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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - 10 Years Later... | | | |
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Rauni Since: 08-14-04 Since last post: 1606 days Last activity: 1606 days |
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Well, this is quite a trip down to the memory lane. I understand there are less activities going on now, seeing how everyone is going on their separate ways and growing up, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to least see this forum again.
So how is everyone doing lately? It is a pleasure to be back here and at the same time, kind of sad to how inactive the forum has been. For me, I thought I would take a trip back down to the memory lane, to see how everyone is doing lately. I hope everyone is well, despite in this dark time. Do not give up though, the brighter future is still ahead of us. I may check in once in a while, so I hope to hear from you guys soon. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 137 days |
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Seticus / Beowulf, the legend returns! Hehe, always great to see an old face. Yeah, I've kept the place running along with a few others over the years now. It's kind of painful to do so in a way, social media really crushed forums and the ways of the old internet I guess. It would be great to have a few more regulars pop back in, but yeah I realize most of us are all much older now.
2020 has been very taxing and pretty bad for me so far, but if a move goes well this summer (daring to move during a pandemic), I hope things turn around in the back half of the year. Holding out for it! |
Rauni Since: 08-14-04 Since last post: 1606 days Last activity: 1606 days |
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Glad to hear that you remembered me, Xeoman. It is true that the social media has made forums and old ways of the internet a relic of a past, which is quite a shame to hear. I am not a huge fan of social media lately, seeing how everyone seems to put focus on being more dramatic and overreacting over mundane things.
I hope all goes well for you, Xeo. Especially with your move out to somewhere, I can only wish that your move would be safe although I would exercise extreme caution during this ordeal. I am still happy to see that you and other are still safe and well. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 137 days |
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Thanks Rauni. You too! How have things been on your end?
Interesting how you and Kaijin both pop back on here recently and I'm playing FF7 Remake (of course!), hehe. Lots of warm nostalgia lately. |
Rauni Since: 08-14-04 Since last post: 1606 days Last activity: 1606 days |
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Things have been heretic and boring on my end. Struggling to get a job in mechanical engineering field, being lied at by people who think they know better, trying to get somewhere in life, stuff like that. I was laid off since August last year and has been looking for a new job since. The company I used to work for was brought by another company 2 months after my laid off, so I know that it wasn't my doing since I has been working there for 4 and a half year.
It haven't been good since and thanks to this COVID-19 pandemic, I feel quite afraid I am unable to get anywhere. However, I still believes that this is a temporary setback and things will progress for the better in the future. It will just takes time to get there. I heard FF7 Remake was pretty good, it stuck to its root and improve upon almost everything that they could, as least everything we saw in Part 1. I should have brought the game to kill the time. I saw a long play of Resident Evil 3 and thought it was lackluster to original. So many contents were cut out and it just felt like it was rushed for most part. To me, it was pretty disappointing. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 137 days |
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Dang, that sounds rough. This whole situation does make me want to get more motivated to have a good plan B, C, and D in the back of mind. I should get through this just fine I hope as long as it doesn't go too long. But yeah I'm with you there on the uncertainty of it all. I'm hoping things start normalizing by May at least...
I got the platinum for RE3 myself, so I played it to completion and got a little over 17 hours out of it total. Overall I really enjoyed it, I would say it's high mid tier on my RE ranking's. But yeah, it losing the clock tower, cemetery, and Nemesis not being dynamic was a bit disappointing. I did like the expanded hospital though and Carlos is actually a cool character now! But yeah, REmake 2 was a real gem to me, my personal 2019 GOTY! I wouldn't even hesitate if someone called it their all time favorite RE, it's a modern classic for sure. I still like REmake 1 the most, but it's right up there with it! |
Rauni Since: 08-14-04 Since last post: 1606 days Last activity: 1606 days |
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Not to mention missing the Dead Factory, the fight with Nikolai, and how Brad got infected (in the original RE3, he was attacked by a zombie in a bar but later killed by Nemesis. The remake changed that.) kind of irks me a bit. I understand Brad was a pilot but the fact that he "died" at a bar and somehow appears at the police station really doesn't make any sense to me.
I have some like and dislike about Resident Evil 2 Remake, although it is true to the lore of the original game, that make me happy. The whole "critical headshot" kill them irks me the most and it feels like they made it a bit harder. I understand that there are real stories that people did survive some damages to the head/brain, but you have to considers them lucky. And as for the pandemic, I hope to get out soon as I really am looking forward to living the rest of my life the way I want to live. It is a shame that is not how the world works though. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 137 days |
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Did you hear about the RE4 remake rumors for 2020? I kind of hope they hold off on that one for longer. I mean, RE4 IS an action game far more than the others. I'm not sure it'd fit this new format very well. And since they made cuts to RE3, well RE4 is even bigger and can't take a hit like that. Personally I'd rather they remake Code Veronica and give it more care and time than they gave RE3. It would be really neat to see Wesker 2.0 portrayed in this new era of RE.
Any other gaming highlights of the last few years for you? I'm a big fan of the Souls stuff, Demon's is still my favorite. I would say Nier Automata is probably my favorite game this gen all around. It just really spoke to me. Gave me some Xenogears vibes, heh. |
Rauni Since: 08-14-04 Since last post: 1606 days Last activity: 1606 days |
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I did hear about the RE4 remake rumors. I heard that CAPCOM was supposed to work on RE8 first before RE4 Remake but I really like they should really focus on storytelling aspect of Resident Evil series and make Resident Evil the game we all comes to know and love. Code Veronica could use a remake, it is one of the lesser known series and I really want to see some other characters like Rebecca Chamber (despite appearing in Resident Evil 0 and 1, her last known appearance is in Vendetta, which is a film) and Billy Coen (last known in Resident Evil 0, his name appears as a cameo in Resident Evil 2) get used more since we are playing a lot of Leon, Chris, Jill, Claire, and it is nice to actually have Barry Burton back on the team, despite not making an appearance for a long time.
Maybe that is just me. I have been trying to play some newer games but for me, I am getting easily bored with them. They used to be so fun for me. The most latest game I played was Final Fantasy 14, which I felt was a really good game at the time, but plagued with so many questions that need answers. Good game, just not the best, but it is quite an improvement over the last 3 games they made. And so far, the only game that looks promising is Final Fantasy 7 Remake and I really liked how they did the whole in part 1. I can't wait to see Part 2 and more. But aside from that, I haven't been interested in anything lately. |
Kaijin Surohm Living the dream Since: 08-16-04 Since last post: 1738 days Last activity: 925 days |
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Legend has it, RE8 was actually suppose to be RE Revelations 3. The Devs are actually admitting that the core RE fans are going to hate it, due to the supernatural take they've directed with it, so they retooled Rev3 into RE8.
Not sure how I feel about that, to be honest. The RE4 remake game apparently has a 2021 release window. I'm also not sure how I feel about this, as so far, RE2r has been heavily cut down, RE3r only had a year's dev time and was cut in half, now RE4r has been giving a rough year and a half window. We'll see how it plays out. I get a feeling that if they give it a hack job that RE3r got, gamers may riot due to the notoriety/fame RE4 has. I still got RE3r. I did NOT like RE2r at all, but RE3r did a very fantastic job with what it did have, limited as it is. (I got atleast 30 hours out of it due to replayability) I've already burned through Final Fantasy 7's remake. I've seen the "Issue" that has divided the fanbase. I'll avoid mentioning what it is, for spoiler reasons, but I can see both sides of the fence. I love the game for the most part. The "Issue" though, I completely understand why some people are beyond livid, and are now worried for Part 2. I'm one of the ones unsure about Part 2. Outside of that, 90% of the game is a complete joy to play and experience. Also good to see you again, Beowulf. |
Rauni Since: 08-14-04 Since last post: 1606 days Last activity: 1606 days |
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Originally posted by Kaijin Surohm Do you think that for Resident Evil 8, they are remaking/re-imagining Sweet Home? It would be ironic for me to see how the inspiration for Resident Evil series came to be if RE8 was based on Sweet Home, and fans are going to bad-mouth that. To those who are not aware of Sweet Home, Sweet Home is another CAPCOM's 'horror role-playing' game (and a movie released on the same day!) on the NES in 1989, the reason why I referenced the game is because Resident Evil borrowed a lot of inspirations from Sweet Home. As for Resident Evil 2 Remake v.s. 3 Remake, both have their pros and cons. I like how RE3r was more easier to kill the zombies compared to RE2r. However, when it comes to storytelling and all, it felt like RE2r was more closer to the original than RE3r did, even though there was some changes that did not follow the original. Originally posted by Kaijin Surohm It is a pleasure to see you as well, Kaijin. It has been a long time and I hope you are doing better in life. |
Kaijin Surohm Living the dream Since: 08-16-04 Since last post: 1738 days Last activity: 925 days |
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I don't think Sweet Home influenced RE8 this time, considering how Revelations 2 involved souls jumping from one body to another. I believe this is the case of them wanting to follow through with a new line of horror they are experimenting with.
I really was not a fan of it in Rev 2, so I'm hesitant to see what they will show, since we've come a long was from the original T-Virus lol. I agree with your assessment of RE2 and RE3's version of storytelling. They really did keep fairly close to the original notes of RE2, even if they derail it on a few things (Like Ada's entire storyline). I just found RE3r more fun to play, with the refined system they reigned in, and the dodge mechanics. And also not wasting 14 bullets to down one zombie. As for the last note, life is alright. It's proceeded against everything I've ever planned, but I made due with what I've had to work with lol. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 137 days |
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I've heard a lot of the same details about the potential projects of RE8 and Revelations 3, merging or trading names somewhere along the way. What I don't like hearing is that RE8 might star Ethan again, from RE7. Who I thought was insanely dull. I mean maybe that was the point since they went first person, it's more about "you" being the avatar. But for me RE has always been about the fun lead characters that have personality and quirks. Ethan had zero personality... that said I've heard RE8 might have Chris more involved too though, maybe that could help flesh Ethan out more.
I liked Revelations 2 myself, but as a spinoff I guess it was easier for me to accept the supernatural elements. It was humorous to get a game with playable Barry Burton too haha. It'll definitely be interesting to see how it all pans out... if Code Veronica were getting the remake treatment I'd be more excited about that than RE8 though. |
Rauni Since: 08-14-04 Since last post: 1606 days Last activity: 1606 days |
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There are a few things that bugs me about remakes, or as least how the teams produced them. For starters, they seems to deviated from non-canon and canon, which really throws me off because it leave more questions on which plot/stories are we following with. Ada being dropped into the abyss? Nikolai being left to die (there is another helicopter in the far background in RE3r so he may survive)? There was few more but it just felt they didn't want to spend any time hashing out how they really want their story told.
Here is the next Resident Evil 8 / Revelation 3 I feel like they are going with: "The next RE8 / Rev 3 game will deal with a female protagonist, being transported to a mansion-look-a-like that house a secret laboratory. Upon arriving, she managed to lost a few team members to something in the forest but yet still met with her 2 other members who made it safety. They discussed that it would be better to split up despite having all of the goddamned experiences they had in the past but for whatever the reasons, they do it anyway. As you begin to play the game, you walked into another room, where you see a dead body. Few comments on it being eaten alive until you hear that all too familiar noise. Your first enemy you have all been waiting for: A FUCKING ZOMBIE DINOSAUR!" Whoop, wrong game series. Never mind there. |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 137 days |
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I really wish they'd do a new Dino Crisis haha. I don't love those two games, so I think they could mess with the more for all I care. But yeah, it would be glorious to see dinosaurs return in the RE Engine. lol | |||
Rauni Since: 08-14-04 Since last post: 1606 days Last activity: 1606 days |
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Originally posted by Xeoman Which two are you referring to, because there are in total of 4 Dino Crisis games (5, if you want to count a mobile game). I am guessing that you are referring to the first two games, which are generally more well-known, because the other two (Dino Stalker and Dino Crisis 3) are what killed the series. Speaking of... They did made a Dino Crisis mod for Resident Evil 3. It looks pretty silly though! |
Xeoman Ball and Chain Trooper Administrator Since: 08-14-04 From: 255 Since last post: 149 days Last activity: 137 days |
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Originally posted by RauniOriginally posted by Xeoman Ohh, just the two PSX games. The Xbox one (Dino Crisis 3?) always looked pretty weird, they went to space? haha... |
Rauni Since: 08-14-04 Since last post: 1606 days Last activity: 1606 days |
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Yeah, Dino Crisis 3 is the worst of the 4 Dino Crisis, Dino Stalker is another. It's a shame how companies these days are producing in gaming lately. You can only do so much before you run out of new ideas. | |||
Katana Dark Wizard \"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\" Since: 08-15-04 From: Philadelphia, P.A. Since last post: 1616 days Last activity: 1433 days |
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BEO!!!!! Hi!!! I'm so glad you're still here! | |||
Rauni Since: 08-14-04 Since last post: 1606 days Last activity: 1606 days |
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Originally posted by Katana It has been a very long time, Katana. I hope you are still doing well despite this trying time. |
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - 10 Years Later... | | |