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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Snow....damnit... | |
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Since: 08-16-04
From: New York

Since last post: 5021 days
Last activity: 1009 days
Posted on 02-28-05 05:58 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, I know most of you like snow. And as some of you may know, the New England states will be getting A LOT of snow today and tomorrow. Well, I don't know about the guy next to me...

*points at some random guy*

...but I am no longer a big fan of snow. An hour's commute everyday from school and then another hour back is hard enough. But to have to commute in the snow is harsh...and it usually doubles the commute time for me. And not to mention...I have to shovel...a lot.

So what do you think in general?

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1638 days
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Posted on 02-28-05 06:04 PM Link | Quote
As long as it's enough for there to be no school, and enough to play in, then I'm okay with it. One thing I love about being in a temperate climate. Snow isn't all year I get to enjoy it...just like every other season and type of weather.

Plus, I love playing with the kids in the snow. We've only got like two feet or something, but I shovel my sisters's houses, my grandparent's, my own, and the old people around here. I admit. I have a ball shoveling. I dunno why. Just like I have a ball doing the dishes...Teehee...playing in water is fun. **cough** ahem...anywho...

Yah, so I kinda like snow, but I know I can say if we got it ALL the time, then I wouldn't be so keen about it.

**huggles Sparda** I'm sorry Rush hour in Philly is tough...but I've driven in NY before...they're nuts!! and that wasn't during any rush hours and/or inclimate weather.


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3777 days
Last activity: 3588 days
Posted on 02-28-05 08:31 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, supposedly, there's going to be 2 storms in 1 coming here tomorrow. It's supposed to last all day tomorrow and then go into Wednesday. Man, all of these storms are getting ridiculous. I feel for you Sparda though -- since I have to travel about 45 minutes to my job 5 days out of the week. About 10 minutes of that is woody road that I have to travel on before getting to any main road -- and that road is full of pumps, holes, and pits all over the place due to the snow and water getting underneath. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to shoveling out of this storm at all.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 02-28-05 11:32 PM)


Since: 08-16-04
From: New York

Since last post: 5021 days
Last activity: 1009 days
Posted on 02-28-05 08:33 PM Link | Quote
Any news on exactly how high the snow level shall reach? There have been rumors that it may possibly get up to 10 inches (oh dear god no). But the scary thing is, my school would still be opened...even with 10 inches of snow. OH dear god...

Thank god the Dean of my school persuaded the principal to close school tomorrow. Or else I wouldn't be a very happy camper.


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3777 days
Last activity: 3588 days
Posted on 02-28-05 08:37 PM Link | Quote
That's around the ballpark figure of what I've heard we're going to get. I've heard on some stations that our particular area is going to get over a foot of snow. My area always gets more snow because I live in the mountains. And the snowplowers do a crappy job of plowing our roads, let me tell you.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 02-28-05 11:37 PM)

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

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Posted on 02-28-05 10:01 PM Link | Quote
I like snow. Then again, I live in Southern California, so I never see it unless I go up into the mountains in the winter time. I can see how one can not like if it get in the way. I just like snow for some reason. Maybe it's the peace that seems to come over nature as it slumbers under the icy blanket of winter.


Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 5754 days
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Posted on 03-01-05 03:31 AM Link | Quote
I get tired of snow Right about in March.

We dont lose our snow up here unitl about mid march . Were expecting another 8 inches this weekend .

But i love to play in the snow, and go sledding . I love driving it. Escpically in our rear wheel drive van. Loads of fun. Doing spinouts at school parking lots are fun to .


Since: 01-15-05
From: The Shadowlands

Since last post: 6469 days
Last activity: 5428 days
Posted on 03-01-05 10:04 AM Link | Quote
I love snow, just like whiterose I live in so cal but I go snowboarding at least 3 times a year, so yes I love snow, but damn you guys((Sparda and VGfreak)) get alot of snow, thats almost to much snow but anyway, snow is a blessing and a curse.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5157 days
Last activity: 1467 days
Posted on 03-01-05 10:54 AM Link | Quote
It snowed here, in Philly. But the asswipes that run our fair city, cant be cool and let us have off. So here I wait, in school, bored as hell, wanting with ever passing moment to break my face open on the computor screen in front of me.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1638 days
Last activity: 1455 days
Posted on 03-01-05 12:42 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xeios
It snowed here, in Philly. But the asswipes that run our fair city, cant be cool and let us have off. So here I wait, in school, bored as hell, wanting with ever passing moment to break my face open on the computor screen in front of me.

Yeah, but was a school today! Rather than the usual mosh pit... So yah...I actually had a good day today But that's besides the point of snow.

Glad ya had the day off Chaos Boy. Ya needed it. You and I both get up at like 5:30, and I'll see you online at like 2 I feel yer pain man Though I had school, it was a relaxed day Yay snow!


Since: 08-16-04
From: New York

Since last post: 5021 days
Last activity: 1009 days
Posted on 03-01-05 12:47 PM Link | Quote
Yeah. No kidding, I really needed this day off. Last night, I went to bed at 12 and i was relieved. It was a miracle. Today, I can get to bed even sooner because I finished all my homework.

But still, this doesn't take away from the fact that I still dont' like the snow. I bet there'll be major delays when trying to get home tomorrow. There always is.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5157 days
Last activity: 1467 days
Posted on 03-01-05 12:54 PM Link | Quote
i enjot the snow...Somewhat. Except for that time I fell on my ass. That was not nice. I bruised my tailbone. Damnit, that hurt. Anyvay. I like snowball fights, but don't like getting cold, so I usually don't participate in them.


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3777 days
Last activity: 3588 days
Posted on 03-01-05 01:05 PM Link | Quote
Heh, I fell on my ass when I went to shovel some of the snow off of my driveway a little bit ago. But it didn't hurt though -- I guess because there was so much snow, the snow acted as a padding. I didn't even bother trying to catch myself from falling, lol.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-01-05 04:05 PM)
Slow Ride
Take It Easy

Since: 01-10-05

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Posted on 03-01-05 01:47 PM Link | Quote
I also live in new england, Connecticut to more exact. I'm tired of snow, I want spring to come so all the snow is gone and the sky clears up to a nice sunny blue.

I'm glad I only live 10 minutes away from my school.


Since: 02-20-05

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Posted on 03-01-05 06:02 PM Link | Quote
I HATE snow. I want to live in the tropics, dammit.


Since: 08-16-04
From: New York

Since last post: 5021 days
Last activity: 1009 days
Posted on 03-08-05 04:46 PM Link | Quote
I understand that it has been a week since anyone has posted here but I just felt like telling everyone my experiences today.

I left school at...5:00 PM. I took the subway to the bus station. That took about 50 minutes in total. When I reached the bus station, I waited the cold...and in the snow...for...1 hour and 12 minutes for the bus. I got home around 7:30PM.

It's just one of those days when I'm not proud of being a New Yorker. When you got just an inch of snow, you're hit hard.

Sailor Déesse
Mistress of Pink
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy

Since: 08-14-04
From: The Moon

Since last post: 6648 days
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Posted on 03-09-05 12:39 AM Link | Quote
What is this ... snow ? I have never seen or felt song before, I have seen so much of it on tv and it looks like you can have heaps of fun


Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 5754 days
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Posted on 03-09-05 03:27 AM Link | Quote
You can have heaps of fun, but fun alyways has a bad side.

Its now march and were up to the 2 degree mark. WOOOHOO. no more -8 mornings for me. YEAH!


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3777 days
Last activity: 3588 days
Posted on 03-09-05 10:28 AM Link | Quote
I had to come home early from work yesterday because the roads were really bad. What's funny is that the wind/snowfall didn't start until after I had arrived at my job. But since I was there I figured I'd put a 1/2 day in anyway. Wind gusts of up to 40 mph at times (and right now still going on) made for a treacherous drive home and massive snowdrifts everywhere.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-09-05 01:30 PM)


Since: 10-07-04
From: California

Since last post: 6546 days
Last activity: 6423 days
Posted on 03-09-05 11:24 AM Link | Quote
Ya... haveing to work in or around snow has always been a bitch (i used to work on tiling the outside of houses in the winter) but if you don't have to go anywhere and there's nothing you need to do then it's great... it's beutiful to look at... it's fun to play in... and it can be a refreshing kind of cold... depending on where your at... driving in it has got to be the worse part... but i still personally love snow more than i hate it...
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Snow....damnit... |

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