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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Hobbies | |
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Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1638 days
Last activity: 1455 days
Posted on 02-28-05 05:34 PM Link | Quote
Just on a side note, I don't wanna see any more threads on what happened on this board. If anyone has questions, PM staff, or keep the comments in those threads already made, but it's pretty sad that the negative threads are a few pages long, and the one thread that would just pick up and keep the board going is at the bottom. I really don't wanna see that, so please, questions, comments, PM them or something. No more threads. It's depressing enough that the posts are all gone and all, but get up and move on. People hack the board in an attempt to break the board and it's community. This is not the first time we've been screwed over, but you know what? It seems the effects are less and less everytime, so just show them that hackers can kiss our asses and move on!!! ends here and now. If I see replies in this thread, I do NOT wanna see them pertaining to this side comment in this thread. If someone has to say, PM me, otherwise, I don't wanna see it here, or any other new threads about it. mmmmkay?

Okay....on topic...

What are y'all into? Hobbies, exctacarricular activities, or interests in general.

As for me, my interests vary, so that's why I'm not good at anything

I like drawing, painting, singing, dancing, hockey, playing the piano, flute, recorder, and violin, posting, RPing especially, doing stupid stunts, and making stunt videos with my friends....there's a helluva lot more that I'm interested in, and I'll prolly agree and share a lot of interests with lots of you guys here. So I'll just give everyone else a chance to post.

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4535 days
Last activity: 5239 days
Posted on 02-28-05 05:45 PM Link | Quote
Hobbies? Wow, I can neer remember them all of the top of my head, but lets's give it a go:

Writing stories and poems, reading (fantasy or high fantasy genra (sp?)), role playing, studing arts of divination (tarot card, rune stones, prophecy stone ect.), bellydancing, a little bit of drawing, hanging out with my friends, posting on boards, and other things I can't remember but I will add them on as I do remember.


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6761 days
Last activity: 5301 days
Posted on 02-28-05 06:01 PM Link | Quote
Hobbies eh? Well lets see... Posting on boards, watching tv, playing games with friends, going to berrymores, DDR, work (Yes working is a hobbie I have I know im crazy), reading novels, reading manga, paintball, going out and taking random pictures of me and my friends doing stupid stuff on my camera phone, driving, cosplay, going to the gym, and school (Yes another crazy one I may not act like it but I enjoy school sometimes).

Since: 12-09-04
From: Petaluma,CA

Since last post: 6765 days
Last activity: 6761 days
Posted on 02-28-05 06:04 PM Link | Quote
My hobbies are playing video games, doing sports, and hanging out with frineds.
I also like to go on my computer alot and watch TV. O ya I like to be a lazy ass also.

Wall Bot

Since: 08-16-04
From: the world of warcraft

Since last post: 7062 days
Last activity: 6958 days
Posted on 02-28-05 07:18 PM Link | Quote
Barrymore's is a kick ass fun time hehe.

I like Videogames, PC, console and handheld. I used to skateboard, not much anymore. Snowboarding, drawing anime/manga style mostly. Having fun with my friends. The occasional reading, starting to get into manga/graphic novels. World of Warcraft...failing algebra ahem...I rarely watch TV, only like X-Play and Adult Swim and Comedy Central. Oh, and I watch Mega 64, the best show in the world.


Since: 08-16-04
From: New York

Since last post: 5021 days
Last activity: 1009 days
Posted on 02-28-05 08:55 PM Link | Quote
My hobbies? I afew.

Aside from posting at this message board, I enjoy reading, especially fantasy books such as Lord of the Rings. I've been wanting to get the Silmarillion but I haven't gotten the chance. I also enjoy reading about Mythology. The tales of the gods and goddesses intrigue me greatly. I have just finished reading the Odyssey, and I must say, it is really quite a read!
I enjoy surfing the net and watching flash as well as playing games and downloading Misc. stuff. I visit ebaulmsword and newgrounds almost everyday to see what new flash games and movies they have to offer. I also occasionally play some computer games such as Half Life 2.
Next comes Video Games which I thoroughly enjoy but hardly get the chance to do. I own a PS2 and an Xbox. When I do get that rare chance, I play whatever I want to. For example, I just started GTAIII all over again on my PS2.
Next hobby...building stuff. Yeah, my dad has told me many times that I should look into engineering when I grow up. I have this unusual fascination for building lots of stuff. When I was young, I would build these insane models out of legos. Now, I work on more sophisticated stuff (time allowing).
Other hobbies...let's see...

Chatting with friends on instant messagers and have crazy rants about random stuff.
Hanging out with friends. You just can't go wrong there.
Watching movies. I have a passion for movies and I can really get into it as well as relate to them..if they are good. I'm a very very tough movie critic but that doesn't mean that I actually enjoy watching some movies that are considered "mediocre".

That's it from me for now.


Since: 10-07-04
From: California

Since last post: 6546 days
Last activity: 6423 days
Posted on 02-28-05 09:29 PM Link | Quote

Other Gaming
Making AMVs
Billiards (Pool)
Disc Golf
haning out with friends
I'll do just about anything once... and usually more... but those are the things that usually keep my day full...

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 172 days
Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 02-28-05 09:31 PM Link | Quote
My hobbies are.

Playing Halo 2
Playing Video games in general
Posting agian
Making weird storys with friends...(Cough Rosy Cough)
Yep thats it

Did i mention posting...

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4535 days
Last activity: 5239 days
Posted on 02-28-05 09:53 PM Link | Quote
After reading a few of these, I remembered a few more to add to my list: Anime, video games (both for computers and game counsels) and baking . Oh and lately I've been working on learning renfair songs to perform as my renfair character, but that goes along with the renfair I mentioned in the first post.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 133 days
Last activity: 133 days
Posted on 02-28-05 10:16 PM Link | Quote
I could list off a bunch of hobbies too, but there are only so many people can get really involved with, so I'm going to list the ones I do the most.

Bodybuilding is my top hobby. I work out as little as 4 days a week. Making decent progress so far.

Anime is my next one. I've been collecting videos for years.

The interener is something I'm always on. I have so much to do on it.

Video games are the fourth. I don't play them as much as I used to, despite all the games I've bought during the last month, but I get really into them when I start playing.

Going to club (especially ones that play techno ro trance music) is something I do pretty rarely, but I'm always, always up for it.

Although not the least of interest in my hobbies, creating ideas and concepts is last in my list. I have a very creative mind and use it often. Creating things is what I do best,

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1017 days
Last activity: 1017 days
Posted on 02-28-05 10:17 PM Link | Quote
Not to detract from the first statement, but as a hobbyist, I am first and foremost a hacker. Once a hacker, always a hacker. What we had was not a hacker, but a wannabe...a script kiddie. Never live up to the real thing. Hacking an acmlm board is child's play suitable for just that...a child.

Also, I write, I play(ed) the violin, I draw, and I occasionally read. Mostly, I've reentered the realm of writing once again because I just need a release from life. Playing video games is fun as well. And, if I can find my rackets and partners, I also play tennis.

Mustn't forget the anime. Gotta love the anime.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4108 days
Last activity: 3473 days
Posted on 02-28-05 10:25 PM Link | Quote
Hobbies, eh? Well, there's Video games (of course), message boards, drawing (I mostly sketch in class ), movie watching, occasional comic making, and a couple other things that I'm not really going to list as hobbies, as they're more just activites (hanging out with friends, going for "walks", and doing other stuff).

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1017 days
Last activity: 1017 days
Posted on 02-28-05 10:34 PM Link | Quote
There's something we have in common, you should see the margins of my notes in class. They're filled with random doodles and little inventions, add-ons for my car, of just overall technical schematics for a computer network or something. Have always been a doodler, and while I can't draw as well as I used to anymore, I've refocused that energy into writing.


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6568 days
Last activity: 6190 days
Posted on 03-02-05 12:54 PM Link | Quote
My hobbies are:

Talking on the phone
Playing games
more posting
making and playing RPG's
playing MMORPG's
hanging with friends
going to the movies
and thats about all i can think of lol


Since: 09-07-04
From: Georgia

Since last post: 6584 days
Last activity: 6423 days
Posted on 03-09-05 01:56 PM Link | Quote
I like to do a bunch of stuff but im only going to name about three.

well i like to play football, videogames, posting on the board, watchin tv, and mud boggin. i like a bunch of others but i dont have time to post them.

Sailor Déesse
Mistress of Pink
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy

Since: 08-14-04
From: The Moon

Since last post: 6648 days
Last activity: 6379 days
Posted on 03-09-05 11:11 PM Link | Quote
My hobbies are:

- Dancing
- Singing
- My friends
- Reading

... and I am sure their is more, I just can't think of them right now what a horrible memory I have I do dancing classes on saturday afternoons, and I also have singing lessons on sunday They usually take up most of my free time, along with homework, school, friends etc
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

Since last post: 5850 days
Last activity: 5850 days
Posted on 03-09-05 11:18 PM Link | Quote
magic: the gathering a ccg
watching anime
checking email, forums, and the like
collecting various sailor moon related things =P
sleeping as much as i'm allowed
writing stories when i'm inspired
swapmeet hunting for magic cards, and the like


Since: 10-08-04
From: Lakewood, CA

Since last post: 7167 days
Last activity: 6923 days
Posted on 03-28-05 07:47 AM Link | Quote
Hmm, I have so many hobbies that I lose track. But I'll give it a shot:

going to the movies, knitting, scrapbooking, working on my webpages, painting, playing my guitar, reading Harry Potter or Stephen King, photography, shooting Airsoft guns, etc.


Since: 10-20-04

Since last post: 5174 days
Last activity: 4690 days
Posted on 03-29-05 01:12 AM Link | Quote
I llike to read, write, bike ride, workout. Rock climbing, avoiding sleep as much as possible, hanging out with friends and my little sister. Video games and I'll post anything else that I can think of later.


Since: 08-16-04
From: Nihongo Freak Forums

Since last post: 5979 days
Last activity: 5965 days
Posted on 03-29-05 05:44 AM Link | Quote
I don't know if it's just my computer, but alot of the text boxes aren't showing up.

Well, back on topic, I don't really do much but play guitar, DDR, and a little bit of piano. All of my activities are music oriented, even posting (I just have WMP playing constantly).
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Hobbies |

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