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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy Loving Day | |
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Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1635 days
Last activity: 1452 days
Posted on 06-13-10 10:53 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by DrowningPhoenix
I highly disagree. Chuck Norris is a God.

In comparison to Mr. Lee, even the great Chuck Norris will bow down. But I almost forgive you for that blasphemy. You're a young'in. tell you the truth, I don't know what the hell I am. I'm Irish, and I'm "dark Irish" (Not the redhead with blue/green eyes, but the chestnut brown hair and brown eyes.) and apparently "dark Irish" came about when they were colonized and under British control...blah blah blah...But I, personally, take after my father's side of my family most, when it comes to which nationalities I appear to be most like. He's Italian, and I'm obviously not from the Southern part of Italy, I'm so damn pale, but I've also got Eskimos in my direct ancestry, from very long ago up until very recently, actually, and I have Native American on both sides, as well as being British on my mom's side. At different times, those are the nationalities I'm told I'm most like, and as far as being "mixed" weren't the Eskimos originally from Russia? So I'm still all white, minus the Native American part.

So who the hell far as inter-racial is concerned, the closest to that I think I have heard about was my great-gram being disowned by her family in Ireland for marrying my Great-grandfather, then they moved to Britian, had predjiduce issues there, so they came to America. And thus, why I'm only the second generation on my mom's side of the family to be in this country.

Either way, I was raised to abhor racism, so this celebration pleases me.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1776 days
Last activity: 1776 days
Posted on 06-13-10 10:56 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Katana
In comparison to Mr. Lee, even the great Chuck Norris will bow down. But I almost forgive you for that blasphemy. You're a young'in.

PSH! Blasphemy. Youngin' or not, I am the future of America. And besides, I will be a man by the end of the month.

And yeah, I dont have read hair, either. Dark brown, but I have blue and yellow eyes.

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

Since last post: 172 days
Last activity: 170 days
Posted on 06-14-10 01:46 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by DrowningPhoenix
Originally posted by Seijika
Originally posted by Rogue

The greatest of them all. Nay, the greatest of all of us ever.

I highly disagree. Chuck Norris is a God.

That's a blasphemy that I cannot forgive! The only Gods are Odin, Bruce Lee and more recently, Ronnie James Dio. May they watch over us for eternity!

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1776 days
Last activity: 1776 days
Posted on 06-14-10 03:33 AM Link | Quote
I think you're just attacking me because i'm black. Racist.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 6 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 06-14-10 03:38 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue

My Wonderwoman.


Also Phoenix, have you not done your homework?


The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1776 days
Last activity: 1776 days
Posted on 06-14-10 03:50 AM Link | Quote
I refuse to acknowledge that video, Xeo. He was obviously faking. Irrelevant.

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

Since last post: 172 days
Last activity: 170 days
Posted on 06-14-10 05:23 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by DrowningPhoenix
I think you're just attacking me because i'm black. Racist.

Duh! lol

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 6 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 06-14-10 01:24 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by DrowningPhoenix
I refuse to acknowledge that video, Xeo. He was obviously faking. Irrelevant.


The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1776 days
Last activity: 1776 days
Posted on 06-14-10 03:30 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Valhalla
Originally posted by DrowningPhoenix
I think you're just attacking me because i'm black. Racist.

Duh! lol

Hahaha. Jerk.
And your custom title is full of lies!!

If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 714 days
Last activity: 523 days
Posted on 06-14-10 04:47 PM Link | Quote
Here's a pic of my mom and me from when I was 15. I don't have a scanner, so I just took a picture of it (hence the shine ).

For years people would make comments that I look a lot like my mom and I didn't really believe them thinking they were just saying that to be nice or whatever. Then we took these pictures (the flash REALLY washed out our skin color) and I saw the similarities for the first time.

Now when people make comments about how it looks like I'm adopted or whatever to be hateful I tell 'em to shove it.

EDIT: Just for fun here's another pic.

(Last edited by Rogue on 06-14-10 04:49 PM)

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1776 days
Last activity: 1776 days
Posted on 06-14-10 04:55 PM Link | Quote
Haha. You guys do looks very similar, though.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 180 days
Last activity: 180 days
Posted on 06-14-10 05:29 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, you have your mom's facial features, Rogue. I think it's a really cute picture.

But yeah, so I think we've determined that I am 1/32 Cherokee (possibly a bit more from my dad's side but not enough to bump it to the 1/16 mark). Other than that, it's all kinds of European.

The Inuit people (Eskimos), like all Native Americans crossed the land bridge into the Americas from Russia a long time ago, they just came across last and settled there I believe.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy Loving Day |

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