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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 02-14-08 03:27 PM Link | Quote
They put a trailer up today which looks promising. It can be found on their website (in the Videos section):

I don't care how this comes out, Indy was always my favorite movie hero as a child and he still ranks high in my favorites. The very first movies that I can remember watching my life were Raiders of the Lost Ark and Temple of Doom.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
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Posted on 02-14-08 03:28 PM Link | Quote
Looks way epic.

Though, I think my care for Shia has depleted. He looks really really out of place here.

I'd love to see Sean Connery again, but that's probably a drema.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 02-14-08 03:36 PM Link | Quote
Yeah I think Sean Connery's gone into permanent retirement. Since it seems like this storyline is taking place some time after Last Crusade, as Indy's taking on Commies this time around, they might just say he passed away.

I'm not sure what's going on with Shia. At Comic-Con, Harrison Ford said that both Ray Winstone and Shia were his sidekicks, but the pictures that Annie Leibovitz took of the cast and crew in Vanity Fair sort of elude to him being Indy and Marion's son.

That's just my thought. I'm sure I'm completely wrong, but it almost seemed that way.

The Vanity Fair pictures can be seen here (Page 2 of the article has the picture that made me wonder if Marion was supposed to be Shia's mother):

(Last edited by Rogue on 02-14-08 06:57 PM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

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Posted on 02-14-08 11:40 PM Link | Quote
This is going to be great. I came home and the first thing my pop did was show me the trailer.

What I like about it is, it's obviously after the other films. Like, they're not trying to make Harrison look like he's a 30 year old man. Indy even makes cracks on his aging!

"I thought that was closer." Haha!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
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Posted on 02-15-08 02:48 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
Yeah I think Sean Connery's gone into permanent retirement.

Damn that The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 02-15-08 01:00 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Dergoex
Damn that The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Actually, yeah, it's appropriate to attach the blame on LXG. He was sort of in retirement at the time when he was offered parts in The Matrix and Lord of the Rings, but he decided against it because he didn't get what they were supposed to be about (despite his starring in things like Highlander).

When those became huge, he decided to accept the role in LXG (despite not getting it either) and when it bombed he declared that Hollywood was run by idiots these days and left the business.

He denied the rumors that he'd be back for Indy 4 saying that his retirement was too much fun.

Who knows? The might convince him to pop in for a cameo at the end. Don't expect it, but maybe--just maybe.

EDIT: I've also forgotten to mention that I think a lot of the epic pride and love that we feel about Indy (I have that, at least, not sure about most people in this generation) is lost on the generation below ours.

This past Christmas when my cousin came to visit with her kids (a 12yo who was a few days from 13, 8yo, and 4yo), I put on Raiders of the Lost Ark because I figured they could watch that since most of my movies are relatively inappropriate for them or would go just over their heads and I didn't want to throw in an animated movie.

The 12-year-old, Keith, wouldn't stop asking questions about it (Why did Indy do that? Why would the nazis want a giant, shiny box? Who's that? Who's that guy with the hat? What's going on?). The 8-year-old, Maddie, kept laughing about how cheesy she thought it was, and the 4-year-old, Wyatt, was too busy exploring my walk-in closet.

Even when it got to the melting/exploding nazis scene at the end, they were completely unmoved. Maddie continued laughing about it, Keith was puzzled, but was Googling "High School Musical" girls naked so he was busying himself with that, and Wyatt was trying on my shoes and dancing around with my foxtail that he pulled out of the closet.

They were interested in seeing Temple of Doom, which I popped in, but once again they were either asking questions or making fun of it.


(Last edited by Rogue on 02-15-08 08:05 PM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

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Posted on 02-15-08 02:02 PM Link | Quote
I hear ya on that one...Like, even when I was a kid, probably the only reason why I grew to appreciate stuff like that is because I was introduced to it at an early age and there was much enthusiasm over certain things while I was still like UBER impressionable. XD

My nieces and nephews LOVE the stuff I'm into, but that's probably because I've done the same. My oldest nephew even called me up on his own and said he was taking me to see the new Indy movie. It comes out in May, near my birthday...near his too though, so we're fighting over who's taking who now, but like...he's still enthused about it. And then comes home with his mind boggled because his little school friends are trying to get him into things filled with "repeated, pointless story lines, and talentless actors" as he put it. XD

Like, get this...everybody here knows, I'm sure it's safe to assume, of Sean Connery's greatness, right? Well my nephew and I have been musing over how awesome it would be if he was in this Indy film. He comes home from school one day and was shocked as he told me how his classmates either didn't know who he was, or even turned their noses up at the name, saying he's old!

FX, you and I must team up someday to restore Hollywood's former greatness.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 02-15-08 02:29 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, the crowd seeing this movie will probably be more around our age and older I bet.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 02-15-08 05:14 PM Link | Quote
When I watched the trailer the first time around and I heard Indy say, "Damn, I thought that was closer" it came off like they were parodying themselves. I mean Indy isn't as young as he used to be so it makes sense that he'd make old man mistakes, but jeez, he just went through someone's windshield.

In the end, while I know I'll love this movie unconditionally no matter what, I truly hope it doesn't go the way of other film series out there.

"Hey kids! We got the original actors from something you loved growing up to come back out of the blue and put together an unnecessary sequel because we're all out of ideas and we want you to take your children to see this despite their not understanding anything about it that you love!" *Thumbs up*

Thank you, Rocky.

(Last edited by Rogue on 02-16-08 09:14 AM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

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Posted on 02-15-08 11:22 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Katana
What I like about it is, it's obviously after the other films. Like, they're not trying to make Harrison look like he's a 30 year old man. Indy even makes cracks on his aging!

"I thought that was closer." Haha!


Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 02-15-08 11:25 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
Thank you, Rocky.

Rambo too. Or, rather, Sylvester Stalonne in general.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

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Posted on 02-16-08 12:23 AM Link | Quote
I REALLY liked Rambo though...and in Mr. Stallone's's his career, these are his biggest movies. A lot of these great people are doing things like this because...well, they want to. They've done their time. The ones that are still throwing in things later in their career are probably just trying to enjoy themselves, or end projects they've worked so hard on with a note that satisfies THEM. **shrugs**

Which, in a way, if that sorta happens to this Indy film...Sure, I'll be disappointed as a fan, but as someone who aspires to have a career such as directing, I know I would like to be in that position someday. Having put my time in and saying "Hey guys. I really hope you like it, because this is what I want to do." But not be too heart broken if people disliked something. I gotta have respect for people who end their career like that. Ending it just as they started. Doing something they dreamed of.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

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Posted on 02-16-08 04:13 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue

"Hey kids! We got the original actors from something you loved growing up to come back out of the blue and put together an unnecessary sequel because we're all out of ideas and we want you to take your children to see this despite their not understanding anything about it that you love!" *Thumbs up*

Actually, if you do a bit of research, you could find that people have been trying to get this film ever since the Last Crusade came out. It's just that the script was redone a ton of times, and on multiple occaisons the directors wanted to make something else first.

So really, this whole movie has been a substantial example of procrastination.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 02-16-08 05:04 PM Link | Quote
Oh I know all about that. It's just I hope that it doesn't come off that way like other movies (i.e. Rocky, Rambo, Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard, etc) can seem to some people.

I remember reading so many different scripts online, since I was 14, that were claimed to be the "real" fourth Indiana Jones movie that was going to be made.

I even dated this guy, Steven Frye (No, not the 50-somethingish British writer), who wrote one about Indy seeking out Excalibur. His script was actually discovered by several magazines who posted it around as the genuine script as well after it had been stolen by someone else who put their name on it. I think it's float about under the title Indiana Jones and the Sword of Arthur.

If I remember right the one that was pushed the most as the supposed true story was Indy seeking out the immortal peaches of the Chinese Monkey King/God. That one even had a part that was written specifically for Britney Spears, as Indy's fangirl-like assistant. In one scene she was stuck in a barrel of bananas and had to eat her way out.

In recent years, people were pushing the idea that the fourth movie would be about Atlantis. Ironic, though, since the Crystal Skull "kingdom" is supposedly very Atlantis-like in terms of it was believed to be highly advanced. We'll see how it comes out.

EDIT: Forgot to mention in the mid-90s when there was supposedly talk of an Indiana Jones and the Lost Continent flick in the making starring Sandra Bullock as Indy's female sidekick, but obviously that didn't happen. And THAT was supposed to be about finding Atlantis.

(Last edited by Rogue on 02-16-08 08:39 PM)

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
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Posted on 02-17-08 02:20 AM Link | Quote
Yeah I definitely can't wait for this to come out. I've always loved the Indiana Jones movies. Watched them almost three times each.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 02-19-08 10:05 PM Link | Quote
Temple of Doom I found boring last time I tried to watch it, but I absolutely love the other two and can't wait for this one to come out!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 03-28-08 10:57 AM Link | Quote
So yeah, still no luck on luring Sean Connery out of retirement.

I'm kinda hoping he's just pretending to be uninterested.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

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Posted on 03-28-08 11:30 AM Link | Quote
At this point it would be a bit late anyway, the script, cast, and filming are way too finalized to go and add him in.

Oh well, maybe they'll get lucky and add him to the video game.

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

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Posted on 04-05-08 01:41 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by Dergoex

The 12-year-old, Keith, wouldn't stop asking questions about it (Why did Indy do that? Why would the nazis want a giant, shiny box? Who's that? Who's that guy with the hat? What's going on?). The 8-year-old, Maddie, kept laughing about how cheesy she thought it was, and the 4-year-old, Wyatt, was too busy exploring my walk-in closet.

You know that you can't let them live. Strike them down. Something something something Dark Siiiiide... Something something something Unlimited Power....
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 05-22-08 09:22 PM Link | Quote
As a lifelong Indy fan, I can say the new movie was enjoyable, but it felt like watching the other three movies ground up and with a couple slivers of the same sight-gags and lines thrown together.

A lot of it was really predictable, but oh well.

Also 20 years time between the start of this all and now has taken away a lot of the intensity in Indy and Marion--they almost come out off like bad impersonations of themselves.

In the end, it's a good movie with a decent new story, though I'm not really big on what it all was about...


EDIT: Last night, while sitting down to dinner with my parents at this restaurant, I had picked up the local paper for the area that place was in and read their ultimately negative review of Indy.

They described it as National Treasure meets The X-Files.

I couldn't agree more.

(Last edited by Rogue on 05-23-08 01:30 PM)
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