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02-06-25 05:46 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Valentines Day! | |
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Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5151 days
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Posted on 02-13-08 10:01 PM Link | Quote
Well, what did you get your significant other?

Let's all share ideas, and give the guys who can't buy gifts awesome ideas for next year.

I'll start: I got my girlfriend eleven roses, and one gold dipped rose, all to be put in the same vase, for extra-cuteness.

Picture of Gold-dipped Rose:

sooo... Discuss.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

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Posted on 02-13-08 10:37 PM Link | Quote
Dude, I'm sorry to say I beat you there. Last year, I got my girlfriend a bouquet of tulips, with one artificial one thrown in. The note said "I will love you until every last one of these flower dies."

It was a case of instant win.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 02-13-08 10:45 PM Link | Quote
I've never really been one for doing anything on VD. Mostly because I tend to think it's silly that one day should be set aside from doing special things for your lover.

That said--AWWWWWW, Xeios and Cairoi.

I really don't think Brandon and I are going to be doing anything, since like I said I'm just not sentimental when it comes to myself. Other people are cute, though. I'm a hopeless romantic, but I just feel silly when guys do things for me.

We might just watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the bizillionth time after having dinner with my parents.


Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 02-13-08 10:55 PM Link | Quote
Actually, that's kinda what I'm doing Cai. so, I think we tie. Though I got the more romantic flowers.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4549 days
Posted on 02-13-08 10:56 PM Link | Quote
You got the more commercialized romantic flower. I got one that had symbolic attachments to our relationship.

Are we going to have to throw down on our Don Juaniness, man?


Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 02-13-08 10:59 PM Link | Quote
You betta' believe it!

Actually, I got Sam's favorite flower, that's the only reason I got the rose thing too. Otherwise I would've gotten some other flower and been S.O.L. on the expensive gift.

Let's see, what can we throw down about?

I wrote my girlfriend a 4 page love-letter for our one year, and hand-picked flowers, and lit candles.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 710 days
Last activity: 519 days
Posted on 02-13-08 11:00 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Cairoi
Are we going to have to throw down on our Don Juaniness, man?

Westside Story style FTW!

OK, yeah enough of that.

Truth be told, I can't stand that movie. Except for Rita Moreno, of course.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

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Posted on 02-14-08 12:05 AM Link | Quote
I agree with Rogue when I say that those are sweet gifts, Xeios and Cairoi. =D

It's not Valentine's Day over here quite yet.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 02-14-08 12:06 AM Link | Quote
Gotta love Singles Appreciation Day.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

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Posted on 02-14-08 12:27 AM Link | Quote
hmmm....even though it was the day before, my boyfriend presented me with a Darth Vader Keychain, green MnM's, Spiderman candy, and pink bunny-peeps.

Why was it so cool? Because I SOOOOOO wasn't expecting it, and...dude...Darth Vader Keychain...zomg.

I never cared for Valentine's Day...always seemed so one-sided. "But for the women." I mean, yes, I will appreciate anything that is handed to me, but...I don't just doesn't sit right that people like my sisters just expect stuff to be handed to them.

My mom and Step-Dad celebrate Valentine's Day, but that's only because it's their anniversary. My boyfriend and I did the whole "agreeing not to celebrate" the day, but I had a really bad day today, and with the exception of the keychain, the candy was only V-Day stuff because that's like ALL you'll find in stores right now. And in return, I made him let me hold a door for him and pull out the chair.

so um...Xei? Cai?

I win.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

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Posted on 02-14-08 12:32 AM Link | Quote
Man, fuck valentine's day. Nothing but a bunch of shit designed to make hopelessly single people like me feel like shit.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 02-14-08 12:41 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Thor
Man, fuck valentine's day. Nothing but a bunch of shit designed to make hopelessly single people like me feel like shit.

You mean like every holiday?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 519 days
Posted on 02-14-08 02:18 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Thor
Man, fuck valentine's day. Nothing but a bunch of shit designed to make hopelessly single people like me feel like shit.

To quote Jim Carrey in Eternal Sunshine, "Random thoughts for Valentine's day, 2004. Today is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 02-14-08 02:27 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
To quote Jim Carrey in Eternal Sunshine, "Random thoughts for Valentine's day, 2004. Today is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap."

Originally posted by Sussoloc Ythgim Eht
You mean like every holiday?


Is back!

Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

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Posted on 02-14-08 06:37 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, we heard you the first time.

The only thing that makes any sort of impact on me is that my sister's birthday is today. Why isn't my birthday on a special day!?

That and it's a quiet lonely day for me as usual. It's just a good job I don't care much for relationships. Therefore, I feel good. ^___^
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

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Posted on 02-14-08 01:28 PM Link | Quote
Happy Singles appreciation day everyone!


Yeah, I admit it, this really has no impact on me, so I don't really care.

Medicine Melancholy
My life may be lonely sometimes, even with my beloved family.

Since: 02-16-07
From: Hunts Point Bronx, New York

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Posted on 02-14-08 02:13 PM Link | Quote
I was way ahead of time because of different time zones. I've just send someone my Valentine message about yesterday afternoon before someone wakes up. Yep, I have very nice females and including Japanese Female friends on my MySpace account.

Yep, I really surpised someone today. But I'm ain't telling who?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 176 days
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Posted on 02-14-08 03:10 PM Link | Quote
First Valentine's Day alone in 10 years. I'm alive though, mainly because I'm so annoyed at friends of mine that keep bitching to me about being lonely but don't listen when I try to do the same.

But yeah, whoo hoo for another holiday stolen from the Romans (Lupercalia in this case). Now gimme my chocolate!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 710 days
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Posted on 02-14-08 03:17 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Elara
First Valentine's Day alone in 10 years. I'm alive though, mainly because I'm so annoyed at friends of mine that keep bitching to me about being lonely but don't listen when I try to do the same.

Wanna be my Valentine/Luperci?

I.O.U. One box of chocolate.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 02-14-08 03:26 PM Link | Quote
Picture spam:

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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Valentines Day! |

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