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True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 09-21-08 01:21 AM Link | Quote
Before you say ANYTHING watch the freakin vid...

Strip Search at McDonalds

I want to know what your thoughts are. Really... when does "strip search" go through your head?

These people are sheep. They don't question authority. I applauded when one of the workers got mad. But he is a sheep for not calling the police.

(Last edited by One Shot One Kill on 09-21-08 01:22 AM)

Is back!

Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

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Posted on 09-22-08 01:33 PM Link | Quote
I watched this a while ago.

I really can't understand how someone could go through with such stupid things... I must say that girl is absolutely amazing for being on tele to talk about what must have been such a horrific moment.

EDIT: I think I watched a shortened version, I haven't seen it that long before. I can't believe 70 instances of complete stupidity of this extreme. If I wasn't able to accept this is only 70 out of several hundred million people, I'd stereotype America as stupid.

(Last edited by Ryan on 09-22-08 01:46 PM)
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
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Since: 06-19-06
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Posted on 09-22-08 03:27 PM Link | Quote
I can barely understand listening to the "police" for the beginning, but to actually bring your future husband in and for him to spank and sexually assault her... wow.

People are idiots, really.

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

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Posted on 09-22-08 05:10 PM Link | Quote
People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People’s heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

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Posted on 09-23-08 07:06 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, realistically, then no matter what he thought, the fiance needs to go to jail. Seriously, he kept talking about how she shouldn't tell his wife, so it's OBVIOUS that he knew it was wrong.

Oh, and she really needs to sue her boss for a lot of money, seriously, this should never, ever happen.

I mean, even if they DID really believe that he was a member of the police, they should still be able to tell what's right and wrong based on their own moral standards, like that one employee who walked out.

Let's hope that when her boss and husband get married, they don't have kids, let's not have their polution in our gene pool.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 09-23-08 09:20 AM Link | Quote
Vulkar if you watche more into the video, the boss said that she called off the marriage. At least she did one thing right.

I believe that the guy who said he was a police officer just wanted to prove to the entire world that humans are sheep and not wolves. We don't challenge authority all the time. That's just my beliefs
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
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Posted on 09-23-08 09:05 PM Link | Quote
I used to work at McDonalds 10 years ago. All I had was a dare to drink a cup of chocolate milkshake syrup. I did. It was good until the 4th sip.
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

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Posted on 09-24-08 02:51 AM Link | Quote
It's odd that the caller wanted the girl to address him as "Sir" BDSM much?

Anyways, they showed the re-run with robin williams a week ago on law and order SVU, where he did the same thing to some poor girl. That robin williams is a sick bastard =P

Is back!

Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

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Posted on 09-24-08 01:21 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vulkar
I mean, even if they DID really believe that he was a member of the police, they should still be able to tell what's right and wrong based on their own moral standards, like that one employee who walked out.

I've seen tests among three year old children that can tell the difference between right and wrong. It amazes me that ability slowly goes away as some people get older.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-24-08 01:30 PM Link | Quote
All right, I'll buy detaining someone because you got a call that vaguely describes someone who works on a shift you're managing stealing something from a customer.


Once it moved to strip searching, you're a moron to believe it's anyone of authority.

You don't touch them or even look at them the wrong way. You wait for the police to show up to do that.

What's more, and not to blame the victim, WHY did she let the fiance do so much to her?! After being strip searched, which is already crossing the line, no police officer worth is salt is going to sit on the phone for 2 hours instructing a grown man to spank a girl and insist that she perform sexual acts on him.

It's rather sad that the now ex-manager had to have her lawyer intervene to say that she "didn't see" the girl naked when she walked in.

When I was reading Battle Royale, another tale of "following orders," it brings up real life experiments (called the Milgram Experiment after Yale professor Stanley Milgram) that have been carried out regarding how far a person will go to follow orders.

The experiment usually goes as such:

A volunteer is placed in a room and placed at a set of buttons, a switch, or something of the like. He is told there is a person in another room who's wired to the implement in question that's in front of the volunteer and will be shocked with a certain amount of voltage when the switched is flipped on.

A person of a authority--usually a "teacher"--commands the volunteer to hit the button/swtich multiple times causing someone in the next room to scream in agony as they're being "shocked." The person in the next room is usually an actor who is cued to scream when the volunteer presses on.

The voltage would be raised and the person doing the shocking rarely backed down. Those who did were pressured verbally to continue. Most did.

In the end, the experiment showed that when given orders, more than half of the volunteers followed through to the end. The test has been repeated multiple times with similar results.

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 146 days
Posted on 09-24-08 02:15 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by avatar of law
Anyways, they showed the re-run with robin williams a week ago on law and order SVU, where he did the same thing to some poor girl. That robin williams is a sick bastard =P

I knew that I'd seen this somewhere before!
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