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This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4549 days
Posted on 12-19-07 04:45 PM Link
This is a new concept I'm tossing around. It takes elements from a LOT of things, so hold tight.

1. This is a hybrid sim/RP group. It will span multiple threads and more than likely be a long-standing thing, but it is NOT a continuous story. These characters will have a lengthy story that can break apart and meet up at later times. The characters do not always have to be active. This makes player obligations nothing to worry about, your characters can merely disappear from common view.

2. There is a party system. You can control up to four main characters, but only one can be a Touched. The other three, if you choose to have that many, are regular humans. They can be just as involved in the story as the Touched character, BUT they must be connected with the Touched character. When I say a party system, I don't mean that the characters are ALWAYS together. It basically means they are close associates or acquaintices of the Touched character. You do not always have to role play as the Touched character, you can play just the human characters in events, but be sure to have your Touched character of some importance.

3. You can create your own stories in this 'universe'. RPs, battles, rivalries, romances, deaths, a large amount of this story is in the hands of you, the players. I'll be in control of the larger story, as I'll be running a literal web of characters, but you'll be in almost complete control of how the story is presented and progresses. I'll just be working my story into your works.

Keep in mind, however, that I have master control. While I will rarely exercise this power, I will be able to kill off any if not all of your characters, if needed. I can post out of the blue in a, I dunno, a simbattle with an interruption of the battle by armed forces, ending the battle AS it had previously been. This will keep things fluid. I think it will make things very fun, and trust me, I won't abuse anything. I'm a pretty lenient guy, you know that.

4. You will have the option of killing of your character(s) at any time and replacing them with other people, but you have to run it by me. If the Touched dies, the party you had previously is gone. You can bring back human characters into your new party if they are connected to the new Touched character, but for the sake of reality, this will only be possible with SOME of the old human characters, not all. Also, do not feel forced to have four characters. You can have just your Touched character, or just them and a human, if you so choose.

5. Now, I'm sure you are wondering what the story is. I just realized halfway through this that I'm rambling again and you're all a little confused as to the story. Well, here you go.

First off, the story takes place in modern times, here and now on Planet Earth. As of late, something strange has occurred all around the globe. A man, calling himself only by the name John the Baptist, is visiting people from all corners of the globe. He finds specific people, normal people just like you and me, and awakens their blood. Awakens their destiny.

This man is awakening the souls connected to myth and legend, history and religion, and releases them. He does not decide who can claim access to their powers, as that is not his job. He is impartial to good, evil, law, and chaos. He merely 'baptizes' people into the world of the Touched and then goes on his way.

The Touched, to be blunt, are hidden reincarnates of mythology and religion's greatest souls. Once their sacred souls are awoken, their powers begin to develop. At first, they maintain their humanity, but with time, their powers flourish and their form changes. For example, the Touched once known as Richard Corrina, at first disbelieved John, that is, until he heard the voices of ravens, coherent as the English he himself spoke. Odin's blood has begun to awaken in him.

Now, even a fully evolved Touched does not 'become' the soul they reincarnate. They always are themselves, though they develop amazing powers. They are still mortal. They are not Gods. If so, they would be called so. Instead, John has given them the name "The Touched".

6. I will be deciding what beings your character is connected to, and very loosely, what powers will come from their awakening. It will NOT be determined by your character's personality, so don't think you can adjust the way I'm thinking by doing that. The objective is to craft fluid, real characters. In time, your characters may very well become like the souls inside them, learning lessons as they evolve.

7. PHEW OMG MY FINGERS ARE NUMB. What do you think? I put a lot of thought into this.

EDIT: Character sheet time!

"Touched" Character Sheet:
Country of Residence:
Background: (don't include meeting Baptist or power's influence)

Human Character Sheet:
Country of Residence:
Connection to Touched character: (a meaningful connection, please. Not 'two strangers'.)

(Last edited by Cairoi on 12-19-07 08:07 PM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3906 days
Last activity: 3802 days
Posted on 12-19-07 06:18 PM Link
"Touched" Character Sheet:
Name: Francisco Sierra
Age: 27
Birthplace: New Hampshire
Country of Residence: Argentina
Appearance: Dark skin, average height, messy black hair, muscular.
Background: Born and raised in America, Francisco wanted to see the world. When he turned 21, he joined the Army, but once he shipped out, he realized that that wasn't the way he wanted to get out. He attempted to finish his service, but couldn't bring himself to fire his weapon at anyone. He deserted, and after an intentionally lengthy journey, joined the Peace Corps upon his return to America.

Human Character Sheet:
Name: John Augustine
Age: 31
Country of Residence: Argentina
Appearance: Tall, well kept blonde hair, somewhat thin.
Background: John became interested in documentaries early in his life. During high school he got an internship at a local news station, and after graduation from college, a job. He moved up quickly, and currently does field stories for a nationally syndicated news show. He is currently in Argentina doing a lengthy piece.
Connection to Touched character: Childhood friends, and currently staying with.

(Last edited by Captain Tightpants on 12-19-07 09:19 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5151 days
Last activity: 1461 days
Posted on 12-20-07 12:21 AM Link
"Touched Character Sheet:
Name: Jamie Freeman
Age: 26
Birthplace: England
Country of Residence: Egypt
Appearance: Jamie is a suave man, attractive, and smart. He has light brown hair, neatly combed at times, but while out on a job his hair usually gets messed up. Also while on the job, he tends to be unable to shave, leaving a permanence of stubble upon his chin, where he is usually clean-shaven. He is often seen wearing a dark blue pair of jeans, and a light olive button-down. Around his neck is a steel ring on a chain, given to him from his parents long ago. He has a brown leather shoulder holster, holding his Heckler & Koch USP Expert. Jamie is very attractive, and his looks have been known to get him in trouble.
Background: Jamie is an archaeologist, one whom studies ancient religious artifacts. Recently he has become obsessed with finding mythological artifacts. He claims to have seen an artifact in a dream, and has become searching endlessly for this object. A year ago he met up with Ethan Connelly, who seems all too eager to learn from Jamie about his trade, and the art of raiding ancient tombs. His most recent addition to his troupe of merry tomb raiders is David Smith.

Human Character Sheet:
Name: Ethan Connelly
Age: 22
Country of Residence: Egypt
Appearance: Ethan has short black hair, and usually wears a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a smart ass saying on it.
Background: Ethan's met up with Jamie relatively over a year ago, and has become a sort of apprentice to him. Smart and funny, he is a useful boost to morale and can often figure things out while the bigger guys go into the danger.
Connection to Touched Character: Ethan is Jamie's apprentice.

Human Character Sheet:
Name: David Smith
Age: 35
Country of Residence: Egypt
Appearance: David is 6'0" tall and 210lbs. He is very muscular, with a shaved head and thick blond eyebrows. David's clothing is more sporty, wearing shorts and athletic shoes all the time. As well as a tank top.
Background: David joined recently with a similar flair for treasure hunting. He met Jamie in a bar and got to talking about interests. However, David seems to be bored by the idea of looking for treasure, or at least prepared for the disappointment of the loss of said treasure. David is very athletic and can handle any heavy lifting or climbing. Whereas Jamie is more suited to the athletics and trap finding.
Connection to Touched Character: Recent addition to the Tomb Raiding dream team.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1631 days
Last activity: 1449 days
Posted on 12-20-07 02:57 PM Link
"Touched" Character Sheet:
Name: Kara Winchester
Age: 22
Birthplace: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Country of Residence: United States
Appearance: Chestnut brown hair, straight and layered, resting about her shoulders. Pale skin, brown eyes, and brown freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her nose. Thinly framed, but not unhealthy. Stands at about five feet even, but is more often than not, seen in a pair of three inch heels. Her style depends on the moment. While in the office or out in the city, blouces, stockings, and skirts are the norm. While at school or on her days off, she is not afraid to be caught in public doning her sweatpants and hoodies.
Background: Kara was brought up in a wealthy family. Her father was in charge of a local college's law school department and her mother, much younger than her father and a former student of said law school, a prestigious lawyer. Despite the money and success, both Kara's mother and father weren't as fortunate to have been brought up in such a family. As a result, her parents did the best they could to raise their daughter with a strong work ethic, making her earn all of her privileges. They did not force law on Kara, which is perhaps the reason for her interest in the subject, rather than a rebellion toward it. Kara Winchester is now attending college in New York for her degree and serving out her apprenticeship.

Human Character Sheet:
Name: Brian Winchester
Age: 22
Country of Residence: United States
Appearance: Much like Kara in appearance; only in male form and stands at about five feet eleven inches. He is not overly muscular, but something that fits his meduim body frame.
Background: Both Brian and Kara share an interesting history, a story their family enjoys sharing on holidays. When Kara's mother had gone into labor, her father had received a phone call from his brother, stating that his wife had gone in to have her baby, a month earlier than the original due date. The family now jokingly considers Brian and Kara to be "Irish twins", despite the fact that they come from different parents. Kara and Brian are both the only children their parents had, and their other cousins are either much younger or much older. As a result, the pair were raised together, bonded, and became inseperable.
Connection to Touched character: Kara's cousin, her father's nephew.

(Last edited by Katana on 02-12-08 05:04 PM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4549 days
Posted on 12-20-07 05:18 PM Link
Francisco Sierra: Carries the soul of Tlaloc, the Aztec Rain God.

-Tlaloc was a powerful and feared rain and fertility god. Legends say he carried four great jars, carriers of his great power. The first jar carried life energy, and brought restoration and energy back into the Earth and its inhabitants. The second jar brought disease, a powerful sickness that could weaken even the mightiest warrior. The third jar brought frost, snow, and cold. And the fourth jar brought destruction.

Francisco starts out with the ability to control water around him, as well as activate the first 'jar', the ability to heal others. You'll gain control of the rest of the 'jars' when I announce it. I'll fill you in more with the details later.

I'll get to you guys very soon.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3906 days
Last activity: 3802 days
Posted on 12-20-07 06:06 PM Link
Well, I definitely like what I got. Will work well with Francisco.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4549 days
Posted on 12-20-07 11:54 PM Link
Jamie Freeman- King Arthur

-A legendary king who united the lands of Britain under his rule. His greatest stories were those of the powerful artifacts he held. The sword in the stone, Clarent, the sword of war, Excalibur, the powerful armor Wigar, and the legendary Holy Grail were all sought by this noble leader.

Jamie gains his powers through his artifacts. There are 5 artifacts you must collect to gain your powers. 4 are listed above, and I will be contacting you with the 5th. Each artifact will bestow upon you more power, which I will inform you of when the time is right.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 176 days
Last activity: 176 days
Posted on 12-20-07 11:56 PM Link
I'm in yup I'm in. XD

"Touched" Character Sheet:
Name: Mishka Hewitt
Age: 07
Birthplace: Russia
Country of Residence: America
Appearance: Long black hair. She wears the usual jeans and short sleeve shirt with a brown jacket. When Mishka is in church is seen in the fluffy frilly dresses worn by most kids her age. Mishka goes to Mass with Juline, her gaurdian.
Background: Adopted by Juline Hewitt and Ted Rathers. Mishka was saved from the trecherous environment in her home town in the North Caucasus region. Mishka has only one black outfit in her closet and that was the funeral outfit for her dead adopted father. Mishka continues to pray to God about her father and hoping that he would be in Heaven with him. Her mind still has questions about death. after her father's death Mishka's last name changed from "Rathers" to Hewitt. Juline, her adopted mother's maiden name.

Human Character Sheet:
Name: Juline Hewitt
Age: 28
Country of Residence: America
Appearance: Curly highlighted brown hair. She has the blonde soccer mom look. Her outfits consist of jeans and t-shirts. She wears business casual clothing to her job and in church she dresses up in neat clothing. Just like Mishka, Juline has one black outfit.
Background: Juline was inlove only twice in her life. The first time she was inlove was with someone who had cheated on her and left her for the mistress. The second time Juline had fallen inlove was when she met Ted. Juline thought Ted was her everything. When the two found out Juline couldn't have children, the two saved their money so that they could help a child that was less fortunate than any other child in the world. Four years later Juline and ted spent thousands of dollars adopting Mishka. Mishka was 2 when she was adopted by Juline and Ted Rathers. When the two adopted her it was a complete family. Four years later Ted was in a terrible car accident. Ted died on Mishka's 7th birthday.
Connection to Touched character: adopted mother.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5151 days
Last activity: 1461 days
Posted on 12-21-07 12:19 AM Link

Arthur of Camelot, reporting!
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4549 days
Posted on 12-21-07 01:18 AM Link
Kara Winchester- Kali.

-Kali is a terrifying and powerful goddess in Hindu beliefs. Her strength as a demon-hunter is unparalleled, though somewhat based on her superhuman strength and durability, is largely due to her draining their blood from them. However, once enough evil enters her body, she enters a fit of rage that could quite possibly destroy the world.

Kara is able to sense demons in her vicinity. She finds herself compelled to vanquish them, and when attempting to due so, gains supernatural physical power. Her strongest weapon against demons is to absorb their blood, killing them forever and sealing their evil inside her. Evil occasionally exits her in 'dark states' where she goes on a rampage, and only her special companion can calm her down.

Mishka- Pandora.

-Pandora, the sweet girl filled with curiosity from the ancient Greek legend who controlled the destiny of evil itself.

Mishka has the ability to exert or suppress evilness around her. She can absorb injury and sickness and famine with her power, taking the evil within her and harming her. However, she can release evil and harm those about her with many different forms of evil, including hurting or killing others. Doing this releases the stress on her body.

Mishka will start off with a clean slate, free of internal evil. To exert any evil, she must first absorb it and do good. She lives in a state of constant moral dilemma, and her guardian must do her best to help her. Her power may hold power unimaginable.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1753 days
Last activity: 940 days
Posted on 12-21-07 11:54 AM Link
"Touched" Character Sheet:
Name: "Gardener"
Age: 22
Birthplace: France
Country of Residence: USA
Appearance: A Sketch
Background: Gardener grew up in a French royal line. His mother and father were a Queen and King in their own perspectives, within the small area they controlled, and their usual manner considered of having tutors raised Gardener. While Gardener is obviously isn't his real name, his real name eventually faded in time and memory with a sequence of events. You see, the King and Queen were way past their prime, and in all honesty, their bones should have snapped at the thought of intercourse, so this left a disturbing image among the many peasants when Gardener's birth was announced. Though there have been multiples times when Gardener's thoughts drifted to other areas, as if he were another couple child. While Gardener held the royal family crest of Surohm (hey, he's my creation >.>) he seriously doubted such a boney couple could have created new life at their age. So it really was one of those dark secrets of the kingdom that everyone thought, but none spoke.
After time, the King and Queen passed away, and Gardener was forced to be put into throne.
He quickly dismissed it, and let the next-in-line, some cousin he's never heard of, take over. Now while I still have your attention, I should probably inform you on HOW Gardener got his nickname. Well, to be down to the point:
He liked girls.
He liked them in such a way, he learned how to ultimately be a playboy of sorts, and learned that Roses are one way to catch a ladies heart. Mind you, being of Royalty didn't diminish his chances any, but regardless, he felt that the best rose would be the one that he grew, and over a few short years, he ended up putting the entire Gardening staff out of a job with his experience.
Well, now before I stretch your attention any further, I'll go ahead and fast forward this little tale of Gardener, and just say he eventually moved to the USA, and opened his own Rose Garden Shop. From there, he wore the same style of outfit: A tuxedo without the black coat, and continues to hit on girls to this day.

(Last edited by Kaijin Surohm on 12-21-07 02:55 PM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 176 days
Last activity: 176 days
Posted on 12-21-07 12:44 PM Link
I can work with that. XD

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5963 days
Last activity: 5229 days
Posted on 12-21-07 04:16 PM Link
"Touched" Character Sheet:
Name: Tryston Seven West

Age: 19

Birthplace: London, England

Country of Residence: Uganda, Africa

Appearance: Tryston is 5'11" 175lbs. His brown hair hangs in his face the lengthiest pieces brush his shoulders. He has piercing blue eyes that can resemble the waters of cancun. He has a medium build, well muscled, but not big.

Background: Tryston, middle name seven, in corrulation to his six brothers before him, is the only one who is gay. He is a doctor. The only doctor in a family of 7 lawyers. He just wasn't cut throat enough. He is very much in the closet. He resides in Uganda doing relief work and combatting aids.

I will add a human character I'm just not sure yet.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4549 days
Posted on 12-23-07 02:00 PM Link
Tryston West- Eshu

-Eshu the trickster is one of the biggest figures in the Yoruba mythology. He tricked humans and gods alike, often teaching them lessons. He could create illusions, manipulate shadows, change shape, and even persuade people to action with his voice. He was a paradoxical spirit who never truly served anyone.

Tryston will begin with the ability to manipulate shadows and create illusions in the eyes of one person. In time, he will be able to create illusions all can see, as well as change shape and use mind control.

Gardener- Perseus

-Perseus is one of the most celebrated Greek Heroes. The story is told where he was instructed to retrieve the Gorgon's head, and the gods bestowed many gifts upon him to help combat it. He faced the Gorgon and killed her, stealing her head and returning home.

The gardener will at first be able to sprout a single two foot long blade of adamantium from his left arm, similar to the sword Hermes bestowed Perseus. Later, he will be able to summon a shield of light to protect him, fly as though held aloft by winged sandals, and eventually harness the Gorgon's head and though very difficult to do, turn a person to stone. They will remain in stasis, unbreakable and immortal, until freed by magical means.
Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

Since last post: 5384 days
Last activity: 4865 days
Posted on 12-23-07 05:43 PM Link
Name: Eden Adell
Age: 17
Birthplace: Detroit
Country of Residence: USA
Appearance: 5'9" and very loosely built. But rather scrawny to say the least
Background: Eden has been a sheltered boy most of his life, home schooled and never allowed into public with minor exceptions. He was raised in the beliefs that all people are scum. Much to his mother's disdane, it has failed to sink in as well as she might like. But the thoughts have always been there..........
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4549 days
Posted on 12-26-07 11:30 PM Link
Eden Adell- Tyr

Tyr is the Norse god of duels, warfare, justice and honor. He is most famous for sacrificing his right hand to the Fenriswolf to stop its wrath, when no other god could muster up the courage. His mortal enemy is the Fenriswolf, as it was prophesied they would meet again in Ragnar?k and be the end of each other.

(Note: Tyr was originally supposed to fight Garm in Ragnar?k, another wolf/dog beast. I changed mythology for my own needs, haha!)

Eden's Awakening was a painful one. His right arm burned passionately as the Icelandic symbols foretelling his epic battle with Fenrir are burned into his arm. The arm was then sealed from being used, magically lifeless. With this curse, however, comes two gifts, and a message: He is able to dispel any darkness, natural or magical, his magical duel-call, and the knowledge that the blood of Fenrir would restore the arm.

Eden's greatest strength is his duel-call. As Tyr was famous for singular combat, so too, is Eden. When he challenges someone, two things are possible. If the other accepts the duel, Eden's body changes to match the physical strength of his enemy, accommodating for the arm, of course. It then becomes a battle of skill, not strength. If his enemy denies the duel, they are cursed and sickened to the point of collapsed. Only accepting the duel will lift the curse.

(Last edited by Cairoi on 12-27-07 02:31 AM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5151 days
Last activity: 1461 days
Posted on 12-26-07 11:34 PM Link
So, when you gonna start this biznaz up J-john?

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3906 days
Last activity: 3802 days
Posted on 12-26-07 11:39 PM Link

There's 7 of us which, while not a record, is still pretty huge.

EDIT: Guess it wasn't a ninja post.... Cairoi was on the newpost page.... huh...

(Last edited by FX on 12-27-07 02:48 AM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4925 days
Last activity: 4549 days
Posted on 12-27-07 12:40 AM Link
For the largest part, whenever you guys want. Like I mentioned in the first post, you guys have a lot of control in this.

Alright, here's what I'm thinking.

We've got three RPs to start off.

1. Crypt Hunting- Jamie Freeman and crew are grave robbing in Egypt. Their actions will establish a powerful force of good as well as awaken hidden, terrible evil.

2. Buenos Aires- The massacre in Buenos Aires is fresh on the minds of everyone. An Awakened killed 40 people in a spectacle that destroyed the city square and made everyone in the world aware that angels and demons walk among us. John Augustine, motivated by the negative stigma his best friend may soon face, hopes to unravel the mystery.

3. The Council- In New York City, a major hub of the world, many powerful souls have been awakened. Good and evil are beginning to show themselves and an underground war will begin. Alliances will be crucial in the fight to survive.

Where they lead is very well depending on your actions. I want you guys to develop the story with me. I have a story worked out for these three RPs, but the story does not end here. If you'd like to create villains or NPCs, ask me. If you have a story idea, talk to me. This is gonna be great.

So, two points of order: Where does everyone start, and where do you want to go?

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3906 days
Last activity: 3802 days
Posted on 12-27-07 12:59 AM Link
Well, I know that Francisco is destined for greatness. He is concerned with the good of others, but not because he is selfless, but because he personally benefits from it.

John, on the other hand, cares for what happens to him. He is not cutthroat, but he has a goal and he sticks to it. He will ride along with Francisco because that is what is best for him and his future.

Francisco will most likely end up attempting to help in South America, but will find that he is not doing enought, and travel to New York.
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