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User Post
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 08-03-11 06:01 PM Link | Quote
One of my bestest friends, her daughter (my goddaughter), and me:

(Last edited by Rogue on 11-08-11 10:40 AM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4645 days
Last activity: 4639 days
Posted on 08-24-11 04:32 PM Link | Quote


Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1643 days
Last activity: 1461 days
Posted on 09-02-11 12:02 AM Link | Quote
Ever hack that computer? :p

This was taken when I went to Disney around 4th of July. Still haven't cut my hair. :p I'm afraid to at this point.

But the sunset was absolutely breathtaking...and the pic that I actually got turned out kinda cool, so I can't wait to post that as well.

If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 09-09-11 12:19 PM Link | Quote
Finally got access to a scanner.

Here's me in Windsor, England, age 18:

Here's me in Paris, same trip:

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

Since last post: 180 days
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Posted on 09-09-11 05:24 PM Link | Quote
I now fully understand the name "Rogue"!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 09-09-11 05:31 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, I got it down to white a few times, but the streak always seemed to return to blond.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 14 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 09-09-11 06:38 PM Link | Quote
Haha, that's pretty epic.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4645 days
Last activity: 4639 days
Posted on 09-24-11 11:50 PM Link | Quote
We even have videos of my friends snorting Everclear and playing MVC3 or whatever. Tonight is still going on but we are all shooting the shit and talking.



Video and more pics to come. Some of the folks who came over can't stay the night so we'll be playing more games tonight.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1643 days
Last activity: 1461 days
Posted on 10-20-11 12:06 AM Link | Quote
So...I'm always bitching and moaning about being so busy...few things in the works now, and I find myself in need of a headshot. Thinking about using this one, part of a pic taken at a friend's wedding back in September.

If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 10-20-11 12:15 AM Link | Quote
Who gave you permission to grow up, Katana?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 188 days
Last activity: 188 days
Posted on 10-20-11 08:23 PM Link | Quote
I think it kinda works, though it is different from most of the headshots that I've seen from my theater friends... I think usually they like you facing forward.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1643 days
Last activity: 1461 days
Posted on 10-20-11 11:19 PM Link | Quote
I dun wanna grow up! So the permission didn't come from me, that's for damned sure!

But I was flabbergasted at the idea of providing my own headshot. I asked them before I had to go in if it had to be like the professional ones I've seen, and they said no, they'll provide those if I get in. They wanted a pic from our own collection because if I DO get the job, apparently it's a big deal, and everyone on the team gets featured on the website. The website isn't finished yet though, so I think that's why they weren't too picky. They wanted something in case they needed to put up something fast, but will do more professional ones later.


Been hella busy...and I'll know by tomorrow if I can finally breathe again. XD This job will provide MUCH needed medical benefits.

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 177 days
Last activity: 6 days
Posted on 10-23-11 05:48 PM Link | Quote

My tattoo.

Me at Comic Con


Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1643 days
Last activity: 1461 days
Posted on 10-24-11 01:00 AM Link | Quote
I got to go to Philly's Comic-Con two years ago. I wanna go again SOOOO bad. ANd I wanna travel to the others as well. What's the San Diego con like? I know it's one of the biggest, of not THE biggest, right?

Badass tattoo though, bro. Though I've said this before.
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

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Posted on 11-01-11 03:26 AM Link | Quote

Small picture, but these were my two Halloween costumes this year. I had a lot of fun!

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1643 days
Last activity: 1461 days
Posted on 11-06-11 12:54 AM Link | Quote
'Speaking of growing up (beautifully, at that) why isn't this page blowing up for Kyoku?! Freaking gorgeous, hun!

And....I finally got a MUCH needed night of just flat-out enjoying myself (Open Bar too.)

Marine Corps Ball, with the boyfriend.

Edit: Doin' my own hair and make-up, like usual. Like a boss. And YAY 4"Heels! He's only 5'11...and yet mom's tall, but noooooo.....

(Last edited by Katana on 11-06-11 12:57 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 188 days
Last activity: 188 days
Posted on 11-07-11 08:00 PM Link | Quote
*resists making jarhead jokes*

You look awesome in red, Kat.

Kyoku needs to post more pictures. You look great, and nice skeleton makeup!

... Holy shit, Spartan posted! *dies*
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2568 days
Last activity: 1419 days
Posted on 11-24-11 10:42 PM Link | Quote
Linked for hugeness

Yes, after all these years, now you know what I look like.

It's not a very good picture and it'll be a pain in the ass to get anything more than my head, but what do you expect from an MP3 player's camera?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 11-24-11 11:16 PM Link | Quote
Holy crap, nice picture, Thex.

That's not what I pictured for some reason, but hey good to know what you look like.


Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1643 days
Last activity: 1461 days
Posted on 11-25-11 11:25 AM Link | Quote

I think we should make it mandatory that the "vets" show themselves now. Hahaha.

Edit: and make all the jarhead jokes you'd like. He's a reservist. I verbally assault him on a daily basis. Haha. The second picture is RIGHT before I tackled the shit outta one of his friends though. Bringing this up now because, there's video of it...and I'm trying to get a hold of it. Haha.

(Last edited by Katana on 11-25-11 11:28 AM)
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Official Photo Album Thread |

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