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Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6187 days
Last activity: 6193 days
Posted on 12-13-07 10:14 PM Link | Quote
First of all I stole this idea from Nagis and he stole it off the internet. XD I'm just posting it before he gets to it. Anyways...

What you do is go into Wikipedia and hit 'random article'.

The first article you get is the band/artist name
Second article you get is the album name
and the next 12 articles you get are the songs on the album.

Band/artist name: Texas Clint
Album name: Welle:Erdball
Song List:
1. Belle Reve
2. Citronella oil
3. Cornish & Devon Post
4. Broomfield, Herne Bay
5. Summary of Decameron tales
6. Boundary layer transition
7. Dale Waters
8. Duiveland
9. Jonathan Sessler
10. James Michel
11. Maidstone services
12. Richard Ithamar Aaron

Um wow. XD

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4642 days
Last activity: 4636 days
Posted on 12-13-07 10:16 PM Link | Quote
Name of Band: Gets me Through

1: List of LGBT events
2: George Connelly
3: Lawrence Dennis
4: Kent Free Library
5: Cox Plate
6: Noon-day Gun
7: Choline oxidase
8: Bayabas
9: Kip
10: First government of Israel
11: Donald Douglas
12: Ariel Award

Coming to a store near you

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3915 days
Last activity: 3811 days
Posted on 12-13-07 10:33 PM Link | Quote
I tried it, but not with the original Wikipedia

Name: Treaty of the Pepperfields
Album: Nacine

1. Nine-copper
2. Udaar
3. Fayaavik
4. Tip
5. Iorich
6. Twinoaks
7. Grand Canal
8. Brandy
9. Orbs
10. Noble's point
11. Minister of Finance
12. Loudin

Didn't quite turn out as good as I expected.
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

Since last post: 4855 days
Last activity: 4482 days
Posted on 12-13-07 10:48 PM Link | Quote
Name: Yūki, Ibaraki
Album: Oriyur

1. Salfred, Gauteng
2. Oeyvind Rauset
3. Easingwold
4. Ejei Khan
5. Useless
6. Whaleyville, Maryland
7. Free Cities (A Song of Ice and Fire)
8. Scarlet Spider (comic book)
9. Outlook (magazine)
10. Aras de los Olmos
11. Squamish Five
12. Joe Lovitto

I like my artist and song 6 and 7! !


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4111 days
Last activity: 3476 days
Posted on 12-13-07 11:03 PM Link | Quote
Copy and Paste:

Band: The Diegos*
Album: Lamiaceae

1. Flashman at the Charge*
2. Restrepia antennifera
3. 1968 Minnesota Vikings season
4. Lincoln Park, Chicago
5. Communications in Hungary*
6. No. 278 Squadron RAAF*
7. General Federation of Workers Trade Unions in Bahrain
8. Wyndham Branch
9. Frying Pan Park*
10. Writer's Block (album)
11. Egypt (video game)*
12. YesAsia*


Yeah, I thought I got some good ones.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6187 days
Last activity: 6193 days
Posted on 12-14-07 12:31 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Politician
Copy and Paste:

Band: The Diegos*
Album: Lamiaceae

1. Flashman at the Charge*
2. Restrepia antennifera
3. 1968 Minnesota Vikings season
4. Lincoln Park, Chicago
5. Communications in Hungary*
6. No. 278 Squadron RAAF*
7. General Federation of Workers Trade Unions in Bahrain
8. Wyndham Branch
9. Frying Pan Park*
10. Writer's Block (album)
11. Egypt (video game)*
12. YesAsia*


Yeah, I thought I got some good ones.

Your album title brings me back to the days of my botany class. XD
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1251 days
Last activity: 1251 days
Posted on 12-14-07 01:10 AM Link | Quote
A little copypasta action...

Frontage - A Cabra

1: Morval
2: Gypsy Jazz
3: The Down Low Concept
4: Magewappa
5: 9000
6: TRPC5
7: The Folding Star
8: Sedentism
9: Rashomama
10: Tijuca
11: Waxwork
12: Operation Checkmate

This turned out really well
I could see Frontage being like, a semi-latin lounge band with a dash of techno.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4934 days
Last activity: 4558 days
Posted on 12-14-07 07:40 PM Link | Quote
New Attitude- Volkswagen Air Cooled Engine

1. Son?mbulo
2. Flip-Flop Kinetics
3. Stargarder Land
4. The Louder Now DVD: Part Two
5. School's Out
6. Subalpine Warbler
7. Space Art
8. Mahmud-i-Raqi
9. Q value
10. Helmi Technologies
11. Maitreya Project
12. Carl Wiman

Oh, shit. I got some good ones.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 719 days
Last activity: 528 days
Posted on 12-14-07 10:59 PM Link | Quote
Haha, this has been going around on LiveJournal too and I'd been meaning to do it, so here goes.

Band name: Church of the Risen Christ

Album title: Campo Largo Assembly

1. Igor Zinoviev
2. North-south position
3. Economies of scale
4. Acacia origena
5. Adaptations of Little Red Riding Hood
6. List of Fictional Crossovers
7. Invasion of Privacy
8. The Nightfly
9. Players
10. Nepenthes truncata
11. Choneteuthis tongaensis
12. Sharps Container

The picture for #2's downright amusing.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2565 days
Last activity: 1416 days
Posted on 12-17-07 05:52 PM Link | Quote
First attempt, at another board:

+: I can see that as a band, album, or song name. Does not apply to those that actually are band, album, or song names.
-: Doesn't work.
?: wtf.
?: Foreign languages that don't translate well to English songs.

Name: Fran?ois Baby (politician) +
Album: Born in Captivity ++

1. Anarchist Catalonia ++
2. Gray Coach +
3. Integrated Enterprise Modeling ---
4. Anieşul Mic River -
5. Technischer ?berwachungsverein ?---?
6. Miniconjou ?--??
7. Cage the Songbird (song)
8. The Eagle Has Landed (film)
9. Zhang Linli --
10. Continental divide +
11. SS Montfort Stokes -
12. Heineken Pilsener

Round 2, Xeogaming special:

Name: Frank Boeijen (keyboardist)
Album: List of United Kingdom by-elections ---

1. Menhir (Iron Age) ?
2. Maysoon al-Hashemi -
3. Shunter Coen --
4. Darren Forsyth -- (goddammit what's with all the names)
5. Fragapalooza +
6. National Data Buoy Center --
7. IBM 2540 ?
8. Istv?n Varga --
9. Adrianitidae -
10. Powder Blue (film) - (actually, the movie doesn't seem all that interesting either.)
11. Edwin Malave -
12. John Young (governor) -

What, is it a fucking biographical album? I have to redo this, I'm sorry, I cannot accept a result this crappy. I can share it with you because I'm an asshole like that.

Name: Harry Ostrer - (he's a geneticist...)
Album: Hatt-i Sharif (acceptable, read first part of article)

1. Canadian raising + (maybe "razing" would work better, heh.)
2. Barbara Buono -- (ARGH NOT AGAIN)
3. C. Montague Shaw ---
4. Jack Wilson (footballer) --- (*censored*)
5. V?rava (Medzilaborce District) -
6. Napol?on Charles Bonaparte, Prince of Canino and Musignano + (needs some trimming, but it can work. It's Napoleon, who's gonna argue?)
7. Mikkei Redemption + (ok, so he's a guitarist, but it works as a song name, I suppose.)
8. Koperniki
9. Washington-Virginia Airport ---
10. Alfonso Soriano --- (I'm about to suggest a new rule)
11. Europe Transparent ++
12. Antillean Adventist University -

I propose we skip biographical articles, becuase this is seriously getting to be too much.
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