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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 714 days
Last activity: 523 days
Posted on 01-04-18 10:08 AM Link | Quote
I like filling this thing out every year, although all this did was remind me of my crippling anxiety (which has been flaring up most egregiously lately.)

Blank copy to follow for anyone interested in copy/pasting and answering it too.

What have you done in 2017 that you have never done before?
- To name a few things: explored a city in Canada, saw John Williams conduct at the Hollywood Bowl, went partying with my boss, attended Dickens Fair in San Francisco, went to see the superbloom in the desert, experienced 120+ degree heat in Arizona, attended a furry convention, grew pumpkins and amaranth, cosplayed as Rogue at work, naked hot-tubbing, read the entirety of a Harry Potter book aloud and soon after finally went through the Harry Potter attraction at Universal Studios, saw loads of Shakespeare plays I hadn't seen before on stage.

Did you keep your new years resolution from this year, and will you make one for next year?
- It's been to try/learn something new every day and so far I've been living up to that.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
- Let's see. My co-worker, Cindy, had Max in January, the day before my birthday. Brandon's cousin had her daughter, Frederica, in February or March. Friend's girlfriend had Violet around the same time. Then, of course, Liz had Kisa. Now Maricela is pregnant with Diego and Nakey Heather with Sadie.


Annnnnnd Liz just announced she's pregnant again.

Did anyone close to you die?
- Whimsic Alley, 100.3 The Sound, and definitely not the least of the bunch: Marty and Becky's cat, Skeletor.

Did anyone close to you get married?
- I think Russell's wedding was this year? Maybe it was last. I dunno. We're not that close these days.

Did anyone close to you get divorced?
- I don't think so?

Where did you travel to in 2017?
- Canada and Washington once, Arizona a couple times, the rest was just around California (Sacramento, Solvang, Palm Springs, Joshua Tree, etc.)

Washington, getting coffee at the Starbucks roastery and eating giant pho in Seattle

What would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016?
- What I wrote last year: "I feel like 2016 was FAR MORE stressing and had much, much less peace of mind. Shit, man. 2017 could use a lot more just learning to let shit go and relax."

I feel like I'm never going to take my own advice here. Christ what a year of anxiety attacks 2017 has been. And I've still got a wedding to plan. Fuck.

I'd rather not keep the cycle going of wishing for peace and ending up losing my shit more than the previous year. I just want 2018 to have its moments of bliss. And travel, I guess.

What dates from 2017 will you have etched in your memory, and why?
- Our anniversary, but I'll be covering that in answer to a later question.

The top answer would be the day my cousin, Mom, Brandon, and I went to Dickens Fair for the first time and then Trader Vic's after. Pretty much all the days spent visiting my cousin and her family were very recharging.

And the day Brandon and I took Lee out to Oak Glen and then we did two Oktoberfests in the evening.

We also had some crazy full weekends. Like the one where we went out for my boss' birthday on a Friday night. It got INSANE and no one left sober. The next day was the Ops picnic, and then the next day our British house guest took Brandon and me out to Universal Studios. The day after that, I went to work and then at night it was the big Beer Dinner at BJ's with friends.

And the weekend we spent with Liz and Erik as his parents place in Yucca Valley. We drove around Joshua Tree, naked hot-tubbed against the rock face of a mountain under clear, starry skies (Erik's parents insist clothes have residue that gets in there and ruins it. It was just Brandon and me.) We also went out to Oak Glen with their baby.

And of course the day we saw John Williams conduct.

Hang on, a new contender has entered the ring. The day my co-workers got me a Kylo Ren/Ben Solo shirt as a surprise at work. They were also wearing Star Wars shirts and wanted me to wear mine so we'd all match. It was really freaking sweet.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
- We're about halfway(?) through the wedding plans. So far we've got the venue and a caterer (who's also acting as coordinator), booked the band and hair/make-up person, procured most of Brandon's clothes, paid for my dress (which is getting made), and we sat down with the caterer/coordinator to discuss timelines, rentals, and such.

What was your biggest failure?
- Letting work drama get the better of me.

Did you suffer injury or illness?
- Went to urgent care a couple times. Once over a false alarm, the other because of abdominal pain. No diagnosis other than probably stomach flu.

What was the best thing you bought?
- All the stuff for when I went all out on theme days. Hawaiian Day was my specialty. I bought so much shit and everyone loved getting a silk lei. I also bought a buttload of eclipse glasses for clients and staff.

I suppose I should say stuff for the wedding, particularly the clothes, but the dress hasn't been made yet, so... yeah.

Oh. OH! Yes, the best things were my new camping chairs and my big, beautiful, rolling cooler. All for Shakespeare season, but I've used them for several picnics since.

Whose behavior merited celebration?
- It's a very tough call this year, so I'll go with the easy answer of Brandon since he's put up with so much of my anxiety and depression. My mom is also up there. When I had really bad abdominal pain one night in August, Bran and my mom took turns sitting up with me through the whole night.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
- Pretty much every other person I work with at the center. There's been so much drama over nothing. Women who have freaking grandchildren are acting like teenagers and doing absurdly immature things. Even the people I consider friends have flaked on things we plan to do together outside of work.

But seriously, fuck whoever stole my last goddamn pumpkin from the community garden.

Where did most of your money go?
- A combination of Trader Joe's, Amazon, and Torrid. After that, all the wedding stuff that we've had to drop gobs of money on. The dress is just under $1,000 and being made.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
- Reylo, first and foremost. I was already pretty heavily Reylo, but "The Last Jedi" had re-awakened it and I ended up joining a friend's secret community where we just talk excitedly and post Reylo fan art and memes. You should have seen me jumping around like crazy when we saw the costumes at the El Capitan before our third screening because Rey and Kylo were together in the same case. The next night, we hung out with Pat and Deborah for the first time in years and all talk was almost exclusively about Reylo.

After that I also got super excited about going to Dickens Fair in San Francisco, seeing John Williams conduct, going on a short trip to Canada, going up to the mountains for cider, a Scotish bridie, and fall foliage, and not the least my favorite things -- Shakespeare season.

What song will always remind you of 2017?
- The soundtrack to "Coco," definitely. And of course, the songs that got featured in "Baby Driver." And now, "You'll Be Back" from "Hamilton" because it just keeps reminding me of Reylo and laughing my ass off when I sing it.

Compared to this time last year, you are:
a) Happier or Sadder?
- About the same?
b) Thinner or Fatter?
- Fatter.
c) Richer or Poorer?
- Poorer.

What do you wish you would have done more of?
- The easy answer is, "Traveled." I should have exercised and read more books, though.

What do you wish you would have done less of?
- I feel like this question just keeps getting repeated throughout this meme in one form or another. The answer is, "Had anxiety attacks."

How did you spend New Year's Eve? (December 31, 2016)
- A few co-workers and I went to Grand Park and watched the countdown at City Hall. Afterward we went to a random Mexican restaurant to get something to eat since Norma was starving and kept saying she wanted tacos.

How did you spend New Year's Day? (January 1)
- Went to the Autry and then got lobster ramen at the Americana.

How did you spend Valentine's Day? (February 14)
- Brandon drove me to work, and when we got nearly there I went ahead and called out sick. We went and got breakfast, ran a few errands, and I went ahead and started donating to NPR. The gift they offered for my donation level was giving 40 meals for families in need.

How did you spend St. Patrick's Day? (March 17)
- We went on an impromptu crawl of the breweries near my work. Our friend, Derin, saw my FB updates and showed up to hang out. We got sushi.

How did you spend Easter? (April 16)
- I apparently spent it napping and getting ready for Brandon's and my anniversary trip.

How did you spend Cinco de Mayo? (May 5)
- May 5th was pretty boring for us. We just tended our community garden, making sure my pumpkins were doing well, and then ate tamales.

Really it fell exactly between two more interesting days.

May the 4th, we worked on our Star Wars-themed bulletin board and Bran and I went to see "Guardians of the Galaxy 2."

May 6th was Free Comic Book Day, one of my favorite holidays and so we did our usual comic shop crawl and our friends' band played at shop in Ventura.

How did you spend Mother's Day? (May 14)
- We took Mom out to breakfast at the Crab Pot and then Brandon, Lee, and I went to the Renaissance faire for the second day in a row. I went over fabric swatches for my wedding dress.

How did you spend Father's Day? (June 18)
- We went to Old Spaghetti Factory in Balboa with my grandpa, Uncle Tony and his family, my parents, and Brandon. Afterward, Brandon and I drove along the coast down to Laguna.

How did you spend the 4th of July?
- We had been in Phoenix for Brandon's grandmother's birthday. It was 122 degrees that day, and Sara's daughter was hanging out in a kiddie pool out back. We were heading home by way of San Diego so Brandon could buy an Apple desktop computer off a friend of ours. We were able to see the Big Bay Boom fireworks display.

How did you spend Patriot Day? (September 11)
- The clients and I went for a walk around Terranea.

How did you spend Talk Like a Pirate Day? (September 19)?
- I brought a bunch of pirate party stuff to work for the clients and came dressed up. The clients and I went on an all-day trip to the Natural History Museum and California Science Center. It was Mom's 71st birthday, so we went to dinner.

How did you spend Halloween? (October 31)
- I went to work dressed up as one of the Rockford Peaches (the women's baseball team featured in "A League of Their Own"), and then we had a party in the back. We apparently can't legally call it a Halloween party and have been forced to call it a "Harvest party." After work I went by the Torrance Bakery and got some horror-themed cakes and into an old co-worker/friend while getting coffee.

At night we went by the Georgia Peach, the greatest house in Paramount, and almost always the best decorated house in the area. The family goes all out decorating it. We brought them a six-pack and hung out with them, and then we got to walk through the house for the first time.

I'll include Dia de los Muertos in there since it's my favorite holidays, and it's only a couple days later. On Nov. 2, we went to Olvera Street for the celebrations. We went by Grand Park, briefly, to see the altars there. Came back a couple days later to take pictures.

How did you spend Thanksgiving? (November 23)
- My parents, Brandon, and I were in Sacramento with my cousin and her family.

Did you go shopping on Black Friday?
- Not really. I spent Black Friday wandering around Old Sacramento with Brandon and we did walk around in the shops, but it's not like they were selling discounted electronics at the break of dawn. We went to the local tiki bar and then my cousin threw a Tim Tam Slam party for her daughter and her daughter's friends.

How did you spend Christmas? (December 25)
- Christmas Day we just hung out at home, picked up my grandpa from his retirement community in Huntington Beach, had dinner with him, my uncle, three of his kids, and my parents. We had some nice conversation, but the whole thing was over and done pretty quickly. Christmas Day was flanked by us watching "The Last Jedi" on Christmas Eve and Dec. 26. Dec. 23 we saw a production of "A Christmas Carol" and had flaming punch afterward.

Did you fall in love in 2017?
- Brandon and I hit 13 years together. For our anniversary, we flew up to Washington and spent a bit of time with his sister and her kids. The day of our anniversary we drove up to Canada and spent the day in Vancouver. We had a heaping breakfast of smoked meat with maple syrup, walked on the suspension bridge with the view of the waterfall, took a mini hike in a moss-covered forest, was hailed on, saw the steam clock in Gastown, had a little picnic at the Granville Public Market, and finally saw and tried what Tim Bits were.

What was your favorite TV show?
- Apparently for the past couple years I've said "Game of Thrones" and "Rick and Morty," and that's mostly true for yet another year. It was also a great year for "Bojack Horseman," which I've re-watched all the way through a couple times this year. We also got really into "Community," which I'd never really watched before despite it being on for years and canceled twice. The first few seasons are gold. After that we also were obsessively watching "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend," which we're also following as it's airing now. Watched "American Gods" and all of TNT's anachronistic Shakespeare show, "Will." There were several other shows we watched, but none I'd really count here.

What was your least favorite show of 2017?
- Based on what we watched it's "Runaways." I LOVED the comics, reading them as they were getting published (up until Joss Whedon's run, then I read them in graphic novel form later.) The show's taking fucking forever to actually get to the main story, but they'd rather waste so much time on all this original bullshit backstory for the parents that doesn't AT ALL match up with the books (the evil sorcerer parents were GIVEN the Staff of One and it works electronically? WHAT?) There's one episode left to go in the season, and I still think it's irredeemable.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
- Well, there's A LOT of public and political figures I could answer this with, not to mention several co-workers. Egads.

What was the best book you read?
- The quick answer is "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," which I read aloud in its entirety to my clients. I also read "Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common Good" and "MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors," and I definitely recommend both. As for graphic novels, I read the very last "Chew" and was pretty depressed about it.

Brandon and I read Asa Akira's autobiography "Insatiable. Porn: A Love Story" aloud to each other, trading off chapters. It proved to be an amusing couple's activity.

What was your greatest musical discovery?
- Brandon and I finally got premium Spotify accounts, and I have so freaking many playlists for all the theme days and holidays we had at work. I've been obsessively listening to music from Edgar Wright films, particularly by The Fratellis. My favorite song this year, though was this arrangement these kids did of the song from "Twelfth Night":

View on YouTube

What did you want and get?
- A new hat for my faire garb, new seasons of "Rick and Morty" and "Game of Thrones," a trip for our anniversary, to see family for Thanksgiving.

What did you want and not get?
- Well, I'd say a new job, but I'd already decided to put that off until next year. My parents and I had an overseas trip planned that we dropped because wedding expenses.

What was your favorite film of this year?
- OK... this is going to be controversial. Based on the fact that I saw it four times before the year's end, "The Last Jedi" was one of my favorite. "Coco" was arguably a better film, and I did see that one twice. "Logan" and "Wonder Woman" were also pretty fucking awesome.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
- I turned 32. At midnight the night before we went to see my friends' new Rocky cast. During the day of my birthday we went to Solvang, stopping at our favorite old tavern in Santa Barbara for tri-tip sandwiches along the way. Went to three tiki bars (the wine-based cocktail one in Solvang -- High Roller Tiki Lounge -- and then Ventiki in Ventura, and finally Damon's in L.A. with my parents for dinner) and got three new mugs.

The next day we drove out to Palm Springs, originally with the intent of going on the tram up to the snow, but that was backed-up for hours. We ended up at Tonga Hut where we met a couple and talked tiki for a long time. Found them later on Facebook since they were also hugely into the tiki forums. We drove out to East Jesus, Slab City, and Salvation Mountain, essentially year-round Burning Man where people swear it's the last free and lawless city. Brandon and I were watching five hipsters crammed onto one motorcycle and try to ride past us. The art is definitely interesting.

The day after that we went to the Huntington with a friend who was on her way, moving to Boston.

What is one thing that would have made your year more satisfying?
- This is ostensibly the same question that appears throughout this meme. The answer would of course be the same a previous ones: little to no anxiety attacks.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2017?
- The short answer is: Torrid. I've been wearing head-to-toe Torrid clothes and boots.

Since I tended to buy whatever jeans were on sale, I got a few pre-torn, form-fitting ones. I often got photographed wearing a blue dress with skulls and paisley, my floor-length black dress, or my blue/gray plaid flannel shirt. More recently I started wearing my Ravenclaw cardigan a lot more.

I bought my first pair of Doc Martens while in Seattle since I only had my knee-high ones from Torrid, which I'd worn so much the sole was coming off. Sara held onto to the damaged boots for me and brought them to Arizona. I had them repaired by this father-daughter business in Long Beach.

What kept you sane?
- It's the same answer as last year: keeping something positive on the horizon. Brandon's also been my rock through everything.

What celebrity/Public figure did you fancy the most?
- "I'll admit a guilty pleasure here, though: 'Shipping Rey and Kylo Ren. Shhhh...."

I wrote that last year and teeheeeeheeeeee, it still applies. And to be clear, I have a crush on Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, NOT Adam Driver (though I do like the dude.) Outside of the Kylo look and costume, Adam just looks and speaks like a completely different person because well... ACTOR.

What political issue stirred you the most?
- H'oh boy. Part of trying to keep sane this year was turning off NPR (which I ended up sponsoring two stations of and mass-donating to the arts and parks since so much of their funding has been cut.) One story that doesn't involve Trump, North Korea, the immense amount of harassment cases, or the gigantic wildfires we've got that really got me upset, though, was hearing that Iceland has such a low birthrate for Down's Syndrome because, after getting screening results, in almost 100% of cases the mother decides to abort. I'm so conflicted. I'm for a woman's right to choose, but at the same time I'm offended for people with Down's, some of the greatest people you can ever hope to meet.

What news story was the most overblown?
- For me, it was hearing that Chris Pratt and his wife separated. For weeks, my Facebook was crammed with people posting articles about them and commenting shit like, "I guess there's no such thing as true love," and "Love is a lie." Even months later there were still articles published trying to analyze the situation. I mean, I know I could easily reference any number of stories coming out of D.C., but Pratt's divorce was making too many waves among people I knew for it to be reasonable.

Who do you miss?
- Loads of people.

Did you reconnect with anyone?
- Hung out and talked with Pat and Deborah for the first time in years.

Tell us a life lesson you learned in 2017.
- "The best teacher failure is."

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
- Every damn year I just re-quote "The Parting Glass." Still would fit since the song played at the end of "Assassin's Creed IV," which I played.

Hm. All right, I'll switch to another favorite song.

"Here's to good health
To a long happy life
To many more days
And warm, festive nights.
Here's to our women
And to songs that we sing.
But enough of that,
Just grab your lass
And have another drink!"

What plans do you have for 2018?
- A wedding.

What are your resolutions for 2018?
- Still doing my "One New Thing a Day." Pretty much just that.

What will you be doing for New Year's Eve?
- It already past. We were at Don the Beachcomber watching the band, The Hula Girls, which has two burlesque dancers in coconut bras dancing to their music on go-go platforms. Toasted the new year with a Painkiller.

If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 714 days
Last activity: 523 days
Posted on 01-04-18 10:14 AM Link | Quote

What have you done in 2017 that you have never done before?

Did you keep your new years resolution from this year, and will you make one for next year?

Did anyone close to you give birth?

Did anyone close to you die?

Did anyone close to you get married?

Did anyone close to you get divorced?

Where did you travel to in 2017?

What would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016?

What dates from 2017 will you have etched in your memory, and why?

What was your biggest achievement of the year?

What was your biggest failure?

Did you suffer injury or illness?

What was the best thing you bought?

Whose behavior merited celebration?

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

Where did most of your money go?

What did you get really, really, really excited about?

What song will always remind you of 2017?

Compared to this time last year, you are:
a) Happier or Sadder?
b) Thinner or Fatter?
c) Richer or Poorer?

What do you wish you would have done more of?

What do you wish you would have done less of?

How did you spend New Year's Eve? (December 31, 2016)

How did you spend New Year's Day? (January 1)

How did you spend Valentine's Day? (February 14)

How did you spend St. Patrick's Day? (March 17)

How did you spend Easter? (April 16)

How did you spend Cinco de Mayo? (May 5)

How did you spend Mother's Day? (May 14)

How did you spend Father's Day? (June 18)

How did you spend the 4th of July?

How did you spend Patriot Day? (September 11)

How did you spend Talk Like a Pirate Day? (September 19)?

How did you spend Halloween? (October 31)

How did you spend Thanksgiving? (November 23)

Did you go shopping on Black Friday?

How did you spend Christmas? (December 25)

Did you fall in love in 2017?

What was your favorite TV show?

What was your least favorite show of 2017?

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

What was the best book you read?

What was your greatest musical discovery?

What did you want and get?

What did you want and not get?

What was your favorite film of this year?

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

What is one thing that would have made your year more satisfying?

How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2017?

What kept you sane?

What celebrity/Public figure did you fancy the most?

What political issue stirred you the most?

What news story was the most overblown?

Who do you miss?

Did you reconnect with anyone?

Tell us a life lesson you learned in 2017.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

What plans do you have for 2018?

What are your resolutions for 2018?

What will you be doing for New Year's Eve?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 180 days
Last activity: 180 days
Posted on 01-16-18 01:00 AM Link | Quote
What have you done in 2017 that you have never done before?
- Go to Philly, it was neat, though too short.

Did you keep your new years resolution from this year, and will you make one for next year?
-Erm... no, no I did not. Going to try to stick to it this year. No soda... or at least once a month tops.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
- My friend Chelsea did, she named her son Renly... I was one of the few who got the reference.

Did anyone close to you die?
- Not this year, no.

Did anyone close to you get married?
- Not close, per se... but my cousin did. In Hawaii, so I couldn't go.

Did anyone close to you get divorced?

Where did you travel to in 2017?

What would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016?
-A job that pays decently and actually makes use of my education.

What dates from 2017 will you have etched in your memory, and why?
-None, really... there are moments, but I couldn't tell you the date if I tried.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
-Being able to afford a major car repair without having to beg for help.

What was your biggest failure?
-Still working at Sam's

Did you suffer injury or illness?
- The usual cold and accident prone shit.

What was the best thing you bought?
-New jacket for winter... it's like a poofy windbreaker that laughs at the cold but isn't too heavy.

Whose behavior merited celebration?
-Kaleb, always. Confronting his fears and just being awesome.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
-Do I even need to say his name?

Where did most of your money go?
-Food and bills

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
-The prospect of moving

What song will always remind you of 2017?
-"I'm only human"

Compared to this time last year, you are:
a) Happier or Sadder?
- Kinda both? I am happier because I am almost free of this place, but I am sad for the friends that I leave behind and because it's winter and I am SO close to not having to deal with it.
b) Thinner or Fatter?
- Fatter
c) Richer or Poorer?
- Kinda richer... but not for long.

What do you wish you would have done more of?
-Saved money and eaten better

What do you wish you would have done less of?
-Drinking soda

How did you spend New Year's Eve? (December 31, 2016)
-Getting very drunk at the party at the Brew Works

How did you spend New Year's Day? (January 1)
-Sleeping mostly

How did you spend Valentine's Day? (February 14)
-Dinner at Brew Works with fancy Valentine's Day stuff

How did you spend St. Patrick's Day? (March 17)

How did you spend Easter? (April 16)
-Honestly don't remember

How did you spend Cinco de Mayo? (May 5)

How did you spend Mother's Day? (May 14)

How did you spend Father's Day? (June 18)

How did you spend the 4th of July?
-Working... I think we saw fireworks, I honestly don't remember

How did you spend Patriot Day? (September 11)
-Working and being annoyed that this is seen as a holiday.

How did you spend Talk Like a Pirate Day? (September 19)?
-Working and forgetting it existed

How did you spend Halloween? (October 31)
-Halloween movie night!

How did you spend Thanksgiving? (November 23)
-Nephew came out to visit, we made badass turkey and then I had to go to bed at 7pm because Black Friday fucking sucks.

Did you go shopping on Black Friday?
-No, I worked it.

How did you spend Christmas? (December 25)
-Annoying party with Kaleb's mom's family, then much better with his paternal cousin's party.

Did you fall in love in 2017?
-With video games, yes. The person was already there.

What was your favorite TV show?
-Game of Thrones, yet again

What was your least favorite show of 2017?
-Gonna have to go with Fox and Friends... for obvious reasons.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
-Nope, it's all about the same

What was the best book you read?
-Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

What was your greatest musical discovery?
-Rag'n'bone Man

What did you want and get?
-Horizon Zero Dawn being awesome

What did you want and not get?
-Single player DLC for Mass Effect: Andromeda

What was your favorite film of this year?
-Ooh... tough call... I think I am going to have to lean towards Wonder Woman since I really was impressed with it. Shame the rest of DC is still lacking.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
-I worked and a year older than last time.

What is one thing that would have made your year more satisfying?
-Not working retail

How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2017?

What kept you sane?
-Kaleb, hands down, Kaleb

What celebrity/Public figure did you fancy the most?

What political issue stirred you the most?
-Where to even begin.....

What news story was the most overblown?
-Please see above, though mostly in local news.

Who do you miss?
-All my California friends

Did you reconnect with anyone?
-Not really, no.

Tell us a life lesson you learned in 2017.
-Fuck the feelings of those who proved they don't give a fuck about yours.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
-"I'm only human after all"

What plans do you have for 2018?
-Moving back to California!

What are your resolutions for 2018?
-Less soda, smaller portions, be more active, get the fuck out of retail!

What will you be doing for New Year's Eve?
New Year's party at my friend's house.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 714 days
Last activity: 523 days
Posted on 01-18-18 08:48 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Elara
What are your resolutions for 2018?
-Less soda, smaller portions, be more active, get the fuck out of retail!

We should go hiking together or something when you guys are out here. Bran and I used to go all the time, but we've fallen back into being less active.
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