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10-25-24 08:57 PM

Total posts 274 (0.04 per day)

Total threads 26
EXP Level: 39
EXP: 389474 (for next level: 15297)
Gain: 2132 EXP per post, 3271.681 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle
User rating 10 (3780/3780, votes)
Registered on 08-17-04 07:44 PM (7374 days ago)
Last post 10-11-14 07:00 PM, in Happy Birthday, Bossman!!! (General Chat)
Last activity 04-18-15 04:43 PM

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Personal information
Real name Valente E. Espinoza 
Location Hillsborough, New Hampshire 
Birthday Sunday, August 28, 1977 (47 years old) 
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Sample post


Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3667 days
Last activity: 3478 days
Posted on 12-31-69 04:00 PM
Originally posted by VGFreak877
A sample quote, with a link, for testing your layout.
(sample text)


User Comments
VGFreak877: Man, this place is dead quite a bit lately.
Kyoku kun: I'm sure I will when I start japanese up in the fall.
Kyoku kun: I'll try and post, but I don't know exactly what I have to say there yet.
Ryan: *Returns the cough with a sneeze thrown in for free*
VGFreak877: Keep up the posting man -- you'll get to 10K soon enough. :)
Xeoman: Despite being on hundreds of boards and active on many over the years, I don't think I've literally hit 10,000 posts. 7,000 is quite the record though. X_X!
VGFreak877: ���A���肪�Ƃ��A�‚����ҁI
Aoimusha: VG�̃R�����g�͎₵����������A�����R�����g������Ǝv���Ă����B:)
insectduel: What's the best site for using the Acmlmboard. Funpic dot org sucks. I may want to use it in the future.
VGFreak877: But NFF was VERY active at one point -- it has done almost 27,000 posts. If it was never an active board to begin with, I would understand, but it was. And paying for the site has never been a problem with me and will NEVER be a problem. (That's actually the least of my worries.) A board doesn't go from having 500 posts a month to barely making 10 to 20. I don't think Ice Board was around when I first started NFF -- I don't remember seeing Ice Man till maybe a year later. *shrugs* But I'm not giving up NFF -- it's been around too long.
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