High Flyin' Ryan
Total posts | 93 (0.01 per day)
Total threads | 4 |
EXP | Level: 24 EXP: 76250 (for next level: 1875) Gain: 1229 EXP per post, 16380.842 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle |
User rating | 0 (0/170, votes) |
Registered on | 04-26-05 03:23 PM (7228 days ago) |
Last post | 09-08-06 10:02 AM, in Tetris Vs. Pac Man (Gaming Discussion) |
Last activity | 03-20-07 02:46 PM |
Contact information
Homepage | Ry-Cave - http://www.ry-cave.tk |
ICQ number | |
AIM screen name | |
Timezone offset | 0 hours from the server, 0 hours from you (current time: 02-08-25 08:39 PM) |
Items Per Page | 20 posts per page, 50 threads per page |
Name Change History | View History |
Block Layout | You must be logged in the block this user's layout. |
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Personal information
Real name | Ryan |
Location | Ry-Cave |
Birthday | Saturday, January 31, 1987 (38 years old) |
User bio |
I first began playing games on the computer back around 1994, when I first played Doom. Tank was the first actual game I played. The game where you had a tank that sat on a hill and there was dirt blocking another tank and you had to take turns shooting at each other trying to blow one another up. That was the beggining of my computer days. Ever since I have been addicted. From 1994 to 1996 I basically just played Doom, Moto Racer, Tank, and a few other games. I later got into Duke 3D and was addicted to it for a long time. Around 1998, I started making Expages and created a name for myself on MSN Gaming Zone, wwefan911. I would spend hours on MSN Gaming Zone forgetting about Doom and Duke 3D after finding a new change of games. Soon after I started on MSN Gaming Zone. A friend of mine, Josh Bartholow (from school) in the eigth grade would sit next to me and we would have a lot of fun. One time we were teasing this girl because she farted real loud in school and we said "It's Probably Gas!". Well we decided to use It's Probably Gas as a quote in school. Josh and I called ourselves I.P.G. for a backyard wrestling tag team. I then created I.P.G. on MSN Gaming Zone and had about fourty members. I met a lot of nice people from MSN Gaming Zone. I eventually got bored of MSN Gaming Zone and stopped playing for two years. I ended up playing Mech Warrior joining the #1 clan. CC was in the lead for a long time and it was lead by my step-father. I was Private Ryan for the next two months and would then quit Mech Warrior after not liking the game. So then I went back to being a Duke and Doomoholic. Time would eventually fly and I would go to Yahoo! games as ipg9000 and went back to MSN Gaming Zone two years from when I stopped going. By this time it was 2001. I searched and searched for online games and came across, WWF With Authority! I played as an unregistered manager for two days and then went and bought the CD. I played WA! from October 2001 - November 2004. I occasionally go back. The good time I was playing With Authority! I had started up a long running faction, Invading Private Grounds. IPG made it real far. I ended up chaning my name from wwffan911 to wwefan911 after WWF changed to WWE. Also, during With Authority! I had created High Flyin' Ryan as a stealth account and because people thought I was a cool person, I have started the role of a super hero. I opened the first Ry-Cave in 2003. While I was still in my WA! days, I ended up finding Doom Connector and downloading it where I would soon meet my new Doom partner, Reverand Heretic. Heretic and I have Doomed a lot and hopefully soon we will meet in cooperative action :). Also near the end of my WA! days I got involved in ROM hacking. I found Acmlm's Board early 2004 and ever since I met really cool people. I quit WA! in November of 2004 to play Everquest II. Which Mech Warrior was about dead and my friends from Mech Warrior and I re-united to play Everquest II together. I played Everquest II for five months and then Guild Wars came out, 2005. I moved to Guild Wars giving up Everquest II because of the free online play. I decided to start IPG up again, but then I closed it after I had opened it. It is on temporary close because I am saving up enough money to buy the faction and guild cape :). Now I still play Doom (almost every day), Duke Nukem 3D, and occasionally I make an appearance on MSN Gaming Zone. Mostly I just play Doom, Guild Wars, and hack Super Mario World. Also lately I have been doing a lot with Game Maker 6. Let's see what the future brings me. I'll try to keep my biography updated as my life goes...
03/05/06 update: Well I started attending college last fall, so I've cut back on my gaming. I'm still playing Doom and ended up getting back into Everquest II. I'm addicted to Everquest II. I also think I have found the love of my life, her name is Jenny, she is great. I received information about her through a friend and first began talking to her online. We ended up meeting in person and hit things off right away. So things are going great. I ended up getting XFire (highflyinryan is my name) for no apparent reason. If you feel like gaming with me, look me up. As far as the internet goes the only thing new that has happened to me is I got in an arguement with someone here at Xeogaming so that person rated me zero, I was banned from Iceboard for PWNing Enyulan (I know, he's immature), and thats about it. I'm really tired of visiting boards. Everyone acts so immature these days. I think Xeogaming is the only board worth visiting now of the Acmlm boards out there. To jump back to my personal/real life now, college is starting to take its toll on me. I'm really tiring out with it and I need to get some shit pulled together before I let myself fall. I completely gave up my dream of working in the pro wrestling business, but at least I can say I was there, even if it wasn't very long. That's about all that has been happening. I really hope to make things work more and more with Jenny, she's so sweet. Other then that, I don't know whats in store for my future. I guess I'll know as time passes by. Check back some other time for the next update of my life...
Misc Information
Ryan means "young royalty"
Known Aliases: wwffan911, ipg9000, wwefan911, Alan Crall, High Flyin' Ryan, HFRyan, AussieOne, Alan McRyan the Fourteenth
Guild/Faction Achievements-
7x IPG World Champion
2x IPG Intercontinental Champion
4x IPG European Champion
2x IPG Hardcore Champion
1x IPG Xtreme Champion
5x IPG Tag Team Champion
4x IPG Cruiserweight Champion
1x TDF European Champion
1x EWR Transcontinental Champion
1x gWo Ladder Champion
1x GIA Tag Team Champion
Forum/Board Achievements
1st Place: Evilest for Summer '05 at Romendo's Gaming | Best Elf for Winter of 2006 at IceBoard
2nd Place: Cutest, Innocent, Shadiest, Most Unique, Best Full Mod, and Best Photo Album Pic for Summer '05 at Romendo's Gaming | Best User Title for Winter 2006 at IceBoard
3rd Place: Best Nickname for Summer '05 at Romendo's Gaming