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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Yu-Gi-Oh Card Creations | |
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Medicine Melancholy
My life may be lonely sometimes, even with my beloved family.

Since: 02-16-07
From: Hunts Point Bronx, New York

Since last post: 2737 days
Last activity: 2695 days
Posted on 10-29-07 04:03 PM Link | Quote
Thanx DarthRiko.

Here is the card maker.


1. Make it look halfway decent
2. If it an effect monster, it had better not have a desciption, and should have a reddish color to the card. Just make sure to check the effect box accurately.
3. If it is not an effect monster, it had better have a halfway decent desciption, and no effect.
4. Nothing above 5000 ATK/DEF will be accepted, and probly not even those will be.
5. We need more weak monsters than strong ones, so don't just make the super-powerful ones.
6. You card must be 99.99% free of typos or grammar mistakes.
7. Don't make it centered around Mario or this site.
8. If you make a card with a Paper Mario character on it, you must state in its effect that it cannot be summoned unless Paper World is in play.
9. Sexual Images Accepted. But Nudity must be covered.
10. Absoultely no trashing/making fun of other Xeogaming Members/Staff as the description of the card without authorization from them.
11. If you're hosting someone's real pic. Ask permission first before using them. Host your own only.
12. Do not use card names that already exists (Sword of deep seated, Mirror Force, etc)
13. I will add rules as needed.
14. Unlike Amanda (DarthRiko), I will not trash/blab/talking that kind of bullshit about your creations. It's just for fun. I will always like your creations regardless if they were bad or ugly. (Unless you break the rules)

If you make a good one, I'll possibly will host it in my homepage in my art section. BE SURE TO RIGHT CLICK AN IMAGE and upload it to Imageshack or yout Photobucket account or your other uploader.

This is recently Edited, because Divine Beast cannot be effect and ritual monsters.

And 1 Darthriko's own card. I like this one.

(Last edited by insectduel on 10-30-07 06:48 PM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4635 days
Last activity: 4629 days
Posted on 10-29-07 09:07 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by insectduel

7. Don't make it centered around Mario or this site.

But what if I wanna?

Im making more as the ideas slowly come to mind

(Last edited by Nagis on 10-30-07 12:30 AM)


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4104 days
Last activity: 3469 days
Posted on 10-30-07 12:35 AM Link | Quote

More will come, I will edit this post! I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! some years back, so this'll be fun.

Medicine Melancholy
My life may be lonely sometimes, even with my beloved family.

Since: 02-16-07
From: Hunts Point Bronx, New York

Since last post: 2737 days
Last activity: 2695 days
Posted on 10-30-07 03:47 PM Link | Quote
I'm gonna scratch #7 because I'm not Amanda. And I can't understand it either.

Anyway, keep my real ideas coming.

Oh yeah, my pack named TGW means Touhou Girl Warriors.

Since I've still don't have the real version of me yet. Better get my DigiCamera soon.

(Last edited by insectduel on 10-30-07 06:53 PM)


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4104 days
Last activity: 3469 days
Posted on 10-30-07 07:52 PM Link | Quote


Is back!

Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

Since last post: 4723 days
Last activity: 4683 days
Posted on 10-31-07 03:36 AM Link | Quote

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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Yu-Gi-Oh Card Creations |

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