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Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 188 days
Last activity: 188 days
Posted on 09-09-09 05:32 PM Link | Quote
Congrats Oneshot!

And yes, good idea on your part Katana.

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

Since last post: 180 days
Last activity: 178 days
Posted on 09-09-09 05:34 PM Link | Quote
Congrats and best wishes on your marriage, OneShot!
Alternate Reality

Since: 09-08-09

Since last post: 4677 days
Last activity: 3767 days
Posted on 09-10-09 02:54 PM Link | Quote
In a course at Uni, right now.

I guess I shouldn't be posting. Wireless on the whole campus will be the death of me.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 14 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 09-10-09 07:31 PM Link | Quote
Hoooo lordy, working out today felt like the work day all over again, 8 hours into 1 hour.

Totally kicking my ass, lol. I hope I get used to it after a bit, I still haven't gone much so I blame myself...

Also, I knew it was coming but I got a "Corrective Action" paper today at work. I'll be on cap for 90 days (holy shit). Bad attendance, bah! What really boils my piss is that they were writing up an initial warning (and probably 30 day cap), but because I called in this week they scrapped that and apparently, they can just skip over that without telling you beforehand. Great!

Really can't wait until this year is over so I can be done with this place. I'd quit now but, I think I'm pretty set on going back to school next year and I doubt I'd be able to find a decent job for 3 months or so.

(Last edited by Xeu on 09-10-09 07:34 PM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 09-11-09 11:35 AM Link | Quote
So after 5 solid days of work and school, I get to spend my two weekend days covering the big-ass Disney convention this weekend. Yay?

I'm stoked.

Need to get a flip cam from the safe at work.

So yeah, still no days so far where I can just lay in bed for a while or whatever. My weekend days, even if I'm doing something perceived to be fun, it's still working in my off-time.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 188 days
Last activity: 188 days
Posted on 09-12-09 12:46 AM Link | Quote
what's really sad is I've been so busy I haven't stopped by Kim to have my eye brows waxed... =:=
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 09-12-09 12:48 PM Link | Quote
Well, well. Getting married already, huh? Who's the lucky guy? Good stuff to ya, True. (noticed the name change again.)

I've actually the opposite of everyone here it seems. My unit is getting ready to send the first group of people back to the states (next week). Less and less work is what we have everyday. Some things are packed up in the motor pool which means the mechanics can't do much work. Which in turns creates less work for me since I order the parts they need to install on the vehicles. Once the replacing unit begins arriving and certain personnel start to take over my job I'll be basically showing up for work in the morning to so if everything is alright and then going back to my room for the rest of the day, playing Call of Duty or whatever. Supposedly. We'll see if that really happens, but my soldier and I have been taking early lunches for the past week and a half and going home early on days we don't have much work.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 188 days
Last activity: 188 days
Posted on 09-12-09 04:03 PM Link | Quote
Yeah I went oldschool =P Cyro

Meet the lucky guy:

His name is Eric and he's been so wonderful to me.. =P

(Last edited by True Flight on 09-12-09 04:04 PM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 09-13-09 10:31 AM Link | Quote
That's good to hear. I happy that you found someone good enough to marry. Just make sure you put your all into the marriage and do lots of things together. Going through events and other things brings two people closer to each other. So when you finally get hitched and get back from your deployment don't just "sit around the house". It's gonna lead to problems sooner or later. And get him to make you laugh.

And personally, like that name better. I first saw you with "True Flight" and fits you better than "One Shot". That's how I'll pretty much remember you by. You should stick with it.

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 09-13-09 10:32 AM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 10-03-09 11:36 AM Link | Quote
So yeah, work still sucks, but I still love the people I work with.

One of the assistant editors got thrown out the bar the other night 'cause three guys threw him up against the wall and started dry-humping him.

I interviewed Thomas Jane last night. He was barefoot, chewing on a cigar, and funny as hell. His Southern accent makes him so damn hot too.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1022 days
Last activity: 1022 days
Posted on 10-05-09 07:45 PM Link | Quote
I get up daily at 7AM to make an 8AM train to get to San Francisco by 9AM to be at work by 9:30AM.

I also have school, two classes of which require me to login to the discussion site at least 4 times a week for at least one hour on top of homework and quizzes and the one-hour live discussion with our professor.

I also draw a weekly webcomic, which takes about six hours of my time to create, scan, touch-up, color, letter and post. And then obsess over automated functions of distribution and announcement after I post.

I'm an independent consultant, so I have to keep meticulous records of my taxes and expenses. This takes up at least an hour each week.

There's planning for all sorts of cons, taking care of my mom and grandfather, managing the two evil lairs in Mexico, and stopping myself from hurting people who frustrate me. Occasionally, I sleep and play videogames.

I think I'm busy. I'm not really sure.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 10-21-09 07:19 PM Link | Quote
I'm thoroughly enjoying my furlough week. No work or school Tuesday-Thursday making it practically another fall break (since we get the entire week Thanksgiving's in off). Went hiking yesterday and today, and laid out on a blanket at the beach at 1 a.m. watching the meteor shower.

Just wish I wasn't broke. Since we have furloughs, school is pretty much shut down and I have no idea when I'm getting my paycheck.

Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow, but Friday I have to be on a panel for aspiring journalists. Hooray.

Work will be interesting next week when most of the staff is going to a writing convention in Texas. Lightswitch rave!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 02-26-10 11:23 PM Link | Quote
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but this is probably the first night in a while that I don't really have to be anywhere (well... we're going to the movies, at midnight, but not for a work or something).

This past weekend, had to cover a bunch of protests from the Westboro Baptist Church and a comic book convention.

Some of the Westboro coverage:

Story posted here:

One of the department heads for the College of Communications wants to use my Westboro counter-protest photos in the next edition of her textbook. Pretty cool. I get to sign document licensing the usage in a couple days.

Comic Expo coverage:

Story for Comic Expo here:

It's just been a long week, though. I've spent the past three days trying to get this other guy on the phone and getting ready to cover this protest that's going to be all over California on March 4.

So how is everyone else? Busy?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 03-04-10 01:18 PM Link | Quote
It's March 4!

California is going to erupt in protests against the way public education is constantly getting hacked and slashed.

I'm heading into L.A. with a busload of people from my university to cover their march from Pershing Square to the governor's L.A. office on Spring Street. They'll be joined by thousands from other schools and colleges in the area. This is going to get insane.

Over 100 schools are going to have their own demonstrations or will join in regional ones. Also 17 other states will be joining in with their own protests.

Today is going to be awesome.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 14 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 03-04-10 01:53 PM Link | Quote
Damnit Rogue, you live in such an exciting place.

Nothing ever happens here. Ever. Except constant construction everywhere.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 03-05-10 04:30 AM Link | Quote
I realized your state not only has a mandate on teaching Intelligent Design in place of evolution, but that the Westboro Baptist Church are based right there as well. Why don't you guys have protests 'round the clock?

The protest today was huge, a MASSIVE clusterfuck of people. Cool.

(Last edited by Rogue on 03-08-10 04:36 AM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 03-08-10 04:44 AM Link | Quote
My coverage of the massive protest in L.A. came out today.

Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 183 days
Last activity: 183 days
Posted on 03-13-10 10:55 AM Link | Quote
So, last week I had to write twelve papers, do one fairly long finite math assignment, two tests, and give a speech.

Busy is a slight understatement.

but this wek is Spring Break, so you all can fear my posting again.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 722 days
Last activity: 531 days
Posted on 03-14-10 11:51 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, our spring break isn't for another couple of weeks. I still haven't really gotten a weekend yet due to having to cover events happening Thursday-Saturday and then write them up on Sunday in the office while also editing video.

So many papers due this week on top of that. Curse you, American studies classes and your hellish amounts of reading and writing.

This past week was interesting and yet so draining. Covered some guest poets doing a reading earlier this week (still need to write the story) and a Native American pow-wow yesterday (also still need to write the story ... both are due today ), and then I spoke at USC on Friday. I was on a panel with the editors in chief of the Daily Trojan (USC's paper) and the Daily Bruin (UCLA's paper). Kind of intimidating at first, until I realized they both have an unrealistic idea of what the real world is going to be like.

(Last edited by Rogue on 08-31-11 09:36 PM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 188 days
Last activity: 188 days
Posted on 03-15-10 03:17 AM Link | Quote
so far.. I met Bad Company.
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