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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Bug Reports | |
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Kard Ayals
The Ultimate
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Posted on 11-23-19 07:03 AM Link | Quote
Since the upgrade to PHP7, there's bound to be a few bugs here and there.

Please use this thread to report them (of course, they don't have to be related to PHP7).


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 6 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 11-23-19 09:23 PM Link | Quote
Smilies don't seem to be registering.

Nothing else so far!

(Last edited by Xeoman on 11-23-19 09:51 PM)
Kard Ayals
The Ultimate
Atk361 Int279
Def389 Spd281
Hit254 Res275
Shining Armor
Admin Shield
Judge Hat
Admin Shoes

Posted on 11-24-19 08:02 AM Link | Quote
And that's one thing fixed. Forgot I changed the smilies data file locally, but I only uploaded the modified PHP files when deploying.

Since: 03-27-20

Since last post: 1596 days
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Posted on 03-27-20 11:33 PM Link | Quote
The thread title is spelt wrong. It’s “bug reports”

- Some MySQL duplicate primary key notice when registering.
- Showing users’ posts doesn’t work. (Complete white screen)
- RPG stats also don’t work (still).
- The default theme loads mixed content on index.php at least, breaking HTTPS there.

On a note, maybe it would be worth making one of the domains non-HTTPS (and one full-HTTPS) for accessibility - I wouldn’t mind accessing this place from stupidly old VMs or something for instance lol. The HTTPS one should stay indexed in Google, for reference.

Since: 03-27-20

Since last post: 1596 days
Last activity: 1596 days
Posted on 09-16-20 07:02 PM Link | Quote

Glaring bug when you attempt a new thread in a restricted forum: the actual forum's title is exposed there, which could have been worse had I been able to post in the forum, heh. Adding a power level / login check in whatever handles this (not sure what it is in AB1) will fix the problem.

According to the F12 console, there are also some bugs related to mixed content that have yet to be fixed (tested on a few pages): smiles seem to be hotlinked over HTTP for some reason, while there are two CSS styles in the Purple theme (from what I can tell, at least one of them is site-wide so it affects any theme)... probably an artifact of some configuration not being updated. They also all point to www'd and .net, so that could also have some explanation - they should all really be relative to what domain the user is visiting, therefore interception is less likely to happen as part of an MITM attack. and are both loaded over HTTP on this theme's style sheet (neither even seem to load anymore either, as for the latter, even removing /board/ doesn't change this, so...) - I could test some of the others but I'm lazy, expecting similar results and also Purple is a brilliant theme so yeah

(Last edited by Kard Ayals on 01-08-21 04:18 PM)


Since: 11-18-22
From: Dimension X Pipe

Since last post: 390 days
Last activity: 390 days
Posted on 11-18-22 11:38 PM Link | Quote
Hmmmmmmm I keep getting white screens when trying to edit my profile and make posts and whatnot. I'm assuming its some sort of PHP error or something but i dunno

It also seems like pages are getting "cached" somehow (older versions of a page are being displayed for some reason, unless i manually refresh)

There also seems to be a 25 hour cooldown between posts, but that may be due to the spam I saw in the trash forum

(Last edited by NinCollin on 11-18-22 11:47 PM)
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Bug Reports |

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