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Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1757 days
Last activity: 944 days
Posted on 03-30-20 07:09 PM Link | Quote
What kills me is I somehow remembered my password.

I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to check in on you guys.

Hows it been? Well over a decade.

(Last edited by Kaijin Surohm on 03-30-20 07:09 PM)

Since: 03-27-20

Since last post: 1596 days
Last activity: 1596 days
Posted on 04-01-20 12:23 PM Link | Quote
This seems to be happening a lot here, seems we’re all nostalgic in these times of self-isolation and bullshit social media. Maybe we should relive the time it as a means of keeping ourselves occupied.

Was never part of the original circle but welcome back regardless.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 6 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 04-09-20 10:00 PM Link | Quote
Dang Kajin! Long time man. Glad to see you remembered the place and all. I still remember our epic RP battles, back when I rarely did that haha...

Hope things are going well! Especially in these strange times right now.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1757 days
Last activity: 944 days
Posted on 04-12-20 06:06 PM Link | Quote
About as well as can be expected. Luckily, I've not been directly effected by world events, but I'm also considered "essential" in my career, so I get to work from home while still making a salary.

How's everyone been doing over on this side of the net? I think back on here every once in awhile, as I miss you guys. Just been so busy I hardly get a chance anymore. Discord is pretty much my latest stomping grounds lol.

I'd love to catch up with everyone.
What happened with everyone?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 6 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 04-14-20 07:28 PM Link | Quote
I must be old hat with my internet ways, perhaps why I still hold onto this forum in a weird way and whatnot. I don't do much with Discord, social media, or any of that really. I was pretty into the early XBL days, but I've since then fallen back to my more isolated gaming tendencies and stick with single player usually heh.

Hard to cover a decade worth, it's been a lifetime really... but I'm still all into my favorite hobbies and nerdom. Videogame still being the peak, anime, sci-fi, etc, and I've been into KDrama the past few years. Getting back into wrestling lately thanks to AEW. I actually went to a local show back in March, before the pandemic hit! Feels surreal to even think about the timing there, phew.

Rogue and Elara are still around a lot and I see some others on FB. Hard to say beyond that. Hmm...
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1757 days
Last activity: 944 days
Posted on 04-17-20 01:00 PM Link | Quote
No worries.
On my side of things, after I graduated trade school, I ended up working as a computer IT for half a decade, then jumped from jobs.
I've been all over as a Glazer, Truck Broker, car repair receptionist, tax agent, and now I landed in the Telecom world where I troubleshoot VoIP internet phones, analog lines, internet connections (fiber, dsl, etc), and webhosting issues.

I still waste my life away with video games and anime though lol.

I may stick with Telecom though. Seems to fit my carrier choices well enough.

(Last edited by Kaijin Surohm on 04-17-20 01:02 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 6 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 04-17-20 08:28 PM Link | Quote
You and me both. I didn't succeed much with school and only got about halfway to an associates. I'll never say never, so maybe I'll get back to that someday. But on the flipside my resume has been pretty good at this point and diverse.

Right now I'm at a big lab doing data entry. It probably sounds lame on paper, but it's a very stress free job, highest paying I've had, great benefits, casual dress and I just listen to podcasts all day haha. That said... things have been really bad during this pandemic and my department / entire building took a huge hit. Many people went on voluntary furlough, but I'm sticking it out so far. We're still losing a lot of hours, but with half the department out this week has been a little better than the last two. March was my fourth year here and I'd still like to stick it out... but this was an eye opening experience. Even with a corporate gig "job security" can flip like a dime in a crisis like this... damn. I definitely want to figure out a plan B, C, etc... in case this happens again. Or just find ways to make some side income doing other stuff.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1757 days
Last activity: 944 days
Posted on 04-19-20 12:38 AM Link | Quote
I would love to eventually go back to school, and get into game design, but honestly I'm terrible at hitting the books.

It's why I was glad I found a Tradeschool I can work with, since they didn't give out graduation certs. The only rewards you got were the actual certifications the jobs need, like my CompTIA Windows A+ certification that says I'm not too dumb to break a computer when attempting to fix it.

Wish I could say the same about other people in my field though. Sometimes wonder how they get their jobs.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 6 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 04-20-20 12:24 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, when I was still doing some community college courses I often had to force myself to drive up there and go to the computer labs or library just so I could focus and get it done. Even though everything I needed to do could have been done at home, lol. But my brain just doesn't work like that. Online courses especially were a no go for me, I could never get myself to do them. I'd probably need a separate room/office in my home to get in the right head space. But for now I'm living in small apartments so who knows if I'll ever have that luxury.
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