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01-17-25 09:16 AM

Total posts 546 (0.08 per day)

Total threads 22
EXP Level: 52
EXP: 1022855 (for next level: 60985)
Gain: 2810 EXP per post, 1085.875 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle
User rating 9.92 (4099/4130, votes)
Registered on 06-13-07 07:16 PM (6427 days ago)
Last post 03-09-08 03:24 AM, in Quiz: How much are you worth in bed? (Xeo's Hot Tub)
Last activity 03-03-08 03:31 PM

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Personal information
Real name Kyla C. K. 
Location Washington 
Birthday Thursday, June 30, 1988 (36 years old) 
User bio Loves: Dale, drawing, swimming, music, foxes, birds of prey, lizards and snakes, reading manga and regular sci-fi novels, watching anime and some movies and sitcoms, internet browsing, PS2/PS1 games, and Maple Story

Hates: hotdogs, pizza (except the veggie kind), stuffing, heights, the cold (except when it's snowing =D), and overly dramatic shows like Degrassi and all those other ones. >.<

Dale and I while I was at his house in Georgia:
Dale and I
Dale with Snowy (dog) and Pickles (fox)
Dale's sexy towel pic
Dale and his mother dropping me off at the shuttle depot


Sample post

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6158 days
Last activity: 6163 days
Posted on 12-31-69 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Fennicy
A sample quote, with a link, for testing your layout.
(sample text)


User Comments
Fennicy: Ahh I've never played the videogames before, but I have played the card games a while ago. What is Boys over Flowers about though?
insectduel: I even got the Yu-Gi-Oh Video Games. Only the Gamecube is better than the GBA Series. Boys over Flowers would be my second best manga but it's better than the TV Drama series and the Anim�. I don't know if Season 2 of Hana Yori Dango is good.
Fennicy: Ahhh I heard that the manga of that was much better than the shows.
insectduel: Yu-Gi-Oh. It's got the best stories. I used to be a Card Duelist myself but retired so quickly so some reason. My insect parody deck still exists right now.
Fennicy: My favorite anime would have to be either Rurouni Kenshin, DN Angel, or Pretear. I can't decide lol. My favorite manga is Ranma 1/2 though. What's your fav. manga?
insectduel: What's your favorite anim� the most. I like Boys Over Flowers the most.
Byte: You can't see the text in your quotes.
Bitmap: Ill make sure you are greeted here nicely. Fireworks and all....kinda....yeah....POWERTHIRST!
Fennicy: It shall! XDDD I can't wait! ^^
Bitmap: Too bad you work alot now ;__;...but at least July 4th will be an epic day!!!!111!!!one!!!1
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