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Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 06-24-10 11:33 PM Link | Quote
I should clarify, I liked the first demo a good bit... but the second multiplayer only one was super dull. I have no idea what it was but it was just super boring. I absolutely loved the first game both offline and online though, so who knows.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4105 days
Last activity: 3471 days
Posted on 06-25-10 02:25 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, apparently LP2 got a bad rap but I love it to death and there's plenty of online campaigns to join.

But...but today. It Disc Read Error'd, and stayed as such over and over. UGH.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

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Posted on 06-25-10 03:36 PM Link | Quote
Finally going back and owning Dragon Age: Origins, and I'm also playing it classic by getting my girlfriend into Civilization III.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 07-07-10 08:42 AM Link | Quote
*sigh* Solitaire.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

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Posted on 07-07-10 02:21 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by True Flight
*sigh* Solitaire.


I've been Mortal Kombat on my original xbox. I forget which, and I don't feel like getting out of bed right now, so you'll have to wait. It's the one where Blaze appears and wants to destroy everybody.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4695 days
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Posted on 07-07-10 04:20 PM Link | Quote
The 4th of July steam deals made me go back to play some games on my pc. I got San Andreas for $3 and Titan Quest Gold for $5. I also bought Pirates! for $10


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4105 days
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Posted on 07-07-10 04:38 PM Link | Quote
Not really playing them yet but recently bought Indigo Prophecy (Xbox), F-Zero GX (GC) and Sin and Punishment 2.

dat box art
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 175 days
Last activity: 175 days
Posted on 07-07-10 06:44 PM Link | Quote
Just going to have to say, Indigo Prophecy was amazing. I've played it a few times, and each time I make the mistake of playing it for about four hours without a break.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 6 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 07-07-10 06:50 PM Link | Quote
I liked Heavy Rain a lot more honestly.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 175 days
Last activity: 175 days
Posted on 07-07-10 06:53 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, but I need a PS3 for that.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 07-08-10 07:58 PM Link | Quote
Still working on Mass Effect 2 since I keep forgetting that I can play video games while my friends argue over rules for our tabletop games.

Also acquired Phantasy Star 0 for the DS, really like the story, though I am stuck on the dragon because it won't fucking die!!


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4105 days
Last activity: 3471 days
Posted on 07-09-10 05:43 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xeu
I liked Heavy Rain a lot more honestly.
Heavy Rain bored me hardcore until about the final half then shit got decently real. Even so I did not get aboard that hype least Madison is yumyum. Currently I'm still playing SSFIV and also playing Cursed Mountain a bit. A survival horro where you shoot lasers out of an ice axe. Instant gold.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 175 days
Last activity: 175 days
Posted on 07-11-10 11:53 PM Link | Quote
Finally playing FFXIII, and I'm really enjoying the story. That said though, the combat would be WAY better if I weren't limited to only six paradigms. I ALWAYS find myself needing at least a couple more.

Stuck on the end boss for disk 2 though, and he is destroying me.

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4695 days
Last activity: 3666 days
Posted on 07-12-10 03:05 AM Link | Quote
I never liked FFXIII too much. The story was really good and so was the music, but the gameplay was okay not the greatest. I'm currently playing Giants: Citizen Kabuto and Outcast and got both of them off good old games. That website is the best. I would have never found these games if it wasn't for it.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 6 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 07-12-10 04:43 AM Link | Quote
I honestly thought the gameplay was where the game really shined, especially after the 30 hour tutorial it got pretty fun (okay but hey I beat it, so overall... it was an okay game!)

However, it REALLY needed a Gambit/Rule system for AI control. Don't even get me started on that.

To be honest though I think the story went down the pooper after Chapter 10. Just lost its touch for me and the characters were no longer interesting... I guess I enjoyed all the angst up to that point. The ending was extremely cliche' as well, but it was done fairly well. Overall it was good stuff, but it's such a weird game in its storytelling and everything that I don't feel like I can even compare it to other FF's or anything. I wasn't too impressed with the music either, I saw the composer does more work for shows/anime and that really shows ... as it just didn't feel right for a game half the time. It was just such a mixed bag to me, the music was either really stinky (Snow's theme to me) or really surreal and breathtaking like this:

I dunno, it just feels hard for me to define XIII as a real "game". Lots of weirdness to it.

I'm not a KH fan but I think Versus XIII will be a lot better.

(Last edited by Xeu on 07-12-10 04:43 AM)

Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

Since last post: 4695 days
Last activity: 3666 days
Posted on 07-13-10 08:58 PM Link | Quote
I stopped playing at the start of Chapter 10 so I never reached that part in the story, but it was good up until that part.

A game I'm not currently playing, but just picked up for a little bit is the Banjo-Kazooie series. In my opinion, BK has the best music of any game series ever. It's so awesome.


Since: 05-17-10

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Posted on 07-31-10 11:57 PM Link | Quote
Now, I am playing Call of Duty 2, 3, and World at War. They're all part of the "War Collection" that recently came out.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 6 days
Last activity: 5 days
Posted on 08-08-10 04:41 PM Link | Quote
I'm with you Sei on Lost Planet 2, been blasting through it with some friends and it's nothing but awesome. Sure the story is nonexistent, but the game has a lot more going to it.

Those dragon-like Akrid in the desert, holy shit.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 08-08-10 09:30 PM Link | Quote

This game is fucking ownage. Does not look as good as BC2 or MW2. But damn is it a blast to play online. RIght now I am a lvl 20 ranger. Heavy weapons is my forte~!
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

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Posted on 08-08-10 11:43 PM Link | Quote
I am currently playing Dungeon Siege and Diablo 2.

Jealous? You should be.
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