no cussing yet still hilarious.

And last but certanily not least..."Chobits"

I Love chobits because I can relate alot to the series, alot of my friends say im Hedieki's twin or something, and I always go by the saying in the manga-ka

"Always Search for the Someone Just For You"

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 05-30-05 02:20 PM Link | Quote
I can't really decide on one alone, but here's a few of my favorites.

Rahxephon - Absolutely breath taking. The sound and music in this anime is very amazing. The character development is impressive. It's a phycological thriller, so be prepared to be guessing until the end. It's just one of those animes that really captures your mind.

Iria - Although just an OVA, I loved it. The world is almost very similar to that of Star Wars, like Tatooine or something. The music is great, the characters and storyline are all great.

That's all I can really think of, I like a ton of anime's, but these 2 really struck my mind.

As for my favorite movie, I'd have to say Princess Mononoke, easily. Castle in the Sky comes close.

(Sajin, if you want a good anime with humor, that doesn't have nudity and stuff like that, try out 2x2 Shinobuden).

(Last edited by The Emperor on 05-30-05 05:21 PM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4635 days
Last activity: 4629 days
Posted on 05-30-05 02:31 PM Link | Quote
My Favorite anime movie would have to be Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and Akira The Movie...

2x2 Shinobuden? Ill have to check that out/...
Broken Dreams


Since: 05-29-05
From: California

Since last post: 6704 days
Last activity: 6704 days
Posted on 05-30-05 04:53 PM Link | Quote
My Favorite Anime Is CowBoyBebop.
There's just something so sad and yet realistic about it I mean I know the tech in there is what we don't have in real life but I mean just emotionally I think there was a lesson in the show and it was sad that anime was perfect in every way, made me cry too.

(Last edited by Broken Dreams on 05-30-05 07:53 PM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4635 days
Last activity: 4629 days
Posted on 05-30-05 05:17 PM Link | Quote
I like the animator whom made CoyboyBebop, along with Wolfs rain and now samuari Shamploo.

I wanna know the man/woman who made that series....
Broken Dreams


Since: 05-29-05
From: California

Since last post: 6704 days
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Posted on 05-31-05 02:00 AM Link | Quote
google is a internets best friend.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6424 days
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Posted on 05-31-05 12:32 PM Link | Quote
The creator's last name is Watanabe, I think he's a guy, that's all I remember.

My all time favorite is original/fansubbed Dragonball Z. The emphasis on humor and action was such a great combination, that's why Akira Toriyama didn't bother to make much variety from saga to saga. There are well over 100 characters in the series, all with darn good voicing (i actually liked some of the english voices better though). The main theme for it (We Gotta Power) is good too. And for its time, early to mid 90's, this was very well drawn. If you've ever noticed it, one of the very first attempts at "bullet time" came from one of the fight scenes in the Buu saga, in which ssj3 Gokuu kicks Fat Buu in the stomach.


Since: 10-07-04
From: California

Since last post: 6542 days
Last activity: 6419 days
Posted on 06-01-05 11:58 AM Link | Quote
Well... Anyone who knows me knows that my favorite is Eva...

Also known as Neon Genesis Evangelion it is the best of the best of anime... including great animation... a interesting and confusing plot scene... the coolest characters I've ever seen and the coolest battles to come out of anime Semi-Mecha anime... 26 episodes plus 2 movies (and there is a live action version being made in america now) is hardly enough for the wonderful series but it does it very well with the time it has...

A definite must see... I suggest everyone see this...

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 06-01-05 07:18 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Sajin Gorotto
I like the animator whom made CoyboyBebop, along with Wolfs rain and now samuari Shamploo.

I wanna know the man/woman who made that series....

*looks up at Wolf's Rain poster*

Toshihiro Kawamato

Anywho, as for my favorites:

Naruto - The humor of the series is great as is the character interaction and development. I really feel a connection to Naruto and even to less major characters like Hinata and Shikamaru. I also love the artwork and the music as well as the voice actors.

Hokuto No Ken (Fist of the North Star) - It was the first anime series that I watched all the way through, and again I really felt for the characters. The artwork was awesome for it's time, as was the music. I just wish that the subbing was better... oh gods the Engrish!

Both serieses managed to make me cry at least once (haven't seen all of Naruto, so don't know how many times I will), and I also tend to judge on that. If the storyline is good enough that it can pull me in and make me cry then I think it is good. Not many have managed to do that.

As for movies... Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Jin-Roh, Princess Mononoke, Wicked City.


Since: 05-03-05
From: california (knows how to party)

Since last post: 6406 days
Last activity: 5655 days
Posted on 06-02-05 02:43 PM Link | Quote
tRIgun!!!!!! ah how vividly i remember the nights spent huddled close to pocket's television while he is passed out by the computer in a snow drift of cat hair, watching the entirety of trigun on his tv recording jiggy! and also cowboy character development ever! i am the secret love child of spike speigle and edward!!!!


Since: 10-07-04
From: California

Since last post: 6542 days
Last activity: 6419 days
Posted on 06-04-05 11:45 AM Link | Quote
Oh... Well hell... if we're supposed to put multiples... le'ts see...

Saber Marionette J
Last Exile
Full Metal Alchemist

all of them have there own special qualities that make them great but those are my choices for cream of the crop... You all need to see the anime's listed above...
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6703 days
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Posted on 06-08-05 08:33 AM Link | Quote
Last Exile is my all time favorite Anime. Why? The drawing in it was extrodinary and it was a very original series. The characters (well at least 2 or more) were 3 dimimensional characters instead of the regular 1 dimensional characters you get. I love that series.

For movies, Princess Mononoke will always be my favorite. It introduced me to Miyuzaki's works of art and made me love him. It was my favorite and will always be my favorite.

Movie List:
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Read or Die
Castle in the Sky

For a list:
Last Exile (owns entire series)
Gravitation (owns entire series)
R.O.D the tv series
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 178 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 06-08-05 10:21 AM Link | Quote
*smiles* I love mystery anime. Conan and Spiral are wonderful examples. but Spiral's way better.i also like

dun dun dun

Angelic Layer *huggles her layou*

anything by Clamp is great. ESPCIALLY Clamp School Detectives. Yes it's always cute and to the point. I like all anime with a good plot line.

yup yup that's mostly what I like.


Since: 05-20-05

Since last post: 7180 days
Last activity: 7165 days
Posted on 06-13-05 03:05 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Sajin Gorotto
Whats your favorite anime and why?

I have 2 favorites actually, and youll never expect me to say these animes and why i love them...

Love Hina, Because its hilarious. Not many animes out there that show no nudity and no cussing yet still hilarious.

And last but certanily not least..."Chobits"

I Love chobits because I can relate alot to the series, alot of my friends say im Hedieki's twin or something, and I always go by the saying in the manga-ka

"Always Search for the Someone Just For You"

Hmm i think i told you this before, but my fav anime is chobits! I know the whole theme song in japanese by heart. ^ ^ I too was on that same road for that someone just for me, i thought i had him but its time to continue that search again.

Wall Bot

Since: 08-16-04
From: the world of warcraft

Since last post: 7058 days
Last activity: 6953 days
Posted on 06-22-05 05:17 PM Link | Quote
I have way too many favorite anime SERIES but for movies I would have to go with anything Miyazaki makes....the man is a genious...Im still waiting to get Nausicaa and wanting to go see castle. I also loved Akira, it created its own genre and was so fresh and unique for its time...even now dare I say it.


Since: 05-15-05
From: In the kitchen eating all the food!!!!!!!!MMM YUMMY!

Since last post: 6778 days
Last activity: 6778 days
Posted on 06-22-05 07:48 PM Link | Quote
I have an agenda in my brain with a list of animes and their times they come fullmetal alchemist,samurai champloo,and some others...this is one anime i really liked but now they dont show it on tv anymore which is wolfs rain I thought that was good anime when it used to come on.
Toilet Master


Since: 09-24-04

Since last post: 7125 days
Last activity: 7021 days
Posted on 07-06-05 07:52 PM Link | Quote
favrorite anime was gundam wing because i was obssed whith it when i was six and that singl anime lead to many diffrant anime's.what not better then seeing gundams beat the hell out of each other come i'm older and want to unde stand the politics in the story but i'm am not paying $300 for a box set. also i have a lot of modle kits that i bulit so dam well better like it.

(Last edited by Toilet Master on 07-06-05 10:55 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Favorite Anime and why..... |

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