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02-06-25 11:29 PM

Total posts 101 (0.01 per day)

Total threads 21
EXP Level: 25
EXP: 85408 (for next level: 4212)
Gain: 1268 EXP per post, 14324.497 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle
User rating None
Registered on 09-19-05 11:38 PM (7080 days ago)
Last post 05-10-08 05:09 PM, in (Name of story is unknown to me right now) (Story Realm)
Last activity 07-11-08 04:53 PM

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AIM screen name ChrisSalvaje 

Timezone offset -8 hours from the server, -8 hours from you (current time: 02-06-25 03:29 PM)
Items Per Page 100 posts per page, 100 threads per page
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Personal information
Real name Marque Rodin 
Location Woodlawn, TN 
Birthday Saturday, June 28, 1980 (44 years old) 
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Sample post

Dragon Fly

Since: 09-19-05
From: Woodlawn, TN

Since last post: 6116 days
Last activity: 6054 days
Posted on 12-31-69 04:00 PM
Originally posted by MurdockDeNoss
A sample quote, with a link, for testing your layout.
(sample text)

User Comments
The Accidental Protege: sauce on layout pic plz
MurdockDeNoss: yikes... I see a nakid zabuza!!!
Stitch: *runs naked through your UC*
avatar of law: and the weird thing about the nipple is that it's angled wrong...
The Accidental Protege: i see nipples in your layout :o
Jity Horo: Eepp. You have Linuz up there. Run for your lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MurdockDeNoss: ::plasma cannons sound off and leave rather large crators all around Elara leaving her standing on a loooooong stim like piece of rock (much like a core of an apple) and about a hundred feet of pit below:: I've had my nap.. Oh wait there were no bad guys!! Sowwies!
MurdockDeNoss: I take tht back, he says "must have nap"
MurdockDeNoss: I cant get that part to change.. I dont think... will test it out tomorrow when I wake... for now.. I sleep.. (said like Gune from the movie Titan A.E.)
Elara: You need to use a different font color besides white, it gets hard to read near the wolf fur
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