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02-08-25 08:58 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - All contrary to my last thread about my dream.... | |
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Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6180 days
Last activity: 6186 days
Posted on 02-02-08 01:42 AM Link | Quote
I still wanna become an editor so I thought that I could beef up my resume by getting some pieces of fiction of mine published. So I sent in a part of one of my short stories just to see how much it would cost and low and behold! An editor named Floyd Largent is saying that he wants to edit my whole manuscript and get it ready to be publicated. =O

Man I was so surprised that my work could ACTUALLY be published. XDDDD

Though my only problem is how much it's gonna cost. $180 for only 6k words and that's only like a half of my manuscript. I wanna get it published but if I did I probably wouldn't sell enough to even make that money back. T_T Although I'm still asking for information.

EDIT: I was looking at all the corrections he made on my sample and man o man there's a LOT to learn about becoming an editor.

Here's the e-mail that he sent me:

Dear Kyla,

My name is Floyd Largent, and I'm a professional freelance editor
specializing in science fiction and fantasy. Your name and manuscript
were referred to me through the Book Editing network. I took a look at
your sample, and found the story to be both engaging and absorbing.
You did an excellent job of introducing your main character and
setting up the situation, and of making the reader want to keep
reading (believe me, that's rare.) I'd love to help you prepare it for

Please find attached two brief edited samples of your document. While
doing your sample edit, I employed the MS Word "Track Changes"
function, allowing you to see exactly what I did while working with
your material. I'm returning both a clean copy with the changes worked
in and also one in which you can see my work and decide whether to
accept or reject each change. The samples should provide enough of an
idea of my style for you to determine if I'm the right editor for you.

I believe that the manuscript could use a medium developmental edit --
the kind of edit I specialize in. In addition to the basics of
grammar, spelling, and the like, this type of edit would focus on
clarity and precision of writing, word choice, voice, and such
elements as plot and character development. If the rest of the story
is like the sample, I can perform the edit for USD $0.03 (3 cents) per
word. For a manuscript 6,000 words long, as you've indicated yours is,
that comes to $180.

In addition to my freelance editorial work, I'm a freelance writer;
hence, my time is limited, and my schedule fills up quickly. I do have
a spot open in mid-February, however. Like most professional editors
who work online, I require a 50% deposit to confirm your booking and
hold your spot. The balance is due halfway through the editing
process. If you'd like to proceed, I can send you an editing agreement
that puts our arrangement in writing. Please contact me as soon as
possible if you're interested in working with me on your manuscript,
and I'll reserve the necessary time.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Floyd Largent

(Last edited by Fennicy on 02-02-08 04:46 AM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 129 days
Last activity: 129 days
Posted on 02-02-08 11:19 AM Link | Quote
Hey, that's very good. I hope you get the money to do this. It's a good feeling to see someone you know accomplish a dream. Even if you can't manage to get the money, at least you know your skills are great. It would be nice to have a donation thing here on Xeo. That would help you out.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6180 days
Last activity: 6186 days
Posted on 02-02-08 01:36 PM Link | Quote
That's nice of you to say though I wouldn't want to take anyone else's money specially if it might not work out.

But like you said yeah it's nice to know that it could've happened. Maybe I could wait until after I've gotten out of school with a full time job and THEN try it again. That'd be okay to I guess.

(Last edited by Fennicy on 02-04-08 04:59 AM)


Since: 04-24-07
From: Canada

Since last post: 5994 days
Last activity: 6012 days
Posted on 02-03-08 11:17 PM Link | Quote
An editor said he liked your work!? That's awesome! Even if you don't actually get into publishing your books or anything for years, now you know that your work is solid, right? Seriously, best of luck with wherever this takes you, and I'd love to hear more about where this goes.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - All contrary to my last thread about my dream.... |

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