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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - G4TechTv's changes | |
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Wall Bot

Since: 08-16-04
From: the world of warcraft

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Posted on 03-10-05 02:55 PM Link | Quote
Alrighty first off I dont know if this should belong in here or the Entertainment forum, I'll just post the thread in here for now and it can be moved later if need be.

What is going here people!? It seems that since last may when G4 game and bought itself a piece of Tech TV that everything has been going downhill since then. They introduced a boat load of new shows that cancelled some of the old ones. Heres a list of things that irked me: When Kevin & Patrick began hosting The Screen Savers together they decided to boot Patrick, then they got that Alex guy to complaining of-host with Kevin, they also booted him. They put Kevin Periera (who was already the host of several shows mind you) and that asian woman on there...and Kevin really needed another job. They have the horrible (in my opinion) Judgement Day where the musician gives everything a zero. They also cancelled Unscrewed which was hilarious... They rejected Mega 64 as a full time show, but hey...instead of videogame jackass, your going to see more Robot Wars! I also went digging around on the internet and found out that The Screen Savers is getting cancelled (remember i complained about the host changes not the show itself). Do any of you remember Pulse? It was the Videogame and technology news show which was interesting, also cancelled. The only thing they should have done and did was fire Correy Rouse...dear god thank you.

What are your views on this issue?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-10-05 02:57 PM Link | Quote
I personally think this is more for the Entertainment forum.

G4 completely bought out the TechTV station.

Here's what I posted a long time ago on another board ...

(Title - "Dang, TechTV rocked ... [Begin Rant]")
And, in a matter of months after the *cough* Merger *cough / wink / retarded* TechTV is almost no more, and what's left of it is completely stupid.

The Screensavors for instance. This show, was great, and quite possibly the best show TechTV had next to X-Play. Leo and Patrick did a fantastic job, showing "Interesting" things and keeping news up to date about hardware, software, and computer specs, tricks, etc.

Now? This show is shit. It's as simple as that. What the hell is this "Jimmy the Geek" shit? Kevin Perieai (spell it however you want), this guy sucks. He tried to be funny on whatever G4 shows he used to host (I can't remember the specific names) and he knows next to nothing.

I'll never forget the episode I saw where they spent about 10 minutes showing off these blogs that were, "dog blogs" and all the entries and info were basically "bark bark woof". Oh, isn't that cute? No thanks, I'd like to learn about something useful.

And now, they've even got their "EB Games top 10" rentals during "The Screensavors". In a matter of a few months, I wouldn't be very surprised if all we get out of the TSS in the future is "Here's how to overclock an NES!" (Not that that's really stupid or anything, my point is, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns completely into a videogame show when it really shouldn't be.)

(What's ironic here? I used to hate Patrick, yet he DID in fact bring good info and news about computers, and junk, I'd love to see him come back and crap on Kevin) is fine (I'll go ahead and say it, both Tina and Laura are quite ... nice ), it's about the only good show I like on G4 next to Icons, other than that, I've always hated G4, even before they bought out TechTV.

May the force be with X-Play, as this show STILL freaking rocks, I just hope G4 never fusks it up like they did with TechTV entirely.

End Rant.

(Now this is my post)

Yeah, it sucks. It's just that simple.

Hell, you don't even see "TechTV" in the logo anymore ...

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-10-05 06:15 PM)
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

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Posted on 03-10-05 06:07 PM Link | Quote
i think the bigger issue is that they're not killing tech tv, but instead, it was already dead to begin with when they bought it. there's no such thing as a merger, that's what they call it, but it's not what it is. it is simply someone buying someone out, because they're begining to become a big rival so to end things, they pay off their boss big money so they wouldnt have to deal with them anymore. G4 has always been crap, and i could never understand why TTV would sell their souls to them, i mean, wtf... in time TTV would've been king, and i think they were even the kings at the time of the take over. g4 has nothing to offer to anyone, except for money from its deep pocket. ttv is more of a fan friendly channel with helpful people, g4 is just a company who could careless. judgement day is a load of crap, tommy knows nothing about anything, yet because he has money so he made himself the host of the show he made. adam was appointed or something to x-play because he actually knows what he's doing. anyways... the only positive thing i can say about this take over is that anime unleash instead of being boxed in on only techological anime, they're now able to show almost any type of anime.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-10-05 06:59 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, that's pretty much what I said.

On an episode of the TSS, while TechTV was being bought out, Kevin hinted at the fact that the owner of TechTV issued out 30 Million to some space program that allows anyone to fly out into space ...

If it weren't for that, they could still be in business.

But yeah, G4 sucked to begin with, and all they did was destroy a good station.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 133 days
Last activity: 133 days
Posted on 03-10-05 07:27 PM Link | Quote
You're kidding me about Unscrewed being cancelled.... Why teh hell did they do that? I can say that I'm glad I got a long chance to watch TechTV before the merge. It was my favorite channel next to Sci-Fi when I was staying in a hotel at Ft. McCoy for two months. I never liked teh merge to begin with, and ever since I stop watching it (because it's not on where I live) I haven't been keeping up to date on what's been going on. Butwhat you guys are saying is just horroble. I didn't really have any interest in G$, and I thought that it was kind of stupid when I first saw it (with this going on I still think it is). I find it rather silly that a program just messed up a good one over time. What are they planning to come out with by having everything screwed up?
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