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Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 3985 days
Last activity: 3350 days
Posted on 03-14-05 10:41 PM Link | Quote
Kinda just pointing out what many of you already know, and thought it would be a good topic to discuss.

The media. Has a grip on us all. The media has been basically telling us what to think (propaganda for support, MTV telling kids whats "cool"), and gazillions of people are always glued to the screen to watch the same old stuff over and over again. Same old sitcoms, same old reality shows. And since the dawn of reality shows, millions have been gaining pleasure in other peoples embarrasment and misery. Pleasure off pain, kinda sounds like the gladiator fights. Now this isn't for everyone, there are alot of people who are not in Medias grip. Some people here are not, and I for example despise reality TV, don't believe many of those "fear spreaders", and don't watch any of the "new" sitcoms coming out. I watch TV for only a few things.

-Daily Show
-Tonight Show
-Simpsons/King of the Hill/Family Guy
-Or maybe a classic cartoon from the day here and there.

The media is dominant and powerful, it always has been. People seem to be gernerally weak-minded now.

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A little cartoon of how it's all dominant over us, and how many people don't realize it. =/

Sailor Déesse
Mistress of Pink
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy

Since: 08-14-04
From: The Moon

Since last post: 6525 days
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Posted on 03-15-05 01:27 AM Link | Quote
Of course it is and it's only going to get worse I admit though I don't mind getting a magazine and looking into the celebrities goss, it's kind of interesting same with Entertainment tonight and I like watching Video hits (aussie show, sort of like mtv)

But as for these sorts of shows telling me what's cool, meh, I will do, wear, act etc how ever I want, but most of the things I do and like are wants "in".

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 60 days
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Posted on 03-15-05 07:13 AM Link | Quote
Heh heh, one of the reasons that I am glad I stopped watching television years ago. I only watch it now for the news and occational show that my parents are watching (CSI or something like that). The whole reality show craze makes me want to puke to be honest... I mean yeah, Survivor was a cool idea in the beginning, but after the second one it's just like "why?"

Of course I feel that way with most of the shows out there. Even the news does that to me. You watch the 5pm broadcast and it's the same news as the 11pm broadcast. Things do happen in 6 hours you know. But no, same footage, same words, different time... sometime different station. It's sad really.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 48 days
Last activity: 37 days
Posted on 03-15-05 09:24 AM Link | Quote
The Politican, that is a classic comic I'd say.

And I agree, people these days are just to incredibly gullible and shallow.

Personally, I don't watch TV other than a "few" sitcoms here and there like George Lopez, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc.

For news, I stick to the Daily Show, and Conan O' Brian.

And everything Adult Swim. Everything anime too.

But mainly, I watch G4TV, as much as I hate it ... I still like the channel at the same time. (videogame channel, so I'm not really sure if that's controlling people, it's mainly just reviews and opinions)

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-15-05 12:24 PM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 594 days
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Posted on 03-16-05 07:57 AM Link | Quote
Personally I see it all as a matter of personal opinion.

News media provides a neutral p.o.v. where the audience makes their own decisions based on the given information. Should they all band together and make a stupid decision or think one stupid way is their own damn fault.

I'm sick of everything being blamed on the media, the scapegoat for all of life's troubles apparently.

"My son shot up his school. It couldn't have been because I wasn't teaching him values and that high school life is just a temporary hell that you come out of and can make a better world for yourself or the fact that I was smacking him every day of his life and expressing my extreme disappointment in him. It must be the media!"

"All the boys are only going for the hot chicks and not me. It's the media's fault for presenting a mono-accepted form of beauty in our country and making all of the superficial boys that I want, go for the skinny, blond sluts! Hang the media!!!"

Seriously, all of the bands and so-and-so's out there blaming the media are just saying it because they don't really know who else to blame. Why go for the gusto when you can just put it all on one general, faceless mass? Saying things are the media's fault is the minimal amount you can say to be considered "deep" or "political."

Those who say this country is indeed controlled by the media make me sick, especially considering the HIGH censorship and violations of the freedom of speech the enforcers of the constitution aren't supposed to commit, but certainly do.

And then you have these people who turn around when something happens to command the media to cover it for them. If you're so pissed off with how facts are presented, go out and do the research yourself. Yes, fly to Iraq and check out all of the dead bodies or get shot at daily. Let's see you do it, pseudo-intellectual "liberal America".

(Last edited by Rogue on 03-16-05 11:13 AM)
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2440 days
Last activity: 1291 days
Posted on 03-16-05 08:08 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue

News media provides a neutral p.o.v. where the audience makes their own decisions based on the given information.

Say WHAT?! Rogue, what channel do you watch? What state do you live in? All the news around here is blatantly biased, which last I checked did not indicate a neutral point of view. Am I the only one who sees this, or is this common elsewhere, too?

I take a somewhat neutral view on this subject. The media is a scapegoat often, but people are, truthfully, just that stupid and gullible. So, while not everything can be blamed on the media, they aren't completely innocent either.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 594 days
Last activity: 403 days
Posted on 03-16-05 08:36 AM Link | Quote
Publications tend to watch each other. And that's why there are so many publications with "so many different views" if you so choose to look at it that way.

When are you given more than just facts in a news report?

It's all in the interpretation which others tend to exaggerate.

If you're talking editorials and commentary, which are all marked fair comment, that's why they are usually given the disclaimer that the view doesn't reflect the entire publication. People are given a voice through the media and thus are enabled to use it to express extreme views on major topics. The first amendment gives the freedom to criticize public figures without persecution.

That's why I'm glad to be an American reporter because were I in China or most anywhere in the Middle East where there is no free press and the government controls the media, it would be ridiculous. More than likely, because I'm a woman, I wouldn't receive the right to even consider being a reporter.

And yes, there are some crooked journalists out there who have either since been caught or apologized and resigned their posts. What does lying and deceit in journalism gain other than calling everything you've ever done into question? But then again in what field is there not a crooked anything... the church obviously isn't safe or the White House.

I'm so passionate on the topic after almost being arrested myself and watching others being so for no crime whatsoever. That and paired with censorship both my magazine and newspaper staffs are experiencing as well as our college's broadcast department.

I'm tired of the American "gestapo" coming in to stomp freedoms we were blessed with and people who say the media is to blame for all evil, giving these people all the more motivation to shut us up.

(Last edited by Rogue on 03-16-05 11:43 AM)
Slow Ride
Take It Easy

Since: 01-10-05

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Posted on 03-16-05 08:37 AM Link | Quote
I will watch TV on very rare occasions, if the daily show, family guy, old simpsons, adult swim, or someone rented a movie. Otherwise, that thing is off for the rest of the day. I do play video games on occasion, but that isn't watching TV now is it. I like a sense of control and video games are the only control i get on a TV.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 48 days
Last activity: 37 days
Posted on 03-16-05 09:44 AM Link | Quote
Well I don't watch the News, it's just depressing and sad.

But from what people tell me, they can be somewhat biased.

I've heard FOX is probably the "least" biased News Network out there.

But don't take my word on that, that's just what I've heard, and again I don't watch the news myself ... so I can't really back that statement up.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2440 days
Last activity: 1291 days
Posted on 03-16-05 11:47 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue

When are you given more than just facts in a news report?

Numerous times, Rogue. Again, this may just be in my area, but it happens a lot. I don't mind a few comments here and there, but it goes too far; I've seen entire news broadcasts here that may as well have been Bush campaign ads. Because of all the facts they leave out, watching the news here is completely pointless unless you want the weather. Then again, maybe I just pick bad nights to watch the news...

Also note: This is only the televised news. The newspapers here are fine. Too bad my mother doesn't get the paper...

(Last edited by Tamarin Calanis on 03-16-05 02:49 PM)
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

Since last post: 5728 days
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Posted on 03-16-05 07:57 PM Link | Quote
i say, if you dont like it, it doesnt like you either. no one forces anyone to watch tv. if you dont like the shows that are on the air, then dont watch, and dont complain about how it's dumbing down america. i watch tv at least 8 or more hours a day, and im unaffected by it. it's not like i watch jackass and then go out to do shit like that. anyways, reality tv shows, too many ppl complaining about it, get over it. it's here to stay, because the writers and actors were too greedy, going on strike and all that a couple of years back, so networks had to put something on tv. so they wanted to try out reality tv, and it worked. millions of dollors gained by unpaid contestants is great. like on everybody loves raymond, he gets i'm sure more than a million dollars an ep. survivors can take up to 40-ish eps, and the prize is only one million dollars, plus expenses, which is like 80% cheaper than actors. anyways, like i said, if you dont like the type of shows, dont watch, and dont complain, because some of us actually likes watching it. and no, it doesnt dumb us down, we watch because it's funny. most of it is fake and scripted anyways, but tv is tv and a laugh is a laugh.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 3985 days
Last activity: 3350 days
Posted on 03-16-05 09:22 PM Link | Quote
One, I don't watch it. Two, I'm not saying it dumbs you down, I'm saying the people should realize how unorigianl most stuff is. And how other such things are making many kids the same. Most guys here have mdeium or long hair, and seem to dress as punks. And most of them act the same. I don't see very much "different" people, and those that are, get made fun of. Now there are unique charectors, I'm just saying that many are the same. But that's how it works. This couldn't have come out of the blue. Maybe something influenced it. Three, I'm not exactly complaining about TV. I'm just pointing out how it's gotten kinda dumb now. There's a bit of a difference.

I don't know if you were directing it at me, or the group, but I'm just defending here.
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - "Mwaha! I, Media, Control you!" |

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